Пример #1
            (P[0] * P[3] + P[1] * P[2])

    xInVec = xIn.reshape((L * M * N, 1), order='F')
    idx_all = np.ones((L, M, N), dtype=bool)

    # def mvp(x):
    #     'Matrix-vector product operator'
    #     return mvp_volume_potential(x, circ_op, idx, Mr)

    # Voxel permittivities for volume potential (all ones)
    Mr_vol_pot = np.ones((L, M, N), dtype=np.complex128)

    # Perform matrix-vector product
    start = time.time()
    # P_inc[i_harm] = mvp(xInVec).reshape(L, M, N, order='F')
    P_inc[i_harm] = mvp_volume_potential(xInVec, circ_op, idx_all, Mr_vol_pot)\
        .reshape(L, M, N, order='F')

    # New Mr and Mr_box at new frequency
    Mr_box[idx_scat_box] = refInd2**2 - 1
    Mr[idx_scat] = refInd2**2 - 1

    # Solve scattering problem
    sol, J, u_sca = vie_solver(Mr_box, r_box, idx_scat_box,
                               P_inc[i_harm][idx_scat], k2)

    # Evaluate scattered field in total domain
    # Toeplitz operator
    T = k2**2 * volume_potential(k2, r)

    # Circulant embedding of Toeplitz operator
    circ = circulant_embed_fftw(T, L, M, N)
Пример #2
 def mvp(x):
     'Matrix-vector product operator'
     return mvp_volume_potential(x, circ_op, idx, Mr)