def _cconv_test(self, caller, callee, argc, retn): # some setup and other fun things vw = self.i386_vw # Note: The function itself isn't important, we just need a real Symbolik emulator # instance that we can pass to setSymbolikArgs so that we can monkey with things # from there fva = 0x08051e10 ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True) argv = [Var('arg%d' % i, 4) for i in range(argc)] emu = ctx.getFuncEmu(fva) callee.setSymbolikArgs(emu, argv) caller.setSymbolikArgs(emu, argv) emu.setSymVariable('eax', retn) self.assertEqual(caller.getSymbolikReturn(emu), retn) self.assertEqual(caller.getSymbolikReturn(emu), callee.getSymbolikReturn(emu)) # if the callee cleans it up, the stack point is automatically assumed to be # delta'd by 20 bytes for bfastcall (argc == 7, 3 are registers, so 4 stack args # plus the return address makes 5 dwords to clean up for 20 bytes bytes_cleaned = (1 + callee.getNumStackArgs(emu, argc)) * 4 self.assertEqual( callee.deallocateCallSpace(emu, argc).reduce(), Const(bytes_cleaned, 4)) # if the caller cleans things up, the instructions after are going to do it # (since we're currently looking at things from a precall perspective), and so # the only thing that is going to get cleaned up is the return address self.assertEqual( caller.deallocateCallSpace(emu, argc).reduce(), Const(4, 4))
def test_cachewalk(self): ''' Test that even if we do populate the symcache while walking we're still fine ''' def populate(path, cur, ctx): if cur.symtype == SYMT_CONST: if cur.value % 2 == 0: foo = str(cur) valu = Const(1, 4) for i in range(64): valu |= Const(i, 4) valu.walkTree(populate) populated = [] # make sure that not all of the caches are populated, but that we can still visit all of them def check(path, cur, ctx): if cur.symtype == SYMT_CONST: populated.append(len(cur.cache) == 0) valu.walkTree(check) self.assertEqual(len(populated), 65) self.assertEqual(len([x for x in populated if x]), 33) self.assertEqual(len([x for x in populated if not x]), 32) # make sure reduction still goes through self.assertEqual(valu.reduce(), Const(0x3f, 4))
def test_coverage(self): ''' ((mem[piva_global(0xbfbfee08):1] | (mem[(arg0 + 72):4] & 0xffffff00)) + piva_global()) ''' ids = [] piva1 = Var('piva_global', 4) ids.append(piva1._sym_id) arg = Const(0xbfbfee08, 4) ids.append(arg._sym_id) call = Call(piva1, 4, argsyms=[arg]) ids.append(call._sym_id) con = Const(1, 4) ids.append(con._sym_id) mem1 = Mem(call, con) ids.append(mem1._sym_id) arg = Arg(0, 4) ids.append(arg._sym_id) addop = Const(72, 4) ids.append(addop._sym_id) add = o_add(arg, addop, 4) ids.append(add._sym_id) con = Const(4, 4) ids.append(con._sym_id) memac = Mem(add, con) ids.append(memac._sym_id) andop = Const(0xffffff00, 4) ids.append(andop._sym_id) mem2 = o_and(memac, andop, 4) ids.append(mem2._sym_id) memor = o_or(mem1, mem2, 4) ids.append(memor._sym_id) piva2 = Var('piva_global', 4) ids.append(piva2._sym_id) call2 = Call(piva2, 4, argsyms=[]) ids.append(call2._sym_id) add = o_add(memor, call2, 4) ids.append(add._sym_id) traveled_ids = [] def walkerTest(path, symobj, ctx): traveled_ids.append(symobj._sym_id) add.walkTree(walkerTest) self.assertEqual(traveled_ids, ids) self.assertEqual( '((mem[piva_global(0xbfbfee08):1] | (mem[(arg0 + 72):4] & 0xffffff00)) + piva_global())', str(add))
def test_constraints(self): fva = 0x080509e0 vw = self.i386_vw ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True) g = ctx.getSymbolikGraph(fva) constraints = { 0x080509e0: { 0x8050a42: ConstrainPath(0x080509ef, Const(0x08050a42, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)), 0x80509f1: ConstrainPath(0x080509ef, Const(0x080509f1, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))), }, 0x8050a20: { 0x8050a26: ConstrainPath(0x08050a24, Const(0x08050a26, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))), 0x8050a42: ConstrainPath(0x08050a24, Const(0x08050a42, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)), }, 0x8050a26: { 0x8050a20: ConstrainPath(0x08050a3e, Const(0x08050a20, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))), 0x8050a40: ConstrainPath(0x08050a3e, Const(0x08050a40, 4), cnot(cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4)))), }, 0x80509f1: { 0x8050a44: ConstrainPath(0x08050a0c, Const(0x08050a44, 4), Var("eflags_eq", width=4)), 0x8050a0e: ConstrainPath(0x08050a0c, Const(0x08050a0e, 4), cnot(Var("eflags_eq", width=4))) }, } for eid, xfrom, xto, props in g.getEdges(): if xfrom not in constraints: self.assertEqual(0, len(props)) continue self.assertTrue('symbolik_constraints' in props) self.assertEqual(1, len(props['symbolik_constraints'])) pcon = props['symbolik_constraints'][0] self.assertEqual(pcon, constraints[xfrom][xto])
def test_symbolik_outputs(self): vw = self.i386_vw fva = 0x804cda0 # a deliberately simple function sctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True) out = [ (Var("eax", 4), []), # literally just a ret (Arg(0, 4), [ WriteMemory(0x0804cdae, Const(0x08061404, 4), Const(0x00000004, 4), Arg(0, 4)) ]), ] for ret, effects in sctx.getSymbolikOutputs(fva): self.assertTrue( (ret, effects) in out, msg='(%s, %s) is not in the symbolik outputs' % (ret, effects))
def test_ccconv_diff(self): # msfastcall # thiscall # bfastcall retval = Const(0xdeadbeef, 4) self._cconv_test(i386sym.BFastCall_Caller(), i386sym.BFastCall(), 9, retval) self._cconv_test(i386sym.ThisCall_Caller(), i386sym.ThisCall(), 27, retval) self._cconv_test(i386sym.MsFastCall_Caller(), i386sym.MsFastCall(), 1, retval)
def test_emulator(self): fva = 0x08051e10 vw = self.i386_vw ctx = v_s_analysis.getSymbolikAnalysisContext(vw, consolve=True) retn = [ '((mem[(arg0 + 24):4](edx,mem[(arg0 + 8):4],mem[0xbfbfefec:4],mem[0xbfbfeff0:4]) * 8) + mem[arg0:4])', '0x08049a80()', ] esps = [ Const(0xbfbfeff4, 4), Const(0xbfbff004, 4), ] for emu, effects in ctx.walkSymbolikPaths(fva): self.assertTrue(str(emu.getFunctionReturn().reduce(foo=True)) in retn) esp = emu.getSymVariable('esp').reduce(foo=True) self.assertTrue(esp in esps) self.assertEqual(emu.getSymVariable('ecx'), Var('arg0', 4))
def test_constrainpath(self): # reduction addrsym = Var('eax', 4) * Const(4, 4) + Const(0x4357, 4) consym = eq(Var('ebx', 4), Var('ebx', 4)) cons = ConstrainPath(0x44, addrsym, consym) self.assertEqual( repr(cons), 'ConstrainPath( 0x00000044, o_add(o_mul(Var("eax", width=4),Const(0x00000004,4),4),Const(0x00004357,4),4), eq(Var("ebx", width=4),Var("ebx", width=4)) )' ) cons.reduce() self.assertEqual( repr(cons), 'ConstrainPath( 0x00000044, o_add(o_mul(Var("eax", width=4),Const(0x00000004,4),4),Const(0x00004357,4),4), Const(0x00000001,4) )' ) # walkTree addrsym = Var('eax', 4) consym = eq(eq(Var('ebx', 4), Var('edx', 4)), Const(1, 4)) cons = ConstrainPath(0x44, addrsym, consym) visited = [] cons.walkTree(walker, ctx=visited) answer = [ Var('ebx', 4), Var('edx', 4), eq(Var('ebx', 4), Var('edx', 4)), Const(1, 4), eq(eq(Var('ebx', 4), Var('edx', 4)), Const(1, 4)), ] self.assertEqual(visited, answer) # application emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) addrsym = Var('ebx', 4) consym = eq(eq(Var('eax', 4), Var('ecx', 4)), Const(1, 4)) cons = ConstrainPath(0x44, addrsym, consym) emu.setSymVariable('eax', Const(44, 4)) emu.setSymVariable('ecx', Const(36, 4)) newcons = cons.applyEffect(emu) newcons.reduce() self.assertEqual(newcons, ConstrainPath(0x1994578, Var('ebx', 4), Const(0, 4)))
def test_callfunc(self): # reduction, with and without argsyms funcsym = Var('NeatoBurrito', 4) argsyms = [ (Const(1, 4)**Var('edx', 4)) ^ Const(0x10, 4), (Var('eax', 4) ^ Var('eax', 4) | Const(0x10, 4)) << Const(0, 4), (Var('ebx', 4) & Var('ebx', 4)) | Const(0x40, 4) | Const(0x80, 4), Mem(Const(0x41414141, 4), Const(32, 4)), ] cf = CallFunction(0x44, funcsym, argsyms=argsyms) self.assertEqual( str(cf), 'NeatoBurrito(((1 ** edx) ^ 16),(((eax ^ eax) | 16) << 0),(((ebx & ebx) | 64) | 128),mem[0x41414141:32])' ) cf.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(cf), 'NeatoBurrito(17,16,(ebx | 192),mem[0x41414141:32])') # walkTree funcsym = Var('NeatoBurrito', 4) argsyms = [ (Var('eax', 4) + Const(47, 4)) + (Var('ebx', 4) + Const(12, 4)), Var('foo', 4) & Var('foo', 4), Var('eax', 4) / Const(4, 4), Var('eax', 4) >> Const(2, 4), Const(4, 4) / Var('eax', 4), ] cf = CallFunction(0x44, funcsym, argsyms=argsyms) answer = [ Var('NeatoBurrito', 4), Var('eax', 4), Const(47, 4), o_add(Var("eax", 4), Const(47, 4), 4), Var('ebx', 4), Const(12, 4), o_add(Var('ebx', 4), Const(12, 4), 4), (Var('eax', 4) + Const(47, 4)) + (Var('ebx', 4) + Const(12, 4)), Var('foo', 4), Var('foo', 4), o_and(Var('foo', 4), Var('foo', 4), 4), Var('eax', 4), Const(4, 4), o_div(Var('eax', 4), Const(4, 4), 4), Var('eax', 4), Const(2, 4), o_rshift(Var('eax', 4), Const(2, 4), 4), Const(4, 4), Var('eax', 4), o_div(Const(4, 4), Var('eax', 4), 4), ] visited = [] cf.walkTree(walker, ctx=visited) self.assertEqual(visited, answer) # application, with argsyms emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) emu.setSymVariable('eax', Const(100, 4)) newcf = cf.applyEffect(emu=emu) newcf.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(newcf), 'NeatoBurrito((ebx + 159),foo,25,25,0)') # application, without argsyms # by itself, emu.applyFunctionCall is just a NOP emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) funcsym = Var('ebx', 4) cf = CallFunction(0x44, funcsym) newcf = cf.applyEffect(emu=emu) newcf.reduce() self.assertEqual(newcf, cf)
def test_readmem(self): # idempotent addr = Var('eax', 4) size = Var('GetFileSize', 4) rm = ReadMemory(0x44, addr, size) self.assertEqual(str(rm), '[ eax : GetFileSize ]') rm.reduce() self.assertEqual(rm, ReadMemory(0x59, addr, size)) # reduction addr = ((((Var('eax', 4) * Var('ebx', 4) + Const(9, 4)) - Const(4, 4))) << Const(3, 4)) * Const(2, 4) size = ((Const(0x73, 4) | Const(0x84, 4)) | Const(0xCC00, 4)) ^ Var( 'ecx', 4) rm = ReadMemory(0x44, addr, size) rm.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(rm), '[ (((eax * ebx) + 5) * 16) : (0x0000ccf7 ^ ecx) ]') self.assertEqual(str(rm.symaddr), '(((eax * ebx) + 5) * 16)') self.assertEqual(str(rm.symsize), '(0x0000ccf7 ^ ecx)') # walkTree addr = (Var('edx', 4) + Var('mm0', 4)) - Var('edx', 4) addr <<= (Var('foo', 4) + Var('foo', 4) - (Var('foo', 4) * Const(2, 4))) size = (Var('bar', 4) - Const(0x19, 4)) - (Var('biz', 4) - Const(0x20, 4)) rm = ReadMemory(0x44, addr, size) visited = [] rm.walkTree(walker, ctx=visited) answer = [ 'edx', 'mm0', '(edx + mm0)', 'edx', '((edx + mm0) - edx)', 'foo', 'foo', '(foo + foo)', 'foo', '2', '(foo * 2)', '((foo + foo) - (foo * 2))', '(((edx + mm0) - edx) << ((foo + foo) - (foo * 2)))', 'bar', '25', '(bar - 25)', 'biz', '32', '(biz - 32)', '((bar - 25) - (biz - 32))', ] strd = map(str, visited) self.assertEqual(answer, strd) self.assertEqual( str(rm), '[ (((edx + mm0) - edx) << ((foo + foo) - (foo * 2))) : ((bar - 25) - (biz - 32)) ]' ) rm.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(rm), '[ mm0 : ((bar - biz) + 7) ]') # application emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) emu.setSymVariable('mm0', Var('bar', 4)) emu.setSymVariable('biz', Const(4, 4)) new_rm = rm.applyEffect(emu) self.assertEqual(str(new_rm), '[ bar : ((bar - 4) + 7) ]') new_rm.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(new_rm), '[ bar : (bar + 3) ]')
def test_setvar(self): # reduction valu = Var('esp', 4) >> Var('ebp', 4) sv = SetVariable(0x44, 'vivisect', valu) self.assertEqual(str(sv), 'vivisect = (esp >> ebp)') valu = eq(Var('eax', 4), Var('eax', 4)) sv = SetVariable(0x44, 'ultra', valu) self.assertEqual(str(sv), 'ultra = (eax == eax)') sv.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(sv), 'ultra = 1') # walkTree valu = ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)) for i in range(8): valu |= Const(0x2 << i, 4) sv = SetVariable(0x44, 'vtrace', valu) visited = [] sv.walkTree(walker, ctx=visited) answer = [ Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2), ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), o_or(o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), o_or( o_or(o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), o_or( o_or( o_or(o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), 1), Const(0x20, 4), o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), 1), Const(0x20, 4), 1), Const(0x40, 4), o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), 1), Const(0x20, 4), 1), Const(0x40, 4), 1), Const(0x80, 4), o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), 1), Const(0x20, 4), 1), Const(0x40, 4), 1), Const(0x80, 4), 1), Const(0x100, 4), o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or( o_or(ne(Const(0, 1), Const(0, 2)), Const(2, 4), 1), Const(4, 4), 1), Const(8, 4), 1), Const(0x10, 4), 1), Const(0x20, 4), 1), Const(0x40, 4), 1), Const(0x80, 4), 1), Const(0x100, 4), 1) ] self.assertEqual(visited, answer) sv.reduce() self.assertEqual(sv, SetVariable(0x9001, 'vtrace', Const(254, 4))) # application emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) sv.applyEffect(emu) self.assertEqual(emu.getSymVariable('vtrace'), Const(254, 4))
def test_memarg(self): ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8) flattened = [ Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_sub( o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add( o_sub( o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8) ] ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'][-1], ast) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'], flattened) answer = o_add( o_sub(Const(0x00000000, 8), Mem(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), 8), Const(0xbfbff010, 8), 8) self.assertEqual(answer, ast.reduce())
def test_flatten_constant(self): ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_add( o_add(o_add(Const(0x00000000, 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x00000002, 8), Const(0x00000003, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000004, 8), 8) flattened = [ Const(0x00000000, 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add(Const(0x00000000, 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000002, 8), Const(0x00000003, 8), o_add(Const(0x00000002, 8), Const(0x00000003, 8), 8), o_add(o_add(Const(0x00000000, 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x00000002, 8), Const(0x00000003, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000004, 8), o_add( o_add(o_add(Const(0x00000000, 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x00000002, 8), Const(0x00000003, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000004, 8), 8), ] ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'][-1], ast) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'], flattened) self.assertEqual(Const(0xa, 8), ast.reduce()) ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_add(o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8) flattened = [ Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_sub( o_add(o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add( o_sub( o_add(o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_add( o_sub(Const(0xbfb00000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add(Const(0x000ff000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8) ] ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'], flattened) self.assertEqual(Const(0xbfbff008, 8), ast.reduce())
def test_moarmem(self): ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_sub( o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8) ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) flattened = [ Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_sub( Mem(o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem(o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem(o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_sub( o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Arg(0, width=8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8) ] self.assertEqual(ast, evalSymbolik(repr(ast))) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'], flattened) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'][-1], ast)
def test_mem(self): ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_sub( o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add( #Arg(0,width=8) Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem( #Arg(0,width=8) Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add( #Arg(0,width=8) Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem( #Arg(0,width=8) Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8) flattened = [ Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add(Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem(o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), o_sub( o_add( o_xor( o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), o_and( o_sub( Mem( o_add(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000030, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), o_add( Mem( o_add( Mem(Const(0x20000000, 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000048, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8)), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), 8), Const(0xffffffff, 4), 4), 4), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8), Const(0x00000001, 8), 8) ] ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'], flattened) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'][-1], ast)
def test_writemem(self): # reduction msg = 'the quick brown dog' base = Arg(0, 4) * Const(8, 4) | Const(0x410000, 4) size = Const(1, 4) writes = [] for c in msg: valu = Const(ord(c), 4) wm = WriteMemory(0x44, base, size, valu) base += Const(1, 4) writes.append(wm) answer = [ '[ ((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) : 1 ] = 116', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 1) : 1 ] = 104', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 2) : 1 ] = 101', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 3) : 1 ] = 32', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 4) : 1 ] = 113', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 5) : 1 ] = 117', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 6) : 1 ] = 105', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 7) : 1 ] = 99', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 8) : 1 ] = 107', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 9) : 1 ] = 32', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 10) : 1 ] = 98', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 11) : 1 ] = 114', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 12) : 1 ] = 111', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 13) : 1 ] = 119', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 14) : 1 ] = 110', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 15) : 1 ] = 32', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 16) : 1 ] = 100', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 17) : 1 ] = 111', '[ (((arg0 * 8) | 0x00410000) + 18) : 1 ] = 103', ] for idx, write in enumerate(writes): write.reduce() self.assertEqual(str(write), answer[idx]) # walkTree addr = Mem(Call(Var('seek', 4), Const(4, 4)), Const(16, 4)) size = Var('ecx', 4) valu = Arg(0, 4) wm = WriteMemory(0x44, addr, size, valu) answer = [ Arg(0, 4), Var('seek', 4), Call(Var('seek', 4), Const(4, 4)), Const(16, 4), Mem(Call(Var('seek', 4), Const(4, 4)), Const(16, 4)), Var('ecx', 4) ] visited = [] wm.walkTree(walker, ctx=visited) self.assertEqual(answer, visited) # application emu = MockEmulator(MockVw()) addr = Call(Var('malloc', 4), Const(4, 4), argsyms=[Var('eax', 4)]) size = (Const(2, 4)**Var('ebx', 4)) >> Const(2, 4) size *= Const(4, 4) valu = Mem(Const(0x41424344, 4), Const(8, 4)) wm = WriteMemory(0x44, addr, size, valu) emu.setSymVariable('ebx', Const(6, 4)) newwm = wm.applyEffect(emu) newwm.reduce(emu=emu) self.assertEqual(str(newwm), '[ malloc(eax) : 64 ] = mem[0x41424344:8]')
def test_nested(self): ctx = {'path': []} ast = o_add( o_add( o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_sub( o_add( o_add( o_add( o_add( o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( Const( 0xbfb00000, 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000068, 8), 8), Const(0x00000068, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), o_add( o_add( o_add( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( o_sub( Const( 0xff010, 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8 ), Const( 0x00000008, 8 ), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000008, 8), 8), Const( 0x00000068, 8), 8), Const(0x00000068, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8), Const(0x00000008, 8), 8) ast.walkTree(walkTree_cb, ctx) self.assertEqual(ast.reduce(), Const(0xbfbfeff0, 8)) self.assertEqual(ctx['path'][-1], ast) self.assertEqual(len(ctx['path']), 59)