Пример #1
def run(test, params, env):
    Test for basic controller device function.

    1) Define the VM w/o specified controller device and check result meets
    2) Start the guest and check if start result meets expectation
    3) Test the function of started controller device
    4) Shutdown the VM and clean up environment

    def setup_os_xml():
        Prepare os part of VM XML.

        osxml = vm_xml.os
        orig_machine = osxml.machine
        # avocado-vt only use virt machine type on aarch64
        if platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
            osxml.machine = 'virt'

        if os_machine:
            osxml.machine = os_machine
            vm_xml.os = osxml
            cur_machine = orig_machine

    def setup_controller_xml(index, addr_target=None):
        Prepare controller devices of VM XML.

        :param index: The index of controller
        :param addr_target: The controller address

        ctrl = Controller(type_name=cntlr_type)
        if model:
            ctrl.model = model
        if pcihole:
            ctrl.pcihole64 = pcihole
        if vectors:
            ctrl.vectors = vectors
        if index:
            ctrl.index = index
        if chassisNr:
            ctrl.target = {'chassisNr': chassisNr}
        if model_name:
            ctrl.model_name = {'name': model_name}

        if addr_target:
            match = re.match(r"(?P<bus>[0-9]*):(?P<slot>[0-9a-f]*).(?P<function>[0-9])", addr_target)
            if match:
                addr_dict = match.groupdict()
                addr_dict['bus'] = hex(int(addr_dict['bus'], 16))
                addr_dict['slot'] = hex(int(addr_dict['slot'], 16))
                addr_dict['function'] = hex(int(addr_dict['function'], 16))
                addr_dict['domain'] = '0x0000'
                ctrl.address = ctrl.new_controller_address(attrs=addr_dict)

        logging.debug("Controller XML is:%s", ctrl)

        if cmpnn_cntlr_model is not None:
            for num in range(int(cmpnn_cntlr_num)):
                ctrl = Controller(type_name=cntlr_type)
                ctrl.model = cmpnn_cntlr_model + str(num+1)
                ctrl.index = index
                logging.debug("Controller XML is:%s", ctrl)

    def define_and_check(guest_xml):
        Define the guest and check the result.

        :param guest_xml: The guest VMXML instance
        fail_patts = []
        if expect_err_msg:
        res = vm_xml.virsh.define(guest_xml.xml)
        logging.debug("Expect failures: %s", fail_patts)
        libvirt.check_result(res, expected_fails=fail_patts)
        return not res.exit_status

    def start_and_check():
        Predict the error message when starting and try to start the guest.
        fail_patts = []
        if expect_err_msg:
        res = virsh.start(vm_name)
        logging.debug("Expect failures: %s", fail_patts)
        libvirt.check_result(res, expected_fails=fail_patts)
        return not res.exit_status

    def prepare_qemu_pattern(elem):
        Collect the patterns to be searched in qemu command line.

        :param elem: a Controller object

        :return: A list including search patterns
        search_qemu_cmd = []

        bus = int(elem.address.attrs.get('bus'), 0)
        slot = int(elem.address.attrs.get('slot'), 0)
        func = int(elem.address.attrs.get('function'), 0)
        addr_str = '%02d:%02d.%1d' % (bus, slot, func)
        name = elem.alias.get('name')
        if elem.model != 'dmi-to-pci-bridge':
            chassisNR = elem.target.get('chassisNr')
            value = "pci-bridge,chassis_nr=%s" % chassisNR
            value = "%s,id=%s,bus=pci.%d,addr=%#x" % (value, name, bus, slot)
            value = "%s" % elem.model_name['name']
            value = "%s,id=%s,bus=pcie.%d,addr=%#x" % (value, name, bus, slot)

        tup = ('-device', value)
        return search_qemu_cmd

    def get_patt_inx_ctl(cur_vm_xml, qemu_list, inx):
        Get search pattern in qemu line for some kind of cases

        :param cur_vm_xml: Guest xml
        :param qemu_list: List for storing qemu search patterns
        :param inx: Controller index used

        :return: a tuple for (search_result, qemu_list)

        (search_result, qemu_search) = check_cntrl(cur_vm_xml,
                                                   inx, None, True)
        if qemu_search:
        return (search_result, qemu_list)

    def get_patt_non_zero_bus(cur_vm_xml):
        Get search pattern for multiple controllers with non-zero bus.

        :param cur_vm_xml: The guest VMXML instance
        :return: List, The search pattern list
        actual_set = set()
        for elem in cur_vm_xml.devices.by_device_tag('controller'):
            if (elem.type == cntlr_type and elem.model == model):
                qemu_list = prepare_qemu_pattern(elem)
        expect_set = set()
        for num in range(1, int(pci_bus_number) + 1):

        logging.debug("expect: %s, actual: %s", expect_set, actual_set)
        if (not actual_set.issubset(expect_set) or
                not expect_set.issubset(actual_set)):
            test.fail("The actual index set (%s)does "
                      "not match the expect index set "
                      "(%s)." % (actual_set, expect_set))
        return qemu_list

    def get_search_patt_qemu_line():
        Check if the guest XML has the expected content.

