Пример #1
def gen_reads(vcf, dest_vcf, dest_fq_prefix, ex_snp, gt_policy, read_depth, conf):
    Generate fastqs for the given set of input variants. This code is fired when the user supplies the --generate-fqs
    arg, and closely mimics the fastq generation code in VariantProcessor
    :param vars: List of variants
    :param dest_vcf: Destination filename for final VCF (may be gzipped)
    :param dest_fq_prefix: Destination prefix for fastq files
    :param ex_snp: Info for extra SNP addition
    :param gt_policy: Policy describing genotype (hets, homs, from file, etc.)
    :param read_depth:
    :param conf:

    #First, make sure there aren't variants that are too close to process independently...
    batches = util.batch_variants(vcf, max_batch_size=1e9)
    if len(list(batches))>1:
        raise ValueError('The VCF file ' + vcf + ' contains variants that are too close to include in a single set of fastqs, please ensure no two variants are within 2kb of each other')
    vars = list(pysam.VariantFile(vcf))
    variant_sets = bp.create_variant_sets(vars, ex_snp, gt_policy, pysam.FastaFile( conf.get('main', 'ref_genome')))
    allvars = []
    for vset in variant_sets:
    variant_batch = sorted(allvars, cmp=util.variant_comp)
    final_vcf = util.write_vcf(variant_batch, dest_vcf, conf)
    logging.info("Writing full VCF to " + final_vcf)
    reads = bam_simulation.gen_alt_fq(conf.get('main', 'ref_genome'), variant_sets, read_depth, dest_prefix=dest_fq_prefix)
    logging.info("Writing fastqs to " + reads[0] + ", " + reads[1])
Пример #2
    def process_batch(self, vcf, batchname, gt_policy, ex_snp=None, keep_tmpdir=False, read_depth=250, reads=None):
        Process the given batch of variants by creating a fake 'genome' with the variants, simulating reads from it,
         aligning the reads to make a bam file, then using different callers, variant normalizers, and variant
         comparison methods to generate results. The results are just written to a big text file, which needs to
         be parsed by a separate utility to generate anything readable.
        :param vcf: .vcf file containing variants to simulate
        :param conf: Configuration containing paths to all required binaries / executables / genomes, etc.
        :param homs: Boolean indicating whether variants should be simulated as hets or homs
        raw_vars = list(pysam.VariantFile(vcf))

        tmpdir_del_policy = util.TempDir.DELETE_NO_EXCEPTION
        if keep_tmpdir:
            tmpdir_del_policy = util.TempDir.NEVER_DELETE

        tmp_dirname = batchname + "-" + util.randstr()
        with util.TempDir(dirname=tmp_dirname, del_policy=tmpdir_del_policy):
            ref_path = self.conf.get('main', 'ref_genome')
            var_results = defaultdict(dict)

            orig_vcf, variant_sets = self.create_input_vcf(raw_vars, ex_snp, gt_policy)
            bed = util.vars_to_bed(variant_sets)
            if reads is None:
                reads = bam_simulation.gen_alt_fq(ref_path, variant_sets, read_depth)
            bam = bam_simulation.gen_alt_bam(ref_path, self.conf, reads)

            caller_variants = self.call_variants(bam, bed)
            bam_stats = self.collect_bam_stats(bam, bed, orig_vcf)
            var_quals = self.collect_var_quals(caller_variants, bed, orig_vcf)

            for normalizer_name, normalizer in self.normalizers.iteritems():
                logging.info("--> Running normalizer " + normalizer_name)
                normed_orig_vcf = normalizer(orig_vcf, self.conf)

                for caller in caller_variants:
                    normed_caller_vcf = normalizer(caller_variants[caller], self.conf)

                    for comparator_name, comparator in self.comparators.iteritems():
                        logging.info("--> Running comparator " + comparator_name + " (normalizer " + normalizer_name + ")")
                        all_results = comparator(normed_orig_vcf, normed_caller_vcf, None, self.conf)
                        single_results = split_results(all_results, bed)
                        for region, result in zip(util.read_regions(bed), single_results):
                            match_vars = util.find_matching_var(orig_vcf, region)
                            if not match_vars:
                                raise ValueError('Unable to find original variant from region ' + str(region))
                            result = compare_single_var(result,
                                                        "/".join(str(i) for i in match_vars[0].samples[0]['GT']),
                            key = var_key(match_vars)
                            if caller not in var_results[key]:
                                var_results[key][caller] = defaultdict(dict)
                            var_results[key][caller][normalizer_name][comparator_name] = result
            #Iterate over all results and write to standard output. We do this here instead of within the loops above
            #because it keeps results organized by variant, which makes them easier to look at
            self.reporter.write_output(var_results, var_quals, bam_stats)