def testAuxWithoutLatent(): # raise(SkipTest('for quick results.')) "Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely observation" ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid") ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal a 1.0))", 20.0) # fake mu1=9, so that assumed_gibbs is doomed to fail the statistical test MyNormalBiasedPosterior = partial(NormalExactPosterior, mu1=9, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0) ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyNormalBiasedPosterior", MyNormalBiasedPosterior) # Posterior for a is normal with mean 15, precision 2 # ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)") proposal_src = """ [declare { "name":"normalbiased", "class":"MyNormalBiasedPosterior", "conditioned":[["B",0]], "target":[["A",0]], "ready":"yes", "num_samples":0}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src) predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh normalbiased aux 1 20)") cdf = stats.norm(loc=15, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(15,sqrt(0.5))")
def testCustomTrainer(): # raise(SkipTest('for quick results.')) "Train a proposal to inverse a QMR model with rare diseases, using custom trainer" ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("d0", "(scope_include (quote D) 0 (bernoulli 0.01))", label="D0") ripl.assume("d1", "(scope_include (quote D) 1 (bernoulli 0.01))", label="D1") ripl.assume("d2", "(scope_include (quote D) 2 (bernoulli 0.005))", label="D2") ripl.assume("joint", "(+ (* d0 4) (* d1 2) d2)", label="pid") ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote S) 0 (bernoulli (- 1.0001 (pow 0.5 (+ d0 d1)))))", 1.0) ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote S) 1 (bernoulli (- 1.0001 (pow 0.5 (+ d0 d2)))))", 1.0) ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote S) 2 (bernoulli (- 1.0001 (pow 0.5 (+ d1 d2)))))", 1.0) ripl.register_proposal_program_class("LogisticRegressionProposalProgram", LogisticRegressionProposalProgram) ripl.register_trainer_src("QMR_highprior", QMR_highprior) # Posterior for d2 is Bernoulli with p(d2=1) = 0.5 proposal_src = """ [declare { "name":"logreg", "class":"LogisticRegressionProposalProgram", "conditioned":[["S",0], ["S",1], ["S",2]], "target":[["D",0], ["D",1], ["D",2]], "trainer":"QMR_highprior", "num_samples":1000}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src) predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh logreg aux 1 5)") ans = [(0, 0.000001), (1, 0.003), (2, 0.006), (3, 0.25), (4, 0.006), (5, 0.25), (6, 0.5), (7, 0.004)] return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testAssumedGibbsWithLatent(): # raise(SkipTest('for quick results.')) "Checks an exact proposal with latent randomness" ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("x", "(scope_include (quote X) 0 (normal 0 1.0))", label="pid") ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote Y) 0 (normal (sqrt (* x x)) 1.0))", 10.0) MyBimodalExactPosterior = partial(BimodalExactPosterior, mu1=0, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0) ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyBimodalExactPosterior", MyBimodalExactPosterior) # Posterior for a is bi-modal with two modes at -5, 5, both with precision 2 # ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)") proposal_src = """ [declare { "name":"bimodalexact", "class":"MyBimodalExactPosterior", "conditioned":[["Y",0]], "target":[["X",0]], "ready":"yes", "num_samples":0}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src) predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh bimodalexact assumed_gibbs 1 1)") cdf = (lambda x:(stats.norm(loc=-5, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf(x)+stats.norm(loc=5, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf(x))*0.5) return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "0.5*N(-5,sqrt(0.5))+0.5*N(5,sqrt(0.5))")
def testAnnotateInferenceErrorInDefinedDo(): ripl = get_ripl(persistent_inference_trace=True) ripl.define( "act", """\ (do (assume x (normal 0 1)) (y <- (sample x)) (observe x (+ 1 badness)))""") err.assert_error_message_contains( """\ (run act) ^^^^^^^^^ (do (assume x (normal 0 1)) (y <- (sample x)) (observe x (add 1 badness))) ^^^^^^^ """, ripl.infer, "act")
def testNormalWithObserve1(seed): # Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely # observation ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)", label="pid") ripl.observe("(normal a 1.0)", 14.0) # Posterior for a is normal with mean 12, precision 2 (samples, weights) = collectLikelihoodWeighted(ripl, "pid") for (s, w) in zip(samples, weights): # The weights I have should be deterministically given by the likelihood assert_almost_equal(math.exp(w), stats.norm(loc=14, scale=1).pdf(s)) # The test points should be drawn from the prior return reportKnownGaussian(10, 1, samples)
