Пример #1
  def test5Args( self ):
    # no global color table
    gif = vpixels.gif( 4, 5, 6, 7, False )
    self.assertEqual( 7, len(gif) )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 5, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 6, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (5, 6), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.images() )

    # has global color table
    gif = vpixels.gif( 4, 5, 6, 7, True )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 16, gif.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 5, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 6, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (5, 6), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.images() )
Пример #2
  def testClone(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img0 = gif[0]
    img0.setall( 3 )
    img1 = gif[1]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img1.getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    img1.clone( img0 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img1.getpixel( 1, 1 ) )

    # wrong args
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img1.clone, 3 )
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img1.clone, {} )

    # images belong to compatible gif objects
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 2 )
    img2 = gif2[0]
    img2.clone( img0 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.getpixel( 1, 1 ), 3 )

    # images belong to incompatible gif objects
    #gif3 = vpixels.gif( 3, 3, 4, 2 )  # different bpp
    #img3 = gif3[0]
    #self.assertRaises( Exception, img3.clone, img0 )

    gif4 = vpixels.gif( 2, 4, 4, 2 )  # different width
    img4 = gif4[0]
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img4.clone, img0 )

    gif5 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 3, 2 )  # different width
    img5 = gif5[0]
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img5.clone, img0 )
Пример #3
  def testColorTable( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif()
    # no color table
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.setcolortable, 4, 0, 0, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.getcolortable, 4 )
    # enable color table
    gif.colortablesize( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.colortablesize() )
    # default value 255
    self.assertEqual( (255, 255, 255), gif.getcolortable( 0 ) )
    gif.setcolortable(0, 25, 26, 27)
    self.assertEqual( (25, 26, 27), gif.getcolortable( 0 ) )
    # index exceeds limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.setcolortable, 3, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getcolortable, 3 )
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError,  gif.setcolortable, -1, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError,  gif.getcolortable, -1 )
    # increase to maximum size
    gif.colortablesize( 256 )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 256, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertEqual( 8, gif.bpp() )
    # size exceeds limit
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.colortablesize, 257 )
    # disable color table
    gif.colortablesize( 0 )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.setcolortable, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.getcolortable, 0 )

    gif = vpixels.gif(4, 5, 6)
    # has color table
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 16, gif.colortablesize() )
    # default value 255
    self.assertEqual( (255, 255, 255), gif.getcolortable( 0 ) )
    gif.setcolortable(0, 25, 26, 27)
    self.assertEqual( (25, 26, 27), gif.getcolortable( 0 ) )
    # index exceeds limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.setcolortable, 16, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getcolortable, 16 )
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError,  gif.setcolortable, -1, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError,  gif.getcolortable, -1 )
    # size exceeds limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.colortablesize, 257 )
    # downsize 
    gif.colortablesize( 8 )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 8, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.setcolortable, 8, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getcolortable, 8 )
    # disable color table
    gif.colortablesize( 0 )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.setcolortable, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.getcolortable, 0 )
Пример #4
  def testTransparentColor(self):
    gif1 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img = gif1[0]
    # default
    self.assertEqual( False, img.hastransparentcolor() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.transparentcolor() )
    # turn on
    img.transparentcolor( 3 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img.hastransparentcolor() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.transparentcolor() )
    # turn off
    img.hastranscolor( False )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.hastranscolor() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.transcolor() )
    # turn on again
    img.hastranscolor( True )
    self.assertEqual( True, img.hastranscolor() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.transcolor() )
    # error cases
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img.hastranscolor, 1 ) # not boolean
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.transcolor, 4 ) # exceed color table entry
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError, img.transcolor, -1 ) # exceed unsigned byte
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError, img.transcolor, 256 ) # exceed unsigned byte

