def evaluate_correspondence(img_A, img_B, ground_truth_correspondence_file,
	scale_factor, x1_est, y1_est, x2_est, y2_est, matches, confidences, vis, filename="notre_dame_matches.jpg"):

	# 'unscale' interest points to compare with ground truth points
	x1_est_scaled = x1_est / scale_factor
	y1_est_scaled = y1_est / scale_factor
	x2_est_scaled = x2_est / scale_factor
	y2_est_scaled = y2_est / scale_factor

	conf_indices = np.argsort(-confidences, kind='mergesort')
	matches = matches[conf_indices,:]
	confidences = confidences[conf_indices]

	# we want to see how good our matches are, extract the coordinates of each matched
	# point

	x1_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
	y1_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
	x2_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
	y2_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])

	for i in range(matches.shape[0]):

		x1_matches[i] = x1_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 0])]
		y1_matches[i] = y1_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 0])]
		x2_matches[i] = x2_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 1])]
		y2_matches[i] = y2_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 1])]

	good_matches = np.zeros((matches.shape[0]), dtype=np.bool)

	# Loads `ground truth' positions x1, y1, x2, y2
	file_contents = scio.loadmat(ground_truth_correspondence_file)

	# x1, y1, x2, y2 = scio.loadmat(eval_file)
	x1 = file_contents['x1']
	y1 = file_contents['y1']
	x2 = file_contents['x2']
	y2 = file_contents['y2']

	pointsA = np.zeros((len(x1), 2))
	pointsB = np.zeros((len(x2), 2))

	for i in range(len(x1)):
		pointsA[i, 0] = x1[i]
		pointsA[i, 1] = y1[i]
		pointsB[i, 0] = x2[i]
		pointsB[i, 1] = y2[i]

	correct_matches = 0

	F = estimate_fundamental_matrix(pointsA, pointsB)
	top50 = 0
	top100 = 0

	for i in range(x1_matches.shape[0]):
		pointA = np.ones((1, 3))
		pointB = np.ones((1, 3))
		pointA[0,0] = x1_matches[i]
		pointA[0,1] = y1_matches[i]
		pointB[0,0] = x2_matches[i]
		pointB[0,1] = y2_matches[i]

		if abs(pointB @ F @ np.transpose(pointA)) < .1:
			x_dists = x1 - x1_matches[i]
			y_dists = y1 - y1_matches[i]

			# computes distances of each interest point to the ground truth point
			dists = np.sqrt(np.power(x_dists, 2.0) + np.power(y_dists, 2.0))
			closest_ground_truth = np.argmin(dists, axis=0)
			offset_x1 = x1_matches[i] - x1[closest_ground_truth]
			offset_y1 = y1_matches[i] - y1[closest_ground_truth]
			offset_x1 *= img_B.shape[0] / img_A.shape[0]
			offset_y1 *= img_B.shape[0] / img_A.shape[0]
			offset_x2 = x2_matches[i] - x2[closest_ground_truth]
			offset_y2 = y2_matches[i] - y2[closest_ground_truth]
			offset_dist = np.sqrt(np.power(offset_x1 - offset_x2, 2) + np.power(offset_y1 - offset_y2, 2))
			if offset_dist < 70:
				correct_matches += 1
				good_matches[i] = True
		if i == 49:
			print(f'Accuracy on 50 most confident: {int(100 * correct_matches / 50)}%')
			top50 = correct_matches
		if i == 99:
			print(f'Accuracy on 100 most confident: {int(100 * correct_matches / 100)}%')
			top100 = correct_matches

	print(f'Accuracy on all matches: {int(100 * correct_matches / len(matches))}%')

	if vis > 0:
		visualize.show_correspondences(img_A, img_B, x1_est / scale_factor, y1_est / scale_factor, x2_est / scale_factor, y2_est / scale_factor, matches, good_matches, vis, filename)

	return top50, top100, correct_matches
Пример #2
def match_sift_feat(files, names, downscale_factor):
    Matches SIFT features extracted for every image pair bi-directionally. Ensures
    all matches are unique.

