def _Merge(self): """Orchestrates the merge operation.""" # Acquire op-lock for source user (should already have op-lock for target user). op_lock = yield gen.Task(Lock.Acquire, self._client, LockResourceType.Operation, str(self._source_user_id), owner_id=self._op.operation_id) try: # If checkpoint exists, may skip past viewpoint merge phase. state = self._op.checkpoint['state'] if self._op.checkpoint else 'vp' if state == 'vp': # Make target user a follower of all source user's viewpoints. yield self._MergeViewpoints() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) self._op.checkpoint = None else: assert state == 'id', state # Re-bind identities of the source user to the target user. yield self._MergeIdentities() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) # Terminate the source user. yield gen.Task(User.TerminateAccountOperation, self._client, user_id=self._source_user_id, merged_with=self._target_user_id) yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) finally: yield gen.Task(op_lock.Release, self._client)
def _AddOpMethod2(client, callback): """Create operation with lower op id.""" op_dict = self._CreateTestOpDict(user_id=1, handler=_AddOpMethod3) op_dict['operation_id'] = Operation.ConstructOperationId(1, 5) Operation.CreateFromKeywords(**op_dict).Update(client, callback) # Explicitly call Execute for this op, since otherwise the UserOpManager won't "see" it, because # it has an op-id that is lower than the currently executing op-id. user_op_mgr.Execute(op_dict['operation_id'])
def _AddOpMethod3(client, callback): """Create operation with lower op id.""" with util.Barrier(callback) as b: op_dict = self._CreateTestOpDict(user_id=1, handler=self._OpMethod) op_dict['operation_id'] = Operation.ConstructOperationId(1, 1) Operation.CreateFromKeywords(**op_dict).Update(client, b.Callback()) # Try to acquire lock, which has side effect of incrementing "acquire_failures" and triggering requery. Lock.TryAcquire(self._client, LockResourceType.Operation, '1', b.Callback())
def _CreateTestOp(self, user_id, handler, **kwargs): Operation.ConstructOperationId(1, self._id) self._id += 1 op_dict = self._CreateTestOpDict(user_id, handler, **kwargs) op = Operation.CreateFromKeywords(**op_dict) op.Update(self._client, self.stop) self.wait() return op
def testOperationReplay(self): """Verify that multiple applies for the same operation ID only increment the stats once.""" act = Accounting.CreateViewpointOwnedBy('vp1', 1) act.num_photos = 1 # Manually set the current operation. op = Operation(1, 'o1') with EnterOpContext(op): # First write for this entry. self._RunAsync(Accounting.ApplyAccounting, self._client, act) accounting = self._RunAsync(Accounting.Query, self._client, act.hash_key, act.sort_key, None) assert accounting.StatsEqual(act) ids = accounting.op_ids.split(',') assert len(ids) == 1, 'len(op_ids) == %d' % len(ids) assert op.operation_id in ids assert accounting.num_photos == 1, 'num_photos: %d' % accounting.num_photos # Apply the same operation. self._RunAsync(Accounting.ApplyAccounting, self._client, act) accounting = self._RunAsync(Accounting.Query, self._client, act.hash_key, act.sort_key, None) assert accounting.StatsEqual(act) ids = accounting.op_ids.split(',') assert len(ids) == 1, 'len(op_ids) == %d' % len(ids) assert op.operation_id in ids assert accounting.num_photos == 1, 'num_photos: %d' % accounting.num_photos # New operation. op = Operation(1, 'o2') with EnterOpContext(op): self._RunAsync(Accounting.ApplyAccounting, self._client, act) accounting = self._RunAsync(Accounting.Query, self._client, act.hash_key, act.sort_key, None) ids = accounting.op_ids.split(',') assert len(ids) == 2, 'len(op_ids) == %d' % len(ids) assert op.operation_id in ids assert accounting.num_photos == 2, 'num_photos: %d' % accounting.num_photos # Simulate a "repair missing accounting entry" by dbchk. This means that the stats will be there, # but the op_ids field will be None. accounting.op_ids = None self._RunAsync(accounting.Update, self._client) # New operation. op = Operation(1, 'o3') with EnterOpContext(op): self._RunAsync(Accounting.ApplyAccounting, self._client, act) accounting = self._RunAsync(Accounting.Query, self._client, act.hash_key, act.sort_key, None) ids = accounting.op_ids.split(',') # op_ids is back to a size of 1. assert len(ids) == 1, 'len(op_ids) == %d' % len(ids) assert op.operation_id in ids assert accounting.num_photos == 3, 'num_photos: %d' % accounting.num_photos self.stop()
def testCreateAndUpdate(self): """Creates a episode with id pre-allocated on mobile device. Then updates the episode.""" with EnterOpContext(Operation(1, 'o1')): timestamp = time.time() episode_id = Episode.ConstructEpisodeId(timestamp, self._mobile_dev.device_id, 15) ep_dict = { 'user_id': self._user.user_id, 'episode_id': episode_id, 'viewpoint_id': self._user.private_vp_id, 'timestamp': time.time(), 'publish_timestamp': time.time(), 'description': 'yada yada this is a episode', 'title': 'Episode #1' } episode = self._RunAsync(Episode.CreateNew, self._client, **ep_dict) episode._version = None self.assertEqual(ep_dict, episode._asdict()) update_dict = { 'episode_id': episode.episode_id, 'user_id': episode.user_id, 'description': 'updated description', 'title': 'Episode #1a' } self._RunAsync(episode.UpdateExisting, self._client, **update_dict) episode._version = None ep_dict.update(update_dict) self.assertEqual(ep_dict, episode._asdict())
def _ResolveContacts(self, contact_dicts, contact_ids, reason=None): """Creates a prospective user account for any contacts that are not yet Viewfinder users. The "contact_ids" list should have been previously obtained by the caller via a call to _ResolveContactIds, and items in it must correspond to "contact_dicts". If specified, the "reason" string is passed to the CreateProspective op. This describes what caused the user to be created (see db/ for payload details). """ for contact_dict, (user_exists, user_id, webapp_dev_id) in zip(contact_dicts, contact_ids): if not user_exists: # Check if previous invocation of this operation already created the user. user = yield gen.Task(User.Query, self._client, user_id, None, must_exist=False) if user is None: # Create prospective user. request = { 'user_id': user_id, 'webapp_dev_id': webapp_dev_id, 'identity_key': contact_dict['identity'], 'reason': reason } yield Operation.CreateNested( self._client, 'CreateProspectiveOperation.Execute', request)
def AcquireLock(cls, client, viewpoint_id, callback): """Acquires a persistent global lock on the specified viewpoint.""" op = Operation.GetCurrent() lock = yield gen.Task(Lock.Acquire, client, LockResourceType.Viewpoint, viewpoint_id, op.operation_id) ViewpointLockTracker.AddViewpointId(viewpoint_id) callback(lock)
def _CreateProspective(self): """Create the prospective user and identity.""" self._new_user, _ = yield User.CreateProspective(self._client, self._new_user_id, self._webapp_dev_id, self._identity_key, self._op.timestamp) # If system user is defined, then create the welcome conversation. # For now, add a check to ensure the welcome conversation is not created in production. if system_users.NARRATOR_USER is not None: # Checkpoint the allocated asset id range used to create the welcome conversation. if self._op.checkpoint is None: # NOTE: Asset ids are allocated from the new user's ids. This is different than the # usual practice of allocating from the sharer's ids. self._unique_id_start = yield gen.Task(User.AllocateAssetIds, self._client, self._new_user_id, CreateProspectiveOperation._ASSET_ID_COUNT) checkpoint = {'id': self._unique_id_start} yield self._op.SetCheckpoint(self._client, checkpoint) else: self._unique_id_start = self._op.checkpoint['id'] yield self._CreateWelcomeConversation() # Add an analytics entry for this user. analytics = Analytics.Create(entity='us:%d' % self._new_user_id, type=Analytics.USER_CREATE_PROSPECTIVE, timestamp=self._op.timestamp, payload=self._reason) yield gen.Task(analytics.Update, self._client) yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client)
def _InsertDeleteContact(contact_to_insert, contact_to_delete): """Insert followed by delete (after insert is complete).""" if contact_to_insert is not None: yield gen.Task(contact_to_insert.Update, self._client) yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) if contact_to_delete is not None: yield gen.Task(contact_to_delete.Delete, self._client)
def TerminateAccountOperation(cls, client, user_id, merged_with=None): """Invokes User.TerminateAccount via operation execution.""" @gen.coroutine def _VisitIdentity(identity_key): """Unlink this identity from the user.""" yield Identity.UnlinkIdentityOperation(client, user_id, identity_key.hash_key) # Turn off alerts to all devices owned by the user. yield gen.Task(Device.MuteAlerts, client, user_id) # Unlink every identity attached to the user. query_expr = ('identity.user_id={id}', {'id': user_id}) yield gen.Task(Identity.VisitIndexKeys, client, query_expr, _VisitIdentity) # Add an analytics entry for this user. timestamp = Operation.GetCurrent().timestamp payload = 'terminate' if merged_with is None else 'merge=%s' % merged_with analytics = Analytics.Create(entity='us:%d' % user_id, type=Analytics.USER_TERMINATE, timestamp=timestamp, payload=payload) yield gen.Task(analytics.Update, client) # Terminate the user account. yield gen.Task(User.TerminateAccount, client, user_id, merged_with=merged_with) # Notify all friends that this user account has been terminated. yield NotificationManager.NotifyTerminateAccount(client, user_id)
