Пример #1
    def trackFrame(self, record=False, requestedOutput='raw'):
        Reimplementation of Tracker.trackFrame for the GUI
            frame = self._stream.read()
            if self.cameraCalibration is not None:
                frame = Frame(self.cameraCalibration.remap(frame))
            fid = self._stream.currentFrameIdx
            if self.trackTo and (fid > self.trackTo):
                raise KeyboardInterrupt  # stop recording

            if fid < self._stream.bgStartFrame:
                return frame.color(
                ), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos  # Skip junk frames
            elif self._stream.isBgFrame():
                if record: self._stream._save(frame)
                return frame.color(), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos
            elif self._stream.bgEndFrame < fid < self.trackFrom:
                if record: self._stream._save(frame)
                return frame.color(
                ), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos  # Skip junk frames
            else:  # Tracked frame
                if fid == self.trackFrom: self._finaliseBg()
                sil = self._trackFrame(frame,
                if sil is None:
                    if record: self._stream._save(frame)
                    return None, self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos  # Skip if no contour found
                    self.silhouette = sil.copy()
                if self.roi is not None: self._checkMouseInRoi()
                self.paint(self.silhouette, 'c')
                if record: self._stream._save(self.silhouette)
                result = [self.silhouette, self.positions[-1]]
                if self.extractArena:
                    distances = (self._getDistanceFromArenaCenter(),
                return result
        except VideoStreamFrameException as e:
            print(('Error with video_stream at frame {}: \n{}'.format(fid, e)))
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
            msg = "Recording stopped by user" if (
                type(e) == KeyboardInterrupt) else str(e)
            raise EOFError
Пример #2
 def trackFrame(self, record=False, requestedOutput='raw'):
     Reimplementation of Tracker.trackFrame for the GUI
         frame = self._stream.read()
         if self.cameraCalibration is not None:
             frame = Frame(self.cameraCalibration.remap(frame))
         fid = self._stream.currentFrameIdx
         if self.trackTo and (fid > self.trackTo):
             raise KeyboardInterrupt # stop recording
         if fid < self._stream.bgStartFrame:
             return frame.color(), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos # Skip junk frames
         elif self._stream.isBgFrame():
             if record: self._stream._save(frame)
             return frame.color(), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos
         elif self._stream.bgEndFrame < fid < self.trackFrom:
             if record: self._stream._save(frame)
             return frame.color(), self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos # Skip junk frames
         else: # Tracked frame
             if fid == self.trackFrom: self._finaliseBg()
             sil = self._trackFrame(frame, 'b', requestedOutput=requestedOutput)
             if sil is None:
                 if record: self._stream._save(frame)
                 return None, self.defaultPos, self.defaultPos # Skip if no contour found
                 self.silhouette = sil.copy()
             if self.roi is not None: self._checkMouseInRoi()
             self.paint(self.silhouette, 'c')
             if record: self._stream._save(self.silhouette)
             result = [self.silhouette, self.positions[-1]]
             if self.extractArena:
                 distances = (self._getDistanceFromArenaCenter(), self._getDistanceFromArenaBorder())
             return result
     except VideoStreamFrameException as e:
         print('Error with video_stream at frame {}: \n{}'.format(fid, e))
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
         msg = "Recording stopped by user" if (type(e) == KeyboardInterrupt) else str(e)
         raise EOFError
Пример #3
 def _buildBg(self, frame):
     Initialise the background if empty, expand otherwise.
     Will also initialise the arena roi if the option is selected
     :param frame: The video frame to use as background or part of the background.
     :type frame: video_frame.Frame
     if __debug__:
         print("Building background")
     bg = frame.denoise().blur().gray()
     if self.bg is None:
         self.bg = bg
         self.bg = Frame(np.dstack((self.bg, bg)))
     if self.extractArena:
         self.arena = self._extractArena()
Пример #4
 def read(self):
     Returns the next frame after updating the count
     :return: A video frame
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     stream = self.stream
     # stream.array now contains the image data in BGR order
     frame = stream.array
     self.currentFrameIdx +=1
     return Frame(frame.astype(np.float32))
Пример #5
 def read(self):
     """ Returns the next frame after updating the count
     :return: frame
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     :raises: VideoStreamFrameException when no frame can be read
     _, frame = self.stream.read()
     if frame is not None:
         self.currentFrameIdx +=1
         return Frame(frame.astype(np.float32))
         raise VideoStreamFrameException("UsbVideoStream frame not found")
Пример #6
 def read(self):
     Returns the next frame after updating the count
     :return: frame
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     :raises: EOFError when end of stream is reached
     if self.currentFrameIdx > (len(self.imgs) - 2):
         raise EOFError("End of recording reached")
     img = self.imgs[self.currentFrameIdx]
     frame = Frame(img)
     self.currentFrameIdx += 1
     return frame
Пример #7
 def _getSilhouette(self, frame):
     Get the binary mask (8bits) of the mouse 
     from the thresholded difference between frame and the background
     :param frame: The current frame to analyse
     :type frame: video_frame.Frame
     :returns: silhouette (the binary mask)
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     if self.normalise:
         frame = frame.normalise(self.bgAvgAvg)
     diff = Frame(cv2.absdiff(frame, self.bg))
     if self.bgStd is not None:
         threshold = self.bgStd * self.nSds
         silhouette = diff > threshold
         silhouette = silhouette.astype(np.uint8) * 255
         diff = diff.astype(np.uint8)
         silhouette = diff.threshold(self.threshold)
     if self.clearBorders:
     return silhouette, diff
Пример #8
 def _getSilhouette(self, frame):
     Get the binary mask (8bits) of the mouse 
     from the thresholded difference between frame and the background
     :param frame: The current frame to analyse
     :type frame: video_frame.Frame
     :returns: silhouette (the binary mask)
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     if self.normalise:
         frame = frame.normalise(self.bgAvgAvg)
     diff = Frame(cv2.absdiff(frame, self.bg))
     if self.bgStd is not None:
         threshold = self.bgStd * self.nSds
         silhouette = diff > threshold
         silhouette = silhouette.astype(np.uint8) * 255
         diff = diff.astype(np.uint8)
         silhouette = diff.threshold(self.threshold)
     if self.clearBorders:
     return silhouette, diff
Пример #9
 def read(self, idx=None):
     Returns the next frame after updating the count
     :return: frame
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     :raises: EOFError when end of stream is reached
     if idx is None:
         self.currentFrameIdx += 1
         self.currentFrameIdx = idx
     if self.currentFrameIdx > self.nFrames:
         raise EOFError("End of recording reached")
     frame = self.frames[self.currentFrameIdx]
     return Frame(frame)
Пример #10
 def read(self):
     Returns the next frame after updating the count
     :return: frame
     :rtype: video_frame.Frame
     :raises: EOFError when end of stream is reached
     self.currentFrameIdx += 1
     if self.currentFrameIdx > self.nFrames:
         raise EOFError("End of recording reached")
     gotFrame, frame = self.stream.read()
     if gotFrame:
         return Frame(frame.astype(np.float32))
         raise VideoStreamFrameException("Could not get frame at index {}".format(self.currentFrameIdx))
Пример #11
 def _buildBg(self, frame):
     Initialise the background if empty, expand otherwise.
     Will also initialise the arena roi if the option is selected
     :param frame: The video frame to use as background or part of the background.
     :type frame: video_frame.Frame
     if __debug__:
         print("Building background")
     bg = frame.denoise().blur().gray()
     if self.bg is None:
         self.bg = bg
         self.bg = Frame(np.dstack((self.bg, bg)))
     if self.extractArena:
         self.arena = self._extractArena()
Пример #12
class Tracker(object):
    A tracker object to track a mouse in a video stream
    def __init__(self,
        :param str srcFilePath: The source file path to read from (camera if None)
        :param str destFilePath: The destinatiopn file path to save the video
        :param int threshold: The numeric threshold for the masks (0<t<256)
        :param int minArea: The minimum area in pixels to be considered a valid mouse
        :param int minArea: The maximum area in pixels to be considered a valid mouse
        :param teleportationThreshold: The maximum number of pixels the mouse can \
        move in either dimesion (x,y) between 2 frames.
        :param int bgStart: The frame to use as first background frame
        :param int nBackgroundFrames: The number of frames to use for the background\
        A number >1 means average
        :param int nSds: The number of standard deviations the signal has to be above\
        to be considered above threshold. This option is not used if \
        nBackgroundFrames < 2
        :param int trackFrom: The frame to start tracking from
        :param int trackTo: The frame to stop tracking at
        :param bool clearBorders: Whether to clear objects that touch the outer borders\
        of the image.
        :param bool normalise: TODO
        :param bool plot: Whether to display the data during tracking:
        :param bool fast: Whether to skip some processing (e.g. frame denoising) for \
        the sake of acquisition speed.
        :param bool extractArena: Whether to detect the arena (it should be brighter than\
        the surrounding) from the background as an ROI.
        :param callback: The function to be executed upon finding the mouse in the ROI \
        during tracking.
        :type callback: `function`

