Пример #1
def aim_to(agent, to, plus=0):
    car = agent.car
    car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(car)
    magnitude = Vector3(car.pos - to).magnitude()
    steer_correction = car_direction.correction_to(to.to_2d() - car.pos.to_2d())
    z_correction = Vector3(car.pos - to).angle('z')
    draw_text(agent, str(math.degrees(z_correction)), 100)
    steer_correction *= -5
    steer_correction += plus

    # aerial
    if to.z - car.pos.z > 500 and car.boost > 50 and agent.car_status != 'dribble':
        if math.degrees(z_correction) > 10 and to.z - car.pos.z > 500:
            # jump if still on ground
            if car.pos.z < 17.1:
                print(car.pos.x, car.pos.y)
            # enable boost
            agent.controller_state.boost = True
            # sigmoid and correct
            agent.controller_state.pitch = cap_num((z_correction-car.rotation.pitch)+0.9, -1, 1)
        # if close to going to fly stop boost
        elif math.degrees(z_correction) > 4:
            agent.controller_state.boost = False

    # Drift if needs to steer much
    if abs(steer_correction) > 7:
        agent.controller_state.handbrake = True
    agent.controller_state.steer = cap_num(steer_correction, -1, 1)
Пример #2
def decide_car_status(agent, packet):
    car = agent.car
    ball = agent.ball
    car_to_ball_vector = Vector3(ball.pos - car.pos)
    ball_car_magnitude_2d = car_to_ball_vector.to_2d().magnitude()
    ball_location = Vector3(packet.game_ball.physics.location)

    # decide car status if none
    if agent.car_status == 'none': 
        if car.team and ((ball_location.y > 1000) or predict_ball_own_goal(agent)):
            agent.car_status = 'clear_ball'
        elif not car.team and ((ball_location.y < -1000) or predict_ball_own_goal(agent)):
            agent.car_status = 'clear_ball'
        elif car.team == (car.pos.y-ball_location.y > 0):
            agent.car_status = 'kick_ball'
            # if ball in air and close. dribble
            if agent.ball.pos.z > 1000 and ball_car_magnitude_2d < 2000:
                agent.car_status = 'dribble'
            kick_ball.ball_prediction = 0
        elif car.boost < 50: agent.car_status = 'get_boost'
        else: agent.car_status = 'clear_ball'
    # if kickoff. Car status kick ball
    if packet.game_info.is_kickoff_pause:
        agent.car_status = 'kickoff'
        agent.jumps = []
Пример #3
 def get_ideal_car_location(agent, packet, ball_location=0):
     if ball_location == 0: ball_location = kick_ball.ball_prediction.pos
     car = agent.car
     car_to_ball_vector = Vector3(ball_location) - Vector3(car.pos)
     car_to_ball_magnitude = car_to_ball_vector.magnitude()
     goal = Vector3(get_opponents_goal(agent))
     # If not in right line with ball and goal Go there.
     ball_to_goal_vector = goal - ball_location
     ball_to_goal_unit_vector = ball_to_goal_vector.unit_vector()
     distance_ball_and_car_needed = kick_ball.get_distance_ball_car_needed(
         agent, packet, ball_to_goal_unit_vector)
     ideal_car_location_relative = ball_to_goal_unit_vector.multiply(
     ideal_car_location = ideal_car_location_relative + ball_location
     # if distance bigger than -500 inverse ideal and not in corners. And kick ball via wall
     if distance_ball_and_car_needed > -1000 and abs(
             ideal_car_location.y) < 4000:
         distance_ball_and_car_needed = kick_ball.ideal_location_away
         ideal_car_location_relative = ball_to_goal_unit_vector.multiply(
         ideal_car_location_relative.y *= -1
         ideal_car_location = ideal_car_location_relative + ball_location
         ideal_car_location_relative = ball_to_goal_unit_vector.multiply(
         ideal_car_location = ideal_car_location_relative + ball_location
     return ideal_car_location
Пример #4
 def from_file(cls, f):
     start = f.tell()
     restTranslate = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), read_float(f))
     f.seek(start + 0x30)
     invTranslate = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), read_float(f))
     val = read_uint32(f)
     parentID = (val >> 0x10) & 0xFF
     tagID = (val >> 0x18) & 0xFF
     f.seek(start + 0x40)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, agent, ball, is_prediction=False):
     self.pos = Vector3(ball.physics.location)
     self.rotation = ball.physics.rotation
     self.velocity = Vector3(ball.physics.velocity)
     self.ang_velocity = Vector3(ball.physics.angular_velocity)
     if not is_prediction: self.latest_touch = ball.latest_touch
     self.prediction = []
     if not is_prediction:
         prediction = agent.get_ball_prediction_struct()
         for num in range(360):
             prediction_slice = prediction.slices[num]
             self.prediction.append(Ball(agent, prediction_slice, True))
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, car):
     self.pos = Vector3(car.physics.location)
     self.rotation = car.physics.rotation
     self.velocity = Vector3(car.physics.velocity)
     self.ang_velocity = Vector3(car.physics.angular_velocity)
     self.is_demolished = car.is_demolished
     self.has_wheel_contact = car.has_wheel_contact
     self.is_super_sonic = car.is_super_sonic
     self.jumped = car.jumped
     self.double_jumped = car.double_jumped
     self.name = car.name
     self.boost = car.boost
     self.score_info = car.score_info
     self.team = car.team
Пример #7
def get_opponents_goal(agent):
    car = agent.car
    field_info = agent.get_field_info()
    goal = Vector2(0, 0)
    team = 1
    if field_info.goals[team].team_num == car.team: team = 0
    return Vector3(field_info.goals[team].location)
Пример #8
    def get_distance_ball_car_needed(agent, packet, ball_to_goal_unit_vector):