def testAnnotateInModelError(): # Tests Github Issue #538. ripl = get_ripl() ripl.set_mode("venture_script") err.assert_error_message_contains( """\ *** evaluation: Nested ripl operation signalled an error (autorun (in_model (run (new_model)) (action (run (sample (add foo 1)))))) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Caused by *** evaluation: Cannot find symbol 'foo' (add foo 1.0) ^^^ """, ripl.evaluate, "in_model(run(new_model()), action(run(sample(foo + 1))))")
def testAnnotateInferenceErrorInDo(): # TODO I need the inference trace to be persistent to trigger the # inference prelude did skipping hack :( ripl = get_ripl(persistent_inference_trace=True) expression = """\ (do (assume x (normal 0 1)) (observe x (+ 1 badness)))""" err.assert_error_message_contains( """\ (run (do (assume x (normal 0 1)) (observe x (add 1 badness)))) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (run (do (assume x (normal 0 1)) (observe x (add 1 badness)))) ^^^^^^^ """, ripl.infer, expression)
def testHMMResampleSmoke(): ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("f",""" (make_lazy_hmm (simplex 0.5 0.5) (matrix (array (array 0.7 0.3) (array 0.3 0.7))) (matrix (array (array 0.9 0.2) (array 0.1 0.8)))) """) ripl.observe("(f 1)","integer<0>") ripl.predict("(f 7)") ripl.infer("(resample 3)") ripl.infer("(mh default one 10)")
def check(mode): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='serialized.ripl') as f: v1 = get_ripl() v1.assume('is_tricky', '(flip 0.2)') v1.assume('theta', '(if is_tricky (beta 1.0 1.0) 0.5)') v1.assume('flip_coin', '(lambda () (flip theta))') v1.observe('(flip_coin)', 'true') v1.infer(1) result1 = v1.predict('theta', label='theta_prediction') call(v1, 'save',, mode) v2 = get_ripl() call(v2, 'load',, mode) result2 ='theta_prediction') result3 = v2.predict('theta') assert result1 == result2 and result1 == result3 text1 = v1.get_text(1) text2 = v2.get_text(1) assert text1 == text2
def testBinomial1(seed): # A simple test that checks the interface of binomial and its # simulate method ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) p = 0.3 n = 4 ripl.assume("p", "(if (flip) %f %f)" % (p, p)) ripl.predict("(binomial %d p)" % n, label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid") ans = [(x, scipy.stats.binom.pmf(x, n, p)) for x in range(n + 1)] assert_almost_equal(sum([xx[1] for xx in ans]), 1) return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testResampling1(seed): P = 10 ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) def a_sample(): ripl.clear() ripl.infer("(resample %d)" % P) ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)") ripl.observe("(normal x 1)", 2) ripl.infer("(resample 1)") return ripl.sample("x") predictions = [a_sample() for _ in range(default_num_samples())] return reportKnownGaussian(1, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
def check_beta_bernoulli(maker, action, seed): if maker == "make_uc_beta_bernoulli" and action in [ 'serialize', 'convert_lite', 'convert_puma' ]: raise SkipTest( "Cannot convert BetaBernoulliSP to a stack dictionary. Issue:" ) v = get_ripl(seed=seed) v.assume('a', '(normal 10.0 1.0)') v.assume('f', '({0} a a)'.format(maker)) v.predict('(f)', label='pid') for _ in range(20): v.observe('(f)', 'true') return _test_serialize_program(v, 'pid', action)
def checkEnumerativeGibbsXOR2(in_parallel, seed): # Tests that an XOR chain mixes with enumerative gibbs. ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("x", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0015))", label="pid") ripl.assume("y", "(tag 0 0 (bernoulli 0.0005))") ripl.assume("noisy_true", "(lambda (pred noise) (flip (if pred 1.0 noise)))") ripl.observe("(noisy_true (= (+ x y) 1) .000001)", "true") infer = "(gibbs 0 0 %s %s)" % \ (default_num_transitions_per_sample(), in_parallel) predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer) ans = [(True, .75), (False, .25)] return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testMVNormalRandomWalkSoundness(seed): # This exercises the subtlety involving block proposals and delta # kernels described in the "joint-delta-kernels" footnote in # doc/ r = get_ripl(seed=seed) r.assume("mean", "(multivariate_normal (array 0) (id_matrix 1))") r.assume("y", "(multivariate_normal mean (id_matrix 1))") predictions = [ c[0] for c in collectSamples(r, "y", infer="(resimulation_mh default all 50)", num_samples=default_num_samples(10)) ] return reportKnownGaussian(0, math.sqrt(2), predictions)
