Пример #1
def TransformSTtoXY(s, t, roadType, args):
    # args = [origin, heading, length, CurvStart, CurvEnd]
    if roadType == 'line':
        tangent = Vector(math.cos(args[1]), math.sin(args[1]), 0)
        tangent = tangent.normalize()
        left_normal = tangent.rotate(90)
        pt = s*tangent + t*left_normal + args[0]
    elif roadType == 'arc':
        R = 1/args[3]
        hdg = args[1]
        origin = args[0]
        anti_clockwise = 1
        if R<0 : anti_clockwise = -1
        theta = s/R
        tangent = Vector(math.cos(hdg), math.sin(hdg), 0)
        tangent = tangent.normalize()
        init_normal = tangent.rotate(anti_clockwise*90)
        centre = origin + init_normal*R
        #center = init_normal*R
        pt_vec = origin - centre
        pt_vec = pt_vec.normalize()
        rot_pt_vec = pt_vec.rotate(180*theta/math.pi)
        pt = (R-t)*pt_vec + centre
    elif roadType == 'spiral':    
        Resolution = 0.1
        num_sections = 100
        distance = 0
        ahead = 1
        done = False
        scaling = 1
        dx = length/num_sections
        prev_point = args[0]
        for i in range(num_sections):
            if ltoc:
                pt_hdg = anti_clockwise*(distance*a)**2 + args[1]
                pt_hdg = -(length*a)**2-anti_clockwise*((length-distance)*a)**2 + args[1]
            tangent = Vector(math.cos(pt_hdg), math.sin(pt_hdg), 0)
            t_norm = tangent.normalize()
            pt = prev_point + ahead*dx*t_norm
            prev_point = pt 
            distance += ahead*dx*scaling
            if abs(distance-s) <= RESOLUTION:
            elif distance > s:
                if ahead == 1:
                    scaling = scaling/2
                ahead = -1
            elif distance < s:
                if ahead == -1:
                    scaling = scaling/2
                ahead = 1
        left_normal = t_norm.rotate(90)
        pt = left_normal*t + pt

    x = pt.x
    y = pt.y
    return x,y
def create_arc(length, curvature, lane_data, quad_number=10):
    """ Gives the chord line set of points for a curved road"""
    plt = [[], []]

    anti_clockwise = 1
    tangent = Vector(1, 0, 0)
    radius = 1 / curvature
    end_angle = 0
    if (radius > 0):
        tangent = tangent.rotate(90)
        anti_clockwise = 1
        tangent = tangent.rotate(-90)
        radius = -1 * radius
        anti_clockwise = -1
    center = radius * tangent
    tangent = tangent.rotate(180)
    start_angle = tangent.argument()
    end_angle = start_angle + anti_clockwise * 360 * (length /
                                                      (2 * math.pi * radius))
    angle = start_angle
    radius = Vector(radius, 0, 0)
    radius = radius.rotate(start_angle)
    tot_lane_vertices = []
    for i in range(quad_number + 1):
        pt = center + radius
        lane_pts = generate_lane_verts(pt, radius.rotate(90 * anti_clockwise),
        radius = radius.rotate((end_angle - start_angle) / quad_number)
    return tot_lane_vertices
Пример #3
def create_arc(length,
    """ Gives the chord line set of points for a curved road"""
    plt = [[], []]

    anti_clockwise = 1
    tangent = Vector(1, 0, 0)
    radius = 1 / curvature
    end_angle = 0
    if (radius > 0):
        tangent = tangent.rotate(90)
        anti_clockwise = 1
        tangent = tangent.rotate(-90)
        radius = -1 * radius
        anti_clockwise = -1
    center = radius * tangent
    tangent = tangent.rotate(180)
    start_angle = tangent.argument()
    end_angle = start_angle + anti_clockwise * 360 * (length /
                                                      (2 * math.pi * radius))
    angle = start_angle
    radius = Vector(radius, 0, 0)
    radius = radius.rotate(start_angle)
    tot_lane_vertices = []
    s = -0.1
    for i in range(quad_number + 1):
        pt = center + radius
        lane_data = current_road.get_lane_data(s + start_s)
        current_pt = pt + Vector(0, 0, current_road.get_elevation(s + start_s))
        lane_pts = generate_lane_verts(current_pt,
                                       radius.rotate(90 * anti_clockwise),
                                       lane_data, hardCode)
        radius = radius.rotate((end_angle - start_angle) / quad_number)
        dTheta = (end_angle - start_angle) / quad_number
        dTheta = dTheta * 3.14 / 180
        s = s + radius.norm() * dTheta
    return tot_lane_vertices
Пример #4
        def TransformSTtoXY(s, t, roadType, start_s, args):
            # args = [origin, heading,length,CurvStart, CurvEnd]
            if roadType == 'line':
                tangent = Vector(math.cos(args[1]), math.sin(args[1]), 0)
                tangent = tangent.normalize()
                left_normal = tangent.rotate(90)
                pt = (s - start_s) * tangent + t * left_normal + args[0]

            elif roadType == 'arc':
                R = 1 / args[3]
                anti_clockwise = 1
                if R < 0: anti_clockwise = -1
                if s < start_s: print('yes')
                theta = (s - start_s) / R
                tangent = Vector(math.cos(args[1]), math.sin(args[1]), 0)
                tangent = tangent.normalize()
                init_normal = tangent.rotate(anti_clockwise * 90)
                centre = args[0] + init_normal * abs(R)
                pt_vec = args[0] - centre
                pt_vec = pt_vec.normalize()
                rot_pt_vec = pt_vec.rotate(180 * theta / math.pi)
                tangent = tangent.rotate(180 * theta / math.pi)
                pt = (abs(R) - t) * rot_pt_vec + centre

            elif roadType == 'spiral':
                if args[3] == 0:
                    ltoc = True
                    R = 1 / args[4]
                    ltoc = False
                    R = 1 / args[3]

                anti_clockwise = 1
                if R < 0: anti_clockwise = -1

                a = 1 / math.sqrt(2 * args[2] * abs(R))  # Scale factor

                RESOLUTION = 0.1
                num_sections = 1000
                distance = 0
                ahead = 1
                done = False
                scaling = 1
                length = args[2]
                dx = length / num_sections
                prev_point = args[0]
                for i in range(num_sections):
                    if ltoc:
                        pt_hdg = anti_clockwise * (distance * a)**2 + args[1]
                        pt_hdg = anti_clockwise * ((length * a)**2 - (
                            (length - distance) * a)**2) + args[1]
                    tangent = Vector(math.cos(pt_hdg), math.sin(pt_hdg), 0)
                    t_norm = tangent.normalize()
                    pt = prev_point + ahead * dx * t_norm
                    prev_point = pt
                    distance += ahead * dx * scaling
                    if distance > s - start_s:
                left_normal = t_norm.rotate(90)
                pt = left_normal * t + pt

            x = pt.x
            y = pt.y
            return pt, tangent