Пример #1
def _getPathsDetails(assignments):

	Given an Assignments dataframe, this script deconstruct it into a list of assignments(or called subAssignments) each subAssignment will have: the same odID; same type of movement(stationary/vertical/move)

	assignments: :ref:`Assignments`, Required
		The Assignments dataframe to be deconstructed into lists

	path: Path dataframe
		A list of description of each subAssignment
	lstSubAssignments: list of :ref:`Assignments`
		A list of Assignments dataframe each with the same odID


	# Icon list
	modelWithDuplicates = assignments['modelFile'].tolist()
	uniqueIconList = list(dict.fromkeys(modelWithDuplicates))

	# Get path list from assignments dataframe
	lstSubAssignments = deconstructAssignments(assignments=assignments, includeStationaryFlag=True, includeVerticalFlag=True)

	# Now we prepare for .czml, the following is a Path Dataframe, which has the same length as lstSubAssignments
	path = pd.DataFrame(columns=['odID', 'czmlID', 'objectID', 'modelFile', 'action', 'modelScale', 'modelMinPxSize', 'startTimeSec', 'endTimeSec', 'intervalStart', 'intervalEnd', 'indexInlstShapepoints'])
	for i in range(len(lstSubAssignments)):
		path = path.append({
			'odID': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['odID'],
			'czmlID': 'o-%s-%s-%s' % (lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['objectID'].replace("'", r""), lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['modelFile'], _getAction(lstSubAssignments[i])),
			'objectID': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['objectID'],
			'modelFile': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['modelFile'],
			'action': _getAction(lstSubAssignments[i]),
			'modelScale': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['modelScale'],
			'modelMinPxSize': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['modelMinPxSize'],
			'startTimeSec': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[0]['startTimeSec'],
			'endTimeSec': lstSubAssignments[i].iloc[-1]['endTimeSec'],
			'intervalStart': "",
			'intervalEnd': "",
			'indexInlstShapepoints': i
			}, ignore_index=True)
	path.sort_values('odID', ascending=True)

	return [path, lstSubAssignments]
Пример #2
def createCesium(assignments=None,
	This function generates several files required to view a solution in Cesium. The function requires assignments and/or nodes dataframes as input. 

	assignments: :ref:`Assignments`, Conditional, `assignments` and `nodes` can not be None at the same time
		An :ref:`Assignments` dataframe describing vehicle movement over time.  The assignments will be displayed as routes/paths in Cesium.  If a 3D model is defined in the `modelFile` column of the assignments dataframe, this object will also be displayed.
	nodes: :ref:`Nodes`, Conditional, `assignments` and `nodes` can not be None at the same time
		A :ref:`Nodes` dataframe describing the locations of nodes.  These nodes will be displayed on the map in Cesium.  
	startDate: string, Optional, format is "YYYY-MM-DD", default as today
		Defines the start date to be displayed in Cesium.
	startTime: string, Optional, format is "HH:MM:SS", default as '08:00:00'
		Defines the time at which the Cesium video begins, on the start date.
	postBuffer: int, Optional, default as 30
		Specifies the additional time (in seconds) that the Cesium video will continue to run after the last assignment is completed. 
	cesiumDir: string, Required, default as None
		This should be the full absolute path to the directory where Cesium is installed. For example, for Windows it might be "D:/Cesium"; for Linux it might be "/home/user/Cesium".
	problemDir: string, Required, default as None
		The path name of the generated problem directory. This path is relative to the root of Cesium. For example, if `cesiumDir = '/home/user/Cesium'` and `problemDir = 'veroviz/problems/TSP'` then the files will be generated in the directory `'/home/user/Cesium/veroviz/problems/TSP'`.
	nodeColor: string, Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumColor` column of the input `nodes` dataframe.  This will define the color of all nodes displayed in Cesium.  See :ref:`Cesium Style` for the collection of available colors. 
	nodeStyle: string, Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumIconType` column of the input `nodes` dataframe.  Currently, the only option is 'pin'.
	pathColor: string, Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumColor` column of the input `assignments` dataframe.  This will define the color of all arcs displayed in Cesium.  See :ref:`Cesium Style` for the collection of available colors.
	pathWeight: int, Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumWeight` column of the input `assignments` dataframe. This will define the weight (in pixels) of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See :ref:`Cesium Style` for more information.
	pathStyle: string, Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumStyle` column of the input `assignments` dataframe. This will define the style of all arcs displayed in Cesium. See :ref:`Cesium Style` for available options.
	pathOpacity: float in [0, 1], Optional, default as None
		Overrides the `cesiumOpacity` column of the input `assignments` dataframe.  This will define the opacity of all arcs displayed in Cesium.  See :ref:`Cesium Style` for more information.


