Пример #1
def evolve(root):

    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"

    registry = get_current_registry()

    print "extracting the last aid from poroposals"
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type="Proposal")[1]
    for docid in result:
        print "--------------------------------------------------"
        proposal = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        meeting = find_interface(proposal, IMeeting)
        proposal_ids = registry.queryAdapter(meeting, IProposalIds)

        print "extracting from proposal %s" % proposal.__name__

        # get aid from propsoal
        aid_int = proposal.get_field_value('aid_int')
        print "proposal aid %s" % aid_int

        # get the aid for the creator currently saved in  the meeting
        creators = proposal.get_field_value('creators')
        current_aid = proposal_ids.get(creators[0])
        print "current aid for creator %s" % current_aid

        # if current aid is empty or the aid from the proposal is
        # greater then the current one, save it in the meeting
        if not current_aid or aid_int > current_aid:
            proposal_ids.add(creators[0], aid_int)
Пример #2
def evolve(root):
    from repoze.catalog.query import Any
    from repoze.catalog.query import Contains
    from repoze.catalog.query import Eq
    from pyramid.traversal import resource_path
    from voteit.core.models.catalog import reindex_object
    from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
    print "Removing absolute urls in profile links"
    catalog = root.catalog
    host = None
    while not host:
        host = raw_input("Enter a host to replace (ex ") 

    count, result = catalog.query(Eq('path', resource_path(root)) & \
                                  Contains('searchable_text', 'class="inlineinfo"') & \
                                  Any('content_type', ('DiscussionPost', 'Proposal', )))

    catalog = root.catalog
    print "Processing %s objects" % count
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        obj.title = obj.title.replace(host, '')
        reindex_object(catalog, obj)
Пример #3
def evolve(root):
    from repoze.catalog.query import Any
    from repoze.catalog.query import Contains
    from repoze.catalog.query import Eq
    from pyramid.traversal import resource_path

    from voteit.core.models.catalog import reindex_object
    from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
    print "Removing absolute urls in profile links"
    catalog = root.catalog

    host = None
    while not host:
        host = raw_input(
            "Enter a host to replace (ex ")

    count, result = catalog.query(Eq('path', resource_path(root)) & \
                                  Contains('searchable_text', 'class="inlineinfo"') & \
                                  Any('content_type', ('DiscussionPost', 'Proposal', )))

    catalog = root.catalog
    print "Processing %s objects" % count
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        obj.title = obj.title.replace(host, '')
        reindex_object(catalog, obj)
Пример #4
 def test_resolve_catalog_docid(self):
     from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
     catalog = self.root.catalog
     meeting = createContent('Meeting')
     self.root['m'] = meeting
     docid = catalog.query("content_type == 'Meeting'")[1][0]
     self.assertEqual(meeting, resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, self.root, docid))
Пример #5
def evolve(root):

    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"
    registry = get_current_registry()

    print "extracting the last aid from poroposals"
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type="Proposal")[1]
    for docid in result:
        print "--------------------------------------------------"
        proposal = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        meeting = find_interface(proposal, IMeeting)
        proposal_ids = registry.queryAdapter(meeting, IProposalIds)
        print "extracting from proposal %s" % proposal.__name__
        # get aid from propsoal
        aid_int = proposal.get_field_value('aid_int')
        print "proposal aid %s" % aid_int
        # get the aid for the creator currently saved in  the meeting
        creators = proposal.get_field_value('creators')
        current_aid = proposal_ids.get(creators[0])
        print "current aid for creator %s" % current_aid

        # if current aid is empty or the aid from the proposal is 
        # greater then the current one, save it in the meeting 
        if not current_aid or aid_int > current_aid:
            proposal_ids.add(creators[0], aid_int)
Пример #6
 def test_resolve_catalog_docid(self):
     from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
     catalog = self.root.catalog
     meeting = createContent('Meeting')
     self.root['m'] = meeting
     docid = catalog.query("content_type == 'Meeting'")[1][0]
                      resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, self.root, docid))
Пример #7
def change_usertags(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), like_userids=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:        
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get unread adapter
        usertags = UserTags(obj)
        for tag in usertags.tags_storage:
            if userid in usertags.tags_storage[tag]:
                usertags.tags_storage[tag].remove(userid) # remove old userid
                usertags.tags_storage[tag].add(userid_lower) # add new userid
Пример #8
def change_usertags(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), like_userids=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:        
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get unread adapter
        usertags = UserTags(obj)
        for tag in usertags.tags_storage:
            if userid in usertags.tags_storage[tag]:
                usertags.tags_storage[tag].remove(userid) # remove old userid
                usertags.tags_storage[tag].add(userid_lower) # add new userid
Пример #9
def change_unread(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), unread=(userid, ))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get unread adapter
        unread = Unread(obj)

