Пример #1
def checkAAAParticleWeights(sp, seed):
    if inParallel() and "make_suff_stat_bernoulli" in sp and backend_name(
    ) == "puma":
        raise SkipTest(
            "The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and make_suff_stat_bernoulli comes from Lite."
    if "dir_cat" in sp and backend_name() == 'puma':
        raise SkipTest(
            "Dirichlet categorical in Puma does not accept objects parameter.  Issue #340"
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("a", "1.0")
    # bogus labelled directives, so the infer step can forget them
    ripl.predict("nil", label="f")
    ripl.predict("nil", label="pid")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl,
(do (resample 10)
    (forget 'pid)
    (forget 'f)
    (assume f %s f)
    (predict (f) pid)
    (observe (f) true obs1)
    (observe (f) true obs2)
    (resample 1)
    (forget 'obs2)
    (forget 'obs1))""" % sp)
    ans = [(False, .25), (True, .75)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Пример #2
def checkSliceStudentT2(slice_method, seed):
    # Simple program involving simulating from a student_t
    if (backend_name() != "lite") and (slice_method == 'slice_doubling'):
        raise SkipTest(
            "Slice sampling with doubling only implemented in Lite.")
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(student_t 1.0)")
    ripl.observe("(normal a 1.0)", 3.0)
    ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)", label="pid")
    predictions = myCollectSamples(ripl, slice_method)

    # Posterior of a is proprtional to
    def postprop(a):
        return stats.t(1).pdf(a) * stats.norm(loc=3).pdf(a)

    import scipy.integrate as integrate
    (normalize, _) = integrate.quad(postprop, -10, 10)

    def posterior(a):
        return postprop(a) / normalize

    (meana, _) = integrate.quad(lambda x: x * posterior(x), -10, 10)
    (meanasq, _) = integrate.quad(lambda x: x * x * posterior(x), -10, 10)
    vara = meanasq - meana * meana
    # TODO Test agreement with the whole shape of the distribution, not
    # just the mean
    return reportKnownMean(meana, predictions, variance=vara + 1.0)
Пример #3
def testForeignInterfaceSimulate():
    for (name, sp) in relevantSPs():
        if name in [
                "scope_include",  # Because scope_include is
                # misannotated as to the true
                # permissible types of scopes and
                # blocks
                "get_current_environment",  # Because MockArgs gives a bogus environment
                "extend_environment",  # Because MockArgs gives a bogus environment
        if backend_name() != "lite" and name in [
                ## Expected failures
                "dict",  # Because keys and values must be the same length
                "matrix",  # Because rows must be the same length
                "get_empty_environment",  # Environments can't be rendered to stack dicts
        if name.startswith('gp_cov_') or name.startswith('gp_mean_'):
            # XXX Can't compare equivalent functions for equality without
            # false negatives.
        if not sp.outputPSP.isRandom():
            yield checkForeignInterfaceAgreesWithDeterministicSimulate, name, sp
 def posterior_inference_action():
     # Work around the fact that Puma doesn't have rejection sampling
     # by asking for a bunch of MH.
     if backend_name() == 'lite':
         return "(rejection default all 1)"
         return "(resimulation_mh default one %d)" % (
             default_num_transitions_per_sample(), )
Пример #5
def checkSliceBasic1(slice_method, seed):
    # Basic sanity test for slice
    if (backend_name() != "lite") and (slice_method == 'slice_doubling'):
        raise SkipTest(
            "Slice sampling with doubling only implemented in Lite.")
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)", label="pid")
    predictions = myCollectSamples(ripl, slice_method)
    return reportKnownGaussian(10, 1, predictions)
Пример #6
def testConstrainWithAPredict1():
    if backend_name() != "lite":
        raise SkipTest("assert(false) crashes NoseTests")
    for p in [
            "(resimulation_mh default one 50)",
            "(rejection default all 50)",
            "(func_pgibbs default ordered 3 50 false)",
            "(pgibbs default ordered 3 50 false)",
            "(meanfield default one 50)",
        yield checkConstrainWithAPredict1, p
Пример #7
def testRandomScopeIdSmoke():
    # Test that scope membership maintenance works even if the scope id
    # changes under inference
    r = get_ripl()
    if backend_name() == "puma":
        # Puma doesn't have the invariant check that Lite does
        r.define("checkInvariants", "(lambda () pass)")
  (predict (tag (flip) "frob" (flip)))
  (repeat 50
    (do (mh default one 1)
Пример #8
def testInvWishartPrior4(seed):
  # Confirm that as dof increases, the elements of a Wishart obey the
  # central limit theorem.

  if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma":
    raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.")