        :return: -device pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=pci.1,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
        cur_vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        qemu_list = []
        # Check the pci-root controller has index = 0
        if no_pci_controller == "yes":
            (_, qemu_list) = get_patt_inx_ctl(cur_vm_xml,
                                              qemu_list, '0')
            return qemu_list

        # Check index numbers of pci-bridge controllers should be equal
        # to the pci_bus_number
        if int(pci_bus_number) > 0:
            return get_patt_non_zero_bus(cur_vm_xml)
        # All controllers should exist if there is a gap between two PCI
        # controller indexes
        if index and index_second and int(index) > 0 and int(index_second) > 0:
            for idx in range(int(index_second), int(index) + 1):
                (_, qemu_list) = get_patt_inx_ctl(cur_vm_xml,
                                                  qemu_list, str(idx))
            return qemu_list

        # All controllers should exist with index among [1..index]
        if index and int(index) > 0 and not index_second:
            for idx in range(1, int(index) + 1):
                (search_result, qemu_list) = get_patt_inx_ctl(cur_vm_xml,
                if not search_result:
                    test.fail("Can not find %s controller "
                              "with index %s." % (model, str(idx)))
            return qemu_list

    def get_controller_addr(cntlr_type=None, model=None, index=None, cntlr_bus=None):
        Get the address of testing controller from VM XML as a string with
        a. "bus:slot.function" for pci address type
        b. "cssid:ssid.devno" for ccw address type

        :param cntlr_type: controller type, e.g. pci
        :param model: controller model, e.g. pcie-root-port
        :param index: controller index, e.g. '0'
        :param cntlr_bus: controller bus type, e.g. pci, ccw
        :return: a tuple including an address string, bus, slot,
                        function, multifunction
        if model in ['pci-root', 'pcie-root']:
            return (None, None, None, None, None)

        addr_str = None
        cur_vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)

        for elem in cur_vm_xml.devices.by_device_tag('controller'):
            if (
                    (cntlr_type is None or elem.type == cntlr_type) and
                    (model is None or elem.model == model) and
                    (index is None or elem.index == index)):
                addr_elem = elem.address
                if addr_elem is None:
                    test.error("Can not find 'Address' "
                               "element for the controller")
                p4 = None
                if 'ccw' == cntlr_bus:
                    p1 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('cssid'), 0)
                    p2 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('ssid'), 0)
                    p3 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('devno'), 0)
                    p1 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('bus'), 0)
                    p2 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('slot'), 0)
                    p3 = int(addr_elem.attrs.get('function'), 0)
                    p4 = addr_elem.attrs.get('multifunction')
                addr_str = '%02d:%02x.%1d' % (p1, p2, p3)
                logging.debug("Controller address is %s", addr_str)
                return (addr_str, p1, p2, p3, p4)

        return (None, None, None, None, None)

    def check_controller_addr(cntlr_bus=None):
        Check test controller address against expectation.

        :param cntlr_bus: controller bus type, e.g. pci, ccw
        (addr_str, _, _, _, _) = get_controller_addr(cntlr_type, model, index, cntlr_bus)
        if model in ['pci-root', 'pcie-root']:
            if addr_str is None:
                test.fail('Expect controller do not have address, '
                          'but got "%s"' % addr_str)

        if index != 0:
            if '00:00' in addr_str:
                test.fail("Invalid PCI address 0000:00:00, "
                          "at least one of domain, bus, "
                          "or slot must be > 0")

        exp_addr_patt = r'00:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]'
        if model in ['ehci']:
            exp_addr_patt = r'0[1-9]:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]'
        if addr_str:
            exp_addr_patt = addr_str
        if 'ccw' == cntlr_bus:
            exp_addr_patt = r'254:\d+\.\d+'

        if not re.match(exp_addr_patt, addr_str):
            test.fail('Expect get controller address "%s", '
                      'but got "%s"' % (exp_addr_patt, addr_str))

    def check_qemu_cmdline(search_pattern=None):
        Check domain qemu command line against expectation.

        :param search_pattern: search list with tuple objects
        with open('/proc/%s/cmdline' % vm.get_pid()) as proc_file:
            cmdline = proc_file.read()
        options = cmdline.split('\x00')
        # Search the command line options for the given patterns
        if search_pattern and isinstance(search_pattern, list):
            for pattern in search_pattern:
                key = pattern[0]
                value = pattern[1]
                logging.debug("key=%s, value=%s", key, value)
                found = False
                check_value = False
                for opt in options:
                    if check_value:
                        if re.findall(value, opt):
                            logging.debug("Found the expected (%s %s) in qemu "
                                          "command line" % (key, value))
                            found = True
                        check_value = False
                    if key == opt:
                        check_value = True
                if not found:
                    test.fail("Can not find '%s %s' in qemu "
                              "command line" % (key, value))

        # Get pcihole options from qemu command line
        pcihole_opt = ''
        for idx, opt in enumerate(options):
            if 'pci-hole64-size' in opt:
                pcihole_opt = opt

        # Get expected pcihole options from params
        exp_pcihole_opt = ''
        if (cntlr_type == 'pci' and model in ['pci-root', 'pcie-root'] and
            if 'pc' in cur_machine:
                exp_pcihole_opt = 'i440FX-pcihost'
            elif 'q35' in cur_machine:
                exp_pcihole_opt = 'q35-pcihost'
            exp_pcihole_opt += '.pci-hole64-size=%sK' % pcihole

        # Check options against expectation
        if pcihole_opt != exp_pcihole_opt:
            test.fail('Expect get qemu command serial option "%s", '
                      'but got "%s"' % (exp_pcihole_opt, pcihole_opt))