def _UpdateEpisode(self): """Orchestrates the update_episode operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" # Get the viewpoint_id from the episode (which must exist). self._episode = yield gen.Task(Episode.Query, self._client, self._episode_id, None, must_exist=False) if not self._episode: raise InvalidRequestError( 'Episode "%s" does not exist and so cannot be updated.' % self._episode_id) self._viewpoint_id = self._episode.viewpoint_id lock = yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.AcquireLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id) try: yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() yield self._Account() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify() finally: yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.ReleaseLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id, lock)
def _CreateBadOperation(self, user_id, device_id, callback): """Creates a photo share for a photo which doesn't exist.""" request = { 'user_id': user_id, 'activity': { 'activity_id': 'a123', 'timestamp': time.time() }, 'viewpoint': { 'viewpoint_id': Viewpoint.ConstructViewpointId(100, 100), 'type': Viewpoint.EVENT }, 'episodes': [{ 'existing_episode_id': 'eg8QVrk3S', 'new_episode_id': 'eg8QVrk3T', 'timestamp': time.time(), 'photo_ids': ['pg8QVrk3S'] }], 'contacts': [{ 'identity': 'Local:testing1', 'name': 'Peter Mattis' }] } Operation.CreateAndExecute(self._client, user_id, device_id, 'ShareNewOperation.Execute', request, callback)
def _RemoveContacts(self): """Orchestrates the remove contacts operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() # No accounting for this operation. yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify()
def _FetchContactsOp(self): """Orchestrates the fetch contacts operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() if self._do_fetch_and_update: yield self._Update() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify()
def _ReplaceRemovedContact(contact_dict_to_insert, removed_contact_to_delete): contact_to_insert = Contact.CreateFromKeywords( **contact_dict_to_insert) yield gen.Task(contact_to_insert.Update, self._client) if removed_contact_to_delete is not None: yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield gen.Task(removed_contact_to_delete.Delete, self._client)
def UpdateOperation(cls, client, callback, user_dict, settings_dict): """Invokes User.Update via operation execution.""" yield gen.Task(User.UpdateWithSettings, client, user_dict, settings_dict) timestamp = Operation.GetCurrent().timestamp yield NotificationManager.NotifyUpdateUser(client, user_dict, settings_dict, timestamp) callback()
def _OnSecondUploadOp(orig_op, op): """Wait for the second operation and on completion, query the original operation which is still failing. It should have a retry. """ Operation.WaitForOp( self._client, op.user_id, op.operation_id, partial(Operation.Query, self._client, orig_op.user_id, orig_op.operation_id, None, _OnQueryOrigOp))
def MigrateForward(self, client, message, callback): from viewfinder.backend.db.operation import Operation def _OnAllocateId(id): message.dict['headers']['op_id'] = id message.dict['headers']['op_timestamp'] = time.time() callback() Operation.AllocateSystemOperationId(client, _OnAllocateId)
def testDuplicateOperations(self): """Verify that inserting duplicate operations is a no-op.""" op_id = Operation.ConstructOperationId(self._mobile_dev.device_id, 100) with util.Barrier(self.stop) as b: for i in xrange(10): Operation.CreateAndExecute( self._client, self._user.user_id, self._mobile_dev.device_id, 'HidePhotosOperation.Execute', { 'headers': { 'op_id': op_id, 'op_timestamp': time.time(), 'synchronous': True }, 'user_id': self._user.user_id, 'episodes': [] }, b.Callback())
def _RemoveContact(contact_to_remove): """Insert a 'removed' contact with the same contact_id as the one being removed and then delete the actual contact that's being removed.""" removed_contact = Contact.CreateRemovedContact( contact_to_remove.user_id, contact_to_remove.contact_id, self._notify_timestamp) yield gen.Task(removed_contact.Update, self._client) yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield gen.Task(contact_to_remove.Delete, self._client)
