Пример #1
    def validate(self):
        """Pre-flight check for valid input and borg binary."""
        if self.is_remote_repo and not re.match(r'.+:.+', self.values['repo_url']):
            self._set_status(self.tr('Please enter a valid repo URL or select a local path.'))
            return False

        if RepoModel.get_or_none(RepoModel.url == self.values['repo_url']) is not None:
            self._set_status(self.tr('This repo has already been added.'))
            return False

        return True
Пример #2
    def validate(self):
        """Pre-flight check for valid input and borg binary."""
        if self.is_remote_repo and not re.match(r'.+:.+',
                    'Please enter a valid repo URL or select a local path.'))
            return False

        if RepoModel.get_or_none(
                RepoModel.url == self.values['repo_url']) is not None:
            self._set_status(self.tr('This repo has already been added.'))
            return False

        if self.__class__ == AddRepoWindow:
            if self.values['encryption'] != 'none':
                if len(self.values['password']) < 8:
                        self.tr('Please use a longer passphrase.'))
                    return False

        return True
Пример #3
    def to_db(self, overwrite_profile=False, overwrite_settings=True):
        profile_schema = self._profile_dict['SchemaVersion']['version']
        keyring = VortaKeyring.get_keyring()
        if SCHEMA_VERSION < profile_schema:
            raise VersionException()
        elif SCHEMA_VERSION > profile_schema:
            # Add model upgrading code here, only needed if not adding columns
            if profile_schema < 16:
                for sourcedir in self._profile_dict['SourceFileModel']:
                    sourcedir['dir_files_count'] = -1
                    sourcedir['dir_size'] = -1
                    sourcedir['path_isdir'] = False

        existing_profile = None
        if overwrite_profile:
            existing_profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(BackupProfileModel.name == self.name)
            if existing_profile:
                self._profile_dict['id'] = existing_profile.id
        if not overwrite_profile or not existing_profile:
            # Guarantee uniqueness of ids
            while BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(BackupProfileModel.id == self.id) is not None:
                self._profile_dict['id'] += 1

            # Add suffix incase names are the same
            if BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(BackupProfileModel.name == self.name) is not None:
                suffix = 1
                while BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(BackupProfileModel.name == f"{self.name}-{suffix}") is not None:
                    suffix += 1
                self._profile_dict['name'] = f"{self.name}-{suffix}"

        # Load existing repo or restore it
        if self._profile_dict['repo']:
            repo = RepoModel.get_or_none(RepoModel.url == self.repo_url)
            if repo is None:
                # Load repo from export
                repo = dict_to_model(RepoModel, self._profile_dict['repo'])
            self._profile_dict['repo'] = model_to_dict(repo)

        if self.repo_password:
            keyring.set_password('vorta-repo', self.repo_url, self.repo_password)
            del self._profile_dict['password']

        # Delete and recreate the tables to clear them
        if overwrite_settings:
            db.drop_tables([SettingsModel, WifiSettingModel])
            db.create_tables([SettingsModel, WifiSettingModel])

        # Set the profile ids to be match new profile
        for source in self._profile_dict['SourceFileModel']:
            source['profile'] = self.id

        # Delete added dictionaries to make it match BackupProfileModel
        del self._profile_dict['SettingsModel']
        del self._profile_dict['SourceFileModel']
        del self._profile_dict['WifiSettingModel']
        del self._profile_dict['SchemaVersion']

        # dict to profile
        new_profile = dict_to_model(BackupProfileModel, self._profile_dict)
        if overwrite_profile and existing_profile:
            force_insert = False
            force_insert = True
        init_db()  # rerun db init code to perform the same operations on the new as as on application boot
        return new_profile