Пример #1
class Configure(object):
    def __init__(self, pitch, width=640, height=480):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.pitch = pitch
        self.new_polygon = True
        self.polygon = self.polygons = []
        self.points = []

        self.camera = Camera(pitch=pitch)

        keys = [
            'outline', 'Zone_0', 'Zone_1', 'Zone_2', 'Zone_3', 'pitch_inner',
            "Goal_0", "Goal_1"
        self.data = self.drawing = {}

        # Create keys
        for key in keys:
            self.data[key] = []
            self.drawing[key] = []

        self.color = RED

    def run(self, camera=False):
        frame = cv2.namedWindow(FRAME_NAME)

        # Set callback
        cv2.setMouseCallback(FRAME_NAME, self.draw)

        if camera:
            self.image = self.camera.get_raw_frame()
            self.image = cv2.imread('00000001.jpg')

        self.image = self.camera.fix_radial_distortion(self.image)
        self.image = self.camera.fix_perspective(self.image)

        # Get various data about the image from the user

        self.get_zone('Zone_0', 'draw LEFT Defender')
        self.get_zone('Zone_1', 'draw RIGHT Defender')
        self.get_zone('Goal_0', 'Point in the center of the left goal')
        self.get_zone('Goal_1', 'Point in the cneter of the right goal')


        print 'Press any key to finish.'

        # Write out the data
        # self.dump('calibrations/calibrate.json', self.data)
        tools.save_croppings(pitch=self.pitch, data=self.data)

    def reshape(self):
        return np.array(self.data[self.drawing], np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))

    def draw_poly(self, points):
        cv2.polylines(self.image, [points], True, self.color)
        cv2.imshow(FRAME_NAME, self.image)

    def get_zone(self, key, message):
        print '%s. %s' % (message, "Continue by pressing q")
        self.drawing, k = key, True

        while k != ord('q'):
            cv2.imshow(FRAME_NAME, self.image)
            k = cv2.waitKey(100) & 0xFF


    def get_pitch_outline(self):
                Let user select points that corespond to the pitch outline.
                End selection by pressing 'q'.
                Result is masked and cropped.
            'Draw the outline of the pitch. Contine by pressing \'q\'')

        # Setup black mask to remove overflows
        self.image = tools.mask_pitch(self.image, self.data[self.drawing])

        # Get crop size based on points
        size = tools.find_crop_coordinates(self.image, self.data[self.drawing])
        # Crop
        #self.image = self.image[size[2]:size[3], size[0]:size[1]]

        cv2.imshow(FRAME_NAME, self.image)

    def draw(self, event, x, y, flags, param):
                Callback for events
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            color = self.color
            cv2.circle(self.image, (x - 1, y - 1), 2, color, -1)
            self.data[self.drawing].append((x, y))

    def get_goal(self, zone):
                Returns the top and bottom corner of the goal in zone.
        coords = self.data[zone]
        reverse = int(zone[-1]) % 2
        goal_coords = sorted(coords, reverse=reverse)[:2]
        if goal_coords[0][1] > goal_coords[1][1]:
            topCorner = goal_coords[1]
            bottomCorner = goal_coords[0]
            topCorner = goal_coords[0]
            bottomCorner = goal_coords[1]
        self.data[zone + '_goal'] = [topCorner, bottomCorner]
        tools.save_data(self.pitch, self.points,

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("pitch", help="[0] Main pitch, [1] Secondary pitch")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    pitch_number = int(args.pitch)

    WINDOW_NAME = 'Perspective Calibration'
    cam = Camera(pitch=pitch_number)
    perspective = Perspective(pitch_number)

    cv2.setMouseCallback(WINDOW_NAME, perspective.add_point)

    while (1):
        frame = cam.get_raw_frame()
        frame = cam.fix_radial_distortion(frame)
        frame = perspective.draw_points(frame)

        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        if cv2.waitKey(20) & 0xFF == 27:
