Пример #1
im = vb.load_im_txt('./models/avery_sgra_eofn.txt') #for a text file like the one attached
eht = vb.load_array('./arrays/EHT2017.txt') #see the attached array text file

# If the image has an odd number of pixels, make it even
if im.xdim%2 == 0:
	newim = im.imvec.reshape(im.ydim, im.xdim)
	newim = newim[:-1,:-1]
	im = vb.Image(newim, im.psize, im.ra, im.dec, rf=im.rf, source=im.source, mjd=im.mjd)

# Generate an image prior
obs = im.observe(eht, tint_sec, tadv_sec, tstart_hr, tstop_hr, bw_hz, sgrscat=False, ampcal=True, phasecal=True)
npix = im.psize*(im.xdim-1.0)/im.xdim
npix = 101 #This must be odd
fov = 1.0*im.xdim * im.psize 
zbl = np.sum(im.imvec) # total flux
emptyprior = vb.make_square(obs, npix, fov)

#Here is the 2-Gaussian fit from Rusen's paper
Rusen_2gauss_image = vb.add_gauss(emptyprior, 0.77, (18.*vb.RADPERUAS, 18.*vb.RADPERUAS, 0, 0, 0))
Rusen_2gauss_image = vb.add_gauss(Rusen_2gauss_image, 2.37, (58.*vb.RADPERUAS, 58.*vb.RADPERUAS, 0, 0, 0),x=29.0*vb.RADPERUAS,y=36.0*vb.RADPERUAS)

#Here is the Crescent fit from Rusen's paper (im, flux, Rp, Rn, a, b, x=0, y=0):
Rusen_Crescent_image = vb.add_crescent(emptyprior, 3.14, 49.0*vb.RADPERUAS, 12.0*vb.RADPERUAS, -1.0*vb.RADPERUAS, 25.0*vb.RADPERUAS)

#Here is the Crescent fit from Michael's paper (im, flux, Rp, Rn, a, b, x=0, y=0):
Michael_Crescent_image = vb.add_crescent(emptyprior, 3.14, 47.9881*vb.RADPERUAS, 11.3345*vb.RADPERUAS, -6.716*vb.RADPERUAS, 33.9294*vb.RADPERUAS)

#Here is the Annulus fit from Michael's paper (im, flux, Rp, Rn, a, b, x=0, y=0):
Michael_Annulus_image = vb.add_crescent(emptyprior, 3.14, 97.0/2.0*vb.RADPERUAS, 21.0/2.0*vb.RADPERUAS, 0.0, 0.0)

#Here's how to add scattering (following https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.05326)
Пример #2
nScales = 10; 
sizeStart = 20; 
sizeFinal = 64; 

############ RUN OPTIMIZATION ###############

# determine the multiplier you use to increase the scale
if(nScales == 1):
    scaleFactor = 1
    scaleFactor = np.exp((np.log(sizeFinal) - np.log(sizeStart))/(nScales-1));

# create the prior
emptyprior = vb.make_square(obs, sizeStart, fov)
emptyprior.pulse = pulses.trianglePulse2D
gaussprior = vb.add_gauss(emptyprior, flux, (prior_fwhm, prior_fwhm, 0, 0, 0))
gaussprior.pulse = pulses.trianglePulse2D

# initial image
cleanI = mx.maxen_bs(obs, gaussprior, gaussprior, flux, maxit=50, alpha=1e5, stop=1e-15)

# iterate through scales
for s in range(1,nScales+1):

    # resize the image
    sizeCurr = np.round(scaleFactor**(s-1)*sizeStart);
    cleanI = vb.resample_square(cleanI, sizeCurr)
    # solve for the image under different patch noise levels (beta)