Пример #1
  def getTile(self,x,y,z):
    # Use filename as dictionary key, so that zooms which happen to
    # use the dataset don't get loaded twice
    filename = vmap_load.getVmapFilename(x,y,z,self.d)
    if not filename:
      return None

    # If it doesn't already exist, then load it
    if not self.tiles.has_key(filename):
      #print("Loading %s" % (filename))
      self.tiles[filename] = vmap_load.vmapData(filename)
    return self.tiles[filename]
Пример #2
  def describe(self, lat,lon):
    """Find the way you're nearest to, and return a description of it"""

    z = vmap_load.getVmapBaseZoom(self.d)
    (sx,sy) = tilenames.latlon2xy(lat,lon, z)
    # download local data
    filename = vmap_load.getVmapFilename(sx,sy,z,self.d)

    if(filename != self.dataFilename or self.data == None):
      #print "road loading %s" % (filename)
      self.data = vmap_load.vmapData(filename)
    # look for nearest way
    (mindist, name) = (1E+10, "not found")
    for wid,way in self.data.ways.items():
      (lastnlon,lastnlat,lastvalid) = (0,0,False)
      wayName = ''
        wayName += way['N'] + " "
        wayName += way['r'] + " "
      if(not wayName):
        wayName = "Way #%d" % wid

      for n in way['n']: # loop nodes in way
        (nlat,nlon,nid) = n
          distance =  self.distancePointToLine(nlon, nlat, lastnlon, lastnlat, lon, lat)
          if(distance < mindist):
            mindist = distance
            name = wayName
            #print "Selecting %s at %d" % (name, mindist)
        (lastnlon,lastnlat,lastvalid) = (lon,lat,True)
    #print "Done"