Пример #1
    def link_fire_starter(self, *parents):
        Links :class:`veles.plumbing.FireStarter` instance from \*parents.
        Returns :class:`veles.plumbing.FireStarter` instance.

            parents: units to link this one from.
        self.fire_starter = FireStarter(self)
        return self.fire_starter
Пример #2
class StandardWorkflowBase(nn_units.NNWorkflow):
    A base class for standard workflows with forward and backward propagation.
    Is able to automatically create backward units by pre-created forward units

        layers: list of dictionary with layers of Model
        loader_name: name of the Loader. If loader_name is None, User should \
        redefine link_loader() function and link Loader manually.
        loader_config: loader configuration parameters
    WorkflowConfig = BaseWorkflowConfig
    KWATTRS = {"%s_config" % f for f in WorkflowConfig._fields}
    mcdnnic_topology_regexp = re.compile(
    mcdnnic_layer_patern = re.compile(
    mcdnnic_parse_methods = {}

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not len(cls.mcdnnic_parse_methods):
            cls.mcdnnic_parse_methods = {
                "C": cls._parse_mcdnnic_c, "N": cls._parse_mcdnnic_n,
                "MP": cls._parse_mcdnnic_mp}
        return super(StandardWorkflowBase, cls).__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, workflow, **kwargs):
        super(StandardWorkflowBase, self).__init__(workflow, **kwargs)
        self.layer_map = nn_units.MatchingObject.mapping
        self.preprocessing = kwargs.get("preprocessing", False)
        self.mcdnnic_topology = kwargs.get("mcdnnic_topology", None)
        self.mcdnnic_parameters = kwargs.get("mcdnnic_parameters", None)
        self.layers = kwargs.get("layers", [{}])
        self._loader_name = None
        self._loader = None
        if "loader_name" in kwargs:
            self.loader_name = kwargs["loader_name"]
            self.loader_factory = kwargs["loader_factory"]

    def loader_name(self):
        return self._loader_name

    def loader_name(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._loader_name = value
        loader_kwargs = self.dictify(self.config.loader)
        if self.mcdnnic_topology is not None:
            loader_kwargs = self._update_loader_kwargs_from_mcdnnic(
                loader_kwargs, self.mcdnnic_topology)
        self.loader_factory = UserLoaderRegistry.get_factory(
            value, **loader_kwargs)
        self._loader_name = value

    def loader_factory(self):
        return self._loader_factory

    def loader_factory(self, value):
        if not callable(value):
            raise TypeError("loader_factory must be callable")
        self.loader_name = None
        self._loader_factory = value

    def reset_unit(fn):
        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
            function_name = fn.__name__
            instance_name = function_name[5:]
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    def check_forward_units(fn):
        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    def check_backward_units(fn):
        def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    def unlink_unit(self, remove_unit_name):
        if hasattr(self, remove_unit_name):
                "Instance %s exists. It will be removed and unlink"
                % remove_unit_name)
            remove_unit = getattr(self, remove_unit_name)

    def apply_config(self, **kwargs):
        old_config = getattr(self, "config", None)
        self.config = self.WorkflowConfig(
            **{f: self.config2kwargs(kwargs.pop("%s_config" % f,
                                                getattr(old_config, f, {})))
               for f in self.WorkflowConfig._fields})

    def mcdnnic_topology(self):
        return self._mcdnnic_topology

    def mcdnnic_topology(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                raise TypeError("mcdnnic_topology must be a string")
            if not self.mcdnnic_topology_regexp.match(value):
                raise ValueError(
                    "mcdnnic_topology value must match the following regular"
                    "expression: %s (got %s)"
                    % (self.mcdnnic_topology_regexp.pattern, value))
        self._mcdnnic_topology = value

    def layers(self):
        if self.mcdnnic_topology is not None:
            return self._get_layers_from_mcdnnic(
            return self._layers