        if userid in unread.unread_storage:
            unread.unread_storage.remove(userid)  # remove old userid
            unread.unread_storage.add(userid_lower)  # add new userid
Пример #10
def change_unread(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), unread=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get unread adapter
        unread = Unread(obj)
        if userid in unread.unread_storage:
            unread.unread_storage.remove(userid) # remove old userid
            unread.unread_storage.add(userid_lower) # add new userid
Пример #11
def change_mentions(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.query(Eq('path', resource_path(root)) & \
                           Contains('searchable_text', userid) & \
                           Any('content_type', ('DiscussionPost', 'Proposal', )))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        title = obj.title
        for match in re.finditer('<a class="inlineinfo" href="http:\/\/[\da-z.-:]*/[\w-]*/_userinfo\?userid=('+userid+')" title="[\w\s-]*">@('+userid+')</a>', title, re.UNICODE):
            title = title[0:match.start(1)] + userid_lower + title[match.end(1):len(title)] # replace in url
            title = title[0:match.start(2)] + userid_lower + title[match.end(2):len(title)] # replace in text
        obj.title = title
Пример #12
def change_mentions(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.query(Eq('path', resource_path(root)) & \
                           Contains('searchable_text', userid) & \
                           Any('content_type', ('DiscussionPost', 'Proposal', )))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        title = obj.title
        for match in re.finditer('<a class="inlineinfo" href="http:\/\/[\da-z.-:]*/[\w-]*/_userinfo\?userid=('+userid+')" title="[\w\s-]*">@('+userid+')</a>', title, re.UNICODE):
            title = title[0:match.start(1)] + userid_lower + title[match.end(1):len(title)] # replace in url
            title = title[0:match.start(2)] + userid_lower + title[match.end(2):len(title)] # replace in text
        obj.title = title
Пример #13
def change_votes(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type='Vote', creators=(userid, ))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get vote
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get parent of vote
        parent = obj.__parent__
        # if userid is in parent container and the object in the parent is the object from the catalog
        if userid in parent and parent[userid] == obj:
            #Remember that this part won't reindex the catalog as it normally does.
            unindex_object(catalog, parent[userid])
            del parent[userid]  # remove with old userid
            parent[userid_lower] = obj  # add with new userid
            index_object(catalog, obj)
Пример #14
def change_votes(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type='Vote', creators=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get vote
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # get parent of vote 
        parent = obj.__parent__
        # if userid is in parent container and the object in the parent is the object from the catalog
        if userid in parent and parent[userid] == obj:
            #Remember that this part won't reindex the catalog as it normally does.
            unindex_object(catalog, parent[userid])
            del parent[userid] # remove with old userid
            parent[userid_lower] = obj # add with new userid
            index_object(catalog, obj)
Пример #15
def evolve(root):
    from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
    from voteit.core.models.proposal_ids import create_proposal_id

    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"

    print "adding aid to poroposals"
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type="Proposal")[1]
    for docid in result:
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)

    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"
Пример #16
def evolve(root):
    from voteit.core.models.catalog import resolve_catalog_docid
    from voteit.core.models.proposal_ids import create_proposal_id

    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"

    print "adding aid to poroposals"
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(content_type="Proposal")[1]
    for docid in result:
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
    print "initial reindex of catalog to make sure everything is up to date"
Пример #17
def change_creator_and_owner(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), creators=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # change creators
        creators = list(obj.creators) # get creators
        creators.remove(userid) # remove old userid
        creators.append(userid_lower) # add new userid
        obj.creators = creators # set creators
        # change owner if userid is owner
        if ROLE_OWNER in obj.get_groups(userid):
            obj.del_groups(userid, (ROLE_OWNER, ), event=False) # remove old userid
            obj.add_groups(userid_lower, (ROLE_OWNER, ), event=False) # add new userid
Пример #18
def change_creator_and_owner(root, userid, userid_lower):
    catalog = root.catalog
    result = catalog.search(path=resource_path(root), creators=(userid,))[1]
    for docid in result:
        # get object
        obj = resolve_catalog_docid(catalog, root, docid)
        # change creators
        creators = list(obj.creators) # get creators
        creators.remove(userid) # remove old userid
        creators.append(userid_lower) # add new userid
        obj.creators = creators # set creators
        # change owner if userid is owner
        if ROLE_OWNER in obj.get_groups(userid):
            obj.del_groups(userid, (ROLE_OWNER, ), event=False) # remove old userid
            obj.add_groups(userid_lower, (ROLE_OWNER, ), event=False) # add new userid
Пример #19
 def resolve_catalog_docid(self, docid):
     """ Take a catalog docid and fetch its object. Convenience wrapper for api view"""
     return resolve_catalog_docid(self.root.catalog, self.root, docid)
Пример #20
 def resolve_catalog_docid(self, docid):
     """ Take a catalog docid and fetch its object. Convenience wrapper for api view"""
     return resolve_catalog_docid(self.root.catalog, self.root, docid)