        files: list of strings
            path to input images
        names: list of strings
            names of the input images
        downscale_factor: float
            Factor of downscaling (used to reduce computation)

        sift_match.npy, containing:
            M: a matrix with each rowing storing the match pairs' indicies and confidence score
            F: a matrix with each rowing the corresponding SIFT features
            num_matches: int. Total number of matches


    print("-----matching SIFT features-----")

    num_frames = len(files)
    sift_total = np.load('../npy/sift_total.npy') #load previous result
    num_features = sift_total[0]

    is_vis_match = False #to see the matches or not

    # M for matches, F for features
    M = [[[0] for i in range(num_frames)] for j in range(num_frames)]
    F = [[[0] for i in range(num_frames)] for j in range(num_frames)]

    num_matches = 0;

    #for every image pair
    for i in range(0, num_frames):
        for j in range(i+1, num_frames):

            #load up feature points and descriptors.
            si_f = np.load('../npy/'+names[i]+"_f.npy")
            si_d = np.load('../npy/'+names[i]+"_d.npy")
            sj_f = np.load('../npy/'+names[j]+"_f.npy")
            sj_d = np.load('../npy/'+names[j]+"_d.npy")

            ############ start bi-directional matching #############
            # create BFMatcher object
            bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)

            ##### match - direction 1
            cv2_matches1 = bf.match(si_d, sj_d)
            matches1 = convert_matches(cv2_matches1)  #convert matches from DMatches to arrays of [queryIdx, trainIdx]
            scores1 = extract_dist_score(cv2_matches1)

            ##### match - direction 2
            cv2_matches2 = bf.match(sj_d, si_d) #note the change in j and i
            matches2 = convert_matches(cv2_matches2) #convert matches from DMatches to arrays of [queryIdx, trainIdx]
            scores2 = extract_dist_score(cv2_matches2)
            ############ end bi-directional matching #############

            ######## find the intersection of two matches
            _, mid1, mid2 = np.intersect1d(matches1[:, 0], matches2[:, 1], return_indices=True)

            if(mid1.shape[0] == 0):
                print('no match intersects')

            matches = matches1[mid1, :]
            scores = (scores1[mid1] + scores2[mid2]) / 2

            ######## ensure unique matching pairs
            mi, mj = matches[:, 0], matches[:, 1]
            s = scores
            n = mi.shape[0]

            unique_mi, unique_mj = np.unique(mi), np.unique(mj)
            num_mi, num_mj = mi.shape[0], mj.shape[0]
            num_unique_mi, num_unique_mj = unique_mi.shape[0], unique_mj.shape[0]

            if (num_mi == num_unique_mi) and (num_mj == num_unique_mj):
                print("all matches are unique")
                num_matches = num_matches + s.shape[0]
                fi, fj = si_f[mi, :], sj_f[mj, :]
                di, dj = si_d[mi, :], sj_d[mj, :]
                M[i][j] = np.array([mi, mj, s])
                F[i][j] = np.array([fi, fj])

                # if matches are not unique, resolve by creating a sparse matrix
                print("dealing with non-unique matches")
                S_sparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((s, (mi, mj)), shape=(num_features[i].astype(int), num_features[j].astype(int)))
                S = S_sparse.todense()
                for p in range(0, num_features[i].astype(int)):
                    if (S_sparse[p, :].nnz > 1):
                        Ss = S_sparse[p, :]
                        idx = np.argmax(Ss)
                        val = Ss[idx]
                        S_sparse[p, :] = 0;
                        S_sparse[p, idx] = val

                for p in range(0, num_features[j].astype(int)):
                    if (S_sparse[:, p].nnz > 1):
                        Ss = S_sparse[:, p]
                        idx = np.argmax(Ss)
                        val = Ss[idx]
                        S_sparse[:, p] = 0;
                        S_sparse[idx, p] = val

                mi, mj = np.where(S != 0)
                _,_,s_idx = scipy.sparse.find(S_sparse != 0)
                s = s[s_idx]
                num_matches = num_matches + s.shape[0]
                fi, fj = si_f[mi, :], sj_f[mj, :]
                di, dj = si_d[mi, :], sj_d[mj, :]
                M[i][j] = np.array([mi, mj, s])
                F[i][j] = np.array([fi, fj])