  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("s", "(scale_matrix 10000 (id_matrix 3))")
  ripl.assume("m", "(inv_wishart s 10000)")
  ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 0 1))", label="prediction")

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction")
  return reportKnownGaussian(0, 0.01, predictions)
Пример #9
def checkSliceNormalWithObserve1(slice_method, seed):
    # Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely
    # observation
    if (backend_name() != "lite") and (slice_method == 'slice_doubling'):
        raise SkipTest(
            "Slice sampling with doubling only implemented in Lite.")
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(normal a 1.0)", 14.0)
    # Posterior for a is normal with mean 12, precision 2
    #  ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)")

    predictions = myCollectSamples(ripl, slice_method)
    return reportKnownGaussian(12, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
Пример #10
def checkSliceL(slice_method, seed):
    # Checks slice sampling on an L-shaped distribution.
    if (backend_name() != "lite") and (slice_method == 'slice_doubling'):
        raise SkipTest(
            "Slice sampling with doubling only implemented in Lite.")
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("a", "(uniform_continuous 0.0 1.0)")
    ripl.assume("b", "(< a 0.2)")
    ripl.observe("(flip (biplex b 0.8 0.2))", True)
    # Posterior for b is 0.5 true, 0.5 false
    ripl.predict("b", label="pid")

    predictions = myCollectSamples(ripl, slice_method)
    return reportKnownDiscrete([[True, 0.5], [False, 0.5]], predictions)
Пример #11
def testInvWishartPrior2(seed):
  # Confirm that the diagonal elements of an inverse Wishart are an
  # inverse Gamma distribution.

  if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma":
    raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.")

  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))")
  ripl.assume("m", "(inv_wishart s 4.2)")
  ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 1 1))", label="prediction")

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction")
  cdf = scipy.stats.invgamma(a=1.6, scale=1.5).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
Пример #12
def testWishartPrior1(seed):
  # Confirm that the diagonal elements of a Wishart are a chi-squared
  # distribution.

  if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma":
    raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.")

  ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
  ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))")
  ripl.assume("m", "(wishart s 5)")
  ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 0 0))", label="prediction")

  predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction")
  cdf = scipy.stats.chi2(df=5, scale=2).cdf
  return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
Пример #13
def testCMVN2D_mu1(seed):
    if backend_name() != "lite": raise SkipTest("CMVN in lite only")
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("m0", "(array 5.0 5.0)")
    ripl.assume("k0", "7.0")
    ripl.assume("v0", "11.0")
    ripl.assume("S0", "(matrix (array (array 13.0 0.0) (array 0.0 13.0)))")
    ripl.assume("f", "(make_niw_normal m0 k0 v0 S0)")

    ripl.predict("(f)", label="pid")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")