def testCycleKernel(seed): # Same example as testBlockingExample0, but a cycle kernel that # covers everything should solve it ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("a", "(tag 0 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid") ripl.assume("b", "(tag 1 1 (normal a 1.0))") ripl.observe("(normal b 1.0)", 14.0) infer = "(repeat %s (do (mh 0 0 1) (mh 1 1 1)))" % \ default_num_transitions_per_sample() predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=infer) return reportKnownGaussian(34.0 / 3.0, math.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0), predictions)
def checkBrushScope(operator): # Check that putting scope control in the brush doesn't cause # particle Gibbs to crash. ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("x1", "(tag (quote state) 0 (normal 1 1))") ripl.assume( "t", "1") # This variable matters to get the block id into the brush. ripl.assume( "x2", """ (if (> x1 1) (tag (quote state) t (normal 2 1)) (tag (quote state) t (normal 0 1))) """) ripl.infer("(%s 'state ordered 4 3)" % operator)
def testAnnotateErrorTriggeredByInferenceOverProgrammaticAssume(): # Do not use the do macro yet ripl = get_ripl() ripl.infer("(assume control (flip))") ripl.infer("(force control true)") ripl.infer("(predict (if control 1 badness))") # TODO Solve the double macroexpansion problem err.assert_error_message_contains( """\ ((biplex control (make_csp (quote ()) (quote 1.0)) (make_csp (quote ()) (quote badness)))) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ((biplex control (make_csp (quote ()) (quote 1.0)) (make_csp (quote ()) (quote badness)))) ^^^^^^^ """, ripl.infer, "(resimulation_mh default one 50)")
def testOccasionalRejectionBrush(seed): # Another version, this time with explicit brush creating the mix mh # correction. # Note that in this case, the correction is sound: The number of # random choices available in the default one scope really is # changing, whereas in `testOccasionalRejection` it is not. # To see why, consider what transition the operator (gibbs default # one 1) induces on this model (assuming the current behavior of # always claiming the proposal weight is 0). # - False, False is not possible # - From False, True: # - With probability 50%, enumerate the second coin, and propose # to keep it at True. # - Else, enumerate the first coin, find that both states are # equally good, and # - With probability 50%, propose to leave it # - Else, propose to change it to True, which is accepted (with # or without the correction) # - Ergo, move to the True state 25% of the time. # - From True, enumerate the first coin # - With probability 50%, the second coin comes up False in the brush; # propose to stay in the True state. # - Else, both states equally good # - With probability 50%, propose to stay in the True state # - Else, propose to move to the False, True state # - If the correction is applied, this proposal will be # rejected with probability 50%. # - Ergo, move to the False, True state 25% (no correction) or # 12.5% (correction) of the time. # - The former will induce a 50/50 stationary distribution on the # value of flip1, whereas the right answer is 2:1 odds in favor of # True. r = get_ripl(seed=seed) r.execute_program(""" (assume flip1 (flip)) (assume flip1_or_flip2 (if flip1 true (flip))) (observe (exactly flip1_or_flip2) true) ;; Reject with a non-negligible probability per transition, which would ;; cause a crash if Gibbs couldn't handle rejection (gibbs default one 50 false) """) infer = "(gibbs default one %s false)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample( ) predictions = collectSamples(r, address="flip1", infer=infer) ans = [(True, 2.0 / 3), (False, 1.0 / 3)] return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testCategorical1(seed): # A simple test that checks the interface of categorical and its # simulate method ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("x", "(categorical (simplex 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4) (array 1 2 3 4))") ripl.assume("y", "(categorical (simplex 0.2 0.6 0.2) (array 1 2 3))") ripl.predict("(+ x y)", label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid") ans = [(2, 0.1 * 0.2), (3, 0.1 * 0.6 + 0.2 * 0.2), (4, 0.1 * 0.2 + 0.2 * 0.6 + 0.3 * 0.2), (5, 0.2 * 0.2 + 0.3 * 0.6 + 0.4 * 0.2), (6, 0.3 * 0.2 + 0.4 * 0.6), (7, 0.4 * 0.2)] return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def testCMVN2D_mu1(seed): if backend_name() != "lite": raise SkipTest("CMVN in lite only") ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("m0", "(array 5.0 5.0)") ripl.assume("k0", "7.0") ripl.assume("v0", "11.0") ripl.assume("S0", "(matrix (array (array 13.0 0.0) (array 0.0 13.0)))") ripl.assume("f", "(make_niw_normal m0 k0 v0 S0)") ripl.predict("(f)", label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid") mu1 = [p[0] for p in predictions] return reportKnownMean(5, mu1)
