Пример #1
def get_degree_matrix(request, mf_id):
    if request.is_ajax():
        mfe = MultiFileExperiment.objects.get(id=mf_id)
        if not mfe.degree_matrix:
            links = MultiLink.objects.filter(
            individuals = [l.experiment for l in links]
            deg_vals = []

            for individual in individuals:

                doc_m2m_threshold = get_option('doc_m2m_threshold',
                if doc_m2m_threshold:
                    doc_m2m_threshold = float(doc_m2m_threshold)
                    doc_m2m_threshold = 0.0
                default_score = get_option('default_doc_m2m_score',
                if not default_score:
                    default_score = 'probability'

                new_row = []
                motif_set = individual.mass2motif_set.all().order_by('name')
                for motif in motif_set:
                    motif_name = motif.name
                    m2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name,
                    docs = get_docm2m(m2m)

                    # Following modified to make the degrees here consistent with the plots

                    # dm2m = motif.documentmass2motif_set.all()
                    # if default_score == 'probability':
                    #     new_row.append(len([d for d in dm2m if d.probability > doc_m2m_threshold]))
                    # else:
                    #     new_row.append(len([d for d in dm2m if d.overlap_score > doc_m2m_threshold]))



            deg_vals = map(list, zip(*deg_vals))
            deg_vals = [[motif_set[i].name, motif_set[i].annotation] + dv
                        for i, dv in enumerate(deg_vals)]

            data = json.dumps(deg_vals)
            mfe.degree_matrix = jsonpickle.encode(deg_vals)
            deg_vals = jsonpickle.decode(mfe.degree_matrix)
            data = json.dumps(deg_vals)
        return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
        raise Http404
Пример #2
def get_degrees(request, mf_id, motif_name):
    mfe = MultiFileExperiment.objects.get(id=mf_id)
    links = MultiLink.objects.filter(multifileexperiment=mfe).order_by('experiment__name')
    individuals = [l.experiment for l in links]
    degs = []
    for individual in individuals:
        m2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name, experiment=individual)
        docs = get_docm2m(m2m)

    degs = zip([i.name for i in individuals], degs)
    json_degs = json.dumps(degs)
    return HttpResponse(json_degs, content_type='application/json')
Пример #3
def get_degree_matrix(request, mf_id):
    if request.is_ajax():
        mfe = MultiFileExperiment.objects.get(id=mf_id)
        if not mfe.degree_matrix:
            links = MultiLink.objects.filter(multifileexperiment=mfe).order_by('experiment__name')
            individuals = [l.experiment for l in links]
            deg_vals = []

            for individual in individuals:

                # doc_m2m_threshold = get_option('doc_m2m_threshold', experiment=individual)
                # if doc_m2m_threshold:
                #     doc_m2m_threshold = float(doc_m2m_threshold)
                # else:
                #     doc_m2m_threshold = 0.0
                # default_score = get_option('default_doc_m2m_score', experiment=individual)
                # if not default_score:
                #     default_score = 'probability'

                new_row = []
                motif_set = individual.mass2motif_set.all().order_by('name')
                for motif in motif_set:
                    motif_name = motif.name
                    m2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name, experiment=individual)
                    docs = get_docm2m(m2m)

                    # Following modified to make the degrees here consistent with the plots
                    # dm2m = motif.documentmass2motif_set.all()
                    # if default_score == 'probability':
                    #     new_row.append(len([d for d in dm2m if d.probability > doc_m2m_threshold]))
                    # else:
                    #     new_row.append(len([d for d in dm2m if d.overlap_score > doc_m2m_threshold]))



            deg_vals = map(list, zip(*deg_vals))
            deg_vals = [[motif_set[i].name, motif_set[i].annotation] + dv for i, dv in enumerate(deg_vals)]

            data = json.dumps(deg_vals)
            mfe.degree_matrix = jsonpickle.encode(deg_vals)
            deg_vals = jsonpickle.decode(mfe.degree_matrix)
            data = json.dumps(deg_vals)
        return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
        raise Http404
Пример #4
def view_multi_m2m(request, mf_id, motif_name):
    mfe = MultiFileExperiment.objects.get(id=mf_id)
    links = MultiLink.objects.filter(multifileexperiment=mfe).order_by('experiment__name')
    individuals = [l.experiment for l in links if l.experiment.status == "1"]
    context_dict = {'mfe': mfe}
    context_dict['motif_name'] = motif_name