        if callback is not None: self.callback = callback
        trackRangeParams = (bgStart, nBackgroundFrames)
        if srcFilePath is None:
            if isPi:
                self._stream = PiVideoStream(destFilePath, *trackRangeParams)
                self._stream = UsbVideoStream(destFilePath, *trackRangeParams)
            self._stream = RecordedVideoStream(srcFilePath, *trackRangeParams)

        self.threshold = threshold
        self.minArea = minArea
        self.maxArea = maxArea
        self.teleportationThreshold = teleportationThreshold

        self.trackFrom = trackFrom
        self.trackTo = trackTo

        self.clearBorders = clearBorders
        self.normalise = normalise
        self.plot = plot
        self.fast = fast
        self.extractArena = extractArena

        self.nSds = nSds
        self.bg = None
        self.bgStd = None

        self.cameraCalibration = cameraCalibration

        self.defaultPos = (-1, -1)
        self.positions = []

    def _extractArena(self):
        Finds the arena in the current background frame and
        converts it to an roi object.
        :return: arena
        :rtype: Circle
        bg = self.bg.copy()
        bg = bg.astype(np.uint8)
        mask = bg.threshold(self.threshold)
        cnt = self._getBiggestContour(mask)
        arena = Circle(*cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cnt))
        self.distancesFromArena = []
        return arena

    def _makeBottomSquare(self):
        Creates a set of diagonaly opposed points to use as the corners
        of the square displayed by the default callback method.
        bottomRightPt = self._stream.size
        topLeftPt = tuple([p - 50 for p in bottomRightPt])
        self.bottomSquare = (topLeftPt, bottomRightPt)

    def track(self, roi=None, checkFps=False, record=False, reset=True):
        | The main function.
        | Loops until the end of the recording (ctrl+c if acquiring).
        :param roi: optional roi e.g. Circle((250, 350), 25)
        :type roi: roi subclass
        :param bool checkFps: Whether to print the current frame per second processing speed
        :param bool record: Whether to save the frames being processed
        :param bool reset: whether to reset the recording (restart the background and arena ...).\
        If this parameter is False, the recording will continue from the previous frame.
        :returns: the list of positions
        :rtype: list
        self.roi = roi
        if roi is not None:

        isRecording = type(self._stream) == RecordedVideoStream
        self.bg = None  # reset for each track
        if isRecording:
            widgets = ['Tracking frames: ', Percentage(), Bar()]
            pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets,
        elif isPi:

        if checkFps: prevTime = time()
        while True:
                if checkFps: prevTime = self._checkFps(prevTime)
                frame = self._stream.read()
                if self.cameraCalibration is not None:
                    frame = self.cameraCalibration.remap(frame)
                fid = self._stream.currentFrameIdx
                if self.trackTo and (fid > self.trackTo):
                    raise KeyboardInterrupt  # stop recording

