def __init__(self): # Init line self.rabbit_factor = 0.2 self.line_begin = Vector(0, 0) self.line_end = Vector(0, 5) self.line = Vector(self.line_end[0] - self.line_begin[0], self.line_end[1] - self.line_begin[1]) self.yaw = 0.0 # Init control methods self.isNewGoalAvailable = self.empty_method() self.isPreemptRequested = self.empty_method() self.setPreempted = self.empty_method() # Get parameters from parameter server self.getParameters() # Set up markers for rviz self.point_marker = MarkerUtility("/point_marker", self.odom_frame) self.line_marker = MarkerUtility("/line_marker", self.odom_frame) self.pos_marker = MarkerUtility("/pos_marker", self.odom_frame) # Init velocity control self.controller = Controller() self.distance_to_goal = 0 self.angle_error = 0 self.goal_angle_error = 0 self.sp_linear = 0 self.sp_angular = 0 self.distance_to_line = 0 # Init TF listener self.__listen = TransformListener() # Init planner self.corrected = False self.rate = rospy.Rate(1 / self.period) self.twist = TwistStamped() self.quaternion = np.empty((4,), dtype=np.float64) # Init vectors self.destination = Vector(1, 0) self.position = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from origo to current position of the robot self.heading = Vector(1, 0) # Vector in the current direction of the robot self.rabbit = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from origo to the aiming point on the line self.rabbit_path = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from current position to aiming point on the line self.perpendicular = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from current position to the line perpendicular to the line self.projection = Vector(1, 0) # Projection of the position vector on the line # Set up circular buffer for filter self.zone_filter = [self.z3_value] * self.z_filter_size = 2 self.z_ptr = 0 # Setup Publishers and subscribers if not self.use_tf: self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.odometry_topic, Odometry, self.onOdometry) self.twist_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.cmd_vel_topic, TwistStamped)
class LinePlanner: """ Controller class taking line goals and generating twist messages. The planner is based on the concept of a rabbit, an aiming point on the line between the robot and the target. If the rabbit is close to the robot, it will follow the line close, but regulate much and if the rabbit is far away the robot will drive steady, but might be off the line. The planner sets up the following zones and acts accordingly: zone 1: Low distance to line and low angle error Everything is good so high linear velocity, low angular velocity and a rabbit far away zone 2: Low distance to line, but higher angle error or low angle error but higher distance to line Trying to correct heading so low linear velocity, normal angular velocity and medium rabbit zone 3: High distance to line This is going bad so low linear velocity, high angular velocity and a close rabbit zone 4: Close to target The line matters no more. Low linear velocity, high angular velocity and rabbit fixed on target. The filter controls when to change between the zones. The value assigned to each zone is not important, but the ratios between them is a measure of how conservative the planner is. Think of it as a measure of the transition states. Small transitions happens faster and large transitions happens slower. Examples: 1,2,3 : The planner will change quickly between zones making it very dynamic but less accurate 1,5,25 : The planner will change slowly between zones making it more accurate, but slow 1,15,25 : The planner will be even more accurate and even slower 1,2,25 : The planner will be faster, but if the robot is slow, it will go slalom 1,10,100 : Slower transitions is good for a slowly reacting robot The filter size acts as a low pass filter so higher filter size means slower reaction, but more robust to noisy sensors """ def __init__(self): # Init line self.rabbit_factor = 0.2 self.line_begin = Vector(0, 0) self.line_end = Vector(0, 5) self.line = Vector(self.line_end[0] - self.line_begin[0], self.line_end[1] - self.line_begin[1]) self.yaw = 0.0 # Init control methods self.isNewGoalAvailable = self.empty_method() self.isPreemptRequested = self.empty_method() self.setPreempted = self.empty_method() # Get parameters from parameter server self.getParameters() # Set up markers for rviz self.point_marker = MarkerUtility("/point_marker", self.odom_frame) self.line_marker = MarkerUtility("/line_marker", self.odom_frame) self.pos_marker = MarkerUtility("/pos_marker", self.odom_frame) # Init velocity control self.controller = Controller() self.distance_to_goal = 0 self.angle_error = 0 self.goal_angle_error = 0 self.sp_linear = 0 self.sp_angular = 0 self.distance_to_line = 0 # Init TF listener self.