Пример #1
def testGetGossip(result):
    """ Check that a get forces a gossip. 
        This test works regardless of the LB's hash algorithm because
        the test directly gets from the DB instance, forcing it to merge
        any pending gossip.
    if active['ndb'] <= 1:
        result({'type': 'TEST_SKIPPED', 'reason': 'Only 1 database (no gossip)'})

    base = 'aardvark'
    first = base+'0'
    vc = VectorClock().update('c0', 1)
    put(first, 1, vc)

    dbId = getDBId(first)
    if dbId == -1:
        result({'type': 'KEY_NOT_SAVED'})
    dbsub = dbSubscriber(dbId)

    for i in range(1,active['digest-length']+1):
        item = base + str(i)
        put(item, 1, vc, dbPort(dbId))

    result({'type': 'bool', 'expected': False, 'got': clients[dbsub].exists(base+'*')})

    rating, _, _ = get('hello', port=dbPort(dbsub))
    result({'type': 'float', 'expected': 0.0, 'got': rating})

    rating, choices, clocks = get(first, port=dbPort(dbsub))
    result({'type': 'float', 'expected': 1.0, 'got': rating})
    result({'type': 'EXPECT_CHOICES', 'expected': [1.0], 'got': choices})
    result({'type': 'EXPECT_CLOCKS', 'expected': [vc.asDict()], 'got': [c.asDict() for c in clocks]})