    mu1 = [p[0] for p in predictions]
    return reportKnownMean(5, mu1)
Пример #14
def checkRiplAgreesWithDeterministicSimulate(name, sp):
    if backend_name() != "lite" and name in [
            ## Incompatibilities with Puma
            "apply",  # Not implemented, and can't seem to import it as a foreign from Python
            "arange",  # Not the same return type (elements boxed in Puma?)
            "vector_dot",  # Numerical inconsistency between Eigen and Numpy
            "matrix_times_vector",  # Numerical inconsistency between Eigen and Numpy
            "vector_times_matrix",  # Numerical inconsistency between Eigen and Numpy
            "int_div",  # Discrpancy on negative divisor between C++ and Python
            "int_mod",  # Discrpancy on negative modulus between C++ and Python
            "vector_add",  # Size-mismatched vectors crash Puma
            "matrix_add",  # Size-mismatched matrices crash Puma
        raise SkipTest("%s in Puma not implemented compatibly with Lite" %
                       fully_uncurried_sp_type(sp.venture_type()), name, sp)
Пример #15
def testLogCategoricalAbsorb(seed):
    # A simple test that checks the interface of log categorical and its
    # simulate and log density methods
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    if backend_name() == "puma":
        # XXX Puma's log_categorical demands a simplex argument, as that's
        # the best representation the backend has for an array of numbers.
        # Lite's simplex, however, checks boundary conditions, so can't be
        # used here.
        ripl.assume("x", "(simplex (log .1) (log .9))")
        ripl.assume("y", "(simplex (log .55) (log .45))")
        ripl.assume("x", "(array (log .1) (log .9))")
        ripl.assume("y", "(array (log .55) (log .45))")
    ripl.assume("b", "(flip)", label="b")
    ripl.observe("(log_categorical (if b x y) (array 10 100))", "100")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "b")
    ans = [(False, 0.333), (True, 0.667)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Пример #16
def checkMakeBetaBernoulli1(maker, hyper, seed):
    if rejectionSampling() and hyper == "(normal 10.0 1.0)":
        raise SkipTest(
            "Too slow.  Tightening the rejection bound is Issue #468.")
    if inParallel() and "make_suff_stat_bernoulli" in maker and backend_name(
    ) == "puma":
        raise SkipTest(
            "The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and make_suff_stat_bernoulli comes from Lite."
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("a", hyper)
    ripl.assume("f", "(%s a a)" % maker)
    ripl.predict("(f)", label="pid")

    for _ in range(20):
        ripl.observe("(f)", "true")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    ans = [(False, .25), (True, .75)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Пример #17
def testRandomScopeIdExclusionSmoke():
    # Test that scope membership maintenance works even if the scope id
    # excluded by tag_exclude changes under inference
    r = get_ripl()
    if backend_name() == "puma":
        # Puma doesn't have the invariant check that Lite does
        r.define("checkInvariants", "(lambda () pass)")
  (assume which_exclude (flip)) ; Outside the alice and bob scopes
   (tag "alice" 0
    (tag "bob" 0
     (tag_exclude (if which_exclude "alice" "bob")
    for _ in range(50):
        alice = count_nodes_2(r, "alice")
        bob = count_nodes_2(r, "bob")
        eq_(1, alice + bob)
    (do (mh default one 1)
Пример #18
def checkMakeBetaBernoulli4(maker, seed):
    if inParallel() and "make_suff_stat_bernoulli" in maker and backend_name(
    ) == "puma":
        raise SkipTest(
            "The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and make_suff_stat_bernoulli comes from Lite."
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)

    ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)")
    ripl.assume("f", """
(if (lt a 10.0)
  ({0} a a)
  ({0} a a))""".format(maker))
    ripl.predict("(f)", label="pid")

    for _ in range(20):
        ripl.observe("(f)", "true")

    predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid")
    ans = [(False, .25), (True, .75)]
    return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
Пример #19
def testRiplSimulate():
    for (name, sp) in relevantSPs():
        if name in [  # Because tag is misannotated as to the true
                # permissible types of scopes and blocks
                "get_current_environment",  # Because MockArgs gives a bogus environment
                "extend_environment",  # Because MockArgs gives a bogus environment
        if backend_name() != "lite" and name in [
                ## Expected failures
                "dict",  # Because keys and values must be the same length
                "matrix",  # Because rows must be the same length
                "lookup",  # Because the key must be an integer for sequence lookups
                "get_empty_environment",  # Environments can't be rendered to stack dicts
        if name.startswith('gp_cov_') or name.startswith('gp_mean_'):
            # XXX Printable representation of equivalent covariance kernels
            # or mean functions don't necessarily match.
        if not sp.outputPSP.isRandom():
            yield checkRiplAgreesWithDeterministicSimulate, name, sp
Пример #20
def testCMVNSmoke(seed):
    if backend_name() != "lite": raise SkipTest("CMVN in lite only")
        "((make_niw_normal (array 1.0 1.0) 2 2 (matrix (array (array 1.0 0.0) (array 0.0 1.0)))))"