    def layers(self, value):
        if self.mcdnnic_topology is not None and value != [{}]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Please do not set mcdnnic_topology and layers at the same "
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError("layers should be a list of dicts")
        if (value == [{}] and self.mcdnnic_topology is None
                and not self.preprocessing):
            raise error.BadFormatError(
                "Looks like layers is empty and mcdnnic_topology is not "
                "defined. Please set layers like in VELES samples or"
                "mcdnnic_topology like in artical 'Multi-column Deep Neural"
                "Networks for Image Classification'"
        for layer in value:
            if not isinstance(layer, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    "layers should be a list of dicts")
        self._layers = value

    def preprocessing(self):
        return self._preprocessing

    def preprocessing(self, value):
        self._preprocessing = value

    def _get_mcdnnic_parameters(self, arrow):
        if (self.mcdnnic_parameters is not None
                and arrow in self.mcdnnic_parameters):
            return self.mcdnnic_parameters[arrow]
            return {}

    def _parse_mcdnnic_c(index, value):
        kernels, kx = value.split("C")
        return {
            "type": "conv",
            "->": {"n_kernels": int(kernels), "kx": int(kx), "ky": int(kx)}}

    def _parse_mcdnnic_mp(index, value):
        _, kx = value.split("MP")
        return {"type": "max_pooling", "->": {"kx": int(kx), "ky": int(kx)}}

    def _parse_mcdnnic_n(index, value):
        neurons, _ = value.split("N")
        if index:
            return {"type": "softmax",
                    "->": {"output_sample_shape": int(neurons)}}
            return {"type": "all2all",
                    "->": {"output_sample_shape": int(neurons)}}

    def _get_layers_from_mcdnnic(self, description):
        layers = []
        forward_parameters = self._get_mcdnnic_parameters("->")
        backward_parameters = self._get_mcdnnic_parameters("<-")
        matches = tuple(re.finditer(self.mcdnnic_layer_patern, description))
        for index, match in enumerate(matches):
            match_name = next(n for n, v in match.groupdict().items() if v)
            layer_config = self.mcdnnic_parse_methods[match_name](
                index == len(matches) - 1, match.group(match_name))
            layer_config["<-"] = backward_parameters
        return layers

    def _update_loader_kwargs_from_mcdnnic(self, kwargs, description):
        inp = description.split("-")[0]
        minibatch_size, y_size, x_size = inp.split("x")
        kwargs["minibatch_size"] = int(minibatch_size)
        kwargs["scale"] = (int(y_size), int(x_size))
        return kwargs

    def link_forwards(self, init_attrs, *parents):
        Creates forward units ( :class:`veles.znicz.nn_units.ForwardBase`
        descendant) from "layers" configuration.
        Links first forward unit from \*parents argument.
        Links init_attrs argument with first forward unit attributes.
        For each layer adds a new forward unit to self.forwards, links it with
        the previous forward unit by :func:`veles.units.Unit.link_from()` .
        Links attributes of that unit with attributes of the previous forward
        unit by :func:`veles.units.Unit.link_attrs()` .
        Returns the last of :class:`veles.znicz.nn_units.ForwardBase`
        descendant units.

            init_attrs: attrubutes of parents unit, which will be transfer to\
            first forward unit
            parents: units, from whom will be link first forward unit
        del self.forwards[:]
        for _i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            tpe, kwargs, _ = self._get_layer_type_kwargs(layer)
                unit = self.layer_map[tpe].forward(self, **kwargs)
            except IndexError:
                raise from_none(ValueError("Failed to find a Forward in %s" %
            self._add_forward_unit(unit, init_attrs, *parents)
        # Another loop for ZeroFiller unit. Linking attributes for
        # ZeroFiller from attributes of next layer
        for prev_forward, forward in zip(self.forwards, self.forwards[1:]):
            if isinstance(prev_forward, weights_zerofilling.ZeroFiller):
                prev_forward.link_attrs(forward, "weights")

        last_fwd = self.forwards[-1]
        if not isinstance(last_fwd, All2AllSoftmax) and \
                not isinstance(self.real_loader, LoaderMSEMixin):
            return last_fwd

