Пример #1
 def handle_raw_stereo(self, msg):
     size = (msg.left_info.width, msg.left_info.height)
     if self.vo == None:
       cam = camera.StereoCamera(msg.right_info)
       self.fd = FeatureDetectorFast(300)
       self.ds = DescriptorSchemeCalonder()
       self.vo = VisualOdometer(cam, scavenge = False,
                           inlier_error_threshold = 3.0, sba = None,
                           inlier_thresh = 100,
                           position_keypoint_thresh = 0.2, angle_keypoint_thresh = 0.15)
       self.vo.num_frames = self.startframe
     pair = [Image.fromstring("L", size, i.uint8_data.data) for i in [ msg.left_image, msg.right_image ]]
     af = SparseStereoFrame(pair[0], pair[1], feature_detector = self.fd, descriptor_scheme = self.ds)
     self.frame_timestamps[af.id] = msg.header.stamp
     if self.skel.add(self.vo.keyframe):
       print "====>", self.vo.keyframe.id, self.frame_timestamps[self.vo.keyframe.id]
       #print self.tf.getFrameStrings()
       #assert self.tf.frameExists("wide_stereo_optical_frame")
       #assert self.tf.frameExists("odom_combined")
       N = sorted(self.skel.nodes)
       for a,b in zip(N, N[1:]):
         if (a,b) in self.skel.edges:
           t0 = self.frame_timestamps[a]
           t1 = self.frame_timestamps[b]
           if self.tf.canTransformFull("wide_stereo_optical_frame", t0, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t1, "odom_combined"):
             t,r = self.tf.lookupTransformFull("wide_stereo_optical_frame", t0, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t1, "odom_combined")
             relpose = Pose()
             self.wheel_odom_edges.add((a, b, relpose, 1.0))
Пример #2
    def send_map(self, stamp):

        if len(self.skel.nodes) < 4:

        TG = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        for i in self.skel.nodes:
        for (a,b,p,c) in self.skel.every_edge + list(self.wheel_odom_edges):
            TG.add_edge(a, b, (p, c))
        here = max(self.skel.nodes)

        # TG is the total graph, G is the local subgraph

        uTG = TG.to_undirected()
        print "uTG", uTG.nodes(), uTG.edges()
        close = set([here])
        for i in range(self.optimization_distance):
            close |= set(nx.node_boundary(uTG, close))
        print "close", close

        G = TG.subgraph(close)
        uG = uTG.subgraph(close)
        pg = TreeOptimizer3()

        def mk_covar(xyz, rp, yaw):
            return (1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz),1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz), 1.0 / math.sqrt(xyz), 1.0 / math.sqrt(rp), 1.0 / math.sqrt(rp), 1.0 / math.sqrt(yaw))
        weak = mk_covar(9e10,3,3)
        strong = mk_covar(0.0001, 0.000002, 0.00002)

        def pgadd(p, n, data):
            relpose, strength = data
            if strength == 0.0:
                cov = weak
                cov = strong
            pg.addIncrementalEdge(p, n, relpose.xform(0,0,0), relpose.euler(), cov)

        Gedges = G.edges(data = True)
        revmap = {}
        map = {}
        for n in nx.dfs_preorder(uG, here):
            revmap[len(map)] = n
            map[n] = len(map)
            priors = [p for p in uG.neighbors(n) if p in map]
            if priors == []:
                print "START NODE", n, "as", map[n]
                print "NEXT NODE", n
                p = priors[0]
                if not G.has_edge(p, n):
                  n,p = p,n
                data = G.get_edge_data(p, n)[0]
                Gedges.remove((p, n, data))
                pgadd(map[p], map[n], data)
        for (p,n,d) in Gedges:
          pgadd(map[p], map[n], d)
        start_error = pg.error()
        for i in range(10):
        print "Error from", start_error, "to", pg.error()

        print self.tf.getFrameStrings()
        target_frame = "base_link"
        t = self.tf.getLatestCommonTime("wide_stereo_optical_frame", target_frame)
        trans,rot = self.tf.lookupTransform(target_frame, "wide_stereo_optical_frame", t)
        xp = Pose()

        roadmap_nodes = dict([ (n, (30,0,0)) for n in TG.nodes() ])
        nl = sorted(roadmap_nodes.keys())
        print "nl", nl
        for i in sorted(map.values()):
            xyz,euler = pg.vertex(i)
            p = from_xyz_euler(xyz, euler)
            pose_in_target = xp * p
            x,y,z = pose_in_target.xform(0,0,0)
            euler = pose_in_target.euler()
            print x,y,z, euler
            roadmap_nodes[revmap[i]] = (x, y, euler[2])

        roadmap_edges = []
        for (p,n) in set(TG.edges()):
            print p,n
            best_length = max([ (confidence, pose.distance()) for (pose, confidence) in TG.get_edge_data(p, n).values()])[1]
            roadmap_edges.append((p, n, best_length))

        msg = vslam.msg.Roadmap()
        msg.header.stamp = stamp
        msg.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        msg.nodes = [vslam.msg.Node(*roadmap_nodes[n]) for n in nl]
        print "(p,n)", [ (p,n) for (p,n,l) in roadmap_edges ]
        msg.edges = [vslam.msg.Edge(nl.index(p), nl.index(n), l) for (p, n, l) in roadmap_edges]
        msg.localization = nl.index(here)

        if 1:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
            pos = nx.spring_layout(TG, iterations=1000)
            nx.draw(TG, pos,node_color='#A0CBE2')
            nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, with_labels=False, edge_color='r', alpha=0.5, width=25.0, arrows = False)
            nx.draw(G, pos = dict([(n, roadmap_nodes[n][:2]) for n in G.nodes()]))
            plt.savefig("/tmp/map_%d.png" % here)