Пример #1
def factory(cfg_manager, protocols, methods):
    if not _Protocols.isProtocols(protocols):  #Maybe it is just one protocol
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                'protocols "%s" must be either a non-empty sequence or a Protocols'
                % protocols)
        except IndexError:
            raise TypeError(
                'protocols "%s" must be either a non-empty sequence or a Protocols'
                % protocols)

        for i in protocols:
            if not _Protocols.isProtocols(i):
                raise TypeError(
                    'protocol "%s" inside protocols "%s" not a valid Protocols value'
                    % (i, protocols))

    if not isinstance(methods, list) and not isinstance(
            methods, dict) and not isinstance(methods, tuple):
        raise TypeError('methods "%s" must be a dict, tuple or list' % methods)

    def build_server(cfg_manager, protocol):
        #If protocols is a valid protocol (ie 'Direct') it will look for the following class:
        # mySystem.calls.Direct.ServerDirect
        moduleName = 'Server' + protocol

        #mySystem will be something like 'voodoo.gen.'
        mySystem = __name__[:__name__.find('generators')]
        full_module_name = mySystem + 'protocols.' + protocol + '.' + moduleName
        mod = __import__(full_module_name, globals(), locals(), [moduleName])
        return mod.generate(cfg_manager, methods)

    # "servers" will be a dictionary with the name of the callback as key
    # and a class which uses this protocol to offer the parameters asked
    # in "methods". The value is a class (not an instance)
    servers = {}

    # If it is only one protocol
    if _Protocols.isProtocols(protocols):
        servers[protocols] = build_server(cfg_manager, protocols)
    # If there is a sequence of protocols
        for i in protocols:
            servers[i] = build_server(cfg_manager, i)

    return _generate_server_skel(methods, servers)
Пример #2
def factory(cfg_manager, protocols, methods):
    if not _Protocols.isProtocols(protocols): #Maybe it is just one protocol
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('protocols "%s" must be either a non-empty sequence or a Protocols' % protocols)
        except IndexError:
            raise TypeError('protocols "%s" must be either a non-empty sequence or a Protocols' % protocols)

        for i in protocols:
            if not _Protocols.isProtocols(i):
                raise TypeError('protocol "%s" inside protocols "%s" not a valid Protocols value' % (i,protocols))

    if not isinstance(methods,list) and not isinstance(methods,dict) and not isinstance(methods,tuple):
        raise TypeError('methods "%s" must be a dict, tuple or list' % methods)

    def build_server(cfg_manager, protocol):
        #If protocols is a valid protocol (ie 'Direct') it will look for the following class:
        # mySystem.calls.Direct.ServerDirect
        moduleName = 'Server' + protocol

        #mySystem will be something like 'voodoo.gen.'
        mySystem = __name__[:__name__.find('generators')]
        full_module_name = mySystem+'protocols.'+protocol+'.'+moduleName
        mod = __import__(full_module_name, globals(), locals(), [ moduleName ])
        return mod.generate(cfg_manager, methods)

    # "servers" will be a dictionary with the name of the callback as key
    # and a class which uses this protocol to offer the parameters asked
    # in "methods". The value is a class (not an instance)
    servers = {}

    # If it is only one protocol
    if _Protocols.isProtocols(protocols):
        servers[protocols] = build_server(cfg_manager, protocols)
    # If there is a sequence of protocols
        for i in protocols:
            servers[i] = build_server(cfg_manager, i)

    return _generate_server_skel(methods, servers)
Пример #3
def factory(protocol, methods):
    if not _Protocols.isProtocols(protocol):
        raise TypeError('protocol "%s" not a valid Protocols value' % protocol)
    if not isinstance(methods,list) and not isinstance(methods,dict):
        raise TypeError('methods "%s" not a dict or list' % methods)
    #If protocol is a valid protocol (ie 'Direct') it will look for the following class:
    # mySystem.calls.Direct.ClientDirect
    moduleName = 'Client'+protocol

    #mySystem will be something like 'voodoo.'
    mySystem = __name__[:__name__.find('generators')]
    full_module_name = mySystem+'protocols.'+protocol+'.'+moduleName
    __import__(full_module_name, globals(), locals())
    module = sys.modules[full_module_name]
    return module.generate(methods)