"""Find index of the thalamus and get the mesh. If you want to get all of the index of the ROI template use : * `roi_obj.get_labels()` : return a pandas DatFrame * `roi_obj.get_labels('/home/')` : save all supported ROI and labels in an excel file. """ idx_thalamus = roi_obj.where_is('Thalamus') roi_obj.select_roi(idx_thalamus, smooth=5) """Once the ROI object created, we can project source's alpha modulations directly on the thalamus """ roi_obj.project_sources(s_obj, cmap='Spectral_r', clim=(200., 2000.), vmin=300., under='gray', vmax=1800., over='darkred') """You can also force sources to fit onto the thalamus """ # s_obj.fit_to_vertices(roi_obj.vertices) """ """ b_obj = BrainObj('B3') # Define a Brain instance : vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj, roi_obj=roi_obj) """Select the colorbar of the ROI """ vb.cbar_select('roi')
sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj_2, row=1, col=1, title='Plot only sources in BA4, 6 and 8') sc.add_to_subplot(roi_brod_2, row=1, col=1, use_this_cam=True) # ============================================================================= # CORTICAL PROJECTION OF SOURCE'S ACTIVITY # ============================================================================= print("\n-> Project source's activity onto ROI") # Define the ROI object : roi_brod_3 = RoiObj('aal') roi_brod_3.select_roi(select=[29, 30, 77, 78], smooth=11) # Define a source object : s_obj_3 = SourceObj('SecondSources', xyz, data=data) roi_brod_3.project_sources(s_obj_3, cmap='plasma', clim=(-1., 1.), vmin=-.5, vmax=.7, under='gray', over='red') cb_brod_3 = ColorbarObj(roi_brod_3, cblabel='Source activity', **CBAR_STATE) sc.add_to_subplot(roi_brod_3, row=1, col=2, title="Project source activity onto ROI") sc.add_to_subplot(cb_brod_3, row=1, col=3, width_max=200) sc.preview()
roi_obj = RoiObj('aal', cblabel="Alpha power", border=False) """Find index of the thalamus and get the mesh. If you want to get all of the index of the ROI template use : * `roi_obj.get_labels()` : return a pandas DatFrame * `roi_obj.get_labels('/home/')` : save all supported ROI and labels in an excel file. """ idx_thalamus = roi_obj.where_is('Thalamus') roi_obj.select_roi(idx_thalamus, smooth=5) """Once the ROI object created, we can project source's alpha modulations directly on the thalamus """ roi_obj.project_sources(s_obj, cmap='Spectral_r', clim=(200., 2000.), vmin=300., under='gray', vmax=1800., over='darkred') """You can also force sources to fit onto the thalamus """ # s_obj.fit_to_vertices(roi_obj.vertices) """ """ b_obj = BrainObj('B3') # Define a Brain instance : vb = Brain(brain_obj=b_obj, source_obj=s_obj, roi_obj=roi_obj) """Select the colorbar of the ROI """ vb.cbar_select('roi')