def georeferenceGetProcess(request):'Receive request GetGeoreferenceProcess') try: request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if 'georeferenceid' in request_data: georeferenceid = int(request_data['georeferenceid']) log.debug('Parsed parameters - georeferenceid: %s'%georeferenceid) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db).mapid), request.db) response = createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid) elif 'objectid' in request_data: mapObjId = request_data['objectid'] log.debug('Parsed parameters - mapid: %s'%mapObjId) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(mapObjId), request.db) response = createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request) else: log.error('Could not find a georeferenceid or and objectid in the post request parameters ...') raise GeoreferenceParameterError return response except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest('This georeference process is blocked for further work!') except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def getPermalinkForObjectidv2(request): """ Contains a permalink url for the given objectid""" try:'Receive get permalink request.') objectid = request.GET.get('objectid') dbsession = request.db centroid = Map.getCentroid_byApsObjectid(objectid, dbsession, 900913) mapid = Map.by_apsObjectId(objectid, dbsession).id return HTTPFound(location=request.host_url + '/vkviewer/?welcomepage=off&z=5&c=%s,%s&oid=%s'%(centroid[0],centroid[1],mapid)) except DBAPIError: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def createPermalink(request, objectid): try: dbsession = request.db centroid = Map.getCentroid(objectid, dbsession, 900913) return request.host_url + '/vkviewer/?welcomepage=off&z=5&c=%s,%s&oid=%s'%(centroid[0],centroid[1],objectid) except NotFoundException: raise NotFoundException('Could not create permalink!')
def setIsValide(job, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function sets a georeference process as 'isvalide' and if there is no other newer georeference process for this map its activate this georeference process for this map. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: job @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """ logger.debug('Set georeference process for id %s to isvalide ...'%(job.georefid)) # set georeferenceprocess to isvalide georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(job.georefid, dbsession) # check if there is an other process which is newer and more up to date activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) if activeGeorefProcess and >='The georeference process with the id %s or younger process is already active for this map object.' pass elif activeGeorefProcess and <'Activate the is valide georeference process and deactive old one ...') deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) else:'Activate georeference process %s for the map object %s ...'%(, georefProcess.mapid)) activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) if georefProcess.adminvalidation == 'invalide': mapObj.hasgeorefparams = mapObj.hasgeorefparams + 1 georefProcess.adminvalidation = 'isvalide'
def getWelcomePage(request):'Call view get_welcome_page.') try: dbsession = request.db # get occurrence of georeferenced messtischblaetter occurrenceGeorefMtbs = Map.getCountIsGeoref(dbsession) possibleMtbs = Map.getCountIsActive(dbsession) georefRelation = int((float(occurrenceGeorefMtbs) / float(possibleMtbs)) * 100) # get paginator for user ranking list paginator = Users.get_paginator(request, dbsession) return {'paginator':paginator,'occurrence_mtbs':occurrenceGeorefMtbs, 'possible_mtbs': possibleMtbs, 'georef_rel': georefRelation} except Exception: log.error('Error while creating paginator for user georeference ranking') log.error(Exception) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def getPage_profileMtb(request): try: messtischblatt_id = None if 'objectid' in request.params: maps_id = request.params['objectid']'Receive get map profile page for id %s.'%messtischblatt_id) georef = False if 'georef' in request.params and request.params['georef'].lower() == 'true': georef = True if georef: permalink = createPermalink(request, maps_id) return HTTPFound(location=permalink) mapObj = Map.by_id(maps_id, request.db) metadata = Metadata.by_id(maps_id, request.db) oai = createOAI( return {'zoomify':metadata.imagezoomify,'key':oai, 'titel_long': metadata.title,'titel_short': metadata.titleshort, 'permalink': metadata.apspermalink} except: log.error('Internal server error while trying to get profile page. Please try again or contact the page administrator.') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise InternalAuthentificationError('Internal server error while trying to get profile page. Please try again or contact the page administrator.')
def georeference_profile_page(request):'Request - Get georeference profile page.') dbsession = request.db userid = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(userid, dbsession) try: log.debug('Query georeference profile information from database for user %s'%userid) queryData = request.db.query(Georeferenzierungsprozess, Metadata, Map).join(Metadata, Georeferenzierungsprozess.mapid == Metadata.mapid)\ .join(Map, Georeferenzierungsprozess.mapid ==\ .filter(Georeferenzierungsprozess.nutzerid == userid)\ .order_by(desc( log.debug('Create response list') georef_profile = [] for record in queryData: georef = record[0] metadata = record[1] mapObj = record[2] boundingbox = Map.getBox2d(georef.mapid, dbsession, 900913) georef_profile.append({'georef_id', 'mapid':georef.mapid, 'clip_params': georef.georefparams, 'time': metadata.timepublish, 'transformed': georef.processed, 'isvalide': georef.adminvalidation, 'titel': metadata.title, 'key': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'time_georef':georef.timestamp,'boundingbox':boundingbox[4:-1].replace(' ',','),'type':georef.type, 'published':georef.processed}) log.debug('Response: %s'%georef_profile) return {'georef_profile':georef_profile, 'points':user.bonuspunkte} except Exception as e: log.error('Error while trying to request georeference history information'); log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def getTimestampsForId(request): """ Returns a json document which contains a a list of messtischblatt tuples which have the same blattnumber like the given object. """ try:'Receive request for timestamps for a given object number.') dbsession = request.db object_id = request.GET.get('id') metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(object_id, dbsession) spatial_relation_objects = VBlattschnittMtb.allForBlattnr( metadataObj.blattnr, dbsession) #create response response = [] for rel_object in spatial_relation_objects: if rel_object.isttransformiert: response.append({ 'id': rel_object.mapid, 'time': rel_object.time, 'extent': Map.getExtent(, dbsession, DATABASE_SRID) }) return {'maps': response} except DBAPIError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def getMetadataForMapObj(id, db, logger): try: logger.debug('Start collection metadata information') mapObj = Map.by_id(id, db) metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(id, db) # metadata_core = MdCore.by_id(mapObj.apsobjectid, db) bbox_4326 = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(id, db, 4326) # create metadata record id oai = createOAI( bbox_srid = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(, db, DATABASE_SRID) onlineResList = getOnlineResourceData(mapObj, metadataObj, metadataObj.timepublish.year, bbox_srid, oai) logger.debug('Metadata collection finish. Creating response') metadata = { 'westBoundLongitude':str(, 'eastBoundLongitude':str(bbox_4326.urc.x), 'southBoundLatitude':str(, 'northBoundLatitude':str(bbox_4326.urc.y), 'identifier':oai, 'dateStamp':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'title': metadataObj.title, 'cite_date': str(metadataObj.timepublish.year), 'abstract': metadataObj.description, 'temporalExtent_begin': '%s-01-01'%metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'temporalExtent_end': '%s-12-31'%metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'hierarchylevel': 'Messtischblatt' if mapObj.maptype == 'M' else 'Äquidistantenkarte', 'overviews': [ ''%mapObj.apsdateiname ], 'wms_params': { 'westBoundLongitude':str(, 'southBoundLatitude':str(, 'eastBoundLongitude':str(bbox_srid.urc.x), 'northBoundLatitude':str(bbox_srid.urc.y), 'srid':DATABASE_SRID, 'time':metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'width':256, 'height':256 }, 'onlineresource':onlineResList } return metadata except: logger.error('Problems while trying to collect the metadata for the messtischblatt with id %s'%id) raise
def createPermalink(request, objectid): try: dbsession = request.db centroid = Map.getCentroid(objectid, dbsession, 900913) return request.host_url + '/vkviewer/?welcomepage=off&z=5&c=%s,%s&oid=%s' % ( centroid[0], centroid[1], objectid) except NotFoundException: raise NotFoundException('Could not create permalink!')
def georeference_profile_page(request):'Request - Get georeference profile page.') dbsession = request.db userid = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(userid, dbsession) try: log.debug( 'Query georeference profile information from database for user %s' % userid) queryData = request.db.query(Georeferenzierungsprozess, Metadata, Map).join(Metadata, Georeferenzierungsprozess.mapid == Metadata.mapid)\ .join(Map, Georeferenzierungsprozess.mapid ==\ .filter(Georeferenzierungsprozess.nutzerid == userid)\ .order_by(desc( log.debug('Create response list') georef_profile = [] for record in queryData: georef = record[0] metadata = record[1] mapObj = record[2] boundingbox = Map.getBox2d(georef.mapid, dbsession, 900913) georef_profile.append({ 'georef_id':, 'mapid': georef.mapid, 'clip_params': georef.georefparams, 'time': metadata.timepublish, 'transformed': georef.processed, 'isvalide': georef.adminvalidation, 'titel': metadata.title, 'key': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'time_georef': georef.timestamp, 'boundingbox': boundingbox[4:-1].replace(' ', ','), 'type': georef.type, 'published': georef.processed }) log.debug('Response: %s' % georef_profile) return {'georef_profile': georef_profile, 'points': user.bonuspunkte} except Exception as e: log.error( 'Error while trying to request georeference history information') log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid=None): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) if georeferenceid is None: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db) else: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id( georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = georeferenceprocess.georefparams # get the actual valide gcps gcps = None if georeferenceprocess.type == 'new': # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters else: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) response = { 'type': 'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':, 'timestamp': str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } } # check if there is an other user is working on this map right now # @TODO use babel lingua fpr translation try: areTherePendingUpdateProcesses = Georeferenzierungsprozess.arePendingProcessForMapId(, request.db) if areTherePendingUpdateProcesses: if request.locale_name == 'de': warnMsg = 'Aktuell wird das Kartenblatt von anderen Nutzern bearbeitet. Um Informationsverluste zu vermeiden versuchen Sie es bitte noch einmal in ein 15 Minuten.' else: warnMsg = 'Right now another users is working on the georeferencing of this map sheet. For preventing information losses please try again in 15 minutes.' response['warn'] = warnMsg return response except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: pass return response
def georeferenceGetProcess(request):'Receive request GetGeoreferenceProcess') try: request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if 'georeferenceid' in request_data: georeferenceid = int(request_data['georeferenceid']) log.debug('Parsed parameters - georeferenceid: %s' % georeferenceid) mapObj = Map.by_id( int( Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db).mapid), request.db) response = createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess( mapObj, request, georeferenceid) elif 'objectid' in request_data: mapObjId = request_data['objectid'] log.debug('Parsed parameters - mapid: %s' % mapObjId) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(mapObjId), request.db) response = createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request) else: log.error( 'Could not find a georeferenceid or and objectid in the post request parameters ...' ) raise GeoreferenceParameterError return response except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest( 'This georeference process is blocked for further work!') except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def processGeorefImage(mapObj, georefParams, dbsession, logger): clip_polygon = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(, dbsession, DATABASE_SRID).asShapefile( os.path.join(TMP_DIR, mapObj.apsdateiname + 'clip_polygon')) destPath = georeference( mapObj.originalimage, os.path.join(GEOREF_TARGET_DIR, mapObj.apsdateiname + '.tif'), TMP_DIR, georefParams, DATABASE_SRID, DATABASE_SRID, 'polynom', logger, clip_polygon) addOverviews(destPath, '2 4 8 16 32', logger) return destPath
def parseMapObjForId(request_data, name, dbsession): """ This functions parses a map objectid from an objectid """ if name in request_data: validateId(request_data[name]) # @deprecated # do mapping for support of new name schema mapObj = Map.by_id(int(request_data[name]), dbsession) if mapObj is None: raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Missing or wrong objectid parameter.') else: return mapObj raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Missing or wrong objectid parameter.')
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid = None): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) if georeferenceid is None: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db) else: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = georeferenceprocess.georefparams # get the actual valide gcps gcps = None if georeferenceprocess.type == 'new': # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters else: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) response = { 'type':'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid', 'timestamp':str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } } # check if there is an other user is working on this map right now # @TODO use babel lingua fpr translation try: areTherePendingUpdateProcesses = Georeferenzierungsprozess.arePendingProcessForMapId(, request.db) if areTherePendingUpdateProcesses: if request.locale_name == 'de': warnMsg = 'Aktuell wird das Kartenblatt von anderen Nutzern bearbeitet. Um Informationsverluste zu vermeiden versuchen Sie es bitte noch einmal in ein 15 Minuten.' else: warnMsg = 'Right now another users is working on the georeferencing of this map sheet. For preventing information losses please try again in 15 minutes.' response['warn'] = warnMsg return response except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: pass return response
def parseMapObjForId(request_data, name, dbsession): """ This functions parses a map objectid from an objectid """ if name in request_data: validateId(request_data[name]) # @deprecated # do mapping for support of new name schema mapObj = Map.by_id(int(request_data[name]), dbsession) if mapObj is None: raise GeoreferenceParameterError( 'Missing or wrong objectid parameter.') else: return mapObj raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Missing or wrong objectid parameter.')
def getWelcomePage(request):'Call view get_welcome_page.') try: dbsession = request.db # get occurrence of georeferenced messtischblaetter occurrenceGeorefMtbs = Map.getCountIsGeoref(dbsession) possibleMtbs = Map.getCountIsActive(dbsession) georefRelation = int( (float(occurrenceGeorefMtbs) / float(possibleMtbs)) * 100) # get paginator for user ranking list paginator = Users.get_paginator(request, dbsession) return { 'paginator': paginator, 'occurrence_mtbs': occurrenceGeorefMtbs, 'possible_mtbs': possibleMtbs, 'georef_rel': georefRelation } except Exception: log.error( 'Error while creating paginator for user georeference ranking') log.error(Exception) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def runNewGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function process new georeference result for a given map object. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: georefProcess @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """'Run georeference process with type "new" with id %s ...' mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession)'Activate new georeference processes ...') activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)
def createServiceDescription(template_path, target_dir, db, logger, wcs=False): logger.debug('Start creating service description') # create tempory copy mdServiceFile = os.path.join(target_dir, str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml') shutil.copyfile(template_path, mdServiceFile) # Helper method which define the prefix of the namespaces for key in Namespaces: ET.register_namespace(key, Namespaces[key].strip('}').strip('{')) # parse xml template file xmlTree = ET.parse(mdServiceFile) xmlElementRoot = xmlTree.getroot() # search xml element srv:SV_ServiceIdentification searchHierarchy = [ Namespaces['gmd'] + 'identificationInfo', Namespaces['srv'] + 'SV_ServiceIdentification' ] xmlElementServiceId = xmlElementRoot.find('/'.join(searchHierarchy)) # get all messtischblaetter maps = Map.all(db) logger.debug('Start appending new messtischblatt resources') for mapObj in maps: if mapObj.isttransformiert: metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(, db) if wcs: if metadataObj.timepublish.year <= 1900: oai = createOAI( appendCoupledResource(rootElement=xmlElementServiceId, resourceId=oai, resourceTitle=metadataObj.title) else: oai = createOAI( appendCoupledResource(rootElement=xmlElementServiceId, resourceId=oai, resourceTitle=metadataObj.title) logger.debug('Save modified file in %s.' % mdServiceFile) # print 'Service document' # print '================' # print ET.tostring(xmlElementRoot, encoding='utf-8', method='xml') xmlTree.write(mdServiceFile, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) return mdServiceFile
def createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request) else: mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) gcps = { 'source': 'pixel', 'target': 'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [{ "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[3]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[3]] }] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type': 'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid': "", 'timestamp': "", 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } }
def createServiceDescription(template_path, target_dir, db, logger, wcs = False): logger.debug('Start creating service description') # create tempory copy mdServiceFile = os.path.join( target_dir, str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml') shutil.copyfile(template_path, mdServiceFile) # Helper method which define the prefix of the namespaces for key in Namespaces: ET.register_namespace(key, Namespaces[key].strip('}').strip('{')) # parse xml template file xmlTree = ET.parse(mdServiceFile) xmlElementRoot = xmlTree.getroot() # search xml element srv:SV_ServiceIdentification searchHierarchy = [Namespaces['gmd']+'identificationInfo', Namespaces['srv']+'SV_ServiceIdentification'] xmlElementServiceId = xmlElementRoot.find('/'.join(searchHierarchy)) # get all messtischblaetter maps = Map.all(db) logger.debug('Start appending new messtischblatt resources') for mapObj in maps: if mapObj.isttransformiert: metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(, db) if wcs: if metadataObj.timepublish.year <= 1900: oai = createOAI( appendCoupledResource(rootElement = xmlElementServiceId, resourceId = oai, resourceTitle = metadataObj.title) else: oai = createOAI( appendCoupledResource(rootElement = xmlElementServiceId, resourceId = oai, resourceTitle = metadataObj.title) logger.debug('Save modified file in %s.'%mdServiceFile) # print 'Service document' # print '================' # print ET.tostring(xmlElementRoot, encoding='utf-8', method='xml') xmlTree.write(mdServiceFile, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) return mdServiceFile
def runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function update the georeference result for a given map object. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: georefProcess @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """'Run georeference process with type "update" with id %s ...' activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession)'Deactivate old georeference processes ...') if activeGeorefProcess: deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)'Activate new georeference processes ...') activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)
def chooseGeoreferenceMap(request):'Call view getPage_chooseGeorefMtb.') if 'blattnr' in request.params: log.debug('Look for unreferenced messtischblaetter') # get response from database collection = [] metadata = Metadata.all_byBlattnr(request.GET.get('blattnr'), request.db) for record in metadata: map = Map.by_id(record.mapid, request.db) if map.istaktiv and not map.isttransformiert and map.hasgeorefparams == 0: item = {'mapid','title':record.title} collection.append(item) log.debug('Create paginator for collection - %s'%collection) page_url = PageURL_WebOb(request) return {'paginator': Page(collection, 1, url=page_url, items_per_page=10)} else: log.error('Could not find a blattnr parameter value ...') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG)
def setInValide(job, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function sets a georeference process as 'isvalide' and if there is no other newer georeference process for this map its activate this georeference process for this map. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: job @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """ logger.debug('Set georeference process for id %s to isvalide ...'%(job.georefid)) # set georeferenceprocess to isvalide georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(job.georefid, dbsession) # update map object and datasource mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) if georefProcess.isactive == True and georefProcess.overwrites > 0:'Deactive georeference process and activate georeference process with id %s ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) # deactive the georeference process deactivate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) # look if there is a valid overwrite id and if yes activate the matching # process newGeorefProcess = getLastValidGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess.overwrites, dbsession, logger) if newGeorefProcess: activate(newGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) elif georefProcess.isactive == True and georefProcess.overwrites == 0:'Deactive georeference process %s ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) # deactive the georeference process deactivate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) logger.debug('Set georeference process with id %s to inactive ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) if georefProcess.adminvalidation != 'invalide': georefProcess.adminvalidation = 'invalide' mapObj.hasgeorefparams = 0 if mapObj.hasgeorefparams - 1 < 0 else mapObj.hasgeorefparams - 1
def georeferenceValidation(request):'Receive request for processing georeference validation result') try: request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body mapObj = parseMapObjForId(request_data, 'id', request.db) log.debug('Id is valide: %s'%request_data) log.debug('Start creating validation result ...') # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 epsg_code = int(str(request_data['georeference']['target']).split(':')[1]) if request_data['georeference']['source'] == 'pixel' and epsg_code == 4314: log.debug('Parse gcps ...') gcps = parseGcps(request_data['georeference']['gcps']) log.debug('Process georeference parameter ...') destPath = georeference(mapObj.originalimage, os.path.join(GEOREFERENCE_MAPFILE_FOLDER,mapObj.apsdateiname+"::"+str(getUniqueId())+".vrt"), GEOREFERENCE_TMP_DIR, gcps, epsg_code, epsg_code, 'polynom', log) log.debug('Create temporary mapfile ...') wms_url = createMapfile(mapObj.apsdateiname, destPath, GEOREFERENCE_MAPFILE_TEMPLATE, GEOREFERENCE_MAPFILE_FOLDER, GEOREFERENCE_MAPFILE_DEFAULT_PARAMS) log.debug('Create response ...') response = {'wms_url':wms_url,'layer_id':mapObj.apsdateiname,'extent':Map.getExtent(, request.db)} return response else: raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Wrong or missing service parameter') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request) else: mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) gcps = { 'source':'pixel', 'target':'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [ {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[3]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[3]]} ] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type':'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':"", 'timestamp':"", 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } }
def runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess, dbsession, logger, testing=False): """ This function update the georeference result for a given map object. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: georefProcess @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """'Run georeference process with type "update" with id %s ...' % activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId( georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession)'Deactivate old georeference processes ...') if activeGeorefProcess: deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)'Activate new georeference processes ...') activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)
def chooseGeoreferenceMap(request):'Call view getPage_chooseGeorefMtb.') if 'blattnr' in request.params: log.debug('Look for unreferenced messtischblaetter') # get response from database collection = [] metadata = Metadata.all_byBlattnr(request.GET.get('blattnr'), request.db) for record in metadata: map = Map.by_id(record.mapid, request.db) if map.istaktiv and not map.isttransformiert and map.hasgeorefparams == 0: item = {'mapid':, 'title': record.title} collection.append(item) log.debug('Create paginator for collection - %s' % collection) page_url = PageURL_WebOb(request) return { 'paginator': Page(collection, 1, url=page_url, items_per_page=10) } else: log.error('Could not find a blattnr parameter value ...') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG)
def getTimestampsForId(request): """ Returns a json document which contains a a list of messtischblatt tuples which have the same blattnumber like the given object. """ try:'Receive request for timestamps for a given object number.') dbsession = request.db object_id = request.GET.get('id') metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(object_id, dbsession) spatial_relation_objects = VBlattschnittMtb.allForBlattnr(metadataObj.blattnr, dbsession) #create response response = [] for rel_object in spatial_relation_objects: if rel_object.isttransformiert: response.append({'id':rel_object.mapid,'time':rel_object.time,'extent': Map.getExtent(, dbsession, DATABASE_SRID)}) return {'maps':response} except DBAPIError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def store_image(request): try: log.debug('Receive a upload request.') username = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(username, request.db) # check if need metadata is send log.debug('Check if mandatory metadata is send ...') params = request.params if not 'title' in params or not 'titleshort' in params or \ not 'imagelicence' in params or not 'imageowner' in params: raise MissingQueryParameterError('Missing query parameter ...') # register upload process in database log.debug('Register upload process to database ...') uploadObj = Uploads(, time=getTimestampAsPGStr(), params='%s' % request.params) request.db.add(uploadObj) log.debug('Create and add mapObj ...') mapObj = Map(istaktiv=False, isttransformiert=False, maptype='A', hasgeorefparams=0) request.db.add(mapObj) request.db.flush() # check if image allowed extensions # ``filename`` contains the name of the file in string format. log.debug('Create filename for persistent saving ...') filename = request.POST['file'].filename if not allowed_file(filename): raise WrongParameterException( 'Format of the image is not supported through the upload API.') # ``input_file`` contains the actual file data which needs to be # stored somewhere. inputFile = request.POST['file'].file # Note that we are generating our own filename instead of trusting # the incoming filename since that might result in insecure paths. # Please note that in a real application you would not use /tmp, # and if you write to an untrusted location you will need to do # some extra work to prevent symlink attacks. newFilename = '%s.%s' % ('df_dk_%s' %, filename.rsplit( '.', 1)[1]) filePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, newFilename) # save file to disk log.debug('Save file to datastore ...') saveFile(inputFile, filePath) # process thumbnails log.debug('Create thumbnails ...') thumbSmall = createSmallThumbnail(filePath, UPLOAD_THUMBS_SMALL_DIR) thumbMid = createMidThumbnail(filePath, UPLOAD_THUMBS_MID_DIR) log.debug('Create zoomify tiles') zoomifyTiles = processZoomifyTiles(filePath, UPLOAD_ZOOMIFY_DIR, log) # parse boundinbBox pgBoundingBoxStr = parseBoundingBoxFromRequest(request.params) # add geometry to map object and update other attributes # work around --> should be replaced through adding the geomtry on initial adding log.debug('Update mapObj and create metadataObj ...') mapObj.apsdateiname = newFilename mapObj.originalimage = filePath Map.updateGeometry(, pgBoundingBoxStr, request.db) request.db.flush() # parse and create metadataObj if 'title' in request.params: title = request.params['title'] if 'titleshort' in request.params: titleshort = request.params['titleshort'] if 'serientitle' in request.params: serientitle = request.params['serientitle'] if 'description' in request.params: description = request.params['description'] if 'timepublish' in request.params: timepublish = request.params['timepublish'] if 'imagelicence' in request.params: imagelicence = request.params['imagelicence'] if 'scale' in request.params: scale = request.params['scale'] if 'imageowner' in request.params: imageowner = request.params['imageowner'] # create metadata obj # the creating of the paths are right now quite verbose imagezoomify = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_ZOOMIFY + os.path.basename( filePath).split('.')[0] + '/ImageProperties.xml' thumbssmall = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_THUMBS_SMALL + os.path.basename( thumbSmall) thumbsmid = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_THUMBS_MID + os.path.basename(thumbMid) metadataObj = Metadata(, title=title, titleshort=titleshort, serientitle=serientitle, description=description, timepublish="%s-01-01 00:00:00" % (timepublish), imagelicence=imagelicence, imageowner=imageowner, scale=scale, imagezoomify=imagezoomify, thumbssmall=thumbssmall, thumbsmid=thumbsmid) request.db.add(metadataObj) # update uploadObj and create response uploadObj.mapid = log.debug('Create response ...') target_url = request.route_url('upload-profile') return HTTPFound(location=target_url) # Exception handling except NotFoundException as e: log.exception(e) ERR_MSG = GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE + "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please be sure that your file respects the upload conditions." return HTTPBadRequest(ERR_MSG) except DBAPIError as e: log.error('Database error within a upload process') log.exception(e) return HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE) except MissingQueryParameterError or WrongParameterException as e: log.exception(e) raise HTTPBadRequest(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
mdEditor.saveFile(file) return True except: logger.error('Problems while updating the metadata for the xml file %s'%file) raise if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine') dbSession = loadDbSession(DBCONFIG_PARAMS, logger) # get all messtischblätter maps = Map.all(dbSession) counter = 0 for mapObj in maps: if mapObj.isttransformiert: counter += 1 if mapObj.isttransformiert and counter >= 0: print "========================" oai = createOAI( response = gn_transaction_delete(oai, GN_SETTINGS['gn_username'], GN_SETTINGS['gn_password'], logger) print "Response - delete record" print "========================" response = insertMetadata(,db=dbSession,logger=logger) print response print "========================" print "Insert record number %s"%counter print "========================"
def getMetadataForMapObj(id, db, logger): try: logger.debug('Start collection metadata information') mapObj = Map.by_id(id, db) metadataObj = Metadata.by_id(id, db) # metadata_core = MdCore.by_id(mapObj.apsobjectid, db) bbox_4326 = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(id, db, 4326) # create metadata record id oai = createOAI( bbox_srid = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(, db, DATABASE_SRID) onlineResList = getOnlineResourceData(mapObj, metadataObj, metadataObj.timepublish.year, bbox_srid, oai) logger.debug('Metadata collection finish. Creating response') metadata = { 'westBoundLongitude': str(, 'eastBoundLongitude': str(bbox_4326.urc.x), 'southBoundLatitude': str(, 'northBoundLatitude': str(bbox_4326.urc.y), 'identifier': oai, 'dateStamp':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'title': metadataObj.title, 'cite_date': str(metadataObj.timepublish.year), 'abstract': metadataObj.description, 'temporalExtent_begin': '%s-01-01' % metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'temporalExtent_end': '%s-12-31' % metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'hierarchylevel': 'Messtischblatt' if mapObj.maptype == 'M' else 'Äquidistantenkarte', 'overviews': [ '' % mapObj.apsdateiname ], 'wms_params': { 'westBoundLongitude': str(, 'southBoundLatitude': str(, 'eastBoundLongitude': str(bbox_srid.urc.x), 'northBoundLatitude': str(bbox_srid.urc.y), 'srid': DATABASE_SRID, 'time': metadataObj.timepublish.year, 'width': 256, 'height': 256 }, 'onlineresource': onlineResList } return metadata except: logger.error( 'Problems while trying to collect the metadata for the messtischblatt with id %s' % id) raise
def store_image(request): try: log.debug('Receive a upload request.') username = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(username, request.db) # check if need metadata is send log.debug('Check if mandatory metadata is send ...') params = request.params if not 'title' in params or not 'titleshort' in params or \ not 'imagelicence' in params or not 'imageowner' in params: raise MissingQueryParameterError('Missing query parameter ...') # register upload process in database log.debug('Register upload process to database ...') uploadObj = Uploads(userid =, time = getTimestampAsPGStr(), params = '%s'%request.params) request.db.add(uploadObj) log.debug('Create and add mapObj ...') mapObj = Map(istaktiv = False, isttransformiert = False, maptype = 'A', hasgeorefparams = 0) request.db.add(mapObj) request.db.flush() # check if image allowed extensions # ``filename`` contains the name of the file in string format. log.debug('Create filename for persistent saving ...') filename = request.POST['file'].filename if not allowed_file(filename): raise WrongParameterException('Format of the image is not supported through the upload API.') # ``input_file`` contains the actual file data which needs to be # stored somewhere. inputFile = request.POST['file'].file # Note that we are generating our own filename instead of trusting # the incoming filename since that might result in insecure paths. # Please note that in a real application you would not use /tmp, # and if you write to an untrusted location you will need to do # some extra work to prevent symlink attacks. newFilename = '%s.%s' % ('df_dk_%s', filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1]) filePath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_DIR, newFilename) # save file to disk log.debug('Save file to datastore ...') saveFile(inputFile, filePath) # process thumbnails log.debug('Create thumbnails ...') thumbSmall = createSmallThumbnail(filePath, UPLOAD_THUMBS_SMALL_DIR) thumbMid = createMidThumbnail(filePath, UPLOAD_THUMBS_MID_DIR) log.debug('Create zoomify tiles') zoomifyTiles = processZoomifyTiles(filePath, UPLOAD_ZOOMIFY_DIR, log) # parse boundinbBox pgBoundingBoxStr = parseBoundingBoxFromRequest(request.params) # add geometry to map object and update other attributes # work around --> should be replaced through adding the geomtry on initial adding log.debug('Update mapObj and create metadataObj ...') mapObj.apsdateiname = newFilename mapObj.originalimage = filePath Map.updateGeometry(, pgBoundingBoxStr, request.db) request.db.flush() # parse and create metadataObj if 'title' in request.params: title = request.params['title'] if 'titleshort' in request.params: titleshort = request.params['titleshort'] if 'serientitle' in request.params: serientitle = request.params['serientitle'] if 'description' in request.params: description = request.params['description'] if 'timepublish' in request.params: timepublish = request.params['timepublish'] if 'imagelicence' in request.params: imagelicence = request.params['imagelicence'] if 'scale' in request.params: scale = request.params['scale'] if 'imageowner' in request.params: imageowner = request.params['imageowner'] # create metadata obj # the creating of the paths are right now quite verbose imagezoomify = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_ZOOMIFY + os.path.basename(filePath).split('.')[0] + '/ImageProperties.xml' thumbssmall = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_THUMBS_SMALL + os.path.basename(thumbSmall) thumbsmid = UPLOAD_SERVICE_URL_THUMBS_MID + os.path.basename(thumbMid) metadataObj = Metadata(mapid =, title = title, titleshort = titleshort, serientitle = serientitle, description = description, timepublish = "%s-01-01 00:00:00"%(timepublish), imagelicence = imagelicence, imageowner = imageowner, scale = scale, imagezoomify = imagezoomify, thumbssmall = thumbssmall, thumbsmid = thumbsmid) request.db.add(metadataObj) # update uploadObj and create response uploadObj.mapid = log.debug('Create response ...') target_url = request.route_url('upload-profile') return HTTPFound(location = target_url) # Exception handling except NotFoundException as e: log.exception(e) ERR_MSG = GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE + "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please be sure that your file respects the upload conditions." return HTTPBadRequest(ERR_MSG) except DBAPIError as e: log.error('Database error within a upload process') log.exception(e) return HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE) except MissingQueryParameterError or WrongParameterException as e: log.exception(e) raise HTTPBadRequest(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) raise HTTPInternalServerError(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def processGeorefImage(mapObj, georefParams, dbsession, logger): clip_polygon = Map.getBoundingBoxObjWithEpsg(, dbsession, DATABASE_SRID).asShapefile(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, mapObj.apsdateiname+'clip_polygon')) destPath = georeference(mapObj.originalimage, os.path.join(GEOREF_TARGET_DIR, mapObj.apsdateiname+'.tif'), TMP_DIR, georefParams, DATABASE_SRID, DATABASE_SRID, 'polynom', logger, clip_polygon) addOverviews(destPath, '2 4 8 16 32', logger) return destPath
print '============================' mdEditor.saveFile(file) return True except: logger.error( 'Problems while updating the metadata for the xml file %s' % file) raise if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine') dbSession = loadDbSession(DBCONFIG_PARAMS, logger) # get all messtischblätter maps = Map.all(dbSession) counter = 0 for mapObj in maps: if mapObj.isttransformiert: counter += 1 if mapObj.isttransformiert and counter >= 0: print "========================" oai = createOAI( response = gn_transaction_delete(oai, GN_SETTINGS['gn_username'], GN_SETTINGS['gn_password'], logger) print "Response - delete record" print "========================" response = insertMetadata(, db=dbSession, logger=logger)