Пример #1
    def test_status_pending_hypervisor_async_result(self):
        # This test's that when we have an async result from the server,
        # we poll for the status on the interval until we get completed result

        # Setup the test data
        config1, d1 = self.create_fake_config('source1', **self.default_config_args)
        config2, d2 = self.create_fake_config('source2', **self.default_config_args)
        virt1 = Mock()
        virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx'
        virt2 = Mock()
        virt2.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx'

        guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING)
        guest2 = Guest('GUUID2', virt2.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING)
        assoc1 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_1', [guest1])]}
        assoc2 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_2', [guest2])]}
        report1 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config1, assoc1)
        report2 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config2, assoc2)
        report1.job_id = 'job1'
        report2.job_id = 'job2'

        data_to_send = {'source1': report1,
                        'source2': report2}
        source_keys = ['source1', 'source2']
        batch_report1 = Mock()  # The "report" to check status
        batch_report1.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CREATED
        datastore = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2}
        manager = Mock()
        items = [AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING,
                 AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED,
        manager.check_report_state = Mock(side_effect=self.check_report_state_closure(items))

        logger = Mock()
        config, d = self.create_fake_config('test', **self.default_config_args)
        terminate_event = Mock()
        interval = 10  # Arbitrary for this test
        options = Mock()
        options.print_ = False
        destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config,
                                               oneshot=False, options=self.options)
        # In this test we want to see that the wait method is called when we
        # expect and with what parameters we expect
        destination_thread.wait = Mock()
        destination_thread.is_terminated = Mock(return_value=False)
        destination_thread.submitted_report_and_hash_for_source ={'source1':(report1, 'hash1'),'source2':(report2, 'hash2')}
        reports = destination_thread._get_data_common(source_keys)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(reports))
        reports = destination_thread._get_data_common(source_keys)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(reports))
        reports = destination_thread._get_data_common(source_keys)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(reports))