class VispyUI(object): _CUSTOM_LAYERS = {'CircleLayer': CircleLayer, 'LineLayer': LineLayer} # Variables possible for kwargs, use these defaults if missing from kwargs _DEFAULTS = { 'n_cores': 0, 'epochs_per_cycle': 10, 'display_multiplier': 3, 'border': 1.0 } def __init__(self, state_file=None, image=None, suffix=None, out_dir="output", **kwargs): # epochs_per_cycle=None, n_cores=None, display_multiplier=None, border=None): if int(image is None) + int(state_file is None) != 1: raise Exception("Need input image, or state to restore.") # state self._tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="imageStretch_") if state_file is not None: self._load_state(state_file) else: self._suffix = "" if suffix is None else "_%s" % (suffix, ) self._out_dir = out_dir self._image = image n_cores = kwargs[ 'n_cores'] if 'n_cores' in kwargs else self._DEFAULTS['n_cores'] self._sim = ScaleInvariantImage(image, n_cores=n_cores, state=None) self._index = 0 self._increment_run_number() # let these be overridden by command line if they're still none for arg in self._DEFAULTS: if arg in kwargs and kwargs[arg] is not None: setattr(self, privatize(arg), kwargs[arg]) elif not hasattr(self, privatize(arg)): setattr(self, privatize(arg), self._DEFAULTS[arg])"Using args:") for arg in self._DEFAULTS:"\t%s: %s" % (arg, getattr(self, privatize(arg)))) self._interactive = not kwargs['just_image'] if kwargs['just_image']: self._write_image() return # set up VISPY display self._canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas( keys='interactive', show=True, title="Route editor -- H for help") self._viewbox = self._canvas.central_widget.add_view() = vispy.scene.cameras.PanZoomCamera( parent=self._viewbox.scene, aspect=1) self._add_graphics_elements() self.set_text_box_state(False) self._closing = False self._set_image(self._image / 255.0) self._worker = Thread(target=self._train_thread) self._worker.start()"Started worker thread.") def is_interactive(self): return self._interactive def _on_close(self, event): self._closing = True"Shutting down...") def _increment_run_number(self): if not os.path.exists(self._out_dir): os.mkdir(self._out_dir) files = [ f for f in os.listdir(self._out_dir) if f.startswith('output') and f.endswith('.png') ] numbers = [ int('^output_([0-9]+)_.+.png', f).groups()[0]) for f in files ] self._run = np.max(numbers) + 1 if len(numbers) > 0 else 0 def _save_state(self):"Saving state...") model_filename = "" % (self._run, self._suffix) model_filepath = os.path.join(self._out_dir, model_filename) temp_filepath = os.path.join(self._tempdir, model_filename) self._sim.get_model().save(temp_filepath) with open(temp_filepath, 'r') as infile: model_bin = model = { 'model_bin': model_bin, 'epc': self._epochs_per_cycle, 'dm': self._display_multiplier, 'suffix': self._suffix, 'out_dir': self._out_dir, 'image': self._image, 'border': self._border, 'index': self._index, 'run': self._run } with open(model_filepath, 'w') as outfile: cp.dump(model, outfile)"Wrote: %s" % (model_filepath, )) def _load_state(self, model_filepath):"loading state...") with open(model_filepath, 'r') as infile: state = cp.load(infile) self._epochs_per_cycle = state['epc'] self._display_multiplier = state['dm'] self._suffix = state['suffix'] self._out_dir = state['out_dir'] self._image = state['image'] self._index = state['index'] + 1 self._run = state['run'] self._border = state['border'] model_filename = "" % (self._run, self._suffix) model_filepath = os.path.join(self._tempdir, model_filename) with open(model_filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(state['model_bin']) state['model'] = keras.models.load_model( model_filepath, custom_objects=self._CUSTOM_LAYERS) self._sim = ScaleInvariantImage(state=state) def _train_thread(self): tf_session, tf_graph = self._sim.get_session_and_graph() with tf_session.as_default(): with tf_graph.as_default(): while not self._closing: for ep in range(self._epochs_per_cycle): if self._closing: break self._sim.train_epochs(1) self._save_state() if self._closing: break img = self._write_image() self._set_image(img) self._index += 1 if self._closing: break self._save_state()"Close detected, shutting down worker thread.")"Deleting work dir: %s" % (self._tempdir, )) shutil.rmtree(self._tempdir) def _write_image(self): img = self._sim.get_display_image( np.array(self._sim.get_image().shape) * self._display_multiplier, margin=self._border) out_filename = "output_%i%s_%.8i.png" % (self._run, self._suffix, self._index) out_path = os.path.join(self._out_dir, out_filename) while os.path.exists(out_path): self._index += 1 out_filename = "output_%i%s_%.8i.png" % (self._run, self._suffix, self._index) out_path = os.path.join(self._out_dir, out_filename) cv2.imwrite(out_path, np.uint8(255 * img[:, :, ::-1]))"Wrote: %s" % (out_path, )) return img def _add_graphics_elements(self): """ Create the VISPY graphics objects """ # Image self._image_object = Image(self._image, parent=self._viewbox.scene) self._image_object.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._image_object.order = 1 self._image_object.visible = True self._text_box_width = 150 self._text_box_height = 40 self._text_box_offset = 10 # Text background box in upper-left corner self._text_bkg_rect = vispy.scene.visuals.Rectangle( [ self._text_box_width / 2 + self._text_box_offset, self._text_box_height / 2 + self._text_box_offset ], color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0, .8], border_color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0], border_width=2, height=self._text_box_height, width=self._text_box_width, radius=10.0, parent=self._canvas.scene) self._text_bkg_rect.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._text_bkg_rect.visible = True self._text_bkg_rect.order = 2 # Text self._text = "?" self._text_pos = [ self._text_box_offset + 10, self._text_box_offset + 10 ] self._text_obj = vispy.scene.visuals.Text(self._text, parent=self._canvas.scene, color=[0.9, 0.8, 0.8], anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self._text_obj.pos = self._text_pos self._text_obj.font_size = 18 self._text_obj.visible = True self._text_obj.order = 3 def set_text_box_state(self, state): self._text_bkg_rect.visible = state self._text_obj.visible = state def _change_text(self, new_text): if new_text is not None: self._text = new_text else: self._text = "" self._text_obj.text = self._text def _set_image(self, image=None): xmin, ymin = 0, 0 xmax, ymax = image.shape[1], image.shape[0], xmax), y=(ymin, ymax), z=None) self._image_object.set_data(flip(image)) self._image_object.visible = True def _on_key_press(self, ev): if == 'Escape': self._canvas.close() else: self._change_text("Unknown keypress: %s" % (, ))
class VispyUI(object): """ Display an image, rectangle, text, enable pan/tilt, keyboard """ def __init__(self): self._make_new_random_image() # state self._last_mouse_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) self._load_data() # Load data in after the view has been setup self._canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas( keys='interactive', show=True, title="Route editor -- H for help") self._viewbox = self._canvas.central_widget.add_view() = vispy.scene.cameras.PanZoomCamera( parent=self._viewbox.scene, aspect=1) self._add_graphics_elements() self._set_map_image(self._image) def _make_new_random_image(self): self._h, self._w = 100 + int(np.random.rand(1) * 100), 100 + int( np.random.rand(1) * 100) self._image = np.uint8( np.zeros((self._h, self._w, 3)) + 255 * np.random.rand(self._h * self._w * 3).reshape( (self._h, self._w, 3))) def _add_graphics_elements(self): """ Create all the graphics objects (VISPY objects), put them on the canvas. """ # Image self._image_object = Image(self._image, parent=self._viewbox.scene) self._image_object.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._image_object.order = 1 self._image_object.visible = True self._text_box_width = 150 self._text_box_height = 40 self._text_box_offset = 10 # Text background box in upper-left corner self._text_bkg_rect = vispy.scene.visuals.Rectangle( [ self._text_box_width / 2 + self._text_box_offset, self._text_box_height / 2 + self._text_box_offset ], color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0, .8], border_color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0], border_width=2, height=self._text_box_height, width=self._text_box_width, radius=10.0, parent=self._canvas.scene) self._text_bkg_rect.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._text_bkg_rect.visible = True self._text_bkg_rect.order = 2 # Text self._text = "?" self._text_pos = [ self._text_box_offset + 10, self._text_box_offset + 10 ] self._text_obj = vispy.scene.visuals.Text(self._text, parent=self._canvas.scene, color=[0.9, 0.8, 0.8], anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self._text_obj.pos = self._text_pos self._text_obj.font_size = 18 self._text_obj.visible = True self._text_obj.order = 3 def _change_text(self, new_text): if new_text is not None: self._text = new_text else: self._text = "" self._text_obj.text = self._text def _load_data(self): """ Downlaod (if necessary) and load into memory the costmap, route and scrubber deck state controls. """ self._images = [] def _set_map_image(self, disp_image=None): """ Extract an image to display from the current cost map. """ if disp_image is not None: self._image = disp_image xmin, ymin = 0, 0 xmax, ymax = self._image.shape[1], self._image.shape[0], xmax), y=(ymin, ymax), z=None) self._image_object.set_data(self._image) self._image_object.visible = True def _on_key_press(self, ev): """ vispy keyboard callback """ if not ev or not ev.key: # on Mac sometimes this callback is triggered with # NoneType key when clicking between desktops or full screen apps return control_pressed = 'Control' in [ for e in ev.modifiers] shift_pressed = 'Shift' in [ for e in ev.modifiers] print "Shift: %s\nControl:%s" % (shift_pressed, control_pressed) if == "Space": self._make_new_random_image() self._set_map_image() elif == "Z": print "Z" elif == "M": print "M" else: self._change_text("Unknown keypress: %s" % (, )) def _on_mouse_move(self, event): """ vispy mouse motion callback All mouse events are in map coordinate frame """ self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos def _on_mouse_press(self, event): ''' Vispy mouse button press callback. All mouse events are in map coordinate frame ''' self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos def _on_mouse_release(self, event): """ Vispy mouse button release callback. All mouse events are in map coordinate frame """ self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos
class ImageSorter(object): """ Display an image, rectangle, text, enable pan/tilt, keyboard """ def __init__(self, image_dir, out_file=None, max_load=10): self._in_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(image_dir)) self._out_file = out_file if out_file is not None else os.path.join( self._in_dir, "results.json") self._images = LabeledImageSet(image_dir, self._out_file, self._out_file) self._current_filename, self._current_index = self._images.get_unlabeled( ) # state self._last_mouse_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) self._canvas = vispy.scene.SceneCanvas( keys='interactive', show=True, title="Route editor -- H for help") self._viewbox = self._canvas.central_widget.add_view() = vispy.scene.cameras.PanZoomCamera( parent=self._viewbox.scene, aspect=1) self._add_graphics_elements() self._update_image() def _save_results(self): def _add_graphics_elements(self): """ Create all the graphics objects (VISPY objects), put them on the canvas. """ # Image self._image_object = Image(None, parent=self._viewbox.scene) self._image_object.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._image_object.order = 1 self._image_object.visible = True self._text_box_width = 150 self._text_box_height = 60 self._text_box_offset = 10 # Text background box in upper-left corner self._text_bkg_rect = vispy.scene.visuals.Rectangle( [ self._text_box_width / 2 + self._text_box_offset, self._text_box_height / 2 + self._text_box_offset ], color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0, .8], border_color=[0.1, 0.0, 0.0], border_width=2, height=self._text_box_height, width=self._text_box_width, radius=10.0, parent=self._canvas.scene) self._text_bkg_rect.set_gl_state('translucent', depth_test=False) self._text_bkg_rect.visible = True self._text_bkg_rect.order = 2 self._resize_text_bkg_box() # Text self._font1_size = 10 self._font2_size = 18 self._vspace = self._font1_size * 2.2 self._text_pos = [ self._text_box_offset + 10, self._text_box_offset + 10 ] self._text_obj = vispy.scene.visuals.Text("", parent=self._canvas.scene, color=[0.9, 0.8, 0.8], anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self._text_obj.pos = self._text_pos self._text_obj.font_size = self._font1_size self._text_obj.visible = True self._text_obj.order = 3 self._text2_pos = [self._text_pos[0], self._vspace + self._text_pos[1]] self._text2_obj = vispy.scene.visuals.Text("", parent=self._canvas.scene, color=[0.9, 0.8, 0.8], anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self._text2_obj.pos = self._text2_pos self._text2_obj.font_size = self._font2_size self._text2_obj.visible = True self._text2_obj.order = 3 def _resize_text_bkg_box(self):'resize') = np.array([ self._canvas.size[0] / 2, self._text_box_height / 2 + self._text_box_offset ]) self._text_bkg_rect.width = self._canvas.size[ 0] - 2 * self._text_box_offset def _on_resize(self, event): self._resize_text_bkg_box() def _update_image(self): """ Extract an image to display from the current cost map. """ self._current_filename = self._images.get_i(self._current_index) self._current_image = self._images.get_image(self._current_filename)"Got new image: %s, %s" % (self._current_image.shape, self._current_filename)) xmin, ymin = 0, 0 xmax, ymax = self._current_image.shape[1], self._current_image.shape[0], xmax), y=(ymin, ymax), z=None) self._image_object.set_data(self._current_image) self._image_object.visible = True self._update_text() def _update_text(self): result = self._images.get_label(self._current_filename) result_str = "%i" % (result, ) if result is not None else "(unlabeled)" text1 = self._current_filename text2 = "%i / %i - label: %s" % (self._current_index, self._images.get_n(), result_str) self._text_obj.text = text1 self._text2_obj.text = text2 self._text_obj.visible = True self._text2_obj.visible = True def _on_key_press(self, ev): """ vispy keyboard callback """ if not ev or not ev.key: # on Mac sometimes this callback is triggered with # NoneType key when clicking between desktops or full screen apps return # control_pressed = 'Control' in [ for e in ev.modifiers] shift_pressed = 'Shift' in [ for e in ev.modifiers] # print "Shift: %s\nControl:%s" % (shift_pressed, control_pressed) if == "Left": self._advance_index(-1) elif == "Right": self._advance_index(1) elif == "X": self._classify_and_go_to_next( 0, skip_to_next_unlabeled=not shift_pressed) elif == "O": self._classify_and_go_to_next( 1, skip_to_next_unlabeled=not shift_pressed) else:"Unknown keypress: %s" % (, )) def _advance_index(self, direction): new_index = self._current_index + direction if new_index >= 0 and new_index <= self._images.get_n() - 1: self._current_index = new_index self._update_image() self._update_text() def _classify_and_go_to_next(self, label, skip_to_next_unlabeled=True): self._images.apply_label(self._current_filename, label) if skip_to_next_unlabeled: self._current_filename, self._current_index = self._images.get_unlabeled( ) self._update_image() self._update_text() else: self._advance_index(1) def _on_mouse_move(self, event): self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos def _on_mouse_press(self, event): self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos def _on_mouse_release(self, event): self._last_mouse_pos = event.pos