        distance_ball_and_car_needed = -kick_ball.ideal_location_away
        ball_location = kick_ball.ball_prediction.pos
        ideal_car_location_relative = ball_to_goal_unit_vector.multiply(
        ideal_car_location = ideal_car_location_relative + ball_location
        # https://i.imgur.com/UXvb76k.png

        if ideal_car_location.x > 4096:  # sidewall x
            x = abs(4096 - ideal_car_location.x)
            y = abs(4096 - ideal_car_location.x) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.x -
                ball_location.x) * abs(ideal_car_location.y - ball_location.y)
            z = abs(4096 - ideal_car_location.x) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.x -
                ball_location.x) * abs(ideal_car_location.z - ball_location.z)
            distance_ball_and_car_needed += Vector3(x, y, z).magnitude() + 400
        if ideal_car_location.x < -4096:  # sidewall x
            x = abs(-4096 - ideal_car_location.x)
            y = abs(-4096 - ideal_car_location.x) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.x -
                ball_location.x) * abs(ideal_car_location.y - ball_location.y)
            z = abs(-4096 - ideal_car_location.x) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.x -
                ball_location.x) * abs(ideal_car_location.z - ball_location.z)
            distance_ball_and_car_needed += Vector3(x, y, z).magnitude() + 400
        if ideal_car_location.y > 5120:  # backwall y
            x = abs(5120 - ideal_car_location.y)
            y = abs(5120 - ideal_car_location.y) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.y -
                ball_location.y) * abs(ideal_car_location.x - ball_location.x)
            z = abs(5120 - ideal_car_location.y) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.y -
                ball_location.y) * abs(ideal_car_location.z - ball_location.z)
            distance_ball_and_car_needed += Vector3(x, y, z).magnitude() + 400
        if ideal_car_location.y < -5120:  # backwall y
            x = abs(-5120 - ideal_car_location.y)
            y = abs(-5120 - ideal_car_location.y) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.y -
                ball_location.y) * abs(ideal_car_location.x - ball_location.x)
            z = abs(-5120 - ideal_car_location.y) / abs(
                ideal_car_location.y -
                ball_location.y) * abs(ideal_car_location.z - ball_location.z)
            distance_ball_and_car_needed += Vector3(x, y, z).magnitude() + 400

        return distance_ball_and_car_needed
Пример #9
def wrong_side(agent, packet):
    my_car = packet.game_cars[agent.index]
    car_location = Vector2(my_car.physics.location.x, my_car.physics.location.y)
    car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(my_car)
    ball_location = Vector2(packet.game_ball.physics.location.x, packet.game_ball.physics.location.y)
    goal = get_own_goal(agent, packet)
    difference = abs(difference_angles(Vector3(goal).to_2d().get_angle(), car_location.get_angle()))
    # double jump if on ground and straight and going good direction
    if agent.jumps == [] and my_car.physics.location.z < 17.1 and difference < 10 and get_xy_speed(agent, packet) > 1000 and my_car.boost > 50: agent.controller_state.boost = True
    if agent.jumps == [] and my_car.physics.location.z < 17.1 and difference < 10 and get_xy_speed(agent, packet) > 1000 and not agent.controller_state.boost: double_jump(agent)
    aim_to(agent, goal)
    agent.controller_state.throttle = 1.0
    # if in front of the ball+200 reset car status
    if my_car.team == (my_car.physics.location.y-ball_location.y > -2000):
        agent.car_status = 'none'
Пример #10
    def main(agent, packet):
        car = agent.car
        ball = agent.ball
        car_to_ball_vector = Vector3(ball.pos - car.pos)
        ball_car_magnitude_2d = car_to_ball_vector.to_2d().magnitude()
        rotated_car_to_ball_vector2 = car_to_ball_vector.to_2d().rotate(
        throttle = -cap_num(rotated_car_to_ball_vector2.x / 800, -1, 1)
        # if ball is far away from ball. or on ground. stop dribbling
        if ball_car_magnitude_2d > 2000 or ball.pos.z < 100:
            aim_to(agent, ball.pos)
            agent.car_status = 'none'

        # if ball in air. Try to get under it
        if ball.pos.z > 155:
            aim_to(agent, ball.pos)
            agent.controller_state.throttle = ball_car_magnitude_2d / 200
                car.pos.change('z', 100).get_array(), 2, 2,
                str(round(throttle * 100) / 100), white(agent))
            #if ball_car_magnitude_2d > 400: agent.controller_state.boost = True

        # if ball on top of car
        elif ball_car_magnitude_2d < 150:
            aim_to(agent, ball.pos)
            # difference velocity car and ball
            diff = (ball.velocity.to_2d().magnitude() -
                    car.velocity.to_2d().magnitude()) / 20
            agent.controller_state.throttle = cap_num(throttle + diff, -1, 1)
            if throttle + diff > 4: agent.controller_state.boost = True
                car.pos.change('z', 100).get_array(), 2, 2,
                str(round(throttle * 100) / 100) + ' :: ' +
                str(round(diff * 100) / 200), white(agent))

            # flip the ball when its about to fall off
            if throttle > 0.15:
                agent.car_status = 'none'
Пример #11
    def main(agent, packet):
        if kick_ball.ball_prediction != 0:
            ball_location = kick_ball.ball_prediction.pos
            ball_location = Vector3(packet.game_ball.physics.location)
            kick_ball.prediction_timer = -1
        ball = agent.ball
        car = agent.car
        car_location = car.pos.to_2d()
        car_to_ball_vector = Vector3(ball.pos) - Vector3(car.pos)
        car_to_ball_magnitude = car_to_ball_vector.magnitude()
        car_to_ball_magnitude_2d = car_to_ball_vector.to_2d().magnitude()
        car_direction = get_car_facing_vector(car)
        goal = get_opponents_goal(agent)
        go_to = car_location
        plus = 0

        # ball prediction
        kick_ball.prediction_timer -= 1 / 60
        if kick_ball.prediction_timer < -0.1:
            agent.car_status = 'none'
            kick_ball.in_position = False
            time = kick_ball.predict_when_ball_hit(agent)
            kick_ball.prediction_timer = time
            kick_ball.ball_prediction = ball.prediction[int(time * 60)]
        kick_ball.correction_timer = kick_ball.when_ball_hit_correction(agent)
        kick_ball.ball_prediction = ball.prediction[int(
            cap_num(kick_ball.prediction_timer * 60, 0, 1e9))]

        # a few variables
        ball_location = kick_ball.ball_prediction.pos
        car_to_ball_vector = Vector3(ball.pos) - Vector3(car.pos)
        car_to_ball_magnitude = car_to_ball_vector.magnitude()
        car_to_ball_magnitude_2d = car_to_ball_vector.to_2d().magnitude()
        ideal_car_location = kick_ball.get_ideal_car_location(
            agent, packet, ball_location)

        # draw line from ball to ideal car location
        Vector3(ball_location).draw_to(agent, ideal_car_location, [0, 100, 0])

        # 3D correction timer vs actual prediction
            car.pos.change('z', 100).get_array(), 2, 2, 'corr: ' + str(
                round(kick_ball.correction_timer, 2) -
                round(kick_ball.prediction_timer, 2)), white(agent))

        # draw place where car will hit ball
        agent.renderer.draw_string_3d(ball_location.get_array(), 2, 2,
                                      ball_location.string(), white(agent))

        ideal_car_to_ball_angle = (ball_location -
        car_to_ball_to_angle = (ball_location - car.pos).to_2d().get_angle()
        difference_angle_car_ideal = difference_angles(ideal_car_to_ball_angle,
        if difference_angle_car_ideal > kick_ball.get_angle_for_goal(
                agent, packet, ball_location) * 2:
            kick_ball.in_position = False
        car_inline_bool = abs(
            difference_angle_car_ideal) < kick_ball.get_angle_for_goal(
                agent, packet, ball_location) * 2
        # If car not close enough to ideal and car not close to idealLine. Go there
        if Vector2(
                ideal_car_location.x - car_location.x,
                ideal_car_location.y - car_location.y).magnitude(
                ) > 1000 and not car_inline_bool and not kick_ball.in_position:
            go_to = ideal_car_location
            #plus = -difference_angle_car_ideal/(car_to_ball_magnitude/200)
            # double jump if on ground and straight and going good direction and far away
            far_away_enough = Vector2(
                car_location.x - ideal_car_location.x,
                car_location.y - ideal_car_location.y).magnitude() > 1000
            # draw ideal location
            a = [ideal_car_location.x, ideal_car_location.y, 17]
            agent.renderer.draw_rect_3d(a, 40, 40, True,
                                        own_color(agent, packet))
        # Else head towards the ball
            kick_ball.in_position = True
            # predict ball location and go there
            go_to = ball_location

            plus = -difference_angle_car_ideal / (car_to_ball_magnitude / 200)
            #if car_to_ball_magnitude_2d > 2000: plus = -difference_angle_car_ideal/40
            # boost
            too_slow = kick_ball.correction_timer > kick_ball.prediction_timer + 0.01
            if car.pos.z < 17.1 and car_inline_bool and too_slow:
                agent.controller_state.boost = True
                car.pos.get_array(), ball_location.get_array(),
                agent.renderer.create_color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                                        own_color(agent, packet))

        draw_text(agent, 'LR. corr: ' + str(plus), 110)
        aim_to(agent, go_to, plus)

        # If realy close to ball and good direction Jump
        if car_to_ball_magnitude < 200 and abs(
                    Vector2(ball_location.x, ball_location.y) -
                    car_location)) < 0.1:

        agent.controller_state.throttle = 1
        if kick_ball.correction_timer + 0.05 < kick_ball.prediction_timer:
            agent.controller_state.throttle = 1 - (
                kick_ball.prediction_timer - kick_ball.correction_timer -
                kick_ball.prediction_timer) / 5
        # if me hit the ball stop kicking the ball
        if packet.game_ball.latest_touch.player_name == car.name and packet.game_info.seconds_elapsed - packet.game_ball.latest_touch.time_seconds < 1:
            agent.car_status = 'none'
            kick_ball.ball_prediction = 0
        return agent
Пример #12
    def from_file(cls, f, out, outmat, mtlname, materials, textures):
        version = read_uint32(f)
        assert version == 0xA
        shaderCount = read_uint8(f)
        boneCount = read_uint8(f)
        vertGroupCount = read_uint8(f)
        meshGroupCount = read_uint8(f)
        flags = read_uint32(f)
        boundary = Boundary.from_file(f)

        vtxgroups = []
        for i in range(4):
            vtxtype = read_uint8(f)
            f.read(3)  # padd
            vtxcount = read_uint32(f)

            vtxgroups.append((vtxtype, vtxcount))
        indexCount = read_uint32(f)
        lodStarts = [read_uint32(f) for i in range(4)]
        assert f.tell() == 88
        lodCount = read_uint8(f)
        shaders = []
        for i in range(shaderCount):
            name = f.read(0x20).strip(b"\x00")

        bones = []
        for i in range(boneCount):
            bone = Bone.from_file(f)

        if boneCount == 0:
            bone = Bone()

        vertexGroups = []

        #with open("model.obj", "w") as g:
        if True:
            for shader in shaders:
                print(shader.lower(), shader.lower() in materials)
                if shader.lower() in materials:
                    texpath = materials[shader.lower()]
                    if shader in textures:
                        texpath = textures[shader]
                    elif shader + ".dds" in textures:
                        texpath = textures[shader + ".dds"]
                        texpath = "NotFound"
                outmat.write("newmtl {0}\n".format(shader))
                outmat.write("map_kd {0}\n".format(texpath))

            out.write("mtllib {0}\n".format(mtlname))
            g = out
            print("vert group count", vertGroupCount)
            for i in range(vertGroupCount):
                group = []
                verttype, vertcount = vtxgroups[i]

                print(verttype, vertcount)
                #assert verttype == 0
                if verttype == 0 or verttype == 3:
                    for i in range(vertcount):
                        start = f.tell()
                        vertexpos = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        normal = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        uv = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), 0.0)
                        assert f.tell() - start == 0x20
                        #g.write("v {0} {1} {2}\n".format(vertexpos.x, vertexpos.z, -vertexpos.y))
                        group.append(Vertex(vertexpos, uv=uv))
                elif verttype == 1:
                    for i in range(vertcount):
                        start = f.tell()
                        vertexpos = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        normal = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        uv = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), 0.0)
                        assert f.tell() - start == 0x24
                        #g.write("v {0} {1} {2}\n".format(vertexpos.x, vertexpos.z, -vertexpos.y))
                        group.append(Vertex(vertexpos, uv=uv))
                elif verttype == 2:
                    for i in range(vertcount):
                        start = f.tell()
                        vertexpos = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        normal = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f),
                        uv = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), 0.0)
                        f.read(0x30 - 0x20)
                        assert f.tell() - start == 0x30
                        #g.write("v {0} {1} {2}\n".format(vertexpos.x, vertexpos.z, -vertexpos.y))
                        group.append(Vertex(vertexpos, uv=uv))

                    raise RuntimeError("Unknown vtx type {0}".format(verttype))

            indices = []
            for i in range(indexCount):

            meshes = []
            index = 0
            for i in range(meshGroupCount):
                mesh, index = MeshGroupFile.from_file(f, index)

            vtxGroupOffsets = []
            for i in range(vertGroupCount):
                if i == 0:
                    vtxGroupOffsets.append(len(vertexGroups[i - 1]))

            for group in vertexGroups:
                for vertex in group:
                    vertexpos = vertex.pos
                    uv = vertex.uv
                    g.write("v {0} {1} {2}\n".format(vertexpos.x, vertexpos.z,
                    if uv is not None:
                        g.write("vt {0} {1}\n".format(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y))

            vtxOffset = 0
            k = 0
            drawMesh = 4

            out.write("o {0}\n".format(os.path.basename(mtlname)[:-4]))
            for mesh in meshes:

                out.write("usemtl {0}\n".format(shaders[mesh.materialid]))
                mainlod = mesh.lods[0]
                print(mesh.vtxGroup, vtxGroupOffsets)
                print("Mesh has", mainlod.stripCount, "strips")
                """if k != drawMesh:
                    vtxOffset += mesh.vertexCount
                    k += 1
                if mainlod.stripCount > 0:
                    v1, v2, v3 = None, None, None

                    n = 0

                    for i in range(mainlod.stripStart,
                                   mainlod.stripStart + mainlod.stripCount):
                        if v1 is None:
                            v1 = indices[i]
                        elif v2 is None:
                            v2 = indices[i]
                        elif v3 is None:
                            v3 = indices[i]
                            v1 = v2
                            v2 = v3
                            v3 = indices[i]

                        offset = vtxGroupOffsets[mesh.vtxGroup]
                        #offset = 0
                        if n == 0:
                            g.write("f {0}/{0} {1}/{1} {2}/{2}\n".format(
                                v1 + 1 + vtxOffset, v2 + 1 + vtxOffset,
                                v3 + 1 + vtxOffset))
                            g.write("f {0}/{0} {1}/{1} {2}/{2}\n".format(
                                v1 + 1 + vtxOffset,
                                v3 + 1 + vtxOffset,
                                v2 + 1 + vtxOffset,
                        n = (n + 1) % 2

                print("Mesh has", mainlod.listCount, "lists")
                if mainlod.listCount > 0:
                    for i in range(mainlod.listCount // 3):
                        v1 = indices[mainlod.listStart + i * 3]
                        v2 = indices[mainlod.listStart + i * 3 + 1]
                        v3 = indices[mainlod.listStart + i * 3 + 2]
                        offset = vtxGroupOffsets[mesh.vtxGroup]
                        #offset = 0
                        g.write("f {0}/{0} {1}/{1} {2}/{2}\n".format(
                            v1 + 1 + vtxOffset, v2 + 1 + vtxOffset,
                            v3 + 1 + vtxOffset))
                vtxOffset += mesh.vertexCount
                #if k == 4:
                #    break
                k += 1
Пример #13
 def from_file(cls, f):
     start = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), read_float(f))
     end = Vector3(read_float(f), read_float(f), read_float(f))
     return cls(start, end)
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, position=Vector3(), rotation=Vector3()):
     self.rotation = deepcopy(rotation)
     self.position = deepcopy(position)
     self.target_rotation = deepcopy(rotation)
     self.target_position = deepcopy(position)
Пример #15
from camera import Camera
from vectors import Vector3


class ViewController:
  def __init__(self):
    self.camera = Camera(position=Vector3(0,0,-3))
    #self.camera = Camera(position=Vector3(0,0,0))
    self.meshes = []
    self.bored = False
  def reset_camera(self):
    self.camera.target_position.x = DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION.x
    self.camera.target_position.y = DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION.y
    self.camera.target_position.z = DEFAULT_CAMERA_POSITION.z
    self.camera.target_rotation.x = DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION.x
    self.camera.target_rotation.y = DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION.y
    self.camera.target_rotation.z = DEFAULT_CAMERA_ROTATION.z
  def rotate_camera_to(self, x, y):
    self.camera.rotate_to(x, y)

  def rotate_camera_by(self, x, y):
    self.camera.rotate_by(x, y)
  def zoom_camera_by(self, z):
Пример #16
def get_xy_speed(agent):
    car = agent.car
    car_xy_velocity = Vector3(car.velocity).to_2d()
    car_xy_velocity_magnitude = car_xy_velocity.magnitude()
    return car_xy_velocity_magnitude
Пример #17
 def __init__(self):
   self.camera = Camera(position=Vector3(0,0,-3))
   #self.camera = Camera(position=Vector3(0,0,0))
   self.meshes = []
   self.bored = False
Пример #18
def get_own_goal(agent):
    car = agent.car
    field_info = agent.get_field_info()
    team = 0
    if field_info.goals[team].team_num != car.team: team = 1
    return Vector3(field_info.goals[team].location)