def _makeColorBar(text, axes=None): ''' Convenience function that finds the current colorbar in the axes or creates a new one if one does not exist. The reason is that colorbars can not be deleted without clearing the whole figure, and several colorbars can exist simultaneously. This should be avoided. ''' if axes is None: axes = vv.gca() colBar = getColorbar(axes) if colBar is None: vv.colorbar(axes).SetLabel(text) #Creates a colorbar and sets the label. else: colBar.SetLabel(text)# A colorbar already exists, Change label.
#!/usr/bin/env python import visvis as vv app = vv.use() # Get green channel of lena image im = vv.imread('lena.png')[:,:,1] # Make 4 subplots with different colormaps cmaps = [vv.CM_GRAY, vv.CM_JET, vv.CM_SUMMER, vv.CM_HOT] for i in range(4): a = vv.subplot(2,2,i+1) t = vv.imshow(im, clim=(0,255)) a.axis.visible = 0 t.colormap = cmaps[i] vv.colorbar() app.Run()
#!/usr/bin/env python import visvis as vv app = vv.use() # Get green channel of lena image im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[:, :, 1] # Make 4 subplots with different colormaps cmaps = [vv.CM_GRAY, vv.CM_JET, vv.CM_SUMMER, vv.CM_HOT] for i in range(4): a = vv.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) t = vv.imshow(im, clim=(0, 255)) a.axis.visible = 0 t.colormap = cmaps[i] vv.colorbar() app.Run()
def plot_3d_diameter_map(name, data, unit_scale=1.0, measure_quantity='vox', radius_structure_elem=1, output_dir=None, width=512, height=512, camera_azth=44.5, camera_elev=35.8, camera_roll=0.0, camera_fov=35.0, camera_zoom=0.0035, camera_loc=(67.0, 81.6, 45.2), xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', axis_color='w', background_color='k', cb_x_offset=10): """Renders orientation data in 3D with RGB angular color-coding. Parameters ---------- name : str Indicates the name of the output png file. data : 3D array Indicates the 3D array containing diameter at every point of the skeleton. unit_scale : float Indicates the scale factor of the data values. measure_quantity : str Indicates the name of measure of the values. radius_structure_elem : integer Indicates the size of the structure element of the dilation process to thicken the skeleton. output_dir : str Indicates the path to the output folder where the image will be stored. camera_azth : float Indicates the azimuth angle of the camera. width : int Indicates the width of the visualization window. height : int Indicates the width of the visualization window. camera_elev : float Indicates the latitude / elevation angle of the camera. camera_roll : float Indicates the roll angle of the camera. camera_fov : float Indicates the field of view of the camera. camera_zoom : float Indicates the zoom level of the camera. camera_loc : tuple Indicates the camera location. xlabel : str Indicates the label along the x-axis. ylabel : str Indicates the label along the y-axis. zlabel : str Indicates the label along the z-axis. axis_color : str Indicates the color of axes. background_color : str Indicates the background color of the figure. cb_x_offset : int Indicates the offset of the colorbar from the right window side. """ if not visvis_available: print( 'The visvis package is not found. The visualization cannot be done.' ) return rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax, zmin, zmax = _bbox_3D(data) dmtr = data[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax, zmin:zmax] * unit_scale skel = np.zeros_like(dmtr, dtype=np.uint8) skel[dmtr.nonzero()] = 1 dmtr = ndi.grey_dilation(dmtr, structure=morphology.ball(radius_structure_elem)) skel = ndi.binary_dilation( skel, structure=morphology.ball(radius_structure_elem)).astype(np.float32) skel[skel.nonzero()] = 1. dmtr = dmtr * skel app = vv.use() fig = vv.figure() fig._currentAxes = None fig.relativeFontSize = 2. fig.position.w = width fig.position.h = height t = vv.volshow(dmtr[:, :, :], renderStyle='iso') t.isoThreshold = 0.5 t.colormap = vv.CM_JET a = vv.gca() = camera_azth = camera_elev = camera_roll = camera_fov = camera_zoom = camera_loc a.bgcolor = background_color a.axis.axisColor = axis_color a.axis.xLabel = xlabel a.axis.yLabel = ylabel a.axis.zLabel = zlabel cb = vv.colorbar() cb.SetLabel('Diameter, [{}]'.format(measure_quantity)) cb._label.position.x += cb_x_offset if output_dir is not None: if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) vv.screenshot(os.path.join(output_dir, '{}_3d_diameter.png'.format(name)), sf=1, bg='w') app.Run()
def __init__(self, ptcode, ctcode, basedir, showVol='mip', meshWithColors=False, motion='amplitude', clim2=(0, 2)): """ Script to show the stent model. [ nellix] """ import os import pirt import visvis as vv from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel from pirt.utils.deformvis import DeformableTexture3D, DeformableMesh from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume from stentseg.motion.vis import create_mesh_with_abs_displacement import copy from stentseg.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges from lspeas.utils.ecgslider import runEcgSlider from stentseg.utils import _utils_GUI import numpy as np cropname = 'prox' # params nr = 1 # motion = 'amplitude' # amplitude or sum dimension = 'xyz' showVol = showVol # MIP or ISO or 2D or None clim0 = (0, 2000) # clim2 = (0,2) motionPlay = 9, 1 # each x ms, a step of x % s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='deforms') m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'centerline_total_modelavgreg_deforms') v = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname='centerline_total_modelvesselavgreg_deforms') s2 = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg') vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s2.vol) s2.vol.sampling = [ vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2] ] s2.sampling = s2.vol.sampling vol = s2.vol # merge models into one for dynamic visualization model_total = stentgraph.StentGraph() for key in dir(m): if key.startswith('model'): model_total.add_nodes_from( m[key].nodes(data=True)) # also attributes model_total.add_edges_from(m[key].edges(data=True)) for key in dir(v): if key.startswith('model'): model_total.add_nodes_from( v[key].nodes(data=True)) # also attributes model_total.add_edges_from(v[key].edges(data=True)) # Load deformations (forward for mesh) deformkeys = [] for key in dir(s): if key.startswith('deform'): deformkeys.append(key) deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys] deforms = [[field[::2, ::2, ::2] for field in fields] for fields in deforms] # These deforms are forward mapping. Turn into DeformationFields. # Also get the backwards mapping variants (i.e. the inverse deforms). # The forward mapping deforms should be used to deform meshes (since # the information is used to displace vertices). The backward mapping # deforms should be used to deform textures (since they are used in # interpolating the texture data). deforms_f = [pirt.DeformationFieldForward(*f) for f in deforms] deforms_b = [f.as_backward() for f in deforms_f] # Create mesh if meshWithColors: try: modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total, radius=0.7, dim=dimension, motion=motion) except KeyError: print('Centerline model has no pathdeforms so we create them') # use unsampled deforms deforms2 = [s[key] for key in deformkeys] # deforms as backward for model deformsB = [ pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms2 ] # set sampling to original # for i in range(len(deformsB)): # deformsB[i]._field_sampling = tuple(s.sampling) # not needed because we use unsampled deforms # Combine ... incorporate_motion_nodes(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin) convert_paths_to_PointSet(model_total) incorporate_motion_edges(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin) convert_paths_to_ndarray(model_total) modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total, radius=0.7, dim=dimension, motion=motion) else: modelmesh = create_mesh(model_total, 0.7, fullPaths=True) ## Start vis f = vv.figure(nr) vv.clf() if nr == 1: f.position = 8.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00 else: f.position = 968.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00 a = vv.gca() a.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1 a.axis.visible = False a.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0 a.daspect = 1, 1, -1 t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim0, renderStyle=showVol, axes=a) vv.xlabel('x (mm)') vv.ylabel('y (mm)') vv.zlabel('z (mm)') if meshWithColors: if dimension == 'xyz': dim = '3D' vv.title( 'Model for chEVAS %s (color-coded %s of movement in %s in mm)' % (ptcode[8:], motion, dim)) else: vv.title('Model for chEVAS %s' % (ptcode[8:])) colorbar = True # Create deformable mesh dm = DeformableMesh(a, modelmesh) # in x,y,z dm.SetDeforms(*[list(reversed(deform)) for deform in deforms_f]) # from z,y,x to x,y,z if meshWithColors: dm.clim = clim2 dm.colormap = vv.CM_JET #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear ( if colorbar: vv.colorbar() colorbar = False else: dm.faceColor = 'g' # Run mesh a.SetLimits() # a.SetView(viewringcrop) dm.MotionPlay(motionPlay[0], motionPlay[1]) # (10, 0.2) = each 10 ms do a step of 20% dm.motionSplineType = 'B-spline' dm.motionAmplitude = 0.5 ## run ecgslider ecg = runEcgSlider(dm, f, a, motionPlay)
def showModelsStatic(ptcode,codes, vols, ss, mm, vs, showVol, clim, isoTh, clim2, clim2D, drawMesh=True, meshDisplacement=True, drawModelLines=True, showvol2D=False, showAxis=False, drawVessel=False, vesselType=1, meshColor=None, **kwargs): """ show one to four models in multipanel figure. Input: arrays of codes, vols, ssdfs; params from show_models_static Output: axes, colorbars """ # init fig f = vv.figure(1); vv.clf() # f.position = 0.00, 22.00, 1920.00, 1018.00 mw = 5 if drawMesh == True: lc = 'w' meshColor = meshColor else: lc = 'g' # create subplots if isinstance(codes, str): # if 1 ctcode, otherwise tuple of strings a1 = vv.subplot(111) axes = [a1] elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1]): a1 = vv.subplot(121) a2 = vv.subplot(122) axes = [a1,a2] elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2]): a1 = vv.subplot(131) a2 = vv.subplot(132) a3 = vv.subplot(133) axes = [a1,a2,a3] elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2], codes[3]): a1 = vv.subplot(141) a2 = vv.subplot(142) a3 = vv.subplot(143) a4 = vv.subplot(144) axes = [a1,a2,a3,a4] elif codes == (codes[0],codes[1], codes[2], codes[3], codes[4]): a1 = vv.subplot(151) a2 = vv.subplot(152) a3 = vv.subplot(153) a4 = vv.subplot(154) a5 = vv.subplot(155) axes = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5] else: a1 = vv.subplot(111) axes = [a1] for i, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.MakeCurrent() vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)') vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s - %s' % (ptcode[7:], codes[i])) t = show_ctvolume(vols[i], ss[i].model, axis=ax, showVol=showVol, clim=clim, isoTh=isoTh, **kwargs) label = pick3d(ax, vols[i]) if drawModelLines == True: ss[i].model.Draw(mc='b', mw = mw, lc=lc) if showvol2D: for i, ax in enumerate(axes): t2 = vv.volshow2(vols[i], clim=clim2D, axes=ax) cbars = [] # colorbars if drawMesh: for i, ax in enumerate(axes): m = vv.mesh(mm[i], axes=ax) if meshDisplacement: m.clim = clim2 m.colormap = vv.CM_JET #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear ( cb = vv.colorbar(ax) cbars.append(cb) elif meshColor is not None: if len(meshColor) == 1: m.faceColor = meshColor[0] # (0,1,0,1) else: m.faceColor = meshColor[i] else: m.faceColor = 'g' if drawVessel: for i, ax in enumerate(axes): v = showVesselMesh(vs[i], ax, type=vesselType) for ax in axes: ax.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1 ax.bgcolor = 25/255,25/255,112/255 # midnightblue # ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1 # z-axis flipped ax.axis.visible = showAxis # set colorbar position for cbar in cbars: p1 = cbar.position cbar.position = (p1[0], 20, p1[2], 0.98) # x,y,w,h # bind rotate view and view presets [1,2,3,4,5] f = vv.gcf() f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event,axes,axishandling=False) ) f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event,axes) ) return axes, cbars