Пример #1
        def additive_shares_with_rho(x):
            """Returns a tuple of a list of tuples (player id, share,
            rho) and rho.

            Chooses random elements ``x_1, ..., x_n-1`` in field and
            ``x_n`` st. ``x_n = x - Sum_i=1^n-1 x_i``.

            Chooses random pair of elements ``rho_1, ..., rho_n in
            Z_p^2`` and define ``rho_n = Sum_i=1^n rho_i``.

            Returns a pair of ``((player id, x_i, rho_i), rho)``.
            shares = []
            rhos = []
            sum = 0
            rho1 = 0
            rho2 = 0
            for i in xrange(1, self.num_players):
                xi = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
                rhoi1 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
                rhoi2 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
                sum += xi
                rho1 += rhoi1
                rho2 += rhoi2
                shares.append((i, xi, (rhoi1, rhoi2)))
            xn = field(x) - sum
            rhon1 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
            rhon2 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
            shares.append((self.num_players, xn, (rhon1, rhon2)))
            rho1 += rhon1
            rho2 += rhon2
            return shares, (rho1, rho2)
Пример #2
 def generate_operation_arguments(self, _):
     # print "Generate operation arguments", self.rt.program_counter
     print "Runtime ready, generating shares"
     self.a_shares = []
     self.b_shares = []
     for i in range(self.count):
         inputter = (i % len(self.rt.players)) + 1
         if inputter == self.rt.id:
             a = rand.randint(0, self.field.modulus)
             b = rand.randint(0, self.field.modulus)
             a, b = None, None
         self.a_shares.append(self.rt.input([inputter], self.field, a))
         self.b_shares.append(self.rt.input([inputter], self.field, b))
     shares_ready = gather_shares(self.a_shares + self.b_shares)
     return shares_ready
Пример #3
    def share(self, inputters, field, number=None):
        """Share *number* additively."""
        assert number is None or self.id in inputters

        results = []
        for peer_id in inputters:
            # Unique program counter per input.

            if peer_id == self.id:
                a = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
                b = number - a

                results.append(Share(self, a.field, a))
                pc = tuple(self.program_counter)
                self.protocols[self.peer.id].sendShare(pc, b)
                share = self._expect_share(peer_id, field)

        # Unpack a singleton list.
        if len(results) == 1:
            return results[0]
            return results
Пример #4
    def convert_bit_share(self, share, dst_field):
        """Convert a 0/1 share into *dst_field*."""
        l = self.options.security_parameter + \
            int(math.ceil(math.log(dst_field.modulus, 2)))
        # TODO assert field sizes are OK...

        this_mask = rand.randint(0, (2**l) - 1)

        # Share large random values in the big field and reduced ones
        # in the small...
        src_shares = self.prss_share(self.players, share.field, this_mask)
        dst_shares = self.prss_share(self.players, dst_field, this_mask)

        tmp = reduce(self.add, src_shares, share)

        # We open tmp and convert the value into a field element from
        # the dst_field.
        tmp = self.open(tmp)

        tmp.addCallback(lambda i: dst_field(i.value))
        # Must update field on Share when we change the field of the
        # the value within
        tmp.field = dst_field

        full_mask = reduce(self.add, dst_shares)
        return tmp - full_mask
Пример #5
        def prepare_verification(rs_serialized, results):
            # Repr/eval deserialization.
            rs = [eval(rss) for rss in rs_serialized]

            for i in xrange(n):
                a = triple_candidates[i]
                b = triple_candidates[i + 2 * n]
                c = triple_candidates[i + 4 * n]
                x = triple_candidates[i + n]
                y = triple_candidates[i + 3 * n]
                z = triple_candidates[i + 5 * n]

                # Hash all received random values to agree on a single
                # random value for each triple.
                hash = hashlib.sha1()
                for rp in rs:
                # TODO: We should use a secure random generator here.
                rand = Random(hash.digest())
                r = self.Zp(rand.randint(0, self.p - 1))

                l = self.runtime._cmul(r, x, self.Zp)
                m = self.runtime._cmul(r, y, self.Zp)
                k = self.runtime._cmul(r * r, z, self.Zp)
                v = c - self.runtime._basic_multiplication(a, b, l, m, k)
                v = self.runtime.open(v)
                self.runtime.schedule_callback(v, verify, a, b, c)
                v.addCallbacks(results[i].callback, results[i].errback)
Пример #6
    def generate_key():
        # TODO: is a 40 byte hex string as good as a 20 byte binary
        # string when it is used for SHA1 hashing? It ought to be
        # since they contain the same entropy.