        # Check usb options against expectation
        if cntlr_type == "usb":
            pattern = ""
            if cmpnn_cntlr_num is not None:
                for num in range(int(cmpnn_cntlr_num)):
                    name = (cmpnn_cntlr_model+str(num+1)).split('-')
                    pattern = pattern + r"-device.%s-usb-%s.*" % (name[0], name[1])
            elif model == "ehci":
                pattern = r"-device.usb-ehci"
            elif model == "qemu-xhci":
                pattern = r"-device.qemu-xhci"

            logging.debug("pattern is %s", pattern)

            if pattern and not re.search(pattern, cmdline):
                test.fail("Expect get usb model info in qemu cmdline, but failed!")

    def check_guest(cntlr_type, cntlr_model, cntlr_index=None, cntlr_bus=""):
        Check status within the guest against expectation.

        :param cntlr_type: //controller@type, e.g. ide
        :param cntlr_model: //controller@model, e.g. virtio-scsi
        :param cntlr_index: //controller@index, e.g. '0'
        :param cntlr_bus: //controller/address@type, e.g. pci
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestFail: Fails the test if checks fail
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestError: Fails if test couldn't be fully executed
        :return: None
        if model == 'pci-root' or model == 'pcie-root':

        (addr_str, _, _, _, _) = get_controller_addr(cntlr_type=cntlr_type,

        if 'ccw' == cntlr_bus:
            check_pci_bus_type(addr_str, cntlr_index, cntlr_model, cntlr_type)

    def check_ccw_bus_type(addr_str):
        Uses lszdev to check for device info in guest.

        :param addr_str: Device address from libvirt
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestFail: Fails the test if unexpected test values
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestError: Fails if can't query dev info in guest
        :return: None
        session = vm.wait_for_login(serial=True)
        cmd = 'lszdev generic-ccw --columns ID'
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
        logging.debug("lszdev output is: %s", output)
        if status:
            test.error("Failed to get guest device info, check logs.")
        devno = int(addr_str.split('.')[-1])
        devno_str = hex(devno).replace('0x', '').zfill(4)
        if devno_str not in output:
            test.fail("Can't find device with number %s in guest. Searched for %s in %s"
                      % (devno, devno_str, output))

    def check_pci_bus_type(addr_str, cntlr_index, cntlr_model, cntlr_type):
        Uses lspci to check for device info in guest.

        :param addr_str: Device address from libvirt
        :param cntlr_index: controller index
        :param cntlr_model: controller model
        :param cntlr_type: controller type
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestError: Fails if device info not found
        :raise avocado.core.exceptions.TestFail: Fails if unexcepted test values
        :return: None
        pci_name = 'PCI bridge:'
        verbose_option = ""
        if cntlr_type == 'virtio-serial':
            verbose_option = '-vvv'
        if (addr_str is None and model != 'pci-root' and model != 'pcie-root'):
            test.error("Can't find target controller in XML")
        if cntlr_index:
            logging.debug("%s, %s, %s", cntlr_type, cntlr_model, cntlr_index)
        if (addr_str is None and cntlr_model != 'pci-root' and cntlr_model != 'pcie-root'):
            test.error("Can't find target controller in XML")
        session = vm.wait_for_login(serial=True)
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output('lspci %s -s %s'
                                                   % (verbose_option, addr_str))
        logging.debug("lspci output is: %s", output)
        if (cntlr_type == 'virtio-serial' and
                (vectors and int(vectors) == 0)):
            if 'MSI' in output:
                test.fail("Expect MSI disable with zero vectors, "
                          "but got %s" % output)
        if (cntlr_type == 'virtio-serial' and
                (vectors is None or int(vectors) != 0)):
            if 'MSI' not in output:
                test.fail("Expect MSI enable with non-zero vectors, "
                          "but got %s" % output)
        if (cntlr_type == 'pci'):
            if pci_name not in output:
                test.fail("Can't find target pci device"
                          " '%s' on guest " % addr_str)

    def check_guest_by_pattern(patterns):
        Search the command output with specified patterns

        :param patterns: patterns to search in guest. Type: str or list
        logging.debug("Search pattern:{}".format(patterns))
        session = vm.wait_for_login(serial=True)
        libvirt.check_cmd_output('lspci', eval(patterns), session=session)

    def check_cntrl(vm_xml, cntlr_type, cntlr_model, cntlr_index,
                    check_dict, qemu_pattern):
        Check the controller or get the controller's search patterns.
        Currently check_dict and qemu_pattern are not
        supported to be used at same time.

        :param vm_xml, the guest VMXML instance
        :param cntlr_type, the controller type
        :param cntlr_model, the controller's model
        :param cntlr_index, the controller's index
        :param check_dict, the dict for checking in the controller
        :param qemu_pattern: True if it needs to be checked with qemu
                              command line. False if not.
        :return Tuple (Controller, List) if qemu_pattern
                       Controller: the controller found.
                       List: a list including qemu search patterns
        :return None if check_dict
        :raise test.fail if the model name is not expected
        :raise test.error if the controller is not found
        qemu_list = None
        for elem in vm_xml.devices.by_device_tag('controller'):
            if (cntlr_type == elem.type and cntlr_model == elem.model):
                if cntlr_index and cntlr_index != elem.index:
                if qemu_pattern:
                    if cntlr_model not in ['pci-root', 'pcie-root']:
                        qemu_list = prepare_qemu_pattern(elem)
                    return (elem, qemu_list)
                if check_dict:
                    logging.debug("Checking list {}".format(check_dict))
                    if ('modelname' in check_dict and
                            elem.model_name['name'] != check_dict['modelname']):
                        test.fail("Can't find the expected model name {} "
                                  "with (type:{}, model:{}, index:{}), "
                                  "found {}".format(check_dict['modelname'],
                    if ('busNr' in check_dict and
                            elem.target['busNr'] != check_dict['busNr']):
                        test.fail("Can't find the expected busNr {} "
                                  "with (type:{}, model:{}, index:{}), "
                                  "found {}".format(check_dict['busNr'],
                        logging.debug("Check controller successfully")
        test.error("Can't find the specified controller with "
                   "(type:{}, model:{}, index:{})".format(cntlr_type,

