Пример #1
        BAND.pos[:, 1] = vp.where(BELOW, -1, BAND.pos[:, 1])

    # need a more physical way to make 'damped springs' than this!
    BAND.p = BAND.p * DAMP

    #band.p[0] = 0   # nail down left endpoint
    #band.p[-1] = 0  # nail down right endpoint

    BAND.pos = BAND.pos + BAND.p/M*DT

    BAND.p[:, 1] = BAND.p[:, 1] - M * G * DT

    # force[n] is the force on point n from point n+1 (to the right):
    LENGTH = (BAND.pos[1:] - BAND.pos[:-1])
    DIST = vp.sqrt(vp.sum(LENGTH*LENGTH, -1))
    FORCE = LENGTH/DIST[:, vp.newaxis] * FORCE[:, vp.newaxis]

    BAND.p[:-1] = BAND.p[:-1] + FORCE*DT
    BAND.p[1:] = BAND.p[1:] - FORCE*DT

    # color based on "stretch":  blue -> white -> red
    C = vp.clip(DIST/RESTLENGTH * 0.5, 0, 2)

    #   blue (compressed) -> white (relaxed) -> red (tension)
    BAND.red[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 1)
    BAND.green[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 2-C)
    BAND.blue[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), 1, 2-C)

    for S in SPHERES:
Пример #2

for a in ATOM:
    a.p = vp.array(a.p-PTOTAL/(INDEX**2))

# Convert to tuples for faster indexing access.  We aren't growing any more of them.
ATOM = tuple(ATOM)

# Evaluate a couple of constants outside the loop
K_DT = K * DT
DT_M = DT / M

while True:
    for a in ATOM:
        r = vp.array(a.nearpos) - a.pos
        rmag = (vp.sqrt(vp.sum(vp.square(r), -1))).reshape(-1, 1) # reshape rmag from row to column
        a.p += K_DT * vp.sum((1-L/rmag)*r, 0) # sum the forces k*dt*(rmag-L)*(r/rmag)

    for a in ATOM:
        a.pos += a.p * DT_M

    for s in SPRINGS:
        p1 = s.atom1.pos
        r12 = s.atom2.pos-p1
        direction = r12.norm()
        s.pos = p1+RS*direction
        s.axis = (r12.mag-2*RS)*direction

Пример #3
        BAND.pos[:, 1] = vp.where(BELOW, -1, BAND.pos[:, 1])

    # need a more physical way to make 'damped springs' than this!
    BAND.p = BAND.p * DAMP

    #band.p[0] = 0   # nail down left endpoint
    #band.p[-1] = 0  # nail down right endpoint

    BAND.pos = BAND.pos + BAND.p / M * DT

    BAND.p[:, 1] = BAND.p[:, 1] - M * G * DT

    # force[n] is the force on point n from point n+1 (to the right):
    LENGTH = (BAND.pos[1:] - BAND.pos[:-1])
    DIST = vp.sqrt(vp.sum(LENGTH * LENGTH, -1))
    FORCE = LENGTH / DIST[:, vp.newaxis] * FORCE[:, vp.newaxis]

    BAND.p[:-1] = BAND.p[:-1] + FORCE * DT
    BAND.p[1:] = BAND.p[1:] - FORCE * DT

    # color based on "stretch":  blue -> white -> red
    C = vp.clip(DIST / RESTLENGTH * 0.5, 0, 2)

    #   blue (compressed) -> white (relaxed) -> red (tension)
    BAND.red[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 1)
    BAND.green[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 2 - C)
    BAND.blue[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), 1, 2 - C)

    for S in SPHERES: