def RunPypeProcess(arguments, inputStream=None, outputStream=None, logOn=True): pipe = pypes.Pype() pipe.ExitOnError = 0 if inputStream: pipe.InputStream = inputStream if outputStream: pipe.OutputStream = outputStream pipe.LogOn = logOn pipe.LogOn = True if type(arguments) in [str, unicode]: pipe.SetArgumentsString(arguments) else: pipe.Arguments = arguments try: pipe.ParseArguments() pipe.Execute() except BaseException, e: print traceback.format_exc()
def RunPype(self,arguments): if not arguments: return if self.output_to_file.get() is not 'n' and self.output_file_name: self.output_stream.output_to_file = True self.output_stream.output_file = open(self.output_file_name,self.output_to_file.get()) else: self.output_stream.output_to_file = False pipe = pypes.Pype() pipe.ExitOnError = 0 pipe.InputStream = self.input_stream pipe.OutputStream = self.output_stream pipe.LogOn = self.log_on.get() pipe.SetArgumentsString(arguments) pipe.ParseArguments() try: pipe.Execute() except Exception: return
os.path.join(vmtkhome,"vtk") sys.path.append(os.path.join(vmtkhome,"bin")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(vtkdir)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(vmtkhome)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(vmtkhome,"vtk")) os.environ[ldEnvironmentVariable] = newEnviron[ldEnvironmentVariable] + os.path.pathsep + currentEnviron[ldEnvironmentVariable] from vmtk import pypes vmtkOptions = ['--help', '--ui', '--file'] if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] not in vmtkOptions: arguments = sys.argv[1:] print "Executing", ' '.join(arguments) pipe = pypes.Pype() pipe.ExitOnError = 0 pipe.Arguments = arguments pipe.ParseArguments() pipe.Execute() sys.exit(0) elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and '--file' in sys.argv: fileindex = sys.argv.index('--file')+1 if fileindex < len(sys.argv): inputfile = open(sys.argv[fileindex],'r') physicalLines = [line for line in inputfile.readlines() if line and line.strip() and line.strip()[0]!='#'] lines = [] for line in physicalLines: if lines and lines[-1].endswith('\\\n'): lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-2] + line else: