Пример #1
 def move_forward(i, prev):
   """ Forward 1 meter, turn around, Back 1 meter """
   if i == 0:
     return Pose(rotation(0,0,1,0), (0,0,0))
   elif i < 10:
     return prev * Pose(rotation(0,0,1,0), (0,0,.1))
   elif i < 40:
     return prev * Pose(rotation(math.pi / 30, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0))
   elif i < 50:
     return prev * Pose(rotation(0,0,1,0), (0,0,.1))
Пример #2
    def frompose(self, ipose, cam, color):
        factor = 1e-1

        xf = Pose(numpy.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]]), [0, 0, 0])
        pose = xf * ipose

        #print ipose.xform(0,0,0), pose.xform(0,0,0)

        for xi, xoff in [(0, 0), (100, 0.088)]:
            x, y, z = pose.xform(xoff, 0, 0)
            x /= factor
            y /= factor
            z /= factor
            self.update(xi, x, y, z, .4, color)
            x, y, z = pose.xform(xoff, 0, factor)
            x /= factor
            y /= factor
            z /= factor
            self.update(xi + 1, x, y, z, 0.1, color)

            def mod2pos(x, y, z):
                x, y, z = pose.xform(x + xoff, y, z)
                x /= factor
                y /= factor
                z /= factor
                return Position(x, y, z)

            for i, (x, y) in enumerate([(0, 0), (640, 0), (0, 480),
                                        (640, 480)]):
                model = [(0, 0, 0), cam.pix2cam(x, y, 640)]
                self.linestrip(xi + 2 + i, [mod2pos(*p) for p in model], color)
Пример #3
def getpose(transformer, parent_frame, frame, ttime):
    ptf = transformer.getTransform(parent_frame, frame, ttime)
    p = Pose(
            (ptf.qx, ptf.qy, ptf.qz, ptf.qw))[:3, :3],
        numpy.array((ptf.x, ptf.y, ptf.z)))
    return p
Пример #4
def transf_fit_angle(transf, curve0, curve1):
    # no translation
    p = [0., 0., 0.]
    # euler angles
    e = transf[0:3]

    pose = Pose(
        transformations.rotation_matrix_from_euler(e[0], e[1], e[2],
                                                   'sxyz')[:3, :3], p)

    curve01 = transf_curve(curve0, pose)

    return ((curve01 - curve1)**2).sum()
Пример #5
def transf_fit_space(transf, curve0, curve1):
    # translation vector
    p = transf[0:3]

    # euler angles
    e = transf[3:6]

    pose = Pose(
        transformations.rotation_matrix_from_euler(e[0], e[1], e[2],
                                                   'sxyz')[:3, :3], p)

    curve01 = transf_curve(curve0, pose)

    return ((curve01 - curve1)**2).sum()
Пример #6
 def handle_array(self, iar):
   if self.vo:
     t0 = time.time()
     if (self.modulo % self.decimate) == 0:
       imgR = imgAdapted(iar.images[0])
       imgL = imgAdapted(iar.images[1])
       af = SparseStereoFrame(imgL, imgR)
       if 1:
         pose = self.vo.handle_frame(af)
         pose = Pose()
       #print self.vo.num_frames, pose.xform(0,0,0), pose.quaternion()
       p = VOPose()
       p.inliers = self.vo.inl
       # XXX - remove after camera sets frame_id
       p.header = rostools.msg.Header(0, iar.header.stamp, "stereo_link")
       p.pose = stdmsg.Pose(stdmsg.Point(*pose.xform(0,0,0)), stdmsg.Quaternion(*pose.quaternion()))
     self.modulo += 1
     self.took.append(time.time() - t0)
     if (len(self.took) % 100) == 0:
       print len(self.took)
Пример #7
def error_func(transf, curve0, curve1):
    # translation vector
    p = transf[0:3]

    # euler angles
    e = transf[3:6]

    pose = Pose(
        transformations.rotation_matrix_from_euler(e[0], e[1], e[2],
                                                   'sxyz')[:3, :3], p)