def test_profiling_likelihoodfree(): # Make sure profiling doesn't break with likelihood-free SP's class TestPSP(LikelihoodFreePSP): def simulate(self, args): x = args.operandValues()[0] return x + stats.distributions.norm.rvs() tester = typed_nr(TestPSP(), [t.NumberType()], t.NumberType()) ripl = get_ripl() ripl.bind_foreign_sp('test', tester) prog = ''' [ASSUME x (test 0)] [INFER (mh default one 10)]''' ripl.profiler_enable() ripl.execute_program(prog)
def testGPLogscore1(): # Is this actually a valid test? The real solution to this problem # (and to the corresponding bug with unincorporate) is to wrap the # gp in a mem. This could be done automatically I suppose, or better # through a library function. raise SkipTest( "GP logDensity is broken for multiple samples of the same input.") ripl = get_ripl() prep_ripl(ripl) ripl.assume('gp', '(exactly (make_gp zero sq_exp))') ripl.predict('(gp (array 0 0))') ripl.get_global_logscore()
def test_gradients(seed): ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume('mu_0', '(normal 0 1)') ripl.assume('mean', '(gp_mean_const mu_0)') ripl.assume('gs_expon_1', '(lambda () (- 0. (log_logistic (log_odds_uniform))))') ripl.assume('s2', '(gs_expon_1)') ripl.assume('alpha', '(gs_expon_1)') ripl.assume('cov', '(gp_cov_scale s2 (gp_cov_se alpha))') ripl.assume('gp', '(make_gp mean cov)') ripl.observe('(gp 0)', '1') ripl.observe('(gp 1)', '2') ripl.observe('(gp 2)', '4') ripl.observe('(gp 3)', '8') ripl.infer('(gradient_ascent default one 0.01 5 5)')
def testWishartPrior1(seed): # Confirm that the diagonal elements of a Wishart are a chi-squared # distribution. if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma": raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.") ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))") ripl.assume("m", "(wishart s 5)") ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 0 0))", label="prediction") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction") cdf = scipy.stats.chi2(df=5, scale=2).cdf return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
def testInvWishartPrior2(seed): # Confirm that the diagonal elements of an inverse Wishart are an # inverse Gamma distribution. if inParallel() and backend_name() == "puma": raise SkipTest("The Lite SPs in Puma interface is not thread-safe, and wishart comes from Lite.") ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("s", "(matrix (array (array 2 -1) (array -1 3)))") ripl.assume("m", "(inv_wishart s 4.2)") ripl.predict("(lookup m (pair 1 1))", label="prediction") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "prediction") cdf = scipy.stats.invgamma(a=1.6, scale=1.5).cdf return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions)
def testReferences1(seed): # Checks that the program runs without crashing. At some point, this # program caused the old CXX backend to fire an assert. When the # (flip) had a 0.0 or 1.0 it didn't fail. ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("draw_type0", "(make_crp 1.0)") ripl.assume("draw_type1", "(if (flip) draw_type0 (lambda () atom<1>))") ripl.assume("draw_type2", "(make_dir_cat (array 1.0 1.0))") ripl.assume("class", "(if (flip) (lambda (name) (draw_type1)) (lambda (name) (draw_type2)))") ripl.predict("(class 1)") ripl.predict("(flip)", label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid") ans = [(True,0.5), (False,0.5)] return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def checkSliceNormalWithObserve2a(slice_method, seed): # Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely # observation. The difference between this and 1 is an extra # predict, which apparently has a deleterious effect on mixing. if (backend_name() != "lite") and (slice_method == 'slice_doubling'): raise SkipTest( "Slice sampling with doubling only implemented in Lite.") ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)", label="pid") ripl.observe("(normal a 1.0)", 14.0) # Posterior for a is normal with mean 12, precision 2 ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)") predictions = myCollectSamples(ripl, slice_method) return reportKnownGaussian(12, math.sqrt(0.5), predictions)
def testCollectLogScore(): # In the presence of likelihood-free SP's, the calling "collect" or # "printf" should not crash the program. class TestPSP(LikelihoodFreePSP): def simulate(self, args): x = args.operandValues()[0] return x + stats.distributions.norm.rvs() tester = typed_nr(TestPSP(), [t.NumberType()], t.NumberType()) ripl = get_ripl() ripl.bind_foreign_sp('test', tester) prog = ''' [ASSUME x (test 0)] [ASSUME y (normal x 1)] [infer (collect x)]''' ripl.execute_program(prog)
def checkMakeSymDirCatAppControlsFlip(maker_1, maker_2, seed): # Two AAA SPs with same parameters, where their applications control # which are applied ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)") ripl.assume("f", "(%s a 4)" % maker_1) ripl.assume("g", "(%s a 4)" % maker_2) ripl.predict("(f)", label="pid") ripl.predict("(g)") for _ in range(5): ripl.observe("(g)", "integer<1>") ripl.predict("(if (eq (f) integer<1>) (g) (g))") ripl.predict("(if (eq (g) integer<1>) (f) (f))") return checkDirichletCategoricalAAA(ripl, "pid", infer="mixes_slowly")
def testPrintf2(): # Intercept stdout and make sure the message read what we expect ripl = get_ripl() pattern = make_pattern() ripl.infer('(resample 2)') ripl.assume('x', 2.1) old_stdout = sys.stdout result = StringIO() sys.stdout = result ripl.infer( '(repeat 2 (do (resimulation_mh default one 1) (printf (run (collect x (labelled 3.1 foo))))))' ) sys.stdout = old_stdout res = result.getvalue() assert pattern.match(res) is not None
def testBernoulliIfNormal2(seed): # A simple program with bernoulli, if, and an absorbing application of normal if not collect_iid_samples(): raise SkipTest("This test should not pass without reset.") ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume("b", "(bernoulli 0.3)") ripl.predict("(normal (if b 0.0 10.0) 1.0)", label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl, "pid") def cdf(x): return 0.3 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=0, scale=1) + \ 0.7 * stats.norm.cdf(x, loc=10, scale=1) return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "0.3*N(0,1) + 0.7*N(10,1)")
def testBinomial2(seed): # A simple test that checks the binomial logdensity ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) b = 0.7 p1 = 0.3 p2 = 0.4 n = 4 ripl.assume("p","(if (flip %f) %f %f)" % (b,p1,p2)) ripl.predict("(binomial %d p)" % n,label="pid") predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid") ans = [(x,b * scipy.stats.binom.pmf(x,n,p1) + (1 - b) * scipy.stats.binom.pmf(x,n,p2)) for x in range(n+1)] assert_almost_equal(sum([xx[1] for xx in ans]),1) return reportKnownDiscrete(ans, predictions)
def initBasicPFripl2(seed): ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed) ripl.assume( "f", """ (mem (lambda (i) (tag 0 i (normal (if (eq i 0) 0 (f (- i 1))) 1)))) """) ripl.assume("g", """ (mem (lambda (i) (normal (f i) 1.0))) """) return ripl
def testDefaultTrainer(): # raise(SkipTest('for quick results.')) "Train a proposal to inverse a joint Gaussian model, using default (target) trainer" ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 0.0 1.0))", label="pid") ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal (+ (* a 2) 2) 1.0))", 4.5) ripl.register_proposal_program_class("LinearRegressionProposalProgram", LinearRegressionProposalProgram) # Posterior for a is normal with mean 1.0, precision 5 proposal_src = """ [declare { "name":"linreg", "class":"LinearRegressionProposalProgram", "conditioned":[["B",0]], "target":[["A",0]], "num_samples":1000}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src) predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh linreg aux 1 5)") cdf = stats.norm(loc=1.0, scale=math.sqrt(0.2)).cdf return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(1.0,sqrt(0.2))")
def testCustommhSaveLoad(): # raise(SkipTest('for quick results.')) "Checks the posterior distribution on a Gaussian given an unlikely observation" ripl = get_ripl() ripl.assume("a", "(scope_include (quote A) 0 (normal 10.0 1.0))", label="pid") ripl.observe("(scope_include (quote B) 0 (normal a 1.0))", 20.0) MyNormalExactPosterior = partial(NormalExactPosterior, mu1=10.0, sigma1=1.0, sigma2=1.0) ripl.register_proposal_program_class("MyNormalExactPosterior", MyNormalExactPosterior) # Posterior for a is normal with mean 15, precision 2 # ripl.predict("(normal a 1.0)") proposal_src_1 = """ [declare { "name":"normalexact1", "class":"MyNormalExactPosterior", "conditioned":[["B",0]], "target":[["A",0]], "ready":"yes", "save_to":"test_custommh_save_load.npy", "num_samples":0}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src_1) proposal_src_2 = """ [declare { "name":"normalexact2", "class":"MyNormalExactPosterior", "conditioned":[["B",0]], "target":[["A",0]], "load_from":"test_custommh_save_load.npy", "num_samples":0}] """ ripl.execute_program(proposal_src_2) predictions = collectSamples(ripl,"pid",infer="(custommh normalexact2 assumed_gibbs 1 1)") cdf = stats.norm(loc=15, scale=math.sqrt(0.5)).cdf return reportKnownContinuous(cdf, predictions, "N(15,sqrt(0.5))")