    def detach_device(vm_name):
        Detach a device from the given guest

        :param vm_name: The guest name
        :return: None
        attach_dev_type = params.get("attach_dev_type", 'disk')
        detach_option = params.get("detach_option")
        if attach_dev_type == 'interface':
            ret = virsh.detach_interface(vm_name, detach_option,
            logging.debug("No need to detach any device.")

    def attach_device(vm_name):
        Attach devices to the guest for some times

        :param vm_name: The guest name
        :return: None
        attach_count = params.get("attach_count", '1')
        attach_dev_type = params.get("attach_dev_type", 'disk')
        attach_option = params.get("attach_option")
        if attach_option.count('--address '):
            index_str = "%02x" % int(auto_indexes_dict['pcie-root-port'][0])
            attach_option = attach_option % index_str
        for count in range(0, int(attach_count)):
            if attach_dev_type == 'disk':
                file_path = tempfile.mktemp(dir=data_dir.get_tmp_dir())
                libvirt.create_local_disk('file', file_path, size='1')
                ret = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name,
                                        params.get('dev_target', 'vdb'),
            elif attach_dev_type == 'interface':
                ret = virsh.attach_interface(vm_name,
                logging.debug("No need to attach any device.")

    def check_detach_attach_result(vm_name, cmd, pattern, expect_output, option='--hmp'):
        Check the attach/detach result by qemu_monitor_command.

        :param vm_name: guest name
        :param cmd: the command for qemu_monitor_command
        :param pattern: regular expr used to search
                        the output of qemu_monitor_command
        :param expect_output: the expected output for qemu_monitor_command
        :param option: option for qemu_monitor_command
        :raise test.fail if the pattern is not matched
        :return: the qemu_monitor_command output
        ret = virsh.qemu_monitor_command(vm_name, cmd, option)
        if pattern and expect_output:
            if not re.findall(pattern, ret.stdout.strip()):
                test.fail("Can't find the pattern '{}' in "
                          "qemu monitor command "
            return expect_output == ret.stdout.strip()

    def check_guest_by_cmd(cmds, expect_error=False):
        Execute the command within guest and check status

        :param cmds: Str or List, The command executed in guest
        :param expect_error: True if the command is expected to fail
        :return: None
        :raise test.fail if command status is not as expected
        def _check_cmd_result(cmd):
            logging.debug("Command in guest gets result: %s", output)
            if status and not expect_error:
                test.fail("Command '{}' fails in guest with status "
                          "'{}'".format(cmd, status))
            elif status and expect_error:
                logging.debug("Command '{}' fails in guest as "
            elif not status and not expect_error:
                logging.debug("Check guest by command successfully")
                test.fail("Check guest by command successfully, "
                          "but expect failure")

        logging.debug("Execute command '{}' in guest".format(cmds))
        session = vm.wait_for_login(serial=True)
        (status, output) = (None, None)
        if isinstance(cmds, str):
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmds)
        elif isinstance(cmds, list):
            for cmd in cmds:
                if isinstance(cmd, str):
                    status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
                elif isinstance(cmd, dict):
                    for cmd_key in cmd.keys():
                        status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd_key)
                        if output.strip() != cmd[cmd_key]:
                            test.fail("Command '{}' does not get "
                                      "expect result {}, but found "

    def get_device_bus(vm_xml, device_type):
        Get the bus that the devices are attached to.

        :param vm_xml: Guest xml
        :param device_type: The type of device, like disk, interface
        :return a list includes buses the devices attached to
        devices = vm_xml.get_devices(device_type=device_type)
        bus_list = []
        for device in devices:
            bus = device.address.attrs['bus']
            logging.debug("This device's bus:{}".format(bus))
        return bus_list

    def add_device_xml(vm_xml, device_type, device_cfg_dict):
        Add a device xml to the existing vm xml

        :param vm_xml: the existing vm xml object
        :param device_type: type of device to be added
        :param device_cfg_dict: the configuration of the device
        :return: None
        dev_obj = vm_xml.get_device_class(device_type)()

        dev_cfg = eval(device_cfg_dict)
        if device_type == 'sound':
            dev_obj.model_type = dev_cfg.get("model")
        elif device_type == 'rng':
            dev_obj.rng_model = dev_cfg.get("model")
            rng_backend = dev_obj.Backend()
            rng_backend.backend_model = "random"
            dev_obj.backend = rng_backend
        elif device_type == 'memballoon':
            dev_obj.model = dev_cfg.get("model")
        if 'bus' in dev_cfg:
            addr_dict = {'bus': dev_cfg.get("bus"),
                         'type': dev_cfg.get("type", "pci"),
                         'slot': dev_cfg.get("slot", "0x00")}
            if device_type == 'rng':
                dev_obj.address = dev_obj\
                    .new_rng_address(**{"attrs": addr_dict})
                dev_obj.address = addr_dict

    def check_multifunction():
        Check if multifunction is found in vm xml for specified controller