    # pose = Pose(identity(3), p)

    curve01 = transf_curve(curve0, pose)

    return curve01 - curve1
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, mode, library):
        self.mode = mode
        self.library = library

        rospy.TopicSub('/videre/images', ImageArray, self.display_array)
        rospy.TopicSub('/videre/cal_params', String, self.display_params)
        rospy.TopicSub('/vo/tmo', Pose44, self.handle_corrections)

        self.viz_pub = rospy.Publisher("/overlay", Lines)
        self.vo_key_pub = rospy.Publisher("/vo/key", Frame)
        self.Tmo = Pose()

        self.mymarker1 = Marker(10)
        self.mymarkertrail = [Marker(11 + i) for i in range(10)]
        self.trail = []

        self.vis = Vis()
Пример #9
def transf_fit_angle_scale_time(transf, curve0, curve1):
    # no translation
    p = [0., 0., 0.]
    # euler angles
    e = transf[0:3]

    # scale
    s = transf[3]

    # timestamp offset
    t = transf[4]

    pose = Pose(
        transformations.rotation_matrix_from_euler(e[0], e[1], e[2],
                                                   'sxyz')[:3, :3], p)

    curve01 = transf_curve(curve0, pose)
    curve01 = scale_curve(curve01, s)
    curve01 = curve01 + array([t, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    return ((curve01 - curve1)**2).sum()
Пример #10
def test_transf_fit0():
    curve0 = random.random((100, 4))
    p = [3., 4., 5.]
    e = [0.1, 0.1, -0.2]
    t = 0.001
    pose = Pose(
        transformations.rotation_matrix_from_euler(e[0], e[1], e[2],
                                                   'sxyz')[:3, :3], p)
    print pose.M
    # pose = Pose(identity(3), p)
    curve1 = transf_curve(curve0, pose)
    curve1 = scale_curve(curve1, 1.15)
    curve1 = curve1 + array([t, 0., 0., 0.])

    print 'diff of time', ((curve1[:, 0] - curve0[:, 0])**2).sum()

    # fitting
    transf_fit = transf_fit_space_scale_time
    transf0 = [3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0.00]
    transf = fmin(transf_fit,
                  args=(curve0, curve1),
    print 'fmin, transf', transf

    transf0 = [3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0.00]
    transf = fmin_powell(transf_fit, transf0, args=(curve0, curve1))
    print 'fmin_powell, transf', transf

    transf0 = [3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0.00]
    transf = fmin_cg(transf_fit, transf0, fprime=None, args=(curve0, curve1))
    print 'fmin_cg, transf', transf

    transf0 = [3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 0., 0., 0., 1.0, 0.00]
    transf = fmin_bfgs(transf_fit, transf0, fprime=None, args=(curve0, curve1))
    print 'fmin_bfgs, transf', transf
Пример #11
 def move_translate(i):
     R = rotation(0, 0, 1, 0)
     S = (0, 0, 0)
     return Pose(R, S)
Пример #12
 def move_Yrot(i):
     R = rotation(i * 0.02, 0, 1, 0)
     S = (i * 0, 0, 0)
     return Pose(R, S)
Пример #13
    def lookup_disparity(self, px, py):
        x = self.D[0].getpixel((px, py))
        y = self.D[1].getpixel((px, py))
        z = self.D[2].getpixel((px, py))
        (x, y, d) = self.cam.cam2pix(x, y, z)
        assert abs(x - px) < 2
        return d

use_magic_disparity = False

trajectory = [[] for i in vos]
for i in range(401):
    print i
    if 0:
        desired_pose = Pose(rotation(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0.01 * i))
        cam = ray_camera(desired_pose, stereo_cam)
        theta = (i / 400.0) * math.pi * 2
        r = 4.0
        cam = ray_camera(
            Pose(rotation(theta, 0, 1, 0),
                 (r - r * math.cos(theta), 0, r * math.sin(theta))),

    if 0:
        imL = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imR = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imL = imL.convert("L")
        imR = imR.convert("L")
        imD = [
Пример #14
            1 + (1 - cos(angle)) * (x * x - 1),
            -z * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * x * y,
            y * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * x * z
                                z * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * x * y,
                                1 + (1 - cos(angle)) * (y * y - 1),
                                -x * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * y * z
                                -y * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * x * z,
                                x * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * y * z,
                                1 + (1 - cos(angle)) * (z * z - 1)

    p0 = Pose(rotation(0.0, 0, 0, 1), [0, 0, 0])
    p1 = Pose(rotation(0.1, 0, 0, 1), [0, 0, 0])
    print p0.angle(p1)

cam = None
filename = "/u/prdata/videre-bags/loop2-color.bag"
filename = "/u/prdata/videre-bags/greenroom-2008-11-3-color.bag"
filename = "2008-11-04-09-55-12-topic.bag"
filename = "2008-11-04-14-44-56-topic.bag"
filename = "2008-11-05-14-35-11-topic.bag"
filename = "/u/prdata/videre-bags/vo1.bag"
filename = sys.argv[1]
framecounter = 0
oe_x = []
oe_y = []
Пример #15
    def resolve(self, transformer):

