Пример #1
    def _scan_video(self, ae_type, ae_path):
        mpeg_info = check_video(ae_path, self.vod_config.mediainfo_path)

        # Calculate the run time of the video
        duration_s = int(round(float(mpeg_info["General"]["Duration"]) / 1000))
        duration_h, duration_s = divmod(duration_s, 3600)
        duration_m, duration_s = divmod(duration_s, 60)
        duration_h = format(duration_h, "02")
        duration_m = format(duration_m, "02")
        duration_s = format(duration_s, "02")
        # For the movie asset, the Run_Time and Display_Run_Time are given as
        # part of the title's metadata. For the preview asset, the Run_Time is
        # given as part of the preview's metadata
        if ae_type == "movie":
            self.D_app["title"]["Run_Time"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(
                duration_h, duration_m, duration_s)
            self.D_app["title"]["Display_Run_Time"] = "{}:{}".format(
                duration_h, duration_m)
        elif ae_type == "preview":
            self.D_app["preview"]["Run_Time"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(
                duration_h, duration_m, duration_s)

        # Determine the audio type
        audio_type = int(mpeg_info["Audio"].get("Channel(s)", 0))
        self.D_app[ae_type]["Audio_Type"] = ("Stereo" if
                                             (audio_type > 1) else "Mono")

        if self.vod_config.ecn_2009:
            # Determine the movie's codec
            commercial_name = mpeg_info["Video"]["Commercial name"]
            format_profile = mpeg_info["Video"]["Format profile"]
            if commercial_name == "MPEG-2 Video":
                self.D_app[ae_type]["Codec"] = "MPEG2"
            elif commercial_name == "AVC":
                avc_profile = format_profile[0]
                avc_level = format_profile.split('@')[1][1:]
                avc_level = format(float(avc_level), '0.1f').replace('.', '')
                codec = "AVC {}P@L{}".format(avc_profile, avc_level)
                self.D_app[ae_type]["Codec"] = codec
                raise InvalidMpeg("Could not determine codec for {}".format(

            # Determine the geometry
            movie_resolution_height = mpeg_info["Video"]["Height"]
            move_resolution_scan = mpeg_info["Video"]["Scan type"][0].lower()
            self.D_app[ae_type]["Resolution"] = "{}{}".format(
                movie_resolution_height, move_resolution_scan)

            # Determine the movie's frame rate
            frame_rate = float(mpeg_info["Video"]["Frame rate"])
            self.D_app[ae_type]["Frame_Rate"] = format(frame_rate, '.0f')

        # Determine the movie's bitrate (actually kilobit rate)
        bit_rate = float(mpeg_info["General"]["Overall bit rate"]) / 1000
        self.D_app[ae_type]["Bit_Rate"] = format(bit_rate, '.0f')
Пример #2
    def test_check_video(self, mock_call_MediaInfo):
        # No modification -> should return normally
        mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = self.D_reference
        self.assertEqual(check_video(reference_mp4), self.D_reference)

        # No General or Video section -> should fail
        for key in self.D_reference.keys():
            D = deepcopy(self.D_reference)
            del D[key]
            mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = D
            with self.assertRaises(MediaInfoError):

        # Missing keys -> should fail
        for section in ("General", "Video"):
            for key in self.D_reference[section]:
                D = deepcopy(self.D_reference)
                del D[section][key]
                mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = D
                with self.assertRaises(MediaInfoError):
    def test_check_video(self, mock_call_MediaInfo):
        # No modification -> should return normally
        mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = self.D_reference
        self.assertEqual(check_video(reference_mp4), self.D_reference)

        # No General or Video section -> should fail
        for key in self.D_reference.keys():
            D = deepcopy(self.D_reference)
            del D[key]
            mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = D
            with self.assertRaises(MediaInfoError):

        # Missing keys -> should fail
        for section in ("General", "Video"):
            for key in self.D_reference[section]:
                D = deepcopy(self.D_reference)
                del D[section][key]
                mock_call_MediaInfo.return_value = D
                with self.assertRaises(MediaInfoError):
Пример #4
    def _scan_video(self, ae_type, ae_path):
        mpeg_info = check_video(ae_path, self.vod_config.mediainfo_path)

        # Calculate the run time of the video
        duration_s = int(round(float(mpeg_info["General"]["Duration"]) / 1000))
        duration_h, duration_s = divmod(duration_s, 3600)
        duration_m, duration_s = divmod(duration_s, 60)
        duration_h = format(duration_h, "02")
        duration_m = format(duration_m, "02")
        duration_s = format(duration_s, "02")
        # For the movie asset, the Run_Time and Display_Run_Time are given as
        # part of the title's metadata. For the preview asset, the Run_Time is
        # given as part of the preview's metadata
        if ae_type == "movie":
            self.D_app["title"]["Run_Time"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(duration_h, duration_m, duration_s)
            self.D_app["title"]["Display_Run_Time"] = "{}:{}".format(duration_h, duration_m)
        elif ae_type == "preview":
            self.D_app["preview"]["Run_Time"] = "{}:{}:{}".format(duration_h, duration_m, duration_s)

        # Determine the audio type
        audio_type = int(mpeg_info["Audio"].get("Channel(s)", 0))
        self.D_app[ae_type]["Audio_Type"] = "Stereo" if (audio_type > 1) else "Mono"

        if self.vod_config.ecn_2009:
            # Determine the movie's codec
            commercial_name = mpeg_info["Video"]["Commercial name"]
            format_profile = mpeg_info["Video"]["Format profile"]
            if commercial_name == "MPEG-2 Video":
                self.D_app[ae_type]["Codec"] = "MPEG2"
            elif commercial_name == "AVC":
                avc_profile = format_profile[0]
                avc_level = format_profile.split("@")[1][1:]
                avc_level = format(float(avc_level), "0.1f").replace(".", "")
                codec = "AVC {}P@L{}".format(avc_profile, avc_level)
                self.D_app[ae_type]["Codec"] = codec
                raise InvalidMpeg("Could not determine codec for {}".format(self.D_content[ae_type]))

            # Determine the geometry
            movie_resolution_height = mpeg_info["Video"]["Height"]
            move_resolution_scan = mpeg_info["Video"]["Scan type"][0].lower()
            self.D_app[ae_type]["Resolution"] = "{}{}".format(movie_resolution_height, move_resolution_scan)

            # Determine the movie's frame rate
            frame_rate = float(mpeg_info["Video"]["Frame rate"])
            self.D_app[ae_type]["Frame_Rate"] = format(frame_rate, ".0f")

        # Determine the movie's bitrate (actually kilobit rate)
        bit_rate = float(mpeg_info["General"]["Overall bit rate"]) / 1000
        self.D_app[ae_type]["Bit_Rate"] = format(bit_rate, ".0f")