def drawFieldLines(video_path): print(f'showing {video_path}') video = getArrayFromVideo(video_path) frame = video[0] field_lines = findFieldLines(frame) for fl in field_lines: print(fl.getCoordinates(), f'slope: {fl.getSlope()}') fl.draw(frame) visualize.show_image(frame)
def findHashes(img, line1, line2): greens = img[:, :, 1] high_greens = np.zeros(greens.shape) high_greens[np.where(greens > 200)] = 1 green_channel[np.nonzero(high_greens)] = [255, 255, 255] green_channel[np.where(high_greens == 0)] = [0, 0, 0] visualize.show_image(green_channel) # get search zone array # get 4 lines parallel with field lines equidastly spaced # get values with green is over threshold (or similar values as lines?) # get intercection of lines and high greens # if a perfect 8 hashes are found, were done. otherwise, need to try next lines # find edges of the hashes # all information needed for a field model has been found return
def doSomething(img, field_lines): width, height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0] no_greens = img.copy() no_greens[:, :, 1] = 0 avg_rb = np.mean(no_greens, axis=2) # darks = np.where(avg_rb < 100, 1, 0) darks = np.where(avg_rb > 100, 1, 0) # wi = np.zeros(img_arr.shape) # wi[np.nonzero(whites)] = [255,255,255] # whites = np.zeros(img.shape)#np.zeros(img.shape) # whites.fill(255) whites = img.copy() whites[np.nonzero(darks)] = [255, 0, 0] removeFieldLines(whites, field_lines) whites = np.array(whites, np.int32) res = tes.image_to_string(Image.fromarray((whites * 255).astype(np.uint8)), config='digits') print(res) visualize.show_image(whites)
def getFileExt(path): file = os.path.basename(path) return os.path.splitext(file)[1] def getFrameRate(video): vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video) return vid_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) def removeBlackFrames(video): frame0 = video[0] return def getArrayFromVideo(file): return # def dir_map(dir, func): # for scene in os.path.listdir(scene_dir): # scene_path = os.path.join(scene_dir, scene) if __name__ == '__main__': video = 'scenes/2019w3_nyj-ne/' arr = getArrayFromVideo(video) for i in range(0, len(arr), 20): visualize.show_image(arr[i]) input()
def searchForHashMarks(green_channel, field_lines, img): print('searching for hash marks') height, width = green_channel.shape[0], green_channel.shape[1] search_indecies = np.zeros((height, width)) markers = [] # def get_point(): return for fl in field_lines: p0, p1 = fl line_length = getDistance(p0, p1) ld = 0.3 * line_length slope = getLineSlope(p0, p1) dx, dy = getdxdy(ld, slope) top, bottom = getTopBottom(p0, p1) TEMP_VANTAGE = 0.5 # get actual constant after i make field modeling stuff. Oh shit it actually might be .5 if height is field_heght sign_top = -1 if slope > 0 else 1 sign_bottom = -1 if slope < 0 else 1 search_tx, search_ty = int(top[0] + sign_top * dx), int(top[1] + sign_top * dy) search_bx, search_by = int(bottom[0] + sign_bottom * TEMP_VANTAGE * dx), int(bottom[1] + sign_bottom * TEMP_VANTAGE * dy) search_range_top = (search_tx, search_ty) search_range_bottom = (search_bx, search_by) marker = [search_range_top, search_range_bottom] markers.append(marker) print('have search zones') search_boxes = [] for i in range(len(markers) - 1): m0, m1 = markers[i], markers[i + 1] frame ='L', (width, height), 0) box_points = [m0[0], m1[0], m1[1], m0[1]] ImageDraw.Draw(frame).polygon(box_points, outline=1, fill=1) box = np.array(frame) search_boxes.append(box) # print('getting gradient') # gradient = np.gradient(greens) # x_gradient, y_gradient = gradient[0], gradient[1] # inflection_points = np.where(abs(x_gradient) > .2, 1, 0) # for i in range(potential_inflections[0].shape[0]): # print(potential_inflections[1][i], potential_inflections[0][i]) # img_to_show = np.zeros(green_channel.shape) # green_channel[np.nonzero(inflection_points)] = [0,0,0] # visualize.show_image(green_channel) # print(x_gradient) # print(x_gradient.shape, y_gradient.shape, 1, 1) # print('gradient found') # green_channel = np.zeros(green_channel.shape) # for box in search_boxes: # for r in range(height): # for c in range(width): # gx,gy = y_gradient[r,c], x_gradient[r,c] # avg_green_change = (gx+gy)/2 # green_channel[r,c,0] = gx # # green_channel[r,c,2] = gy greens = green_channel[:, :, 1] high_greens = np.zeros(greens.shape) high_greens[np.where(greens > 200)] = 1 green_channel[np.nonzero(high_greens)] = [255, 255, 255] green_channel[np.where(high_greens == 0)] = [0, 0, 0] visualize.show_image(green_channel)
def findHotspots(fl1, fl2, bright_vals, image, search_jump=10, max_search_distance=500): NUM_HASH_MARKS = 4 distance_searched = 0 p1, p2 = fl1.getBottomPoint(), fl2.getBottomPoint() fl1_slope, fl2_slope = fl1.getSlope(), fl2.getSlope() p1_dx, p1_dy = line.getdxdy(search_jump, fl1_slope) p2_dx, p2_dy = line.getdxdy(search_jump, fl2_slope) direction1 = 1 if p1_dy > 0 else -1 direction2 = 1 if p2_dy > 0 else -1 p1_dx, p1_dy = direction1 * p1_dx, direction1 * p1_dy p2_dx, p2_dy = direction2 * p2_dx, direction2 * p2_dy height, width = bright_vals.shape pointIsOnscreen = lambda p: (p[0] >= 0 and p[0] < width and p[1] >= 0 and p[1] < height) # cv.line(image, (int(p1[0]),int(p1[1])), (int(p2[0]),int(p2[1])), [0,0,255], 2) # visualize.show_image(image) while distance_searched < max_search_distance: print(f'search points: {p1}, {p2}') search_line = p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1] hotspots = line.getEquidistantPoints(search_line, NUM_HASH_MARKS) spots = list(map(lambda hs: (int(hs[0]), int(hs[1])), hotspots)) hotspots_are_hashmarks = True num_bright = 0 for point in hotspots: # if not pointIsOnscreen(point): # TODO when i fix things this should be gone # hotspots_are_hashmarks = False # break x, y = point r, c = int(y), int(x) point_is_bright = True if bright_vals[r, c] == 1 else False if not point_is_bright: hotspots_are_hashmarks = False # break else: num_bright += 1 print(f'num bright: {num_bright}') if num_bright > 2: hm = HashMarks(spots) hm.draw(image) visualize.show_image(image) if hotspots_are_hashmarks: print("WHATS IT REALLY GOOD SON") return True, hotspots else: distance_searched += search_jump p1x = p1[0] + p1_dx p1y = p1[1] + p1_dy p2x = p2[0] + p2_dx p2y = p2[1] + p2_dy p1, p2 = (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y) return False, []
# for r in range(height): # for c in range(width): # gx,gy = y_gradient[r,c], x_gradient[r,c] # avg_green_change = (gx+gy)/2 # green_channel[r,c,0] = gx # # green_channel[r,c,2] = gy greens = green_channel[:, :, 1] high_greens = np.zeros(greens.shape) high_greens[np.where(greens > 200)] = 1 green_channel[np.nonzero(high_greens)] = [255, 255, 255] green_channel[np.where(high_greens == 0)] = [0, 0, 0] visualize.show_image(green_channel) # green_channel[np.where(gradient==0)] = [255, 0, 0] if __name__ == '__main__': scene_dir = 'scenes/overhead' videos = file_utils.getPaths(scene_dir) first_video = videos[0] manager = VideoManager(first_video) first_frame = manager.getFrame(0) field_lines = findFieldLines(first_frame) for fl in field_lines: fl.draw(first_frame) hashmarks = findHashMarks(first_frame, field_lines) hashmarks.draw(first_frame) visualize.show_image(first_frame)