Пример #1
class DarkMaster(object):
	def __init__(self, db_user, db_passwd, db_store, db_hosts):
		"""Description: Init method for the database connection manager
			:param db_user: The username for the database
			:type str:

			:param db_passwd: Password
			:type str:

			:param db_store: The name of the store you need to connect to
			:type str:

			:param db_hosts: A list of db hosts and the ports they run the database on
			:type list: List of host/port tuples like this:
				[('', '6666'), ('', '6666')]
		self.db_user = db_user
		self.db_passwd = db_passwd
		self.db_store = db_store
		self.db_hosts = db_hosts
		self._store = None

	def store(self):
		if self._store is None:
		return self._store

	def _connect(self):
		self._store = StoreClient(self.db_store, self.db_hosts)

	def get_object(self, id):
		return self.store.get(id)

	def delete(self, id):
		return True

	def all(self):
Пример #2
	s = StoreClient('test', [('localhost', 6666)])
	version = s.put("hello", "1")
	assert s.get("hello")[0][0] == "1"
	s.put("hello", "2", version)
	assert s.get("hello")[0][0] == "2"
	s.put("hello", "3")
	assert s.get("hello")[0][0] == "3"
	assert len(s.get("hello")) == 0
	## test get_all
	pairs = [("a1", "1"), ("a2", "2"), ("a3", "3"), ("a4", "4")]
	for k, v in pairs:
		s.put(k, v)
	vals = s.get_all([k for k, v in pairs])
	for k, v in pairs:
		assert vals[k][0][0] == v 
	requests = 10000
	## Time get requests
	s.put("hello", "world")
	start = time.time()
	for i in xrange(requests):
	print requests/(time.time() - start), ' get requests per second'
	## Time put requests
	version = s.put('abc', 'def')
	start = time.time()