                if fid < self._stream.bgStartFrame:
                    continue  # Skip junk frames
                elif self._stream.isBgFrame():
                elif self._stream.bgEndFrame < fid < self.trackFrom:
                    continue  # Skip junk frames
                else:  # Tracked frame
                    if fid == self.trackFrom: self._finaliseBg()
                    sil = self._trackFrame(frame)
                    if sil is None:
                        continue  # Skip if no contour found
                        self.silhouette = sil.copy()
                    if self.roi is not None: self._checkMouseInRoi()
                    if self.plot: self._plot()
                    if record: self._stream._save(self.silhouette)
                if isRecording: pbar.update(self._stream.currentFrameIdx)
            except VideoStreamFrameException as e:
                print(('Error with video_stream at frame {}: \n{}'.format(
                    fid, e)))
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
                if isRecording: pbar.finish()
                msg = "Recording stopped by user" if (
                    type(e) == KeyboardInterrupt) else str(e)
                return self.positions

    def _lastPosIsDefault(self):
        lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
        if lastPos == self.defaultPos:
            return True
            return False

    def _checkMouseInRoi(self):
        Checks whether the mouse is within the specified ROI and
        calls the specified callback method if so.
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.roi.pointInRoi(self.positions[-1]):
            self.silhouette = self.silhouette.copy()

    def _getDistanceFromArenaBorder(self):
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.extractArena:
            lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
            return self.arena.distFromBorder(lastPos)

    def _getDistanceFromArenaCenter(self):
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.extractArena:
            lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
            return self.arena.distFromCenter(lastPos)

    def paint(self, frame, roiColor='y', arenaColor='m'):
        if self.roi is not None:
            roiContour = ObjectContour(self.roi.points,
        if self.extractArena:
            arenaContour = ObjectContour(self.arena.points,

    def _plot(self):
        Displays the current frame with the mouse trajectory and potentially the ROI and the
        Arena ROI if these have been specified.
        sil = self.silhouette
                    text='Frame: {}'.format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx),

    def callback(self):
        The method called when the mouse is found in the roi.
        This method is meant to be overwritten in subclasses of Tracker.
        cv2.rectangle(self.silhouette, self.bottomSquare[0],
                      self.bottomSquare[1], (0, 255, 255), -1)

    def _buildBg(self, frame):
        Initialise the background if empty, expand otherwise.
        Will also initialise the arena roi if the option is selected
        :param frame: The video frame to use as background or part of the background.
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        if __debug__:
            print("Building background")
        bg = frame.denoise().blur().gray()
        if self.bg is None:
            self.bg = bg
            self.bg = Frame(np.dstack((self.bg, bg)))
        if self.extractArena:
            self.arena = self._extractArena()

    def _finaliseBg(self):
        Finalise the background (average stack and compute SD if more than one image)
        if self.bg.ndim > 2:
            self.bgStd = np.std(self.bg, axis=2)
            self.bg = np.average(self.bg, axis=2)
        if self.normalise:
            self.bgAvgAvg = self.bg.mean()  # TODO: rename

    def _trackFrame(self, frame, requestedColor='r', requestedOutput='raw'):
        Get the position of the mouse in frame and append to self.positions
        Returns the mask of the current frame with the mouse potentially drawn
        :param frame: The video frame to use.
        :type: video_frame.Frame
        :param str requestedColor: A character (for list of supported charaters see ObjectContour) idicating the color to draw the contour
        :param str requestedOutput: Which frame type to output (one of ['raw', 'mask', 'diff'])
        :returns: silhouette
        :rtype: binary mask or None
        treatedFrame = frame.gray()
        fast = self.fast
        if not isPi and not fast:
            treatedFrame = treatedFrame.denoise().blur()
        silhouette, diff = self._getSilhouette(treatedFrame)

        biggestContour = self._getBiggestContour(silhouette)