        # A SHA1 hash is 160 bit
        return hex(rand.randint(0, 2**160))
Пример #7
    def _send_some_bytes(self):
        assert self._pending.called
        assert not self._pending.cancelled

        # Check that there is still something to send:
        if not self._buffer:
            # If the buffer is empty and we have been asked to
            # disconnect, then do so.
            if self._will_disconnect:
                # Empty the buffer.
                bytes = self._buffer
                self._buffer = ''
                # Signal the disconnect to those waiting on the queue.
                self.q.disconnect = True
            # Return without scheduling another write.

        # Cut the buffer in two at a random place and write a chunk to
        # the protocol:
        cut = rand.randint(0, len(self._buffer))
        chunk, self._buffer = self._buffer[:cut], self._buffer[cut:]

        # Schedule another go after a random delay.

        # Finally put the chunk into the queue.
Пример #8
def protocol(rt):
    print "Testing online requirements for Toft07 comparison"
    l = rt.options.bit_length
    k = rt.options.security_parameter
    assert Zp.modulus > 2**(l+k)

    print "l = %d" % l
    print "k = %d" % k

    shares = []
    for n in range(2*count//len(players) + 1):
        input = rand.randint(0, 2**l - 1)
        shares.extend(rt.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, input))
    # We want to measure the time for count comparisons, so we need
    # 2*count input numbers.
    shares = shares[:2*count]

    preproc = []
    pseudoPreproc = []
    for i in range(count):
        thisPreproc = rt.greater_than_equal_preproc(Zp, smallField = Zq)
        pseudoPreproc += thisPreproc[2:-1]
        pseudoPreproc += thisPreproc[-1]

        # print status as we go along
        # TODO: why does this not work?
        def printDonePreproc(_, i):
            print "Done preprocessing %d" % i
            return _
        tmp = DeferredList(thisPreproc[2:-1])
        tmp.addCallback(printDonePreproc, i)

    def run_test(_):
        print "Preprocessing done..."
        print "Making %d comparisons" % count

        bits = []
        while len(shares) > 1:
            a = shares.pop(0)
            b = shares.pop(0)
            c = rt.greater_than_equal_online(a, b, preproc.pop(), Zp)

        stop = DeferredList(bits)

        # TODO: it would be nice it the results were checked
        # automatically, but it needs to be done without adding
        # overhead to the benchmark.

    # We want to wait until all numbers have been shared and
    # preprocessing has been performed
    dl = gatherResults(shares + pseudoPreproc)
Пример #9
    def random_share(self, field):
        """Generate a random share in the field, field.

        To generate a share of a random element ``r in Z_p``, party
        ``P_i`` chooses at random ``r_i, rho_ri in Z_p X (Z_p)^2`` and
        broadcast ``C_r^i = Com_ck(r_i, rho_ri)``.

        Every party computes ``C_r = PRODUCT_i=1^n C_r^i = Com_ck(r,
        rho_r)``, where ``r_i = SUM_i=1^n r_i and rho_r = SUM_i=1^n

        Party ``P_i sets [r]_i = (r_i, rho_ri, C_r)``.

