Пример #1
    def get_hooked_tables(self, addr_space):
        """This function finds SSDTs in an address space, checks
        if there are any hooked functions in the SSDTs, and returns
        a dictionary where SSDT base addresses are the keys and the
        values are lists of hooked function names.

        @param addr_space: a kernel address space. 

        # Names of the legit executive modules for SSDT tables
        executive_modules = [
            # SSDT 0
            ["ntoskrnl.exe", "ntkrnlpa.exe", "ntkrnlmp.exe", "ntkrpamp.exe"],
            # SSDT 1
            # SSDT 2
            # SSDT 3

        syscalls = addr_space.profile.syscalls

        hooked_tables = {}

        for info in ssdt.SSDT(self._config).calculate():
            idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs = info
            # This is straight out of ssdt.py. Too bad there's no better way
            # to not duplicate code?
            for i in range(n):
                if self.bits32:
                    # These are absolute function addresses in kernel memory.
                    syscall_addr = obj.Object('address', table + (i * 4),
                    # These must be signed long for x64 because they are RVAs
                    # relative to the base of the table and can be negative.
                    offset = obj.Object('long', table + (i * 4), vm).v()
                    # The offset is the top 20 bits of the 32 bit number.
                    syscall_addr = table + (offset >> 4)
                    syscall_name = syscalls[idx][i]
                except IndexError:
                    syscall_name = "UNKNOWN"

                syscall_mod = tasks.find_module(mods, mod_addrs, syscall_addr)
                if syscall_mod:
                    syscall_modname = syscall_mod.BaseDllName
                    syscall_modname = "UNKNOWN"

                if str(syscall_modname).lower() not in executive_modules[idx]:
                    fields = (i, syscall_name, syscall_addr, syscall_modname)
                    if table in hooked_tables:
                        hooked_tables[table] = [(fields)]

        return hooked_tables
Пример #2
    def execute(self, config):
        addr_space = utils.load_as(config)
        syscalls = addr_space.profile.syscalls
        bits32 = addr_space.profile.metadata.get('memory_model',
                                                 '32bit') == '32bit'
        data = SSDTS.SSDT(config).calculate()
        sdtObjectList = datastructs.rootType()

        # Print out the entries for each table
        for idx, table, n, vm, mods, mod_addrs in data:
            sdtObject = sdtObjectList.SSDTs.SSDT.add()
            sdtObject.VirtAddr = table

            sdtEntries = sdtObject.SSDTEntries
            sdtEntries.count = n

            for i in range(n):
                if bits32:
                    # These are absolute function addresses in kernel memory.
                    syscall_addr = obj.Object('address', table + (i * 4),
                    # These must be signed long for x64 because they are RVAs relative
                    # to the base of the table and can be negative.
                    offset = obj.Object('long', table + (i * 4), vm).v()
                    # The offset is the top 20 bits of the 32 bit number.
                    syscall_addr = table + (offset >> 4)
                    syscall_name = syscalls[idx][i]
                except IndexError:
                    syscall_name = "UNKNOWN"

                syscall_mod = tasks.find_module(
                    mods, mod_addrs, addr_space.address_mask(syscall_addr))
                if syscall_mod:
                    syscall_modname = syscall_mod.BaseDllName
                    syscall_modname = "UNKNOWN"

                sdtEntry = sdtEntries.SSDTEntry.add()
                sdtEntry.FunctionName = adutils.SmartUnicode(syscall_name)
                sdtEntry.ModuleName = adutils.SmartUnicode(syscall_modname)
                sdtEntry.VirtAddr = int(syscall_addr)

        sdtsfile = open(config.OUTPUT_PATH + "sdts.xml", "w")
        sdtsfile.write(proto2xml(sdtObjectList, indent=0))

        logging.debug("Completed exporting the sdts on the system")