__listen = TransformListener() # Init planner self.corrected = False self.rate = rospy.Rate(1 / self.period) self.twist = TwistStamped() self.quaternion = np.empty((4,), dtype=np.float64) # Init vectors self.destination = Vector(1, 0) self.position = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from origo to current position of the robot self.heading = Vector(1, 0) # Vector in the current direction of the robot self.rabbit = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from origo to the aiming point on the line self.rabbit_path = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from current position to aiming point on the line self.perpendicular = Vector(1, 0) # Vector from current position to the line perpendicular to the line self.projection = Vector(1, 0) # Projection of the position vector on the line # Set up circular buffer for filter self.zone_filter = [self.z3_value] * self.z_filter_size = 2 self.z_ptr = 0 # Setup Publishers and subscribers if not self.use_tf: self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.odometry_topic, Odometry, self.onOdometry) self.twist_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.cmd_vel_topic, TwistStamped) def getParameters(self): # Get topics and transforms self.cmd_vel_topic = rospy.get_param("~cmd_vel_topic", "/fmSignals/cmd_vel") self.odom_frame = rospy.get_param("~odom_frame", "/odom") self.odometry_topic = rospy.get_param("~odometry_topic", "/fmKnowledge/odom") self.base_frame = rospy.get_param("~base_frame", "/base_footprint") self.use_tf = rospy.get_param("~use_tf", True) # Get general parameters self.period = rospy.get_param("~period", 0.1) self.max_linear_velocity = rospy.get_param("~max_linear_velocity", 2) self.max_angular_velocity = rospy.get_param("~max_angular_velocity", 1) self.max_distance_error = rospy.get_param("~max_distance_error", 0.05) # Get control parameters self.retarder = rospy.get_param("~retarder", 0.8) # Get zone parameters self.z1_value = rospy.get_param("~zone1_value", 1) self.z1_lin_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone1_linear_velocity", 0.1) self.z1_ang_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone1_angular_velocity", 0.2) self.z1_rabbit = rospy.get_param("~zone1_rabbit_factor", 0.8) self.z1_max_distance = rospy.get_param("~zone1_max_distance_to_line", 0.05) self.z1_max_angle = rospy.get_param("~zone1_max_angle_error", math.pi / 36) self.z2_value = rospy.get_param("~zone2_value", 5) self.z2_lin_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone2_linear_velocity", 0.1) self.z2_ang_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone2_angular_velocity", 0.8) self.z2_rabbit = rospy.get_param("~zone2_rabbit_factor", 0.7) self.z2_max_distance = rospy.get_param("~zone2_max_distance_to_line", 0.25) self.z2_max_angle = rospy.get_param("~zone2_max_angle_error", math.pi / 6) self.z3_value = rospy.get_param("~zone3_value", 10) self.z3_lin_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone3_linear_velocity", 0.1) self.z3_ang_vel = rospy.get_param("~zone3_angular_velocity", 1.2) self.z3_rabbit = rospy.get_param("~zone3_rabbit_factor", 0.6) self.z4_distance_to_target = rospy.get_param("~zone4_distance_to_target", 0.4) self.z_filter_size = rospy.get_param("~transition_filter_size", 10) def stop(self): # Publish a zero twist to stop the robot self.twist.header.stamp = self.sp_angular = 0 self.twist.twist.angular.z = 0 self.twist_pub.publish(self.twist) def execute(self, goal): # Construct a vector from line goal self.line_begin[0] = goal.a_x self.line_begin[1] = goal.a_y self.line_end[0] = goal.b_x self.line_end[1] = goal.b_y self.line = Vector(self.line_end[0] - self.line_begin[0], self.line_end[1] - self.line_begin[1]) rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + " Received goal: (%f,%f) to (%f,%f) ", goal.a_x, goal.a_y, goal.b_x, goal.b_y) # Clear filter self.zone_filter = [self.z3_value] * self.z_filter_size self.corrected = False self.target_area = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Check for new goal if self.isNewGoalAvailable(): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + "New goal is available") break # Preemption check if self.isPreemptRequested(): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + "Preempt requested") break # Update vectors self.update() # Publish markers for rviz self.line_marker.updateLine( [Point(self.line_begin[0], self.line_begin[1], 0), Point(self.line_end[0], self.line_end[1], 0)] ) self.point_marker.updatePoint([Point(self.rabbit[0], self.rabbit[1], 0)]) self.pos_marker.updatePoint([Point(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0)]) # If the goal is unreached if self.distance_to_goal > self.max_distance_error: # Spin the loop self.control_loop() # Block try: self.rate.