        :raise: test.fail if multifunction is not as expected
        (_, _, _, _, multi_func) = get_controller_addr(cntlr_type, model, '0')
        if not multi_func or multi_func != 'on':
            test.fail("Can't find multifunction=on in certain "
                      "controller(type:{}, model:{}, "
                      "index:{})".format(cntlr_type, model, 0))

    os_machine = params.get('machine_type', None)
    cntlr_type = params.get('controller_type', None)
    model = params.get('controller_model', None)
    index = params.get('controller_index', None)
    vectors = params.get('controller_vectors', None)
    pcihole = params.get('controller_pcihole64', None)
    chassisNr = params.get('chassisNr', None)
    addr_str = params.get('controller_address', None)
    cmpnn_cntlr_model = params.get('companion_controller_model', None)
    cmpnn_cntlr_num = params.get('companion_controller_num', None)
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1")
    no_pci_controller = params.get("no_pci_controller", "no")
    pci_bus_number = params.get("pci_bus_number", "0")
    remove_address = "yes" == params.get("remove_address", "yes")
    remove_contr = "yes" == params.get("remove_contr", "yes")
    setup_controller = params.get("setup_controller", "yes")
    index_second = params.get("controller_index_second", None)
    cntlr_bus = params.get('controller_bus')
    cur_machine = os_machine
    check_qemu = "yes" == params.get("check_qemu", "no")
    check_within_guest = "yes" == params.get("check_within_guest", "no")
    run_vm = "yes" == params.get("run_vm", "no")
    second_level_controller_num = params.get("second_level_controller_num", "0")
    check_contr_addr = "yes" == params.get("check_contr_addr", "yes")
    qemu_patterns = params.get("qemu_patterns")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    model_name = params.get("model_name", None)
    expect_err_msg = params.get("err_msg", None)
    new_pcie_root_port_model = params.get("new_model")
    old_pcie_root_port_model = params.get("old_model")
    add_contrl_list = params.get("add_contrl_list")
    auto_bus = "yes" == params.get("auto_bus", "no")
    check_cntrls_list = params.get("check_cntrls_list")
    sound_dict = params.get("sound_dict")
    balloon_dict = params.get("balloon_dict")
    rng_dict = params.get("rng_dict")
    guest_patterns = params.get("guest_patterns")
    attach_option = params.get("attach_option")
    detach_option = params.get("detach_option")
    attach_dev_type = params.get("attach_dev_type", 'disk')
    remove_nic = "yes" == params.get("remove_nic", 'no')
    qemu_monitor_cmd = params.get("qemu_monitor_cmd")
    cmd_in_guest = params.get("cmd_in_guest")
    check_dev_bus = "yes" == params.get("check_dev_bus", "no")
    cpu_numa_cells = params.get("cpu_numa_cells")
    virsh_dargs = {'ignore_status': False, 'debug': True}
    auto_indexes_dict = {}
    auto_index = params.get('auto_index', 'no') == 'yes'
    auto_slot = params.get('auto_slot', 'no') == 'yes'


    if index and index_second:
        if int(index) > int(index_second):
            test.error("Invalid parameters")

    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vm_xml_backup = vm_xml.copy()

        if remove_contr:
        if remove_address:
            remove_devices(vm_xml, 'address')
        remove_devices(vm_xml, 'usb')
        if remove_nic:
            remove_devices(vm_xml, 'interface')
        # Get the max controller index in current vm xml
        the_model = 'pci-root' if 'ppc' in platform.machine() else 'pcie-root-port'
        if add_contrl_list:
            ret_indexes = libvirt_pcicontr.get_max_contr_indexes(vm_xml, 'pci', the_model)
            if ret_indexes and len(ret_indexes) > 0:
                if auto_bus:
                    new_index = "0x%02x" % (int(ret_indexes[0]) + 1)
                    add_contrl_list = re.sub(r"'bus': '%s'", "'bus': '%s'" % new_index, add_contrl_list, count=5)
                    logging.debug("bus is set automatically with %s", new_index)
                if auto_slot:
                    available_slot = libvirt_pcicontr.get_free_pci_slot(vm_xml)
                    if not available_slot:
                        test.error("No pci slot is available any more. Please check your vm xml.")
                    add_contrl_list = re.sub(r"'slot': '%s'", "'slot': '%s'" % available_slot, add_contrl_list, count=5)
                    logging.debug("slot is set automatically with %s", available_slot)
                if auto_index:
                    new_index = int(ret_indexes[0]) + 1
                    add_contrl_list = re.sub(r"'index': '%s'", "'index': '%s'" % new_index, add_contrl_list, count=5)
                    logging.debug("index is set automatically with %s", new_index)
        logging.debug("Now add_contrl_list=%s", add_contrl_list)

