Пример #1
 def __call__(self, value):
     type_check('value', value, list)
     # Allow other classes to generate parent structure
     parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath)
     if parent is None:
         raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError
     # Remove existing by calling accessor method, allowing
     # any "untouchable" or "filtered" elements (by marshal)
     # to be ignored and left as-is.
     delattr(self.libvirtxml, self.property_name)
     # Allow user-defined marshal function to determine
     # if item order is important.  Also give more meaningful
     # exception message below, if there is a problem.
     index = 0
     for item in value:
             # Call user-defined conversion from simple
             # format, back to Element instances.
             element_tuple = self.marshal_from(item, index,
         except ValueError:
             # Defined in marshal API, to help with error reporting
             # and debugging with more rich message.
             msg = ("Call to %s by set accessor method for property %s "
                    "with unsupported item type %s, at index %d, "
                    " with value %s." %
                    (str(self.marshal_from), self.property_name,
                     str(type(item)), index, str(item)))
             raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(msg)
         xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(parent, element_tuple[0],
         index += 1
Пример #2
 def element_by_parent(self, parent_xpath, tag_name, create=True):
     Retrieve/create an element instance at parent_xpath/tag_name
     type_check('parent_xpath', parent_xpath, str)
     type_check('tag_name', tag_name, str)
     parent_element = self.xmltreefile().find(parent_xpath)
     if (parent_element == self.xmltreefile().getroot()
             and parent_element.tag == tag_name):
         return parent_element
     excpt_str = ('Exception thrown from %s for property "%s" while'
                  ' looking for element tag "%s", on parent at xpath'
                  ' "%s", in XML\n%s\n' %
                  (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name,
                   parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile())))
     if parent_element is None:
         raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(excpt_str)
         element = parent_element.find(tag_name)
     if element is None:
         if create:  # Create the element
             element = xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(
                 parent_element, tag_name)
         else:  # create == False
             raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError(
                 'Error in %s for property '
                 '"%s", element tag "%s" not '
                 'found on parent at xpath "%s"'
                 ' in XML\n%s\n' %
                 (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name,
                  parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile())))
     return element
Пример #3
        def __call__(self, value):
            type_check('value', value, list)
            # Allow other classes to generate parent structure
            parent = self.xmltreefile().find(self.parent_xpath)
            if parent is None:
                raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError
            # Remove existing by calling accessor method, allowing
            # any "untouchable" or "filtered" elements (by marshal)
            # to be ignored and left as-is.
            delattr(self.libvirtxml, self.property_name)
            # Allow user-defined marshal function to determine
            # if item order is important.  Also give more meaningful
            # exception message below, if there is a problem.
            index = 0
            for item in value:
                    # Call user-defined conversion from simple
                    # format, back to Element instances.
                    element_tuple = self.marshal_from(item, index,
                except ValueError:
                    # Defined in marshal API, to help with error reporting
                    # and debugging with more rich message.
                    msg = ("Call to %s by set accessor method for property %s "
                           "with unsupported item type %s, at index %d, "
                           " with value %s." %
                           (str(self.marshal_from), self.property_name,
                            str(type(item)), index, str(item)))
                    raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(msg)

                # Handle element text values in element_tuple[1].
                text = None
                new_dict = element_tuple[1].copy()
                if 'text' in element_tuple[1].keys():
                    del new_dict['text']

                # To support text in element, marshal_from may return an
                # additional text value, check the length of element tuple
                if len(element_tuple) == 3:
                    text = element_tuple[2]
                parent_element = xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(
                    parent, element_tuple[0], new_dict, text)

                # To support child element contains text, create sub element
                # with text under new created parent element.
                if 'text' in element_tuple[1].keys():
                    text_dict = element_tuple[1]['text']
                    attr_dict = {}
                    for text_key, text_val in text_dict.items():
                            parent_element, text_key, attr_dict, text_val)

                index += 1
Пример #4
    def element_by_parent(self,
        Retrieve/create an element instance at parent_xpath/tag_name

        :param parent_xpath: xpath of parent element
        :param tag_name: name of element under parent to retrieve/create
        :param create: True to create new element if not exist
        :param nested: True if target element is supposed to be sub-element
        :return: ElementTree.Element instance
        :raise: LibvirtXMLError: If element not exist & create=False
        type_check('parent_xpath', parent_xpath, str)
        type_check('tag_name', tag_name, str)
        parent_element = self.xmltreefile().find(parent_xpath)
        if (parent_element == self.xmltreefile().getroot()
                and parent_element.tag == tag_name) and nested is False:
            return parent_element
        excpt_str = ('Exception thrown from %s for property "%s" while'
                     ' looking for element tag "%s", on parent at xpath'
                     ' "%s", in XML\n%s\n' %
                     (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name,
                      parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile())))
        if parent_element is None:
            if create:
                # This will only work for simple XPath strings
                parent_element = self.xmltreefile().find(parent_xpath)
            # if create or not, raise if not exist
            if parent_element is None:
                raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLAccessorError(excpt_str)
            element = parent_element.find(tag_name)
        except Exception:
        if element is None:
            if create:  # Create the element
                element = xml_utils.ElementTree.SubElement(
                    parent_element, tag_name)
            else:  # create is False
                raise xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError(
                    'Error in %s for property '
                    '"%s", element tag "%s" not '
                    'found on parent at xpath "%s"'
                    ' in XML\n%s\n' %
                    (self.operation, self.property_name, tag_name,
                     parent_xpath, str(self.xmltreefile())))
        return element