def horn_brooks(intensity_image, initial_estimate, normal_model, light_vector, n_iters=100, c_lambda=0.001, mapping_object=IdentityMapper()): """ M. Brooks and B. Horn Shape and Source from Shading 1985 """ from scipy.signal import convolve2d # Ensure the light is a unit vector light_vector = normalise_vector(light_vector) # Equation (1): Should never be < 0 if image is properly scaled theta_vec = np.arccos(intensity_image.as_vector()) theta_image = intensity_image.from_vector(theta_vec) n_im = estimate_normals_from_intensity(initial_estimate, theta_image) average_kernel = np.array([[0.0, 0.25, 0.0], [0.25, 0.0, 0.25], [0.0, 0.25, 0.0]]) scale_constant = (1.0 / 4.0 * c_lambda) n_vec = n_im.as_vector(keep_channels=True) I_vec = intensity_image.as_vector() for i in xrange(n_iters): n_dot_s = np.sum(n_vec * light_vector, axis=1) # Calculate the average normal neighbourhood n_im.from_vector_inplace(n_vec) n_xs = convolve2d(n_im.pixels[:, :, 0], average_kernel, mode='same') n_ys = convolve2d(n_im.pixels[:, :, 1], average_kernel, mode='same') n_zs = convolve2d(n_im.pixels[:, :, 2], average_kernel, mode='same') n_bar = np.concatenate([n_xs[..., None], n_ys[..., None], n_zs[..., None]], axis=-1) n_bar = MaskedImage(n_bar, mask=n_im.mask).as_vector( keep_channels=True) rho = scale_constant * (I_vec - n_dot_s) m = n_bar +[..., None], light_vector[..., None].T) n_im.from_vector_inplace(normalise_vector(m)) v0 = mapping_object.logmap(n_im) # Vector of best-fit parameters vprime = normal_model.reconstruct(v0) nprime = mapping_object.expmap(vprime) nprime = normalise_image(nprime) n_vec = nprime.as_vector(keep_channels=True) n_im.from_vector_inplace(n_vec) return normalise_image(n_im)
def geometric_sfs(intensity_image, initial_estimate, normal_model, light_vector, n_iters=100, mapping_object=ImageMapper(IdentityMapper())): """ It is assumed that the given intensity image has been pre-aligned so that it is in correspondence with the model. 1. Calculate an initial estimate of the field of surface normals n using (12) 2. Each normal in the estimated field n undergoes an azimuthal equidistant projection (3) to give a vector of transformed coordinates v0. 3. The vector of best fit model parameters is given by ``b = P.T * v0 ``. 4. The vector of transformed coordinates corresponding to the best-fit parameters is given by ``vprime = (P P.T)v0`` 5. Using the inverse azimuthal equidistant projection (4), find the off-cone best fit surface normal nprime from vprime. 6. Find the on-cone surface normal nprimeprime by rotating the off-cone surface normal nprime using ``nprimeprime(i,j) = theta * nprime(i, j)`` 7. Test for convergence. If ``sum over i,j arccos(n(i,j) . nprimeprime(i,j)) < eps``, where eps is a predetermined threshold, then stop and return b as the estimated model parameters and ``nprimeprime`` as rhe recovered needle map. 8. Make ``n(i,j) = nprimeprime(i,j)`` and return to Step 2. Parameters ---------- intensity_image : (M, N, 1) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` The 1-channel intensity image of a face to recover normals from. initial_estimate : (M, N, 3) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` A 3-channel image representing the initial estimate of the normals for the intensity image. normal_model : :class:`pybug.model.linear.PCAModel` A PCA model representing a subspace of normals. light_vector : (3,) ndarray A single light vector that represent the lighting direction that the image is lit from. n_iters : int, optional The maximum number of iterations to perform. Default: 100 max_error : float, optional The maximum epsilon to test for convergence. Default: 10^-6 mapping_object : MappingClass, optional A class that provides both the logmap and expmap functions. The logmap function is performed on the normals before reconstructing from the PCA model. The expmap function is performed on the subspace after reconstruction from the PCA model Default: Identity mapping (no-op) Returns ------- normal_image : (M, N, 3) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` A 3-channel image representing the components of the recovered normals. References ---------- [1] Smith, William AP, and Edwin R. Hancock. Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Robust Statistics IJCV (2008) [2] Smith, William AP, and Edwin R. Hancock. Recovering facial shape using a statistical model of surface normal direction. T-PAMI (2006) """ # Ensure the light is a unit vector light_vector = normalise_vector(light_vector) # Equation (1): Should never be < 0 if image is properly scaled theta_vec = np.arccos(intensity_image.as_vector()) theta_image = intensity_image.from_vector(theta_vec) n = estimate_normals_from_intensity(initial_estimate, theta_image) for i in xrange(n_iters): v0 = mapping_object.logmap(n) # Vector of best-fit parameters vprime = normal_model.reconstruct(v0) nprime = mapping_object.expmap(vprime) nprime = normalise_image(nprime) # Equivalent to # expmap(theta * logmap(expmap(vprime)) / # row_norm(logmap(expmap(vprime)))) npp = on_cone_rotation(theta_image, nprime, light_vector) n = npp return normalise_image(npp)
def geometric_sfs(intensity_image, initial_estimate, normal_model, light_vector, n_iters=100, mapping_object=IdentityMapper()): """ It is assumed that the given intensity image has been pre-aligned so that it is in correspondence with the model. 1. Calculate an initial estimate of the field of surface normals n using (12) 2. Each normal in the estimated field n undergoes an azimuthal equidistant projection (3) to give a vector of transformed coordinates v0. 3. The vector of best fit model parameters is given by ``b = P.T * v0 ``. 4. The vector of transformed coordinates corresponding to the best-fit parameters is given by ``vprime = (P P.T)v0`` 5. Using the inverse azimuthal equidistant projection (4), find the off-cone best fit surface normal nprime from vprime. 6. Find the on-cone surface normal nprimeprime by rotating the off-cone surface normal nprime using ``nprimeprime(i,j) = theta * nprime(i, j)`` 7. Test for convergence. If ``sum over i,j arccos(n(i,j) . nprimeprime(i,j)) < eps``, where eps is a predetermined threshold, then stop and return b as the estimated model parameters and ``nprimeprime`` as rhe recovered needle map. 8. Make ``n(i,j) = nprimeprime(i,j)`` and return to Step 2. Parameters ---------- intensity_image : (M, N, 1) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` The 1-channel intensity image of a face to recover normals from. initial_estimate : (M, N, 3) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` A 3-channel image representing the initial estimate of the normals for the intensity image. normal_model : :class:`pybug.model.linear.PCAModel` A PCA model representing a subspace of normals. light_vector : (3,) ndarray A single light vector that represent the lighting direction that the image is lit from. n_iters : int, optional The maximum number of iterations to perform. Default: 100 max_error : float, optional The maximum epsilon to test for convergence. Default: 10^-6 mapping_object : MappingClass, optional A class that provides both the logmap and expmap functions. The logmap function is performed on the normals before reconstructing from the PCA model. The expmap function is performed on the subspace after reconstruction from the PCA model Default: Identity mapping (no-op) Returns ------- normal_image : (M, N, 3) :class:`pybug.image.MaskedNDImage` A 3-channel image representing the components of the recovered normals. References ---------- [1] Smith, William AP, and Edwin R. Hancock. Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Robust Statistics IJCV (2008) [2] Smith, William AP, and Edwin R. Hancock. Recovering facial shape using a statistical model of surface normal direction. T-PAMI (2006) """ # Ensure the light is a unit vector light_vector = normalise_vector(light_vector) # Equation (1): Should never be < 0 if image is properly scaled theta_vec = np.arccos(intensity_image.as_vector()) theta_image = intensity_image.from_vector(theta_vec) n = estimate_normals_from_intensity(initial_estimate, theta_image) for i in xrange(n_iters): v0 = mapping_object.logmap(n) # Vector of best-fit parameters vprime = normal_model.reconstruct(v0) nprime = mapping_object.expmap(vprime) nprime = normalise_image(nprime) # Equivalent to # expmap(theta * logmap(expmap(vprime)) / # row_norm(logmap(expmap(vprime)))) npp = on_cone_rotation(theta_image, nprime, light_vector) n = npp return normalise_image(npp)