        # P_i chooses at random r_i, rho_ri in Z_p x (Z_p)^2
        ri = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
        rhoi1 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))
        rhoi2 = field(rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1))

        # compute C_r^i = Com_ck(r_i, rho_ri).
        Cri = commitment.commit(ri.value, rhoi1, rhoi2)

        # Broadcast C_r^i.
        sls = gatherResults(self.broadcast(self.players.keys(), self.players.keys(), repr(Cri)))

        def compute_commitment(ls):
            Cr = reduce(operator.mul, ls)
            return OrlandiShare(self, field, ri, (rhoi1, rhoi2), Cr)

        def deserialize(ls):
            return [ commitment.deserialize(x) for x in ls ]

        sls.addCallbacks(deserialize, self.error_handler)
        sls.addCallbacks(compute_commitment, self.error_handler)

        s = Share(self, field)
        # We add the result to the chains in triple.

        # do actual communication

        return s
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, runtime):
        # Save the Runtime for later use
        self.runtime = runtime

        # This is the value we will use in the protocol.
        self.millions = rand.randint(1, 200)
        print "I am Millionaire %d and I am worth %d millions." \
            % (runtime.id, self.millions)

        # For the comparison protocol to work, we need a field modulus
        # bigger than 2**(l+1) + 2**(l+k+1), where the bit length of
        # the input numbers is l and k is the security parameter.
        # Further more, the prime must be a Blum prime (a prime p such
        # that p % 4 == 3 holds). The find_prime function lets us find
        # a suitable prime.
        l = runtime.options.bit_length
        k = runtime.options.security_parameter
        Zp = GF(find_prime(2**(l + 1) + 2**(l + k + 1), blum=True))

        # We must secret share our input with the other parties. They
        # will do the same and we end up with three variables
        m1, m2, m3 = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, self.millions)

        # Now that everybody has secret shared their inputs we can
        # compare them. We compare the worth of the first millionaire
        # with the two others, and compare those two millionaires with
        # each other.
        m1_ge_m2 = m1 >= m2
        m1_ge_m3 = m1 >= m3
        m2_ge_m3 = m2 >= m3

        # The results are secret shared, so we must open them before
        # we can do anything usefull with them.
        open_m1_ge_m2 = runtime.open(m1_ge_m2)
        open_m1_ge_m3 = runtime.open(m1_ge_m3)
        open_m2_ge_m3 = runtime.open(m2_ge_m3)

        # We will now gather the results and call the
        # self.results_ready method when they have all been received.
        results = gather_shares([open_m1_ge_m2, open_m1_ge_m3, open_m2_ge_m3])

        # We can add more callbacks to the callback chain in results.
        # These are called in sequence when self.results_ready is
        # finished. The first callback acts like a barrier and makes
        # all players wait on each other.
        # The callbacks are always called with an argument equal to
        # the return value of the preceeding callback. We do not need
        # the argument (which is None since self.results_ready does
        # not return anything), so we throw it away using a lambda
        # expressions which ignores its first argument.
        runtime.schedule_callback(results, lambda _: runtime.synchronize())
        # The next callback shuts the runtime down, killing the
        # connections between the players.
        runtime.schedule_callback(results, lambda _: runtime.shutdown())
Пример #11
 def make_array(self):
     array = []
     for i in range(options.size):
         inputter = (i % 3) + 1
         if inputter == self.rt.id:
             number = rand.randint(1, options.max)
             print "Sharing array[%d] = %s" % (i, number)
             number = None
         share = self.rt.shamir_share([inputter], Zp, number)
     return array
Пример #12
    def single_share_random(self, T, degree, field):
        """Share a random secret.

        The guarantee is that a number of shares are made and out of
        those, the *T* that are returned by this method will be
        correct sharings of a random number using *degree* as the
        polynomial degree.
        si = rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1)
        svec, rvec = self._share_single(si, degree, field)
        result = gather_shares(svec[T:])
        self.schedule_callback(result, self._exchange_single, rvec, T, field,
        return result
Пример #13
    def convert_bit_share(self, share, dst_field):
        """Convert a 0/1 share into dst_field."""
        bit = rand.randint(0, 1)
        dst_shares = self.prss_share(self.players, dst_field, bit)
        src_shares = self.prss_share(self.players, share.field, bit)

        # TODO: Using a parallel reduce below seems to be slower than
        # using the built-in reduce.

        # We open tmp and convert the value into a field element from
        # the dst_field.
        tmp = self.open(reduce(self.xor, src_shares, share))
        tmp.addCallback(lambda i: dst_field(i.value))
        # Must update field on Share when we change the field of the
        # the value within
        tmp.field = dst_field
        return reduce(self.xor, dst_shares, tmp)
Пример #14
    def double_share_random(self, T, d1, d2, field):
        """Double-share a random secret using two polynomials.