        plotSilhouette = None
        if fast:
            requestedOutput = 'mask'
        if biggestContour is not None:
            area = cv2.contourArea(biggestContour)
            if self.minArea < area < self.maxArea:
                if self.plot:
                    if requestedOutput == 'raw':
                        plotSilhouette = (frame.color()).copy()
                        color = requestedColor
                    elif requestedOutput == 'mask':
                        plotSilhouette = silhouette.copy()
                        color = 'w'
                    elif requestedOutput == 'diff':
                        plotSilhouette = (diff.color()).copy()
                        color = requestedColor
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "Expected one of ['raw', 'mask', 'diff'] for requestedOutput, got: {}"
                    color = 'w'
                mouse = ObjectContour(biggestContour,
                if plotSilhouette is not None:
                self.positions[-1] = mouse.centre
                if area > self.maxArea:
                    if not fast:
                            'Frame: {}, found something too big in the arena ({} > {})'
                            .format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx, area,
                    if not fast:
                            ('Frame: {}, biggest structure too small ({} < {})'
                             .format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx, area,
                return None
            print(('Frame {}, no contour found'.format(
            return None
        self._checkTeleportation(frame, silhouette)
        return plotSilhouette if plotSilhouette is not None else silhouette

    def _checkFps(self, prevTime):
        Prints the number of frames per second
        using the time elapsed since prevTime.
        :param prevTime: 
        :type prevTime: time object
        :returns: The new time
        :rtype: time object
        fps = 1 / (time() - prevTime)
        print(("{} fps".format(fps)))
        return time()

    def _checkTeleportation(self, frame, silhouette):
        Check if the mouse moved too much, which would indicate an issue with the tracking
        notably the fitting in the past. If so, call self._stream.stopRecording() and raise
        :param frame: The current frame (to be saved for troubleshooting if teleportation occured)
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        :param silhouette: The binary mask of the current frame (to be saved for troubleshooting if teleportation occured)
        :type silhouette: video_frame.Frame
        :raises: EOFError if the mouse teleported
        if len(self.positions) < 2:
        lastVector = np.abs(
            np.array(self.positions[-1]) - np.array(self.positions[-2]))
        if (lastVector > self.teleportationThreshold).any():
            errMsg = 'Frame: {}, mouse teleported from {} to {}'.format(
                self._stream.currentFrameIdx, *self.positions[-2:])
            errMsg += '\nPlease see teleportingSilhouette.tif and teleportingFrame.tif for debuging'
            raise EOFError('End of recording reached')

    def _getBiggestContour(self, silhouette):
        We need to rerun if too many contours are found as it should means
        that the findContours function returned nonsense.
        :param silhouette: The binary mask in which to find the contours
        :type silhouette: video_frame.Frame
        :return: The contours and the biggest contour from the mask (None, None) if no contour found
        image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(
        )  # TODO: check if CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE better
        if contours:
            idx = np.argmax([cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours])
            return contours[idx]

    def _getSilhouette(self, frame):
        Get the binary mask (8bits) of the mouse 
        from the thresholded difference between frame and the background
        :param frame: The current frame to analyse
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        :returns: silhouette (the binary mask)
        :rtype: video_frame.Frame
        if self.normalise:
            frame = frame.normalise(self.bgAvgAvg)
        diff = Frame(cv2.absdiff(frame, self.bg))
        if self.bgStd is not None:
            threshold = self.bgStd * self.nSds
            silhouette = diff > threshold
            silhouette = silhouette.astype(np.uint8) * 255
            diff = diff.astype(np.uint8)
            silhouette = diff.threshold(self.threshold)
        if self.clearBorders:
        return silhouette, diff
Пример #13
class Tracker(object):
    A tracker object to track a mouse in a video stream
    def __init__(self, srcFilePath=None, destFilePath=None, 
                threshold=20, minArea=100, maxArea=5000,
                bgStart=0, trackFrom=1, trackTo=None,
                nBackgroundFrames=1, nSds=5.0,
                clearBorders=False, normalise=False,
                plot=False, fast=False, extractArena=False,
        :param str srcFilePath: The source file path to read from (camera if None)
        :param str destFilePath: The destinatiopn file path to save the video
        :param int threshold: The numeric threshold for the masks (0<t<256)
        :param int minArea: The minimum area in pixels to be considered a valid mouse
        :param int minArea: The maximum area in pixels to be considered a valid mouse
        :param teleportationThreshold: The maximum number of pixels the mouse can \
        move in either dimesion (x,y) between 2 frames.
        :param int bgStart: The frame to use as first background frame
        :param int nBackgroundFrames: The number of frames to use for the background\
        A number >1 means average
        :param int nSds: The number of standard deviations the signal has to be above\
        to be considered above threshold. This option is not used if \
        nBackgroundFrames < 2
        :param int trackFrom: The frame to start tracking from
        :param int trackTo: The frame to stop tracking at
        :param bool clearBorders: Whether to clear objects that touch the outer borders\
        of the image.
        :param bool normalise: TODO
        :param bool plot: Whether to display the data during tracking:
        :param bool fast: Whether to skip some processing (e.g. frame denoising) for \
        the sake of acquisition speed.
        :param bool extractArena: Whether to detect the arena (it should be brighter than\
        the surrounding) from the background as an ROI.
        :param callback: The function to be executed upon finding the mouse in the ROI \
        during tracking.
        :type callback: `function`

