Пример #1
 def __init__(self, pos, at, c, cutoff, exp):
     self.pos = pos
     self.at = at
     self.d = normalize(sub(self.at, self.pos))
     self.color = c
     self.cutoff = cutoff
     self.coscutoff = math.cos(math.radians(self.cutoff))
     self.exp = exp
Пример #2
 def get_intensity(self, pos):
     q = sub(self.pos, pos)
     dsq = dot(q, q)
     invlend = 1 / math.sqrt(dsq)
     cosangle = -dot(q, self.d) * invlend
     if cosangle < self.coscutoff:
         return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     i = pow(dot(self.d, mul(d, -invlend)), self.exp)
     return mul(self.color, i * 100.0 / (99.0 + dsq))
Пример #3
def trace(amb, lights, scene, depth, raypos, raydir):
    i = scene.intersect(raypos, raydir)
    if i:
        #for ic in i:
        #    print ic
        isect = i[0]
        if isect.t == Intersection.EXIT:
            return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        sc, kd, ks, n = isect.primitive.get_surface(isect)
        c = get_ambient(sc, amb, kd)
        diffuse = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        specular = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        pos = isect.wpos
        normal = isect.normal
        for light in lights:
            lightdir, lightdistance = light.get_direction(pos)
            df = dot(normal, lightdir)
            if df > 0.0:
                poseps = add(pos, mul(lightdir, 1e-7))
                i = scene.intersect(poseps, lightdir)
                if not i or (lightdistance and
                             (lightdistance < i[0].distance)):
                    ic = cmul(sc, light.get_intensity(pos))
                    if kd > 0.0:
                        diffuse = add(diffuse, mul(ic, df))
                    if ks > 0.0:
                        specular = add(
                            get_specular(ic, lightdir, normal, pos, raypos, n))
        c = add(c, add(mul(diffuse, kd), mul(specular, ks)))
        if ks > 0.0 and depth > 0:
            refl_raydir = normalize(
                sub(raydir, mul(normal, 2 * dot(raydir, normal))))
            poseps = add(pos, mul(refl_raydir, 1e-7))
            rc = trace(amb, lights, scene, depth - 1, poseps, refl_raydir)
            return add(c, mul(cmul(rc, sc), ks))
            return c
        return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Пример #4
 def intersect(self, raypos, raydir):
     tr = self.transform
     raydir = tr.inv_transform_vector(raydir)
     scale = 1.0 / length(raydir)
     raydir = mul(raydir, scale)  # normalize
     raypos = tr.inv_transform_point(raypos)
     eps = 1e-15
     tmin = None
     tmax = None
     p = sub((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), raypos)
     for i in range(3):
         face1, face2 = self.slabs[i]
         e = p[i]
         f = raydir[i]
         if abs(f) > eps:
             t1 = (e + 0.5) / f
             t2 = (e - 0.5) / f
             if t1 > t2:
                 t1, t2 = t2, t1
                 face1, face2 = face2, face1
             if tmin is None or t1 > tmin[0]:
                 tmin = (t1, face1)
             if tmax is None or t2 < tmax[0]:
                 tmax = (t2, face2)
             if tmin[0] > tmax[0]:
                 return []
             if tmax[0] < 0.0:
                 return []
         elif -e - 0.5 > 0.0 or -e + 0.5 < 0.0:
             return []
     ts = []
     if tmin[0] > 0.0:
             Intersection(scale, tmin[0], raypos, raydir, self,
                          Intersection.ENTRY, tmin[1]))
     if tmax[0] > 0.0:
             Intersection(scale, tmax[0], raypos, raydir, self,
                          Intersection.EXIT, tmax[1]))
     return ts
Пример #5
def get_specular(ic, lightdir, sn, pos, raypos, n):
    halfway = normalize(add(lightdir, normalize(sub(raypos, pos))))
    sp = dot(sn, halfway)
    if sp > 0.0:
        return mul(ic, pow(sp, n))
    return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Пример #6
 def get_direction(self, pos):
     d = sub(self.pos, pos)
     dl = length(d)
     return mul(d, 1.0 / dl), length(d)
Пример #7
 def get_intensity(self, pos):
     d = sub(self.pos, pos)
     dsq = dot(d, d)
     return mul(self.color, 100.0 / (99.0 + dsq))