def UnlinkIdentityOperation(cls, client, user_id, identity): """Unlinks the specified identity from any associated viewfinder user.""" # All contacts created during UnlinkIdentity are based on the current operation's timestamp. timestamp = Operation.GetCurrent().timestamp yield Identity.UnlinkIdentity(client, user_id, identity, timestamp) # Notify clients of any contacts that have been updated. yield NotificationManager.NotifyUnlinkIdentity(client, user_id, identity, timestamp)
def _InnerMethod(client, arg1, arg2): self._method_count += 1 self.assertEqual(arg1, 1) self.assertEqual(arg2, 'hello') self.assertEqual(self._method_count, 2) # Assert that nested operation is derived from parent op. inner_op = Operation.GetCurrent() self.assertEqual(inner_op.user_id, outer_op.user_id) self.assertEqual(inner_op.timestamp, outer_op.timestamp) self.assertEqual(inner_op.operation_id, '+%s' % outer_op.operation_id)
def _GetInstance(cls): """Ensures that a viewpoint lock tracker has been created and attached to the current operation. """ op = Operation.GetCurrent() lock_tracker = op.context.get('viewpoint_lock_tracker') if lock_tracker is None: lock_tracker = ViewpointLockTracker() op.context['viewpoint_lock_tracker'] = lock_tracker return lock_tracker
def _PostComment(self): """Orchestrates the post_comment operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" lock = yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.AcquireLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id) try: if not (yield self._Check()): return self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() yield self._Account() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify() finally: yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.ReleaseLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id, lock)
def _UpdateFollower(self): """Orchestrates the update follower operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" lock = yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.AcquireLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id) try: yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify() finally: yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.ReleaseLock, self._client, self._viewpoint_id, lock)
def _CreateTestOpDict(self, user_id, handler, **kwargs): op_id = Operation.ConstructOperationId(1, self._id) self._id += 1 op_dict = {'user_id': user_id, 'operation_id': op_id, 'device_id': 1, 'method': handler.__name__, 'json': json.dumps(kwargs, indent=True), 'timestamp': time.time(), 'attempts': 0} return op_dict
def _UploadEpisode(self): """Orchestrates the upload_episode operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" # Lock the viewpoint while sharing into it. lock = yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.AcquireLock, self._client, self._user.private_vp_id) try: yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() yield self._Account() yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify() finally: yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.ReleaseLock, self._client, self._user.private_vp_id, lock)
def _CreateBlockedOperation(self, user_id, device_id, callback): """Creates a photo share after locking the viewpoint so that the operation will fail and get retried.""" photo_id = Photo.ConstructPhotoId(time.time(), device_id, 123) self._RunAsync(self._UploadPhotoOperation, user_id, device_id, 1, photo_id=photo_id) self._RunAsync(Lock.Acquire, self._client, LockResourceType.Viewpoint, 'vp123', Operation.ConstructOperationId(device_id, 123)) request = { 'user_id': user_id, 'activity': { 'activity_id': 'a123', 'timestamp': time.time() }, 'viewpoint': { 'viewpoint_id': 'vp123', 'type': Viewpoint.EVENT }, 'episodes': [{ 'existing_episode_id': 'eg8QVrk3S', 'new_episode_id': 'eg8QVrk3T', 'timestamp': time.time(), 'photo_ids': [photo_id] }], 'contacts': [{ 'identity': 'Local:testing1', 'name': 'Peter Mattis' }] } Operation.CreateAndExecute(self._client, user_id, device_id, 'ShareNewOperation.Execute', request, callback)
def _HidePhotos(self): """Orchestrates the hide photos operation by executing each of the phases in turn.""" lock = yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.AcquireLock, self._client, self._user.private_vp_id) try: yield self._Check() self._client.CheckDBNotModified() yield self._Update() # No accounting changes for hide_photos. yield Operation.TriggerFailpoint(self._client) yield self._Notify() finally: yield gen.Task(Viewpoint.ReleaseLock, self._client, self._user.private_vp_id, lock)