        if callback is not None: self.callback = callback
        trackRangeParams = (bgStart, nBackgroundFrames)
        if srcFilePath is None:
            if isPi:
                self._stream = PiVideoStream(destFilePath, *trackRangeParams)
                self._stream = UsbVideoStream(destFilePath, *trackRangeParams)
            self._stream = RecordedVideoStream(srcFilePath, *trackRangeParams)
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.minArea = minArea
        self.maxArea = maxArea
        self.teleportationThreshold = teleportationThreshold
        self.trackFrom = trackFrom
        self.trackTo = trackTo
        self.clearBorders = clearBorders
        self.normalise = normalise
        self.plot = plot
        self.fast = fast
        self.extractArena = extractArena
        self.nSds = nSds
        self.bg = None
        self.bgStd = None
        self.cameraCalibration = cameraCalibration
        self.defaultPos = (-1, -1)
        self.positions = []
    def _extractArena(self):
        Finds the arena in the current background frame and
        converts it to an roi object.
        :return: arena
        :rtype: Circle
        bg = self.bg.copy()
        bg = bg.astype(np.uint8)
        mask = bg.threshold(self.threshold)
        cnt = self._getBiggestContour(mask)
        arena = Circle(*cv2.minEnclosingCircle(cnt))
        self.distancesFromArena = []
        return arena
    def _makeBottomSquare(self):
        Creates a set of diagonaly opposed points to use as the corners
        of the square displayed by the default callback method.
        bottomRightPt = self._stream.size
        topLeftPt = tuple([p-50 for p in bottomRightPt])
        self.bottomSquare = (topLeftPt, bottomRightPt)
    def track(self, roi=None, checkFps=False, record=False, reset=True):
        | The main function.
        | Loops until the end of the recording (ctrl+c if acquiring).
        :param roi: optional roi e.g. Circle((250, 350), 25)
        :type roi: roi subclass
        :param bool checkFps: Whether to print the current frame per second processing speed
        :param bool record: Whether to save the frames being processed
        :param bool reset: whether to reset the recording (restart the background and arena ...).\
        If this parameter is False, the recording will continue from the previous frame.
        :returns: the list of positions
        :rtype: list
        self.roi = roi
        if roi is not None:
        isRecording = type(self._stream) == RecordedVideoStream
        self.bg = None # reset for each track
        if isRecording:
            widgets=['Tracking frames: ', Percentage(), Bar()]
            pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=self._stream.nFrames).start()
        elif isPi:

        if checkFps: prevTime = time()
        while True:
                if checkFps: prevTime = self._checkFps(prevTime)
                frame = self._stream.read()
                if self.cameraCalibration is not None:
                    frame = self.cameraCalibration.remap(frame)
                fid = self._stream.currentFrameIdx
                if self.trackTo and (fid > self.trackTo):
                    raise KeyboardInterrupt # stop recording
                if fid < self._stream.bgStartFrame:
                    continue # Skip junk frames
                elif self._stream.isBgFrame():
                elif self._stream.bgEndFrame < fid < self.trackFrom:
                    continue # Skip junk frames
                else: # Tracked frame
                    if fid == self.trackFrom: self._finaliseBg()
                    sil = self._trackFrame(frame)
                    if sil is None:
                        continue # Skip if no contour found
                        self.silhouette = sil.copy()
                    if self.roi is not None: self._checkMouseInRoi()
                    if self.plot: self._plot()
                    if record: self._stream._save(self.silhouette)
                if isRecording: pbar.update(self._stream.currentFrameIdx)
            except VideoStreamFrameException as e:
                print('Error with video_stream at frame {}: \n{}'.format(fid, e))
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
                if isRecording: pbar.finish()
                msg = "Recording stopped by user" if (type(e) == KeyboardInterrupt) else str(e)
                return self.positions
    def _lastPosIsDefault(self):
        lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
        if lastPos == self.defaultPos:
            return True
            return False

    def _checkMouseInRoi(self):
        Checks whether the mouse is within the specified ROI and
        calls the specified callback method if so.
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.roi.pointInRoi(self.positions[-1]):
            self.silhouette = self.silhouette.copy()
    def _getDistanceFromArenaBorder(self):
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.extractArena:
            lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
            return self.arena.distFromBorder(lastPos)
    def _getDistanceFromArenaCenter(self):
        if self._lastPosIsDefault():
        if self.extractArena:
            lastPos = tuple(self.positions[-1])
            return self.arena.distFromCenter(lastPos)
    def paint(self, frame, roiColor='y', arenaColor='m'):
        if self.roi is not None:
            roiContour = ObjectContour(self.roi.points, frame, contourType='raw', color=roiColor, lineThickness=2)
        if self.extractArena:
            arenaContour = ObjectContour(self.arena.points, frame, contourType='raw', color=arenaColor, lineThickness=2)

    def _plot(self):
        Displays the current frame with the mouse trajectory and potentially the ROI and the
        Arena ROI if these have been specified.
        sil = self.silhouette
        sil.display(winName='Diff', text='Frame: {}'.format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx), curve=self.positions)

    def callback(self):
        The method called when the mouse is found in the roi.
        This method is meant to be overwritten in subclasses of Tracker.
        cv2.rectangle(self.silhouette, self.bottomSquare[0], self.bottomSquare[1], (0, 255, 255), -1)