        def on_initialized():
            import veles

            if isinstance(self.real_loader, veles.loader.base.LoaderMSEMixin):
                if (last_fwd.output_sample_shape != tuple() and
                        numpy.prod(last_fwd.output_sample_shape) !=
                    self.warning("Overriding %s.output_sample_shape with %s",
                                 last_fwd, self.real_loader.targets_shape)
                    self.info("Setting %s.output_sample_shape to %s",
                              last_fwd, self.real_loader.targets_shape)
                last_fwd.output_sample_shape = self.real_loader.targets_shape
            elif isinstance(last_fwd, veles.znicz.all2all.All2AllSoftmax):
                ulc = self.real_loader.unique_labels_count
                oss = last_fwd.output_sample_shape
                if oss != tuple() and numpy.prod(oss) != ulc:
                        "Overriding %s.output_sample_shape %s with (%s,)",
                        last_fwd, oss, ulc)
                    self.info("Setting %s.output_sample_shape to %d",
                              last_fwd, ulc)
                last_fwd.output_sample_shape = ulc

        self.real_loader.on_initialized = on_initialized
        return last_fwd

    def link_repeater(self, *parents):
        Links :class:`veles.workflow.Repeater` instance from \*parents.
        Returns :class:`veles.workflow.Repeater` instance.

            parents: units to link this one from.
        return self.repeater

    def link_fire_starter(self, *parents):
        Links :class:`veles.plumbing.FireStarter` instance from \*parents.
        Returns :class:`veles.plumbing.FireStarter` instance.

            parents: units to link this one from.
        self.fire_starter = FireStarter(self)
        return self.fire_starter

    def dictify(self, obj):
        return getattr(obj, "__content__", obj)

    def config2kwargs(self, unit_config):
        return {} if unit_config is None else self.dictify(unit_config)

    def link_loader(self, *parents):
        Creates a new :class:`veles.loader.base.Loader` descendant. The actual
        class type is taken from the global mapping by "loader_name" key.
        Links :class:`veles.loader.base.Loader` descendant from \*parents.
        Returns :class:`veles.loader.base.Loader` descendant instance.

            parents: units to link this one from.
        self.loader = self.loader_factory(self)  # pylint: disable=E1102
        # Save this loader, since it can be later replaced with an Avatar
        self.real_loader = self.loader
        return self.loader

    def link_end_point(self, *parents):
        Links the existing :class:`veles.workflow.EndPoint` and
        :class:`veles.workflow.Repeater` with \*parents.
        Returns :class:`veles.workflow.EndPoint` instance.

            parents: units to link this one from.
        return self.end_point

    def create_workflow(self):


        # Add forwards units
        self.link_forwards(("input", "minibatch_data"), self.loader)

        self.end_point.gate_block = ~self.loader.complete

    def _get_layer_type_kwargs(self, layer):
        tpe = layer.get("type", "").strip()
        if not tpe:
            raise ValueError("layer type must not be an empty string")
        if tpe not in self.layer_map:
            raise ValueError("Unknown layer type %s" % tpe)
        kwargs_forward = dict(layer.get("->", {}))
        kwargs_backward = dict(layer.get("<-", {}))
        # Add shared parameters to both dicts
        others = {k: v for k, v in layer.items()
                  if k not in ("type", "->", "<-", "name")}
        if "name" in layer:
            kwargs_forward["name"] = layer["name"] + "_forward"
            kwargs_backward["name"] = layer["name"] + "_backward"
        return tpe, kwargs_forward, kwargs_backward

    def _add_forward_unit(self, new_unit, init_attrs=None, *parents):
        Adds a new forward unit to self.forwards, links it with previous fwd
        unit by link_from and link_attrs. If self.forwards is empty, links unit
        with new_unit
        if len(self.forwards) > 0:
            prev_forward_unit = self.forwards[-1],
            if len(parents) == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "No parent units were specified for the first forward!")
            prev_forward_unit = parents

        if isinstance(new_unit, DropoutForward):
            new_unit.link_attrs(self.loader, "minibatch_class")


        if not hasattr(new_unit, "input"):

        for fwd in reversed(self.forwards[:-1]):
            if hasattr(fwd, "output"):
                new_unit.link_attrs(fwd, ("input", "output"))
            new_unit.link_attrs(parents[0], init_attrs)

    reset_unit = staticmethod(reset_unit)
    check_forward_units = staticmethod(check_forward_units)
    check_backward_units = staticmethod(check_backward_units)