    # gif2 contains only one image, transparent color not allowed
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 1 )
    img = gif2[0]
    self.assertEqual( False, img.hastranscolor() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.hastranscolor, True )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.transcolor )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.transcolor, 2 )
Пример #5
  def testDelay(self):
    gif1 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img = gif1[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.delay() )
    img.delay( 100 )
    self.assertEqual( 100, img.delay() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.delay, -100 )

    # gif2 contains only one image, setting delay time not allowed
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 1 )
    img = gif2[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.delay() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.delay, 100 )
Пример #6
  def testCopyImage( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    # set img0
    img0 = gif[0]
    img0.setall( 3 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img0.getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    # before copy
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif[1].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif[2].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    # copy img0, on the right side either works
    gif[1] = gif[0]
    gif[2] = img0
    #after copy
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif[1].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif[2].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )

    # index exceeds
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.__setitem__, -1, img0 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.__setitem__,  5, img0 )

    # wrong args
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, gif.__setitem__, 1, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, gif.__setitem__, 1, '1' )
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, gif.__setitem__, 1, {} )

    # images belong to compatible gif objects
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 2 )
    # before
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif2[0].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif2[0].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    # copy
    gif2[0] = gif[0]
    gif2[1] = img0
    # after
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif2[0].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif2[0].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )

    # images belong to incompatible gif objects
    gif3 = vpixels.gif( 2, 4, 4, 2 )  # different width
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif3.__setitem__, 0, gif[0] )
    gif4 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 3, 2 )  # different height
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif4.__setitem__, 0, img0 )

    # this is not copying
    img0 = gif3[0]
    self.assertEqual( (4,4), img0.dimension() )   # img0 refers to gif3[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img0.getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
    self.assertEqual( (3,4), gif[0].dimension() ) # gif[0] remains unchanged
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif[0].getpixel( 1, 1 ) )
Пример #7
  def testImportf( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 3, 4, 5, 2 )
    img0 = gif[0]
    img1 = gif[1]

    # import non-existing file
    self.assertRaises( IOError, gif.importf, 'not-exits.gif' ) # not exit
    # gif unchanged
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( (4, 5), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.images() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, len(gif) )
    # img0 and img1 are still valid
    self.assertEqual( 3, img0.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img1.bpp() )

    # importf() expects a string argument
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, gif.importf, 2 ) # not a file name
    # gif unchanged
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( (4, 5), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.images() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, len(gif) )
    # img0 and img1 are still valid
    self.assertEqual( 3, img0.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img1.bpp() )

    # import non-gif file or corrupted gif file
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.importf, 'GifTest.py' ) # not a gif file
    # gif becomes invalid, results of calling its methods are undefined
    # img0 and img1 become invalid too, calling their methods result in errors
    self.assertNotEqual( img0, None )
    self.assertNotEqual( img1, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bpp )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img1.bpp )
Пример #8
  def testPixels(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif(2, 3, 4, 5)
    img = gif[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.getpixel(0, 0) )
    img.setall( 3 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.getpixel(0, 0) )
    img.setpixel( 1, 1, 2 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.getpixel(1, 1) )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.transparent(1, 1) )
    img.transcolor( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img.transparent(1, 1) )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.transparent(0, 0) )
    img.transcolor( 3 )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.transparent(1, 1) )
    self.assertEqual( True, img.transparent(0, 0) )

    # wrong args
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError, img.setallpixels, -2 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.setallpixels, 4 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.setpixel, -1, 1, 2 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.setpixel, 3, 1, 2 )

    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.getpixel, -1, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.getpixel, 1, -1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.getpixel, 3, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.getpixel, 1, 4 )

    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.transparent, -1, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.transparent, 1, -1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.trans, 3, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.trans, 1, 4 )
Пример #9
  def testRemoveImage( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 7 )
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 7 )

    img0 = gif[0]
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertTrue( gif.removeimage(0) )  # remove 1st image
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bitsperpixel ) # img0 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 6 )

    img5 = gif[5]
    self.assertEqual( img5.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertTrue( gif.removeimage(5) )  # remove last one
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img5.bitsperpixel ) # img5 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 5 )

    img2 = gif[2]
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertTrue( gif.removeimage(2) )  # remove middle one
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img2.bitsperpixel ) # img2 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 4 )

