Пример #1
class Entity(object): # pylint: disable=R0902
    """The entity class which all entities in the world are subclassed, the only authorized to say "I'm your father" quote to everybody"""
    def __init__(self, uid, world):
        self.__uid = uid
        self.__world = world

    def __load(self):
        """Loads data when entity is created, doesn't run when entity is reused, ideal for image loading for example"""

    def init(self):
        """Values that are used for managing the entity in update(), also they are reset for reusing the object instance"""
        self.health = 100               #Health of entity
        self.max_health = 100           #Maximum health level
        self.nodamage = False           #Makes the entity indestructible (sets the health to maximum every update and ignores health < 0)
        self.team = None                #Team of the entity belongs
        self.delete = False             #Deletion flag, when its True, means that it can be reused, also with this true, update and draw is not called

        #Private or immutable values,
        self.__pos = Vector(0, 0)       #The actual position of the unit
        self.__prev_pos = Vector(0, 0)  #The previous position before a net update, used for interpolation
        self.__heading = 0               #Heading of the unit
        self.__prev_heading = 0         #Previous heading of unit, used for interpolation

        #Values that are not send during serialization
        self.__image = None             #Contains Surface of actual frame
        self.__net_contact = time()     #The last network update, used for interpolation

    def get_uid(self):
        """Returns the entity's unique id"""
        return self.__uid

    def pos(self):
        """Get the position"""
        return self.__pos

    def pos(self, pos, update_prev = True):
        """Set the position"""
        if update_prev:
            self.__prev_pos = pos
        self.__pos = Vector(pos)

    def heading(self):
        """Get the heading"""
        return self.__heading

    def heading(self, heading, update_prev = True):
        """Set the heading"""
        if update_prev:
            self.__prev_heading = heading
        self.__heading = heading

    def update(self):
        """Called when the entity is updated"""

    def health_update(self):
        """Checks health"""
        if self.nodamage:
            self.health = self.max_health
        elif (self.health <= 0):
            self.delete = True

    def draw(self):
        """Called when the entity needs to be drawed"""
        graphics = self.__world.graphics
        graphics.draw_circle(COLOR_WHITE, self.__pos.round(), 5)

    def serialize(self):
        """Called when needs to serialize this entity"""
        #Add the positions and heading
        x, y = self.pos.round()
        data =        encode_word(x)
        data = data + encode_word(y)
        data = data + encode_word(self.heading)
        return data

    def deserialize(self, data):
        """Called when needs to deserialize information on this entity"""
        #Get the x y coordinates and heading in first 3 words bytes
        index = 0
        self.x = decode_word(data[index:index+2])
        index = index + 2
        self.y = decode_word(data[index:index+2])
        index = index + 2
        self.heading = decode_word(data[index:index+2])

    def net_update(self):
        """Update the network contact time"""
        self.__net_contact = time()