    # get the features
    firstm2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name, experiment=individuals[0])
    m2mfeatures = Mass2MotifInstance.objects.filter(mass2motif=firstm2m)
    m2mfeatures = sorted(m2mfeatures, key=lambda x: x.probability, reverse=True)
    context_dict['m2m_features'] = m2mfeatures

    individual_motifs = {}
    for individual in individuals:
        thism2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name, experiment=individual)
        individual_motifs[individual] = thism2m

    context_dict['status'] = 'Edit metadata...'
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = Mass2MotifMetadataForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            new_annotation = form.cleaned_data['metadata']
            new_short_annotation = form.cleaned_data['short_annotation']
            for individual in individual_motifs:
                motif = individual_motifs[individual]
                md = jsonpickle.decode(motif.metadata)
                if len(new_annotation) > 0:
                    md['annotation'] = new_annotation
                elif 'annotation' in md:
                    del md['annotation']
                if len(new_short_annotation) > 0:
                    md['short_annotation'] = new_short_annotation
                elif 'short_annotation' in md:
                    del md['short_annotation']
                motif.metadata = jsonpickle.encode(md)
            context_dict['status'] = 'Metadata saved...'

    firstm2m = Mass2Motif.objects.get(name=motif_name, experiment=individuals[0])
    metadata_form = Mass2MotifMetadataForm(
        initial={'metadata': firstm2m.annotation, 'short_annotation': firstm2m.short_annotation})
    context_dict['metadata_form'] = metadata_form

    massbank_form = get_massbank_form(firstm2m, m2mfeatures, mf_id=mf_id)
    context_dict['massbank_form'] = massbank_form

    # Get the m2m in the individual models
    individual_m2m = []
    alps = []
    doc_table = []
    individual_names = []
    peaksets = {}
    peakset_list = []
    peakset_masses = []
    for i, individual in enumerate(individuals):
        alpha = Alpha.objects.get(mass2motif=individual_motifs[individual])
        docs = get_docm2m(individual_motifs[individual])
        individual_m2m.append([individual, individual_motifs[individual], alpha, len(docs)])

    # Compute the mean and variance
    tot_alps = sum(alps)
    m_alp = sum(alps) / len(alps)
    m_alp2 = sum([a ** 2 for a in alps]) / len(alps)
    var = m_alp2 - m_alp ** 2
    context_dict['alpha_variance'] = var
    context_dict['alphas'] = zip([i.name for i in individuals], alps)
    context_dict['individual_m2m'] = individual_m2m
    return render(request, 'basicviz/view_multi_m2m.html', context_dict)
Пример #5
def get_doc_table(request, mf_id, motif_name):
    mfe = MultiFileExperiment.objects.get(id=mf_id)
    links = MultiLink.objects.filter(multifileexperiment=mfe).order_by('experiment__name')
    individuals = [l.experiment for l in links]

    individual_motifs = {}
    for individual in individuals:
        thismotif = Mass2Motif.objects.get(experiment=individual, name=motif_name)
        individual_motifs[individual] = thismotif

    doc_table = []
    individual_names = []
    peaksets = {}
    peakset_list = []
    peakset_masses = []
    for i, individual in enumerate(individuals):
        docs = get_docm2m(individual_motifs[individual])
        for doc in docs:
            peakset_index = -1
            ii = doc.document.intensityinstance_set.all()
            if len(ii) > 0:
                ii = ii[0]
                ps = ii.peakset
                if not ps in peaksets:
                    peaksets[ps] = {}
                peakset_index = peakset_list.index(ps)
                peaksets[ps][individual] = ii.intensity

            mz = 0
            rt = 0
            md = jsonpickle.decode(doc.document.metadata)
            if 'parentmass' in md:
                mz = md['parentmass']
            elif 'mz' in md:
                mz = md['mz']
            elif '_' in doc.document.name:
                split_name = doc.document.name.split('_')
                mz = float(split_name[0])
            if 'rt' in md:
                rt = md['rt']
            elif '_' in doc.document.name:
                split_name = doc.document.name.split('_')
                rt = float(split_name[1])

            doc_table.append([rt, mz, i, doc.probability, peakset_index])

    # Add the peaks to the peakset object that are not linked to a document
    # (i.e. the MS1 peak is present, but it wasn't fragmented)
    for ps in peaksets:
        # Grab the intensity instances for this peakset
        intensity_instances = ps.intensityinstance_set.all()
        # Extract the individual experiments that are represented
        individuals_present = [i.experiment for i in intensity_instances]
        # Loop over the experiment
        for individual in individuals:
            # If the experiment is not in the current peakset but there is an intensity instance
            if (not individual in peaksets[ps]) and individual in individuals_present:
                # Find the intensity instance
                int_int = filter(lambda x: x.experiment == individual, intensity_instances)
                peaksets[ps][individual] = int_int[0].intensity
                print ps, individual, int_int[0].intensity

    intensity_table = []
    unnormalised_intensity_table = []
    counts = []
    final_peaksets = []

    min_count_options = get_option('heatmap_minimum_display_count',experiment = individuals[0])
    # min_count_options = SystemOptions.objects.filter(key='heatmap_minimum_display_count')
    if len(min_count_options) > 0:
        min_count = int(min_count_options)
        min_count = 5

    log_intensities_options = get_option('log_peakset_intensities',experiment = individuals[0])
    # log_intensities_options = SystemOptions.objects.filter(key='log_peakset_intensities')
    if len(log_intensities_options) > 0:
        val = log_intensities_options
        if val == 'true':
            log_peakset_intensities = True
            log_peakset_intensities = False
        log_peakset_intensities = True
    normalise_heatmap_options = get_option('heatmap_normalisation',experiment = individuals[0])
    if len(normalise_heatmap_options) == 0:
        normalise_heatmap_options = 'none'

    for peakset in peaksets:
        new_row = []
        for individual in individuals:
            new_row.append(peaksets[peakset].get(individual, 0))
        count = sum([1 for i in new_row if i > 0])
        if min_count >= 0:
            nz_vals = [v for v in new_row if v > 0]
            if log_peakset_intensities:
                nz_vals = [np.log(v) for v in nz_vals]
                new_row = [np.log(v) if v > 0 else 0 for v in new_row]
            me = sum(nz_vals) / (1.0 * len(nz_vals))
            va = sum([v ** 2 for v in nz_vals]) / len(nz_vals) - me ** 2
            va = math.sqrt(va)
            maxval = max(nz_vals)

            if normalise_heatmap_options == 'none':
            elif normalise_heatmap_options == 'max':
                new_row_n = [v/maxval for v in new_row]
            elif normalise_heatmap_options == 'standard' and va > 0:
                # if variance is zero, skip...
                new_row_n = [(v - me) / va if v > 0 else 0 for v in new_row]

    # Order so that the most popular are at the top
    if len(final_peaksets) > 0:
        temp = zip(counts, intensity_table, final_peaksets)
        temp = sorted(temp, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
        counts, intensity_table, final_peaksets = zip(*temp)
        intensity_table = list(intensity_table)

    # Change the indexes in the doc table to match the new ordering
    for row in doc_table:
        old_ps_index = row[-1]
        if old_ps_index > -1:
            old_ps = peakset_list[old_ps_index]
            if old_ps in final_peaksets:
                new_ps_index = final_peaksets.index(old_ps)
                new_ps_index = -1
            row[-1] = new_ps_index

    final_peakset_masses = [p.mz for p in final_peaksets]
    final_peakset_rt = [p.rt for p in final_peaksets]

    final_peakset_rt_variance = np.array(final_peakset_rt).var()
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps((
        individual_names, doc_table, intensity_table, final_peakset_masses, final_peakset_rt,
        unnormalised_intensity_table,final_peakset_rt_variance)), content_type='application/json')