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: print("Interrupted during sleep") return "preempted" else: # Success - position has been reached rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + " Goal reached in distance: %f m", self.distance_to_goal) self.stop() break # Return statement if self.isPreemptRequested(): self.setPreempted() print("Returning due to preemption") return "preempted" elif rospy.is_shutdown(): self.setPreempted() print("Returning due to abort") return "aborted" else: self.setSucceeded() print("Returning due to success") return "succeeded" def update(self): # Get current pose and send it to controller self.get_current_position() self.heading = Vector(math.cos(self.yaw), math.sin(self.yaw)) self.controller.setFeedback(self.position, self.heading) # Construct projection vector, perpendicular vector path vectors and rabbit vector self.projection = (self.position - self.line_begin).projectedOn(self.line) if self.projection.angle(self.line) > 0.1 or self.projection.angle(self.line) < -0.1: self.projection = self.projection.scale(-1) self.perpendicular = self.projection - self.position + self.line_begin self.goal_path = self.line_end - self.position self.rabbit = self.line - self.projection self.rabbit = self.rabbit.scale(self.rabbit_factor) self.rabbit += self.line_begin self.rabbit += self.projection self.rabbit_path = self.rabbit - Vector(self.position[0], self.position[1]) # Calculate distances self.distance_to_goal = self.goal_path.length() self.distance_to_line = self.perpendicular.length() # Calculate angle between heading vector and goal/rabbit path vector self.angle_error = self.heading.angle(self.rabbit_path) # Rotate the heading vector according to the calculated angle and test correspondence # with the path vector. If not zero sign must be flipped. This is to avoid the sine trap. t1 = self.heading.rotate(self.angle_error) if self.rabbit_path.angle(t1) != 0: self.angle_error = -self.angle_error self.goal_angle_error = self.heading.angle(self.goal_path) # Avoid the sine trap. t1 = self.heading.rotate(self.goal_angle_error) if self.goal_path.angle(t1) != 0: self.goal_angle_error = -self.goal_angle_error # Determine zone if self.distance_to_line < self.z1_max_distance and math.fabs(self.angle_error) < self.z1_max_angle: self.zone_filter[self.z_ptr] = self.z1_value elif self.distance_to_line < self.z2_max_distance and math.fabs(self.angle_error) < self.z2_max_angle: self.zone_filter[self.z_ptr] = self.z2_value else: self.zone_filter[self.z_ptr] = self.z3_value self.z_ptr = self.z_ptr + 1 if self.z_ptr >= self.z_filter_size: self.z_ptr = 0 = sum(self.zone_filter) / len(self.zone_filter) if < (self.z1_value + ((self.z2_value - self.z1_value) / 2)): self.corrected = True self.rabbit_factor = self.z1_rabbit self.max_linear_velocity = self.z1_lin_vel self.max_angular_velocity = self.z1_ang_vel elif < (self.z2_value + ((self.z3_value - self.z2_value) / 2)): self.rabbit_factor = self.z2_rabbit self.max_linear_velocity = self.z2_lin_vel self.max_angular_velocity = self.z2_ang_vel else: self.rabbit_factor = self.z3_rabbit self.max_linear_velocity = self.z3_lin_vel self.max_angular_velocity = self.z3_ang_vel if self.distance_to_goal < 3 * self.max_distance_error: self.max_linear_velocity *= self.distance_to_goal elif self.distance_to_goal < self.z4_distance_to_target: self.rabbit_factor = 1 self.max_linear_velocity = self.max_linear_velocity / ( self.max_linear_velocity + (self.z4_distance_to_target - self.distance_to_goal) ** 2 ) self.max_angular_velocity = self.z3_ang_vel elif not self.corrected: self.max_linear_velocity *= self.retarder self.rabbit_factor = self.z3_rabbit def control_loop(self): """ Method running the control loop. Distinguishes between target and goal to adapt to other planners. For position planning the two will be the same. """ self.sp_linear = self.max_linear_velocity self.sp_angular = self.angle_error # Implement maximum linear velocity and maximum angular velocity if self.sp_linear > self.max_linear_velocity: self.sp_linear = self.max_linear_velocity if self.sp_linear < -self.max_linear_velocity: self.sp_linear = -self.max_linear_velocity if self.twist.twist.angular.z > self.max_angular_velocity: self.sp_angular = self.max_angular_velocity if self.sp_angular < -self.max_angular_velocity: self.sp_angular = -self.max_angular_velocity # Prohibit reverse driving if self.sp_linear < 0: self.sp_linear = 0 # If not preempted, add a time stamp and publish the twist if not self.isPreemptRequested(): self.twist = self.controller.generateTwist(self.sp_linear, self.sp_angular) self.twist_pub.publish(self.twist) def onOdometry(self, msg): """ Callback method for handling odometry messages """ # Extract the orientation quaternion self.quaternion[0] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x self.quaternion[1] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y self.quaternion[2] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z self.quaternion[3] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w (roll, pitch, self.yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(self.quaternion) # Extract the position vector self.position[0] = msg.pose.pose.position.x self.position[1] = msg.pose.pose.position.y def empty_method(self): """ Empty method pointer """ return False def get_current_position(self): """ Get current position from tf """ if self.use_tf: try: (position, head) = self.__listen.lookupTransform( self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0) ) # The transform is returned as position (x,y,z) and an orientation quaternion (x,y,z,w). self.position[0] = position[0] self.position[1] = position[1] (roll, pitch, self.yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(head) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException), err: rospy.loginfo("could not locate vehicle")