    def _buildBg(self, frame):
        Initialise the background if empty, expand otherwise.
        Will also initialise the arena roi if the option is selected
        :param frame: The video frame to use as background or part of the background.
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        if __debug__:
            print("Building background")
        bg = frame.denoise().blur().gray()
        if self.bg is None:
            self.bg = bg
            self.bg = Frame(np.dstack((self.bg, bg)))
        if self.extractArena:
            self.arena = self._extractArena()
    def _finaliseBg(self):
        Finalise the background (average stack and compute SD if more than one image)
        if self.bg.ndim > 2:
            self.bgStd = np.std(self.bg, axis=2)
            self.bg = np.average(self.bg, axis=2)
        if self.normalise:
            self.bgAvgAvg = self.bg.mean()# TODO: rename
    def _trackFrame(self, frame, requestedColor='r', requestedOutput='raw'):
        Get the position of the mouse in frame and append to self.positions
        Returns the mask of the current frame with the mouse potentially drawn
        :param frame: The video frame to use.
        :type: video_frame.Frame
        :param str requestedColor: A character (for list of supported charaters see ObjectContour) idicating the color to draw the contour
        :param str requestedOutput: Which frame type to output (one of ['raw', 'mask', 'diff'])
        :returns: silhouette
        :rtype: binary mask or None
        treatedFrame = frame.gray()
        fast = self.fast
        if not isPi and not fast:
            treatedFrame = treatedFrame.denoise().blur()
        silhouette, diff = self._getSilhouette(treatedFrame)
        biggestContour = self._getBiggestContour(silhouette)
        plotSilhouette = None
        if fast:
            requestedOutput = 'mask'
        if biggestContour is not None:
            area = cv2.contourArea(biggestContour)
            if self.minArea < area < self.maxArea:
                if self.plot:
                    if requestedOutput == 'raw':
                        plotSilhouette = (frame.color()).copy()
                        color = requestedColor
                    elif requestedOutput == 'mask':
                        plotSilhouette = silhouette.copy()
                        color = 'w'
                    elif requestedOutput == 'diff':
                        plotSilhouette = (diff.color()).copy()
                        color = requestedColor
                        raise NotImplementedError("Expected one of ['raw', 'mask', 'diff'] for requestedOutput, got: {}".format(requestedOutput))
                    color = 'w'
                mouse = ObjectContour(biggestContour, plotSilhouette, contourType='raw', color=color)
                if plotSilhouette is not None:
                self.positions[-1] = mouse.centre
                if area > self.maxArea:
                    if not fast:
                        print('Frame: {}, found something too big in the arena ({} > {})'.format(
                        self._stream.currentFrameIdx, area, self.maxArea))
                    if not fast:
                        print('Frame: {}, biggest structure too small ({} < {})'.format(
                        self._stream.currentFrameIdx, area, self.minArea))
                return None
            print('Frame {}, no contour found'.format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx))
            return None
        self._checkTeleportation(frame, silhouette)
        return plotSilhouette if plotSilhouette is not None else silhouette
    def _checkFps(self, prevTime):
        Prints the number of frames per second
        using the time elapsed since prevTime.
        :param prevTime: 
        :type prevTime: time object
        :returns: The new time
        :rtype: time object
        fps = 1/(time()-prevTime)
        print("{} fps".format(fps))
        return time()
    def _checkTeleportation(self, frame, silhouette):
        Check if the mouse moved too much, which would indicate an issue with the tracking
        notably the fitting in the past. If so, call self._stream.stopRecording() and raise
        :param frame: The current frame (to be saved for troubleshooting if teleportation occured)
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        :param silhouette: The binary mask of the current frame (to be saved for troubleshooting if teleportation occured)
        :type silhouette: video_frame.Frame
        :raises: EOFError if the mouse teleported
        if len(self.positions) < 2:
        lastVector = np.abs(np.array(self.positions[-1]) - np.array(self.positions[-2]))
        if (lastVector > self.teleportationThreshold).any():
            errMsg = 'Frame: {}, mouse teleported from {} to {}'.format(self._stream.currentFrameIdx, *self.positions[-2:])
            errMsg += '\nPlease see teleportingSilhouette.tif and teleportingFrame.tif for debuging'
            raise EOFError('End of recording reached')
    def _getBiggestContour(self, silhouette):
        We need to rerun if too many contours are found as it should means
        that the findContours function returned nonsense.
        :param silhouette: The binary mask in which to find the contours
        :type silhouette: video_frame.Frame
        :return: The contours and the biggest contour from the mask (None, None) if no contour found
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(np.copy(silhouette),
                                                method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # TODO: check if CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE better
        if contours:
            idx = np.argmax([cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours])
            return contours[idx]
    def _getSilhouette(self, frame):
        Get the binary mask (8bits) of the mouse 
        from the thresholded difference between frame and the background
        :param frame: The current frame to analyse
        :type frame: video_frame.Frame
        :returns: silhouette (the binary mask)
        :rtype: video_frame.Frame
        if self.normalise:
            frame = frame.normalise(self.bgAvgAvg)
        diff = Frame(cv2.absdiff(frame, self.bg))
        if self.bgStd is not None:
            threshold = self.bgStd * self.nSds
            silhouette = diff > threshold
            silhouette = silhouette.astype(np.uint8) * 255
            diff = diff.astype(np.uint8)
            silhouette = diff.threshold(self.threshold)
        if self.clearBorders:
        return silhouette, diff