        if setup_controller == "yes":
            if add_contrl_list:
                contrls = eval(add_contrl_list)
                for one_contrl in contrls:
                    contr_dict = {}
                    cntl_target = ''
                    if 'model' in one_contrl:
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_model': one_contrl['model']})
                    if 'busNr' in one_contrl:
                        cntl_target = "{'busNr': %s}" % one_contrl['busNr']
                    if 'chassisNr' in one_contrl:
                        cntl_target += "{'chassisNr': '%s'}" % one_contrl['chassisNr']
                    if 'alias' in one_contrl:
                        contr_dict.update({'contr_alias': one_contrl['alias']})
                    if 'type' in one_contrl:
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_type': one_contrl['type']})
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_type': 'pci'})
                    if 'node' in one_contrl:
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_node': one_contrl['node']})
                    if 'index' in one_contrl:
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_index': one_contrl['index']})
                    contr_dict.update({'controller_target': cntl_target})
                    addr = None
                    if 'bus' in one_contrl:
                        addr = {'bus': one_contrl['bus']}
                        if 'slot' in one_contrl:
                            addr.update({'slot': one_contrl['slot']})
                            if 'func' in one_contrl:
                                addr.update({'function': one_contrl['func']})
                    if addr:
                        contr_dict.update({'controller_addr': str(addr)})
                    controller_add = libvirt.create_controller_xml(contr_dict)
                    logging.debug("Add a controller: %s" % controller_add)
                if index_second:
                setup_controller_xml(index, addr_str)
                if second_level_controller_num:
                    for indx in range(2, int(second_level_controller_num) + 2):
                        addr_second = "0%s:0%s.0" % (index, str(indx))
                        setup_controller_xml(str(indx), addr_second)

        if int(pci_bus_number) > 0:
            address_params = {'bus': "%0#4x" % int(pci_bus_number), 'slot': "%0#4x" % int(pci_bus_number)}
            libvirt.set_disk_attr(vm_xml, 'vda', 'address', address_params)
        if cpu_numa_cells:
            if not vm_xml.cpu:
                vmxml_cpu = VMCPUXML()
                vmxml_cpu.xml = "<cpu mode='host-model'><numa/></cpu>"
                vmxml_cpu = vm_xml.cpu
                logging.debug("Existing cpu configuration in guest xml:\n%s", vmxml_cpu)
                vmxml_cpu.mode = 'host-model'
                if platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
                    vmxml_cpu.mode = 'host-passthrough'
            vmxml_cpu.numa_cell = VMCPUXML.dicts_to_cells(eval(cpu_numa_cells))
            vm_xml.cpu = vmxml_cpu
            vm_xml.vcpu = int(params.get('vcpu_count', 4))
        if sound_dict:
            add_device_xml(vm_xml, 'sound', sound_dict)
        if rng_dict:
            add_device_xml(vm_xml, 'rng', rng_dict)
        if balloon_dict:
            add_device_xml(vm_xml, 'memballoon', balloon_dict)

        logging.debug("Test VM XML before define is %s" % vm_xml)
        if not define_and_check(vm_xml):
            logging.debug("Can't define the VM, exiting.")
        vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        logging.debug("Test VM XML after define is %s" % vm_xml)
        if auto_index:
            contrls = eval(add_contrl_list)
            for one_contrl in contrls:
                ret_indexes = libvirt_pcicontr.get_max_contr_indexes(vm_xml,
                                                                     one_contrl.get('type', 'pci'),
                auto_indexes_dict.update({one_contrl['model']: ret_indexes})
        if check_contr_addr:
        if new_pcie_root_port_model and old_pcie_root_port_model:
            if utils_misc.compare_qemu_version(2, 9, 0, False):
                expect_model = new_pcie_root_port_model
                expect_model = old_pcie_root_port_model
            logging.debug("Expect the model for 'pcie-root-port': "
                          "%s" % expect_model)
            check_dict = {'modelname': expect_model}
            check_cntrl(vm_xml, 'pci', 'pcie-root-port',
                        '2', check_dict, False)
        if check_cntrls_list:
            for check_one in eval(check_cntrls_list):
                logging.debug("The controller to be checked: {}".format(check_one))
                check_cntrl(vm_xml, check_one.get('type', 'pci'), check_one.get('model'),
                            check_one.get('index'), check_one, False)
        if run_vm:
                if not start_and_check():
                    logging.debug("Can't start the VM, exiting.")
            except virt_vm.VMStartError as detail:

        # Need coldplug/hotplug
        if attach_option:
            vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            logging.debug("Guest xml after attaching device:{}".format(vm_xml))
            # Check device's bus if needed
            if check_dev_bus:
                buses = get_device_bus(vm_xml, attach_dev_type)
                if len(buses) == 0:
                    test.fail("No bus was found")
                if buses[0] != params.get("expect_bus"):
                    test.fail("The expected bus for device is {}, "
                              "but found {}".format(params.get("expect_bus"),
        if qemu_monitor_cmd:
        # Check guest xml
        if attach_dev_type == 'interface' and 'e1000e' in attach_option:
            cntls = vm_xml.get_controllers(controller_type='pci', model='pcie-root-port')
            cntl_index_list = []
            for cntl in cntls:
            logging.debug("All pcie-root-port controllers' "
                          "index: {}".format(cntl_index_list))
            bus_list = get_device_bus(vm_xml, "interface")
            for bus in bus_list:
                if str(int(bus, 16)) not in cntl_index_list:
                    test.fail("The attached NIC with bus '{}' is not attached "
                              "to any pcie-root-port by default".format(bus))
        if check_qemu:
            if qemu_patterns:
                if auto_index:
                    index_str = "%x" % int(auto_indexes_dict['pcie-root-port'][0])
                    qemu_patterns = qemu_patterns % index_str
                    logging.debug("qemu_patterns=%s", qemu_patterns)
                if qemu_patterns.count('multifunction=on'):
                search_qemu_cmd = eval(qemu_patterns)
                search_qemu_cmd = get_search_patt_qemu_line()