	This function generates the following files within the directory specified by input argument `problemDir`:

	- [problemDir].vrv (where [problemDir] is replaced by the value of `problemDir`);
	- config.js
	- displayNodes.js
	- displayPath.js
	- routes.czml

	Instructions for starting Cesium are provided at https://veroviz.org/documentation.html

	Import veroviz and check the latest version.
		>>> import veroviz as vrv
		>>> import os

		>>> vrv.checkVersion()
	Create two nodes.
		>>> myNodes = vrv.createNodesFromLocs(
		...     locs = [[42.1538, -78.4253],
		...             [42.6343, -78.1146]])
		>>> myNodes

	Move the truck from one node to the other.
		>>> myAssignments = vrv.getShapepoints2D(
		...     odID           = 0,
		...     objectID       = 'truck',
		...     modelFile      = 'veroviz/models/ub_truck.gltf',
		...     modelScale     = 80, 
		...     modelMinPxSize = 20, 
		...     startLoc       = list(myNodes.loc[0][['lat', 'lon']].values),
		...     endLoc         = list(myNodes.loc[1][['lat', 'lon']].values),
		...     routeType      = 'euclidean2D',
		...     dataProvider   = None,
		...     speedMPS       = vrv.convertSpeed(55, 'miles', 'hr', 'm', 's'))	
	Create Cesium output.
		>>> vrv.createCesium(
		...     assignments = myAssignments, 
		...     nodes       = myNodes, 
		...     startTime   = '08:00:00', 
		...     cesiumDir   = os.environ['CESIUMDIR'],
		...     problemDir  = 'createCesium_example')

    # validation
    [valFlag, errorMsg,
     warningMsg] = valCreateCesium(assignments, nodes, startDate, startTime,
                                   postBuffer, cesiumDir, problemDir,
                                   nodeColor, pathColor, pathWeight, pathStyle,
    if (not valFlag):
    elif (VRV_SETTING_SHOWWARNINGMESSAGE and warningMsg != ""):

    # Set default start date as today
    if (startDate is None):
        startDate = datetime.date.today()

    # Some modification about slashes:
    # cesiumDir - no tail slash
    # problemDir - no head slash and no tail slash
    # Change all backslash to slash
    cesiumDir = delTailSlash(cesiumDir)
    problemDir = delTailSlash(problemDir)
    problemDir = delHeadSlash(problemDir)
    cesiumDir = replaceBackslashToSlash(cesiumDir)
    problemDir = replaceBackslashToSlash(problemDir)

    # In case the problemDir does not exist
    fullDir = '%s/%s' % (cesiumDir, problemDir)
    if not os.path.exists(fullDir):
        os.makedirs(fullDir, exist_ok=True)

    # Mission duration, from time zero to endtime+postBuffer
    availStart = _getCesiumTime(startDate, startTime, 0)
    availEnd = _getCesiumTime(startDate, startTime,
                              (max(assignments['endTimeSec']) + postBuffer))

    # Decode Assignments dataframe to a Path dataframe (with details of a path) and a list of Assignments dataframes, and generate .js and .czml files
    [path, lstSubAssignments] = _getPathsDetails(assignments)
    lstNonStationarySubAssignments = deconstructAssignments(
        assignments=assignments, includeVerticalFlag=True)

    # Update 'intervalStart' and 'intervalEnd' to cesiumTime
    for i in path.index:
                'intervalStart'] = _getCesiumTime(startDate, startTime,
                                                  path.at[i, 'startTimeSec'])
        path.at[i, 'intervalEnd'] = _getCesiumTime(
            startDate, startTime, path.at[i, 'endTimeSec']) if (
                path.at[i, 'endTimeSec'] >= 0) else availEnd
    path.drop(columns=['startTimeSec', 'endTimeSec'])

    # Write problem selector
    _writeSelector(fullDir, problemDir)

    # Write Configs
    mapBoundary = getMapBoundary(nodes=nodes, arcs=assignments, locs=None)
    _writeConfigs(mapBoundary, availStart, path, fullDir, problemDir)

    # Write Nodes
    if (nodes is not None):
        _writeNodes(nodes, nodeColor, fullDir)

    # Write Assignments
    if (len(path) > 0):
        _writeAssignmentsJS(lstNonStationarySubAssignments, pathColor,
                            pathWeight, pathStyle, pathOpacity, fullDir)
        _writeAssignmentsCZML(path, lstSubAssignments, availStart, availEnd,