        if self.isVerbosity(1):
            print "resolver"
            print "getLatestCommonTime", transformer.getLatestCommonTime(
                'map', 'stereo_link')
            if len(self.observations) > 0:
                print "obs earliest       ", min(self.observations)[0]
                print "obs latest         ", max(self.observations)[0]

        for (t, (cam, picture, iskey)) in self.observations:
            # Add keys to the map if they are well-localized and TF can transform them
            print iskey, transformer.canTransform('map', 'stereo_link', t)
            if iskey and transformer.canTransform('map', 'stereo_link', t):
                loc = self.localizationOK.query(t)
                if loc == None:
                    if len(self.localizationOK.q) > 0:
                        print "No localizations for", t, "earliest", min(
                            self.localizationOK.q), "latest", max(
                if loc != None:
                    print "Have localization", loc
                    if loc == (True, True):
                        if self.isVerbosity(1):
                            print "PM adding frame"
                        picture.pose = getpose(transformer, 'map',
                                               'stereo_link', t)
                        if not (cam in self.cameras):
                        ci = self.cameras.index(cam)
                        self.pics.append((ci, picture))
                        self.vt.add(None, picture.descriptors)
                        if 1 <= self.verbose:
                            print "Added image to picture map"
                    del self.observations[(t, (cam, picture, iskey))]

        for (t, (cam, picture, iskey)) in self.observations:
            # If localization is failing, look up the frame and return its pose
            if not iskey and transformer.canTransform('stereo_link',
                                                      'base_link', t):
                loc = self.localizationOK.query(t)
                if loc != None:
                    r = None
                    if (loc[0] == False or loc[1] == False):
                        kp = picture.keypoints
                        descriptors = picture.descriptors

                        best = self.find(descriptors)
                        match_cam = self.cameras[self.pics[best][0]]
                        match_pic = self.pics[best][1]

                        pairs = self.ds.match0(match_pic.keypoints,
                                               match_pic.descriptors, kp,
                        pairs = [(b, a) for (a, b, d) in pairs]
                        (inl, R,
                         S) = self.pe.estimateC(match_cam, match_pic.keypoints,
                                                cam, kp, pairs)
                        if inl > 100:
                            r33 = numpy.mat(numpy.array(R).reshape(3, 3))
                            rel_pose = Pose(r33, numpy.array(S))
                            cam90 = Pose(
                                numpy.array([[0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1,
                                numpy.array([0, 0, 0]))
                            rel_pose = cam90 * rel_pose * ~cam90

                            # Figure out camera's pose in map

                            m2s = match_pic.pose
                            cam_in_map = (m2s * rel_pose)
                            base_in_map = cam_in_map * getpose(
                                transformer, 'stereo_link', 'base_link', t)
                            r = (t, base_in_map)
                    del self.observations[(t, (cam, picture, iskey))]
                    return r
        return None
Пример #16
 def ground_truth(p, q):
   return Pose(transformations.rotation_matrix_from_quaternion([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])[:3,:3], [p.x, p.y, p.z])
Пример #17
        (x, y, d) = self.cam.cam2pix(x, y, z)
        #assert abs(x - px) < 2
        return d

evaluate_disparity = False
use_magic_disparity = False

disparities = []

trajectory = [[] for i in vos]
ground_truth = []
for i in range(8):
    print i
    if 0:
        desired_pose = Pose(rotation(0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0.01 * i))
        theta = (i / 400.0) * math.pi * 2
        wobble = 0.25 * (sin(theta * 9.127) + cos(theta * 3.947))
        r = 4.0 + wobble
        desired_pose = Pose(
            rotation(theta, 0, 1,
                     0), (4.0 - r * math.cos(theta), 0, r * math.sin(theta)))
    ground_truth.append(desired_pose.xform(0, 0, 0))
    cam = ray_camera(desired_pose, stereo_cam)

    if 0:  # set to 1 for the first time to generate cache
        imL = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imR = Image.new("RGB", (640, 480))
        imD = [
            Image.new("F", (640, 480)),
Пример #18
    def workloop(self):
        workframe = None

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            while self.frameq.empty() and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            while not self.frameq.empty() and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                afmsg = self.frameq.get()
                print "CORR: NEW WORK", "id", afmsg.id
                p = Pose()
                workframe = LibraryFrame(afmsg.id, p,
                                         [(p.x, p.y, p.d)
                                          for p in afmsg.keypoints],
                                         [d.v for d in afmsg.descriptors])
                assert len(workframe.descriptors) == len(workframe.kp)
                for d in workframe.descriptors:
                    assert len(d) == 256

            if workframe:
                tosearch = list(self.library)
                best = 100
                best_frame = None
                best_diff = None
                for essay in tosearch:
                    prox, diffpose = self.vo.proximity(essay, workframe)
                    print "at", time.time(
                    ), "essay.id", essay.id, "has prox", prox
                    if essay.id == workframe.id:
                        print len(essay.kp), len(workframe.kp)

                    if prox > best:
                        best = prox
                        best_frame = essay
                        best_diff = diffpose

                if best_frame:
                    print "CORR: sending winner", best_frame.id, "at", time.time(

                    Top = workframe.pose
                    Tmk = best_frame.pose
                    Tkp = best_diff
                    Tmp = Tmk * Tkp
                    Tmo = Tmp * ~Top
                    for mat in ["Top", "Tmk", "Tkp", "Tmp", "Tmo", "Tmo*Top"]:
                        print mat
                        print eval(mat).M
                    print "corrector has pose Tmp:"
                    print(Tmo * Top).M
                    if 1:
                        a = Tmp.tolist()
                        b = (Tmo * Top).tolist()
                        for ai, bi in zip(a, b):
                            if abs(ai - bi) > 0.001:
                                print "FAIL"
                                for mat in ["Top", "Tmp", "Tmo", "Tmo*Top"]:
                                    print mat
                                    print eval(mat).M
                                assert 0

                    if 0:
                        Tpo = workframe.pose
                        Tpm = best_diff * best_frame.pose
                        Tp = ~Tpo
                        Tom = Top * Tpm
                        print "Tpo"
                        print Tpo.M
                        print "Tpm"
                        print Tpm.M
                        print "Computed Tom"
                        print Tom.M
                        print "Keyframe in map"
                        print(Tpo * Tom).M
                    #p = workframe.pose.invert().concatenate(best_frame.pose).concatenate(best_diff)
                    print "CORR: did not find acceptable winner"
Пример #19
    xs -= 4.5 * 1e-3
    f = -0.06
    xp = xs * cos(f) - ys * sin(f)
    yp = ys * cos(f) + xs * sin(f)
    pylab.plot(xp, yp, c=colors[i], label=vos[i].name())
    pylab.quiver(xp, yp, vo_u[i], vo_v[i],
                 color=colors[i])  #, label = '_nolegend_')
    #xk = [ x for j,x in enumerate(vo_x[i]) if j in vos[i].log_keyframes ]
    #yk = [ y for j,y in enumerate(vo_y[i]) if j in vos[i].log_keyframes ]
    #pylab.scatter(xk, yk, c = colors[i], label = '_nolegend_')

if vos[0].sba:
    CX = []
    CY = []
    for sbap in vos[0].posechain:
        p = Pose()
        x, y, z = p.xform(0, 0, 0)

    xs = numpy.array(CX)
    ys = numpy.array(CY)
    xs -= 4.5 * 1e-3
    f = -0.06
    xp = xs * cos(f) - ys * sin(f)
    yp = ys * cos(f) + xs * sin(f)
    pylab.plot(xp, yp, c='magenta', label='with SBA')

pylab.plot(oe_x, oe_y, c='green', label='wheel + IMU odometry')
xlim = pylab.xlim()
Пример #20
 def handle_corrections(self, corrmsg):
     print "GOT CORRECTION AT", time.time()
     Tmo_pose = Pose()
     self.Tmo = Tmo_pose
     self.know_state = 'corrected'
Пример #21
  def workloop(self):
    workframe = None

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
      while self.frameq.empty() and not rospy.is_shutdown():
      while not self.frameq.empty() and not rospy.is_shutdown():
        afmsg = self.frameq.get()
        print "CORR: NEW WORK", "id", afmsg.id
        p = Pose()
        workframe = LibraryFrame(afmsg.id, p, [ (p.x,p.y,p.d) for p in afmsg.keypoints], [d.v for d in afmsg.descriptors])
        assert len(workframe.descriptors) == len(workframe.kp)
        for d in workframe.descriptors:
          assert len(d) == 256

      if workframe:
        tosearch = list(self.library)
        best = 100
        best_frame = None
        best_diff = None
        for essay in tosearch:
          prox,diffpose = self.vo.proximity(essay, workframe)
          print "at", time.time(), "essay.id", essay.id, "has prox", prox
          if essay.id == workframe.id:
            print len(essay.kp), len(workframe.kp)

          if prox > best:
            best = prox
            best_frame = essay
            best_diff = diffpose

        if best_frame:
          print "CORR: sending winner", best_frame.id, "at", time.time()