        if check_within_guest:
                if int(pci_bus_number) > 0:
                    for contr_idx in range(1, int(pci_bus_number) + 1):
                        check_guest(cntlr_type, model, str(contr_idx))
                if index:
                    check_max_index = int(index) + int(second_level_controller_num)
                    for contr_idx in range(1, int(check_max_index) + 1):
                        check_guest(cntlr_type, model, str(contr_idx))
                elif guest_patterns:
                elif cmd_in_guest:
                    check_guest(cntlr_type, model, cntlr_bus=cntlr_bus)
                    if model == 'pcie-root':
                        # Need check other auto added controller
                        check_guest(cntlr_type, 'dmi-to-pci-bridge', '1')
                        check_guest(cntlr_type, 'pci-bridge', '2')
            except remote.LoginTimeoutError as e:
                if not status_error:
        # Need hotunplug
        if detach_option:
            if qemu_monitor_cmd:
            if cmd_in_guest:
                check_guest_by_cmd(eval(cmd_in_guest), expect_error=True)

Пример #2
def run(test, params, env):
    Test the PCIe controllers' options
    1. Backup guest xml before the tests
    2. Modify guest xml and define the guest
    3. Start guest
    4. Hotplug if needed
    5. Do checking
    6. Destroy guest and restore guest
    def get_disk_bus(disk_dev=None):
        Get the bus list of guest disks

        :param disk_dev: The specified disk device
        :return: list for disks' buses
        disk_bus_list = []

        cur_vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        disk_dev_list = cur_vm_xml.get_disk_blk(vm_name)
        if disk_dev and disk_dev not in disk_dev_list:
            return disk_bus_list
        for disk_index in range(0, len(disk_dev_list)):
            disk_target = disk_dev if disk_dev else disk_dev_list[disk_index]
            disk_bus = cur_vm_xml.get_disk_attr(vm_name, disk_target,
                                                'address', 'bus')
            if disk_dev:
        logging.debug("Return disk bus list: {}".format(disk_bus_list))
        return disk_bus_list

    def check_guest_disks(ishotplug):
        Check guest disks in different ways

        :param ishotplug: True for hotplug, False for hotunplug
        :raise: test.fail if some errors happen
        def _find_disk_by_cmd():
            Check disk using virsh command

            :return: True if the disk is found, otherwise False
            ret = virsh.domblklist(vm_name, **virsh_options)
            target_disks = re.findall(r"[v,s]d[a-z]", ret.stdout.strip())

            for one_disk in target_disks:
                if target_dev in one_disk:
                    logging.debug("Found the disk '{}'".format(target_dev))
                    return True
            logging.debug("Can't find the disk '{}'".format(target_dev))
            return False

        def _find_disk_in_xml():
            Check disk in guest xml

            :return: True if the disk is found with right bus
                     False if the disk is not found
            :raise: test.fail if the disk's bus is incorrect
            bus_list = get_disk_bus(target_dev)
            if len(bus_list) == 0:
                return False
            if bus_list[0] != '0x%02x' % int(contr_index):
                test.fail("The found disk's bus is expected to be {}, "
                          "but {} found".format('0x%02x' % int(contr_index),
            return True

        virsh_options.update({'ignore_status': False})
        # Firstly check virsh.domblklist
        found_by_cmd = _find_disk_by_cmd()
        found_in_xml = _find_disk_in_xml()
        msg1 = "Can't find the device with target_dev '{}' by cmd".format(
        msg2 = "Found the device with target_dev '{}' unexpectedly by cmd".format(
        msg3 = "The device with target_dev '{}' was not detached successfully in xml".format(
        msg4 = "The device with target_dev '{}' was detached unexpectedly in xml".format(
        if ((ishotplug and not status_error and not found_by_cmd)
                or (not ishotplug and status_error and not found_by_cmd)):
        if ((ishotplug and status_error and found_by_cmd)
                or (not ishotplug and not status_error and found_by_cmd)):
        if ((ishotplug and not status_error and not found_in_xml)
                or (not ishotplug and not status_error and found_in_xml)):
        if ((ishotplug and status_error and found_in_xml)
                or (not ishotplug and status_error and not found_in_xml)):

    def check_inside_guest(ishotplug):
        Check devices within the guest

        :param ishotplug: True for hotplug, False for hotunplug
        :raise: test.fail if the result is not expected
        def _check_disk_in_guest():
            Compare the disk numbers within the guest

            :return: True if new disk is found, otherwise False
            new_disk_num = len(vm.get_disks())
            if new_disk_num > ori_disk_num:
                logging.debug("New disk is found in vm")
                return True
            logging.debug("New disk is not found in vm")
            return False

        vm_session = vm.wait_for_login()
        status = _check_disk_in_guest()
        msg1 = "Can't find the device in the guest"
        msg2 = "Found the device in the guest unexpectedly"
        if ((ishotplug and not status_error and not status)
                or (not ishotplug and status_error and not status)):
        if ((ishotplug and status_error and status)
                or (not ishotplug and not status_error and status)):

    def check_guest_contr():
        Check the controller in guest xml

        :raise: test.fail if the controller does not meet the expectation
        cntl = None
        cur_vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        for cntl in cur_vm_xml.devices.by_device_tag('controller'):
            if (cntl.type == 'pci' and cntl.model == contr_model
                    and cntl.index == contr_index):
                cntl_hotplug = cntl.target.get('hotplug')
                logging.debug("Got controller's hotplug:%s", cntl_hotplug)
                if cntl_hotplug != hotplug_option:
                    test.fail("The controller's hotplug option is {}, "
                              "but expect {}".format(cntl_hotplug,
        if not cntl:
            test.fail("The controller with index {} is not found".format(

    def check_multi_attach(bus_list):
        Check the result of multiple attach devices to the VM

        :param bus_list: List which includes the buses of vm disks
        :raise: test.fail if the result is unexpected
        msg_pattern = "The disk is {} expected to be attached to " \
                      "the controller with index '{}'"
        is_found = False
        if hotplug_option == 'on':
            for one_bus in bus_list:
                is_found = is_found | (one_bus == '0x%02x' % int(contr_index))
            if not is_found:
                test.fail(msg_pattern.format('', contr_index))
                logging.debug("Found a disk attached to the controller "
                              "with index '{}".format(contr_index))
            for one_bus in bus_list:
                is_found = one_bus == '0x%02x' % int(contr_index)
                if is_found:
                    test.fail(msg_pattern.format('not', contr_index))
            logging.debug("No disk is found to attach to the "
                          "controller with index '{}'".format(contr_index))

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm", "avocado-vt-vm1")
    setup_controller = params.get("setup_controller", 'yes') == 'yes'
    check_within_guest = params.get("check_within_guest", 'yes') == 'yes'
    check_disk_xml = params.get("check_disk_xml", 'no') == 'yes'
    check_cntl_xml = params.get("check_cntl_xml", 'no') == 'yes'
    contr_model = params.get("controller_model", 'pcie-root-port')
    contr_target = params.get("controller_target")
    hotplug_option = params.get("hotplug_option")
    hotplug = params.get("hotplug", 'yes') == 'yes'
    define_option = params.get("define_option")
    attach_extra = params.get("attach_extra")
    target_dev = params.get("target_dev")
    err_msg = params.get("err_msg")
    status_error = params.get("status_error", "no") == 'yes'
    restart_daemon = params.get("restart_daemon", "no") == 'yes'
    save_restore = params.get("save_restore", "no") == 'yes'
    hotplug_counts = params.get("hotplug_counts")
    addr_twice = params.get("addr_twice", 'no') == 'yes'
    contr_index = None

    virsh_options = {'debug': True, 'ignore_status': False}

    image_path_list = []
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    vm_xml_obj = VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vm_xml_backup = vm_xml_obj.copy()
        if check_within_guest:
            if not vm.is_alive():
                virsh.start(vm_name, **virsh_options)
            ori_disk_num = len(vm.get_disks())
            logging.debug("The original disk number in vm is %d", ori_disk_num)

        if setup_controller:
            contr_dict = {
                'controller_type': 'pci',
                'controller_model': contr_model,
                'controller_target': contr_target
            contr_obj = libvirt.create_controller_xml(contr_dict)
            logging.debug("Add a controller: %s" % contr_obj)

        virsh.define(vm_xml_obj.xml, options=define_option, **virsh_options)
        vm_xml = VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        ret_indexes = libvirt_pcicontr.get_max_contr_indexes(
            vm_xml, 'pci', contr_model)
        if not ret_indexes or len(ret_indexes) < 1:
            test.error("Can't find the controller index for model "
        contr_index = ret_indexes[0]
        if attach_extra and attach_extra.count('--address '):
            attach_extra = attach_extra % ("%02x" % int(contr_index))
        if err_msg and err_msg.count('%s'):
            err_msg = err_msg % contr_index
        if not save_restore:
            disk_max = int(hotplug_counts) if hotplug_counts else 1
            for disk_inx in range(0, disk_max):
                image_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
        if not hotplug and not save_restore:
            # Do coldplug before hotunplug to prepare the virtual device
        virsh.start(vm_name, **virsh_options)

        logging.debug("Test VM XML after starting:"
                      "\n%s", VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name))

        if restart_daemon:
            daemon_obj = Libvirtd()

        if save_restore:
            save_path = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), 'rhel.save')
            virsh.save(vm_name, save_path, **virsh_options)
            virsh.restore(save_path, **virsh_options)
        # Create virtual device xml
        if hotplug:
            virsh_options.update({'ignore_status': True})
            attach_times = 1 if not hotplug_counts else int(hotplug_counts)

            if attach_times == 1:
                ret = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name,
                libvirt.check_result(ret, expected_fails=err_msg)
                for attach_inx in range(0, attach_times):
                    disk_dev = 'vd{}'.format(chr(98 + attach_inx))
                    ret = virsh.attach_disk(vm_name,
                    if ret.exit_status and not addr_twice:
                libvirt.check_result(ret, expected_fails=err_msg)
        if not hotplug and check_within_guest:
            virsh_options.update({'ignore_status': True})
            ret = virsh.detach_disk(vm_name, target_dev, **virsh_options)
            libvirt.check_result(ret, expected_fails=err_msg)
        if check_disk_xml:
        if check_cntl_xml:
        if hotplug_counts and not addr_twice:
        if check_within_guest:
