def predict(self, keywords): sentences = [] for keyword in keywords: content_inputs, content_inputs_length, keyword_inputs, keyword_length = prepare_batch_predict_data( keyword, previous=sentences, prev=FLAGS.prev_data, rev=FLAGS.rev_data, align=FLAGS.align_data) predicted_batch = self.model.predict(self.sess, content_inputs, content_inputs_length, keyword_inputs, keyword_length) predicted_line = predicted_batch[ 0] # predicted is a batch of one line predicted_line_clean = predicted_line[:-1] # remove the end token predicted_ints = map( lambda x: x[0], predicted_line_clean ) # Flatten from [time_step, 1] to [time_step] predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_sentence = predicted_sentence[::-1] sentences.append(predicted_sentence) return sentences
def predict(self, keywords): sentences = [] keywords = self.Normalize(keywords) # add by zjg for keyword in keywords: source, source_len = prepare_batch_predict_data( keyword, previous=sentences, prev=FLAGS.prev_data, rev=FLAGS.rev_data, align=FLAGS.align_data) with self.sess.as_default(): with self.graphpre.as_default(): predicted_batch = self.model.predict( self.sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) predicted_line = predicted_batch[ 0] # predicted is a batch of one line predicted_line_clean = predicted_line[:-1] # remove the end token predicted_ints = map( lambda x: x[0], predicted_line_clean ) # Flatten from [time_step, 1] to [time_step] predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_sentence = predicted_sentence[::-1] sentences.append(predicted_sentence) return sentences
def predict_with_couplet(self, keywords): sentences = [] for keyword in keywords[::2]: source, source_len = prepare_batch_predict_data( keyword, previous=sentences, prev=FLAGS.prev_data, rev=FLAGS.rev_data, align=FLAGS.align_data) predicted_batch = self.model.predict( self.sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) # predicted is a batch of one line predicted_line = predicted_batch[0] predicted_line_clean = predicted_line[:-1] # remove the end token # Flatten from [time_step, 1] to [time_step] predicted_ints = map(lambda x: x[0], predicted_line_clean) predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_sentence = predicted_sentence[::-1] sentences.append(predicted_sentence) # connects to a socket self.soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.soc.connect(("", 12345)) # we must encode the string to bytes self.soc.send((sentences[0] + predicted_sentence).encode("utf8")) # the number means how the response can be in bytes result_bytes = self.soc.recv(4096) self.soc.close() # the return will be in bytes, so decode pair_sentence = result_bytes.decode("utf8") # pair_sentence = subprocess.check_output(["python3 couplet_gen/ " + predicted_sentence]) sentences.append(pair_sentence) return sentences
def predict(self, keywords): sentences = [] for idx, keyword in enumerate(keywords): source, source_len = prepare_batch_predict_data( keyword, previous=sentences, prev=FLAGS.prev_data, rev=FLAGS.rev_data, align=FLAGS.align_data) # flag_pre = True # while flag_pre: predicted_batch = self.model.predict( self.sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) # print("p",predicted_batch) predicted_line = predicted_batch[ 0] # predicted is a batch of one line predicted_line_clean = predicted_line[:-1] # remove the end token predicted_ints = [x[0] for x in predicted_line_clean ] # Flatten from [time_step, 1] to [time_step] predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_sentence = predicted_sentence[::-1] # if idx == 0 or idx ==2: # flag_pre = False # if idx == 1: # print("p",predicted_sentence[-1]) # lis1 = RhymeUtil.get_possible_rhyme_categories(ch = predicted_sentence[-1]) # flag_pre = False # if idx == 3: # lis3 = RhymeUtil.get_possible_rhyme_categories(ch = predicted_sentence[-1]) # for ch in lis3: # if ch in lis1: # flag_pre = False sentences.append(predicted_sentence) return sentences
def predict(self, keywords): sentences = [] sentences_no_space = [] for keyword in keywords: source, source_len = prepare_batch_predict_data( keyword, previous=sentences, prev=FLAGS.prev_data, rev=FLAGS.rev_data, align=FLAGS.align_data, keep_prev_num=FLAGS.keep_prev_num, sen_pad_len=FLAGS.sen_pad_len, keyword_pad_len=FLAGS.keyword_pad_len) # print 'source: ', source # print 'source_len: ', source_len predicted_batch = self.model.predict( self.sess, encoder_inputs=source, encoder_inputs_length=source_len) # added by lrx, store model in binary format, so Java can call it # tensor_names = [ for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations() for t in op.values()] # for i in tensor_names: print i # output_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(self.sess, self.sess.graph_def, output_node_names=['seq2seq/decoder/out_put0000']) # tf.train.write_graph(output_graph_def, FLAGS.model_dir, 'minimal_graph.proto', as_text=False) # parse decoding results if FLAGS.beam_width > 1: predicted_line = predicted_batch[0] # print predicted_line sent_set = [] for i in range(FLAGS.beam_width): predicted_ints = [] for j in range(len(predicted_line)): if predicted_line[j][i] == get_vocab_size() - 2: break else: predicted_ints.append(predicted_line[j][i]) # reverse first, then map ints to words if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_ints = predicted_ints[::-1] predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) sent_set.append(predicted_sentence) # load LM to re-rank all candidates if self.re_ranking: sent_set = self.evaluator(sent_set, self.n) idx = 0 if len(sent_set) > 1: idx = randint(0, len(sent_set) - 2) else: idx = randint(0, len(sent_set) - 1) # output all candidates # all_sents = '|'.join(sent_set) # print all_sents sentences.append(sent_set[idx]) else: predicted_line = predicted_batch[ 0] # predicted is a batch of one line predicted_line_clean = predicted_line[: -1] # remove the end token predicted_ints = map( lambda x: x[0], predicted_line_clean ) # Flatten from [time_step, 1] to [time_step] if FLAGS.rev_data: predicted_ints = predicted_ints[::-1] predicted_sentence = ints_to_sentence(predicted_ints) sentences.append(predicted_sentence) # remove space for s in sentences: s = re.sub(' ', '', s) sentences_no_space.append(s) return sentences_no_space