Пример #1
def define_and_print(c, string):
    """Defines a new variable with an unique name
        for 'string', and prints it to the screen
    if not string or not string.strip('"'):

    # First try finding an existing string variable with the same content
    # that we wish, if it exists, don't waste memory creating yet another one
    enc, _ = Variable.escape_string(string)
    var = next((v for v in c.variables.values() if v.value == enc), None)
    if not var:
        # No luck, create a new variable TODO This will escape the string again!
        var = Variable(c.get_uid(), 'string', string)

    # Now we have an existing variable with the content we want to show
    c.add_code([f'lea dx, {var.name}', f'int 21h'])