Пример #1
    def __init__(self, start_point, rect_size, shape, position,
        ''' (QPointF, QSizeF, str in self.SHAPES, str in self.POSITIONS, bool)
        W, H = rect_size.width(), rect_size.height()

        vlarg('start_point', start_point, QPointF)
        vlarg('rect_size', rect_size, QSizeF)
        vlarg('position', position, str, self.POSITIONS)
        vlarg('shape', shape, str, self.SHAPES)
        vlarg('clockwise', clockwise, bool)

        GxPainterPath.__init__(self, start_point)

        if shape == 'trig':

            if clockwise:
                if position == 'top-right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, H)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, H)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -H)
                elif position == 'top-left':
                    self.lineToInc(W, -H)
                if position == 'top-left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, H)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.lineToInc(W, H)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, -H)
                elif position == 'top-right':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -H)

        elif shape == 'arc':

            if clockwise:
                if position == 'top-right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*H, -270, -90)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - H, 2*W, 2*H, 0, -90)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*H, 2*W, 2*H, -90, -90)
                elif position == 'top-left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*W, 2*H, -180, -90)
                if position == 'top-left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*H, 90, 90)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*W, 2*H, 180, 90)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*H, 2*W, 2*H, 270, 90)
                elif position == 'top-right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - H, 2*W, 2*H, 0, 90)

        elif shape == 'rect':

            if clockwise:
                if position == 'top-right':
                    self.lineToInc(dx = W)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = H)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.lineToInc(dy = H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -W)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -W)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -H)
                elif position == 'top-left':
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = W)
                if position == 'top-left':
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -W)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = H)
                elif position == 'bottom-left':
                    self.lineToInc(dy = H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = W)
                elif position == 'bottom-right':
                    self.lineToInc(dx = W)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -H)
                elif position == 'top-right':
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -W)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, start_point, rect_size, shape, direction, facing):
        :param start_point: ``QPointF``
            Point from where this path will begin to draw.
        :param rect_size: ``QSizeF``
            Size of the bounding rectangle for this path.
        :param shape: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_SHAPES``
            Shape of the notch.
        :param direction: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_DIRECTIONS``
            Indicates the direction of the drawing (using vectorial notation).
        :param facing: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_FACING_SIDES``
            Indicates to which side the top of the trapezium is going to be
            pointing on.
        if direction[1] == 'j':
            facing = vlarg('facing', facing.lower(), str,
                                  ('left', 'right'))
            facing = vlarg('facing', facing.lower(), str,
                                  ('up', 'down'))

        valid_shapes = [x.split('/')[0] for x in self.VALID_SHAPES]

        tf = 0.0    # top factor
        given_shape = shape
        shape = vlarg('shape', shape, str).strip()
        if not shape.count('/'):
            shape = vlarg('shape', shape, str, valid_shapes)
            sp = shape.split('/')
            shape = vlarg('shape', sp[0].strip(), str, valid_shapes)
                tf = float(sp[1]) if sp[1].strip() != '' else 0.0
                raise ValueError("Argument 'shape' must have the format" +\
                    " '%%s/%%f'. Was given '%s'." % given_shape)
            tf = vlarg('shape', tf, float, range_='0.0|1.0')

        # setting up some useful dimensions
        W, H = rect_size.width(), rect_size.height()

        if direction[1] == 'j':
            tl = tf * H             # top lenght   (for vertical)
            ts = (H - tl)/2         # top spacing  (for vertical)
            tl = tf * W             # top lenght   (for horizontal)
            ts = (W - tl)/2         # top spacing  (for horizontal)

        QPainterPath.__init__(self, start_point)

        if shape == 'trig':

            if direction == '+j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
            elif direction == '-j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
            elif direction == '+i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
            elif direction == '-i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)

        elif shape == 'arc':

            if direction == '+j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*ts, 90, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 180, 90)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*ts, 90, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 0, -90)
            elif direction == '-j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*ts, 2*W, 2*ts, -90, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 180, -90)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*ts, 2*W, 2*ts, -90, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 0, 90)
            elif direction == '+i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 180, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2*ts, 2*H, 90, -90)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 180, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2*H, 2*ts, 2*H, -90, 90)
            elif direction == '-i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*ts, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 0, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2*ts, 2*H, 90, 90)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*ts, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 0, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2*H, 2*ts, 2*H, -90, -90)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, start_point, rect_size, shape, direction, facing):
        ''' (QPointF, QSizeF, str in self.SHAPES, str in self.DIRECTIONS,
             str in self.FACING_SIDES)
        vlarg('start_point', start_point, QPointF)
        vlarg('rect_size', rect_size, QSizeF)

        direction = vlarg('direction', direction.lower(),
                          str, self.DIRECTIONS)

        vlarg('facing', facing, str)
        if direction[1] == 'j':
            facing = vlarg('facing', facing.lower(), str,
                                  ('left', 'right'))
            facing = vlarg('facing', facing.lower(), str,
                                  ('up', 'down'))

        valid_shapes = [x.split('/')[0] for x in self.SHAPES]

        tf = 0.0    # top factor
        given_shape = shape
        shape = vlarg('shape', shape, str).strip()
        if not shape.count('/'):
            shape = vlarg('shape', shape, str, valid_shapes)
            sp = shape.split('/')
            shape = vlarg('shape', sp[0].strip(), str, valid_shapes)
                tf = float(sp[1]) if sp[1].strip() != '' else 0.0
                raise ValueError("Argument 'shape' must have the format" +\
                    " '%%s/%%f'. Was given '%s'." % given_shape)
            tf = vlarg('shape', tf, float, range_='0.0|1.0')

        # setting up some useful dimensions
        W, H = rect_size.width(), rect_size.height()

        if direction[1] == 'j':
            tl = tf * H             # top lenght   (for vertical)
            ts = (H - tl)/2         # top spacing  (for vertical)
            tl = tf * W             # top lenght   (for horizontal)
            ts = (W - tl)/2         # top spacing  (for horizontal)

        QPainterPath.__init__(self, start_point)

        if shape == 'trig':

            if direction == '+j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
            elif direction == '-j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
            elif direction == '+i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
            elif direction == '-i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)

        elif shape == 'arc':

            if direction == '+j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*ts, 90, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 180, 90)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2*W, 2*ts, 90, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 0, -90)
            elif direction == '-j':
                if facing == 'left':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*ts, 2*W, 2*ts, -90, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 180, -90)
                elif facing == 'right':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2*ts, 2*W, 2*ts, -90, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dy = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*W, self.y - ts, 2*W, 2*ts, 0, 90)
            elif direction == '+i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 180, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2*ts, 2*H, 90, -90)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 180, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2*H, 2*ts, 2*H, -90, 90)
            elif direction == '-i':
                if facing == 'up':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*ts, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 0, 90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2*ts, 2*H, 90, 90)
                elif facing == 'down':
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2*ts, self.y - H, 2*ts, 2*H, 0, -90)
                    self.lineToInc(dx = -tl)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2*H, 2*ts, 2*H, -90, -90)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, start_point, rect_size, shape, direction, facing):
        :param start_point: ``QPointF``
            Point from where this path will begin to draw.
        :param rect_size: ``QSizeF``
            Size of the bounding rectangle for this path.
        :param shape: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_SHAPES``
            Shape of the notch.
        :param direction: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_DIRECTIONS``
            Indicates the direction of the drawing (using vectorial notation).
        :param facing: ``str`` in ``self.VALID_FACING_SIDES``
            Indicates to which side the top of the trapezium is going to be
            pointing on.
        if direction[1] == "j":
            facing = vlarg("facing", facing.lower(), str, ("left", "right"))
            facing = vlarg("facing", facing.lower(), str, ("up", "down"))

        valid_shapes = [x.split("/")[0] for x in self.VALID_SHAPES]

        tf = 0.0  # top factor
        given_shape = shape
        shape = vlarg("shape", shape, str).strip()
        if not shape.count("/"):
            shape = vlarg("shape", shape, str, valid_shapes)
            sp = shape.split("/")
            shape = vlarg("shape", sp[0].strip(), str, valid_shapes)
                tf = float(sp[1]) if sp[1].strip() != "" else 0.0
                raise ValueError("Argument 'shape' must have the format" + " '%%s/%%f'. Was given '%s'." % given_shape)
            tf = vlarg("shape", tf, float, range_="0.0|1.0")

        # setting up some useful dimensions
        W, H = rect_size.width(), rect_size.height()

        if direction[1] == "j":
            tl = tf * H  # top lenght   (for vertical)
            ts = (H - tl) / 2  # top spacing  (for vertical)
            tl = tf * W  # top lenght   (for horizontal)
            ts = (W - tl) / 2  # top spacing  (for horizontal)

        QPainterPath.__init__(self, start_point)

        if shape == "trig":

            if direction == "+j":
                if facing == "left":
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                elif facing == "right":
                    self.lineToInc(W, ts)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, ts)
            elif direction == "-j":
                if facing == "left":
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                elif facing == "right":
                    self.lineToInc(W, -ts)
                    self.lineToInc(-W, -ts)
            elif direction == "+i":
                if facing == "up":
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                elif facing == "down":
                    self.lineToInc(ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(ts, -H)
            elif direction == "-i":
                if facing == "up":
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                elif facing == "down":
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, H)
                    self.lineToInc(-ts, -H)

        elif shape == "arc":

            if direction == "+j":
                if facing == "left":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 90, 90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 180, 90)
                elif facing == "right":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 90, -90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2 * W, self.y - ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 0, -90)
            elif direction == "-j":
                if facing == "left":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2 * ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, -90, -90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 180, -90)
                elif facing == "right":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - W, self.y - 2 * ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, -90, 90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2 * W, self.y - ts, 2 * W, 2 * ts, 0, 90)
            elif direction == "+i":
                if facing == "up":
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 180, -90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 90, -90)
                elif facing == "down":
                    self.arcTo(self.x, self.y - H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 180, 90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2 * H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, -90, 90)
            elif direction == "-i":
                if facing == "up":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2 * ts, self.y - H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 0, 90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 90, 90)
                elif facing == "down":
                    self.arcTo(self.x - 2 * ts, self.y - H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, 0, -90)
                    self.arcTo(self.x - ts, self.y - 2 * H, 2 * ts, 2 * H, -90, -90)