          Top = workframe.pose
          Tmk = best_frame.pose
          Tkp = best_diff
          Tmp = Tmk * Tkp
          Tmo = Tmp * ~Top
          for mat in [ "Top", "Tmk", "Tkp", "Tmp", "Tmo", "Tmo*Top" ]:
            print mat
            print eval(mat).M
          print "corrector has pose Tmp:"
          print (Tmo * Top).M
          if 1:
            a = Tmp.tolist()
            b = (Tmo * Top).tolist()
            for ai,bi in zip(a,b):
              if abs(ai - bi) > 0.001:
                print "FAIL"
                for mat in [ "Top", "Tmp", "Tmo", "Tmo*Top" ]:
                  print mat
                  print eval(mat).M
                assert 0

          if 0:
            Tpo = workframe.pose
            Tpm = best_diff * best_frame.pose
            Tp = ~Tpo
            Tom = Top * Tpm
            print "Tpo"
            print Tpo.M
            print "Tpm"
            print Tpm.M
            print "Computed Tom"
            print Tom.M
            print "Keyframe in map"
            print (Tpo * Tom).M
          #p = workframe.pose.invert().concatenate(best_frame.pose).concatenate(best_diff)
          print "CORR: did not find acceptable winner"
Пример #22
 def move_combo(i):
     R = rotation(i * 0.02, 0, 1, 0)
     S = (i * -0.01, 0, 0)
     return Pose(R, S)
Пример #23
      oe_home = oe_pose
    local = ~oe_home * oe_pose
    (x,y,z) = local.xform(0,0,0) # ground truth x y z
    # note that the phase space frame is x forward, y to left and z upward.
    # convert the time stamp to seconds in float
    # secs = timeStamp.secs + timeStamp.nsecs*1.e-9
    secs = msg.header.stamp.secs + msg.header.stamp.nsecs*1.e-9
    stampedGroundTruth.append((secs, -y, -z, x))

print "There are", len(vo.tracks), "tracks"
print "There are", len([t for t in vo.tracks if t.alive]), "live tracks"
print "There are", len(set([t.p[-1] for t in vo.tracks if t.alive])), "unique endpoints on live tracks"

quality_pose = Pose()
if 1:
  # Attempt to compute best possible end-to-end pose
  vo = VisualOdometer(cam, feature_detector = FeatureDetector4x4(FeatureDetectorHarris), scavenge = True)
  f0 = SparseStereoFrame(*first_pair)
  f1 = SparseStereoFrame(imgL, imgR)
  quality_pose = vo.pose

if 0:
  for t in vos[2].all_tracks:
    pylab.plot([x for (x,y,d) in t.p], [y for (x,y,d) in t.p])
  pylab.xlim((0, 640))
  pylab.ylim((0, 480))
  pylab.savefig("foo.png", dpi=200)
Пример #24
strong = mk_covar(0.0001, 0.000002, 0.00002)

def lerp(t, a, b):
    return a + (b - a) * t

def link_strength(t):
    assert 0 <= t
    assert t <= 1
    return mk_covar(lerp(t, 0.01, 0.0001), lerp(t, 0.0002, 0.000002),
                    lerp(t, 0.002, 0.00002))

if 0:
    pg_constraint(pg, 0, 1, Pose(numpy.identity(3), (1, 0, 0)),
    pg_constraint(pg, 1, 2, Pose(numpy.identity(3), (1, 0, 0)),
    pg_constraint(pg, 0, 2, Pose(numpy.identity(3), (1, 0, 0)),

    print "pg.error", pg.error()
    for i in range(1000):
    print "pg.error", pg.error()

    print 0, newpose(0).xform(0, 0, 0)
    print 1, newpose(1).xform(0, 0, 0)
    print 2, newpose(2).xform(0, 0, 0)
Пример #25
 def handle_corrections(self, corrmsg):
   print "GOT CORRECTION AT", time.time()
   Tmo_pose = Pose()
   self.Tmo = Tmo_pose
   self.know_state = 'corrected'