            ############ visualize matches #############
            if is_vis_match:
                print("visualizing matches")
                img1 = color.rgb2gray(io.imread(files[i]))
                img2 = color.rgb2gray(io.imread(files[j]))
                img1 = rescale(img1, downscale_factor, anti_aliasing=True, multichannel=False, mode='reflect')
                img2 = rescale(img2, downscale_factor, anti_aliasing=True, multichannel=False, mode='reflect')
                matches[:, 0] = mi
                matches[:, 1] = mj
                matches = matches[np.random.permutation(matches.shape[0])][:50]
                visualize.show_correspondences(img1, img2, si_f[:, 1], si_f[:, 0], sj_f[:, 1], sj_f[:, 0], matches, mode='arrows')

    # saving results to file
    M, F = np.array(M), np.array(F)
    to_save = np.array([M, F, num_matches])'../npy/sift_match', to_save)
    print("Completed matching SIFT features")
Пример #3
def evaluate_correspondence(img_A,

    # Sort the matches by their confidences into descending order of confidence
    # (high confidence at low array index)
    conf_sorted = -np.sort(-confidences, kind='mergesort')
    conf_indices = np.argsort(-confidences, kind='mergesort')
    matches = matches[conf_indices, :]
    confidences = conf_sorted

    # 'unscale' interest points to compare with ground truth points
    x1_est_scaled = x1_est / scale_factor
    y1_est_scaled = y1_est / scale_factor
    x2_est_scaled = x2_est / scale_factor
    y2_est_scaled = y2_est / scale_factor

    # We want to see how good our matches are;
    # extract the coordinates of each matched point

    x1_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
    y1_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
    x2_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])
    y2_matches = np.zeros(matches.shape[0])

    for i in range(matches.shape[0]):

        x1_matches[i] = x1_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 0])]
        y1_matches[i] = y1_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 0])]
        x2_matches[i] = x2_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 1])]
        y2_matches[i] = y2_est_scaled[int(matches[i, 1])]

    good_matches = np.zeros((matches.shape[0], 1))

    # Loads `ground truth' positions x1, y1, x2, y2
    file_contents = scio.loadmat(ground_truth_correspondence_file)

    # x1, y1, x2, y2 = scio.loadmat(eval_file)
    x1 = file_contents['x1']
    y1 = file_contents['y1']
    x2 = file_contents['x2']
    y2 = file_contents['y2']

    uniqueness_dist = 150
    good_match_dist = 150

    good_match_counter = 0
    bad_match_counter = 0
    top_100_counter = 0

    # Used to keep track of which TA points the student has matched
    # to so the student only gets credit for matching a TA point once
    correct_matches = np.zeros(x2.shape[0])

    # for each ground truth point in image 1
    for i in range(x1.shape[0]):

        # 1. find the student points within uniqueness_dist pixels of the ground truth point
        x_dists = x1_matches - x1[i]
        y_dists = y1_matches - y1[i]

        # computes distances of each interest point to the ground truth point
        dists = np.sqrt(np.power(x_dists, 2.0) + np.power(y_dists, 2.0))

        # get indices of points where distance is < uniqueness_dist
        close_to_truth = dists < uniqueness_dist

        # 2. get the points in image1 and their corresponding matches in image2
        image1_x = x1_matches[close_to_truth]
        image1_y = y1_matches[close_to_truth]
        image2_x = x2_matches[close_to_truth]
        image2_y = y2_matches[close_to_truth]

        # 3. compute the distance of the student's image2 matches to the ground truth match
        x_dists_2 = image2_x - x2[i]
        y_dists_2 = image2_y - y2[i]

        dists_2 = np.sqrt(np.power(x_dists_2, 2.0) + np.power(y_dists_2, 2.0))

        # 4. matches within good_match_dist then count it as a correct match
        good = dists_2 < good_match_dist
        if np.sum(good) >= 1.0:
            correct_matches[i] = 1
            #good_match_counter += 1
            if i < 100:
                top_100_counter += 1
            bad_match_counter += 1

    precision = (np.sum(correct_matches) / x2.shape[0]) * 100.0
    accuracy100 = min(
        top_100_counter, 100
    )  # / 100) * 100# If we were testing more than the top 100, then this would be important.

        str(np.sum(correct_matches)) + " total good matches, " +
        str(bad_match_counter) + " total bad matches.")
    print(str(precision) + "% precision")
    print(str(accuracy100) + "% accuracy (top 100)")

    if vis > 0:
        # Rescale the points to the scaled input
        visualize.show_correspondences(img_A, img_B, \
          x1_est, y1_est, \
          x2_est, y2_est, \
          matches, filename)

    return accuracy100