        The guarantee is that a number of shares are made and out of
        those, the *T* that are returned by this method will be correct
        double-sharings of a random number using *d1* and *d2* as the
        polynomial degrees.
        si = rand.randint(0, field.modulus - 1)
        svec1, rvec1 = self._share_single(si, d1, field)
        svec2, rvec2 = self._share_single(si, d2, field)

        result = gather_shares(
        self.schedule_callback(result, self._exchange_double, rvec1, rvec2, T,
                               field, d1, d2)
        return result
Пример #15
def generate_keys(bit_length):
    # Make an RSA modulus n.
    p = find_random_prime(bit_length / 2)
    while True:
        q = find_random_prime(bit_length / 2)
        if p <> q: break

    n = p * q
    nsq = n * n

    # Calculate Carmichael's function.
    lm = gmpy.lcm(p - 1, q - 1)

    # Generate a generator g in B.
    while True:
        g = rand.randint(1, long(nsq))
        if gmpy.gcd(L(pow(g, lm, nsq), n), n) == 1: break

    return {'n': n, 'g': g}, {'n': n, 'g': g, 'lm': lm}
Пример #16
        def finish_mul((a, b)):
            pc = tuple(self.program_counter)
            send_data = self.protocols[self.peer.id].sendData

            if hash(pc) % 2 == self.id:
                # We play the role of P1.
                a1, b1 = a, b
                enc_a1 = encrypt(a1.value, self.player.pubkey)
                enc_b1 = encrypt(b1.value, self.player.pubkey)
                send_data(pc, PAILLIER, str(enc_a1))
                send_data(pc, PAILLIER, str(enc_b1))

                enc_c1 = Share(self, field)
                self._expect_data(self.peer.id, PAILLIER, enc_c1)
                c1 = enc_c1.addCallback(decrypt, self.player.seckey)
                c1.addCallback(lambda c: long(c) + a1 * b1)
                return c1
                # We play the role of P2.
                a2, b2 = a, b
                enc_a1 = Deferred()
                self._expect_data(self.peer.id, PAILLIER, enc_a1)
                enc_b1 = Deferred()
                self._expect_data(self.peer.id, PAILLIER, enc_b1)

                nsq = self.peer.pubkey['n']**2
                # Calculate a1 * b2 and b1 * a2 inside the encryption.
                enc_a1_b2 = enc_a1.addCallback(pow, b2.value, nsq)
                enc_b1_a2 = enc_b1.addCallback(pow, a2.value, nsq)

                # Chose and encrypt r.
                r = rand.randint(0, 2 * field.modulus**2 + 2**k)
                enc_r = encrypt(r, self.peer.pubkey)

                c1 = gatherResults([enc_a1_b2, enc_b1_a2])
                c1.addCallback(lambda (a, b): a * b * enc_r)
                c1.addCallback(lambda c: send_data(pc, PAILLIER, str(c)))

                c2 = a2 * b2 - r
                return Share(self, field, c2)
Пример #17
    def prss_shamir_share_bit_double(self, field):
        """Shamir share a random bit over *field* and GF256."""
        n = self.num_players
        k = self.options.security_parameter
        prfs = self.players[self.id].prfs(2**k)
        prss_key = self.prss_key()
        inputters = range(1, self.num_players + 1)

        ri = rand.randint(0, 2**k - 1)
        ri_p = self.shamir_share(inputters, field, ri)
        ri_lsb = self.shamir_share(inputters, GF256, ri & 1)

        r_p = reduce(self.add, ri_p)
        r_lsb = reduce(self.add, ri_lsb)

        b_p = self.prss_share_random(field, binary=True)
        b = self.open(b_p + r_p)
        # Extract least significant bit and change field to GF256.
        b.addCallback(lambda i: GF256(i.value & 1))
        b.field = GF256

        # Use r_lsb to flip b as needed.
        return (b_p, b ^ r_lsb)
Пример #18
            return result

        # 1) Every party P_i chooses random values a_i, r_i in Z_p X (Z_p)^2,
        #    compute alpha_i = Enc_eki(a_i) and Ai = Com_ck(a_i, r_i), and
        #    broadcast them.

        # Every party P_i chooses random values a_i, r_i in Z_p X (Z_p)^2
        ai = random_number(field.modulus)
        r1 = random_number(field.modulus)
        r2 = random_number(field.modulus)

        # compute alpha_i = Enc_eki(a_i)
        pubkey = self.players[self.id].pubkey
        alpha_randomness = rand.randint(1, long(pubkey['n']))
        alphai = encrypt_r(ai.value, alpha_randomness, pubkey)
        # and A_i = Com_ck(a_i, r_i).
        Ai = commitment.commit(ai.value, r1.value, r2.value)

        # choose random b_j, s_j in Z_p X (Z_p)^2.
        bj = random_number(field.modulus)
        s1 = random_number(field.modulus)
        s2 = random_number(field.modulus)
        # compute B_j = Com_ck(b_j, s_j).
        Bj = commitment.commit(bj.value, s1.value, s2.value)

        # broadcast alpha_i, A_i, B_j.
        ds = self.broadcast(sorted(self.players.keys()),
                            str(alphai) + ":" + repr(Ai) + ":" + repr(Bj))
Пример #19
    def _mul(self, inx, jnx, n, ais=None, cjs=None):
        """Multiply each of the field elements in *ais* with the
        corresponding encrypted elements in *cjs*.
        Returns a deferred which will yield a list of field elements.
        CKIND = 1
        """The transmission_restraint_constant is the number of
        encrypted shares we can safely transmit in one call to
        sendData. The sendData method can only transmit up to
        65536 bytes.
        The constant has been imperically determined by running
        TODO: How can we allow a user of the runtime to adjust this
        constraint at a higher level of abstraction?

        transmission_restraint_constant = 425

        number_of_packets = n / transmission_restraint_constant
        if n % transmission_restraint_constant != 0:
            number_of_packets += 1


        pc = tuple(self.runtime.program_counter)

        deferred = []
        zis = []
        if self.runtime.id == inx:
            Nj_square = self.paillier.get_modulus_square(jnx)
            all_cs = []
            for iny, (ai, cj) in enumerate(zip(ais, cjs)):
                if iny % transmission_restraint_constant == 0:
                    cs = []
                u = rand.randint(0, self.u_bound)
                Ej_u = self.paillier.encrypt(u, jnx)
                    (fast_pow(cj, ai.value, Nj_square) * Ej_u) % Nj_square)
                zi = self.Zp(-u)

            for cs in all_cs:
                self.runtime.protocols[jnx].sendData(pc, CKIND, str(cs))

        if self.runtime.id == jnx:
            all_cs = []
            for _ in xrange(number_of_packets):
                cs = Deferred()
                self.runtime._expect_data(inx, CKIND, cs)

            def decrypt(all_cs, pc, zis):
                zjs = []
                cs = reduce(lambda x, y: x + eval(y), all_cs, [])
                for iny, c in enumerate(cs):
                    t = self.paillier.decrypt(c)
                    zj = self.Zp(t)
                if not zis == []:
                    return [x + y for x, y in zip(zis, zjs)]
                    return zjs

            all_cs_d = gatherResults(all_cs)
            all_cs_d.addCallback(decrypt, pc, zis)
            deferred = all_cs_d
            zis_deferred = Deferred()
            deferred = zis_deferred

        return deferred
Пример #20
def encrypt(m, pubkey):
    r = rand.randint(1, long(pubkey['n']))
    return encrypt_r(m, r, pubkey)
Пример #21
 def random_number(p):
     return field(rand.randint(0, p - 1))