def _create_widgets(self): self.titulo_label = label(self, "Titulo", 148, 30, 60, 25) self.titulo_line = lineEdit(self, 192, 30, 440, 25) self.pergunta_label = label(self, "Pergunta", 102, 90, 65, 25) self.resposta_label = label(self, "Resposta", 407, 90, 65, 25) self.pergunta_texto = textEdit(self, 97, 115, 300, 240) self.resposta_texto = textEdit(self, 402, 115, 300, 240) self.adicionar_botao = button(self, "Adicionar", 97, 355, 605, 50) self.flashcards_label = label(self, "Flashcards", 100, 440, 60, 25) self.flashcards_box = comboBox(tela=self, duplicates=False, maxCount=40, x=165, y=440, largura=350, altura=25) self.deletar_botao = button(self, "Deletar", 520, 430, 177, 40) self.definir_datas_botao = button(self, "Definir datas", 97, 510, 302, 50) self.cancelar_botao = button(self, "Cancelar", 400, 510, 302, 50)
def _createWidgets(self): self.qtd_ciclos_label = label( self, "Quantos ciclos (repetições dos flashcards)?", 0, 30, 400, 30) self.qtd_ciclos_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.qtd_ciclos_spinbox = spinBox(self, 145, 60, 110, 20) self.modo_do_ciclo_groupbox = groupBox(self, "Modo do ciclo", 10, 120, 380, 80) self.revisar_botao = button(self, "Revisar", 80, 230, 100, 30) self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 220, 230, 100, 30) self.ordenar_flashcards_radiobutton = QRadioButton( "Ordenar flashcards com base nos acertos e erros") self.ordenar_flashcards_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.retirar_flashcard_radiobutton = QRadioButton( "Retirar flashcard ao acertar") vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(self.ordenar_flashcards_radiobutton) vlayout.addWidget(self.retirar_flashcard_radiobutton) self.modo_do_ciclo_groupbox.setLayout(vlayout)
def _createWidgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.atividades = label(self, "", 160, 110, 300, 20) self.atividades.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.atividades_listwidget = listWidget(self, 160, 135, 300, 250)
def _create_widgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.revisoes_atrasadas_label = label(self, "Revisões atrasadas", 100, 158, 160, 50) self.revisoes_do_dia_label = label(self, "Revisões do dia", 405, 158, 140, 50) self.revisoes_atrasadas_lista = listWidget(self, 95, 200, 300, 240) self.revisoes_do_dia_lista = listWidget(self, 400, 200, 300, 240) self.revisar_atrasado_botao = button(self, "Revisar atrasado", 95, 440, 300, 41) self.revisar_atual_botao = button(self, "Revisar do dia", 400, 440, 300, 41)
def _create_widgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.data_label = label(self, "", 115, 80, 193, 30) self.data_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.dia_label = label(self, "", 303, 80, 193, 30) self.dia_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.porcentagem_barra_progresso = progressBar(self, 500, 80, 193, 25) self.tabela_editar = table(self, 110, 110, 580, 400) #Table will fit the screen horizontally self.tabela_editar.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.tabela_editar.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.tabela_editar.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(275) self.tabela_editar.setColumnCount(2) self.salvar_botao = button(self, "Salvar", 110, 510, 580, 50)
def _create_widgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.flashcards_label = label(self, "Flashcards", 350, 80, 100, 30) self.flashcards_lista = listWidget(self, 110, 110, 580, 400) self.editar_botao = button(self, "Editar", 110, 510, 290, 51) self.deletar_botao = button(self, "Deletar", 400, 510, 290, 51)
def _create_widgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.historico_label = label(self, "Histórico", 350, 80, 100, 30) self.tabela_historico = table(self, 110, 110, 580, 400) #Table will fit the screen horizontally self.tabela_historico.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.tabela_historico.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.tabela_historico.horizontalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(275) self.tabela_historico.setColumnCount(2) self.editar_botao = button(self, "Editar", 110, 510, 580, 50)
def _createWidgets(self): self.ciclo_label = label(self, "Ciclo:", 635, 20, 90, 40) self.ciclo_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.ciclo_line = lineEdit(self, 700, 25, 60, 30) self.ciclo_line.setEnabled(False) self.ciclo_line.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.pergunta_ou_resposta = label(self, "Pergunta", 350, 65, 100, 30) self.pergunta_ou_resposta.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.anterior_botao = button(self, "<", 100, 280, 40, 40) self.proximo_botao = button(self, ">", 660, 280, 40, 40) self.acertei_botao = button(self, "Acertei", 150, 450, 250, 50) self.errei_botao = button(self, "Errei", 400, 450, 250, 50) self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.salvar_botao = button(self, "Salvar", 150, 510, 500, 50) self.texto = textEdit(self, 150, 100, 500, 350)
def _createWidgets(self): self.voltar_botao = button(self, "Voltar", 20, 20, 90, 40) self.dia_atividades = label(self, "Dia:", 160, 80, 50, 20) self.dias_box = comboBox(tela=self, duplicates=False, maxCount=7, x=195, y=80, largura=265, altura=25) self.remover_botao = button(self, "Remover", 160, 327, 300, 35) self.adicionar_botao = button(self, "Adicionar", 160, 422, 300, 30) self.atividades_listwidget = listWidget(self, 160, 135, 300, 192) self.atividade_line = lineEdit(self, 160, 392, 300, 30)