    # error cases
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.removeimage, -1 )  # out of range
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.removeimage, 4 )   # out of range
    self.assertRaises( TypeError,  gif.removeimage, 1.5 ) # not an integer

    # remove images until only one left
    while len(gif) > 1:
      self.assertTrue( gif.remove(0) )

    # now gif contains only one image
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.removeimage, 0 )  # cannot remove the image
    img = gif[0]
    self.assertEqual( img.delay(), 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.delay, 100 )
    self.assertEqual( img.disposalmethod(), 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.disposalmethod, 1 )
    self.assertFalse( img.hastranscolor() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.hastranscolor, True )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.transcolor )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.transcolor, 1 )

    # single image object
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif2.removeimage, 0 )  # cannot remove the image
Пример #10
 def testNewAndInit(self):
   gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
   img = gif[0]
   # type(img) and img.__class__ are same, they are type object of vp.gifimage
   self.assertRaises( Exception, img.__new__, type(img) )
   self.assertRaises( Exception, img.__new__, img.__class__ )
   self.assertRaises( Exception, img.__new__, type(gif) )
   self.assertRaises( Exception, img.__new__, type(3) )
   self.assertRaises( Exception, img.__init__ )
Пример #11
  def testColorTable(self):
    gif1 = vpixels.gif( 3, 4, 5 )
    img = gif1[0]

    # no color table by default
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.colortablesize() )

    # enable color table
    img.colortablesize( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.bpp() )  # changed
    self.assertEqual( True, img.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.colortablesize() )
    self.assertEqual( (255, 255, 255), img.getcolortable( 0 ) )
    self.assertEqual( (255, 255, 255), img.getcolortable( 1 ) )
    img.setcolortable( 1, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertEqual( (25, 26, 27), img.getcolortable( 1 ) )

    # increase to maximum size for bpp = 2
    img.colortablesize( 4 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.bpp() )  # not changed
    self.assertEqual( True, img.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, img.colortablesize() )

    # increase to maximum size 256
    img.colortablesize( 256 )
    self.assertEqual( 8, img.bpp() )  # changed
    self.assertEqual( True, img.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 256, img.colortablesize() )

    # disable color table
    img.colortablesize( 0 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.bpp() )  # changed back
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.colortablesize() )

    # bad args
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.colortablesize, -1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.colortablesize, 257 )  # exceed max 256

    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.getcolortable, -1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.getcolortable, 4 )

    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, -1, 25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, -25, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, 25, -26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, 25, 26, -27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, 256, 26, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, 25, 256, 27 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.setcolortable, 1, 25, 26, 256 )
Пример #12
  def testOutOfScope(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img0 = gif[0]
    img4 = gif[4]
    self.assertEqual( 2, img0.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img4.bpp() )

    # assign to None, gif out of scope
    gif = None                              
    # img0 and img4 become invalid
    self.assertNotEqual( img0, None )
    self.assertNotEqual( img4, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bpp )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img4.bpp )

    # assign to a new object
    gif = vpixels.gif( 3, 3, 4, 5 )
    # img0 and img4 are still invalid
    self.assertNotEqual( img0, None )
    self.assertNotEqual( img4, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bpp )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img4.bpp )

    # assign img0 and img4 again
    img0 = gif[0]
    img4 = gif[4]
    self.assertEqual( 3, img0.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img4.bpp() )

    # assign to another Gif object
    gif = vpixels.gif( 4, 5, 6 )
    # img0 and img4 become invalid, b/c the gif object they refer to is out of scope
    self.assertNotEqual( img0, None )
    self.assertNotEqual( img4, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bpp )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img4.bpp )

    # clone() will fail, b/c img4 is invalid
    img0 = gif[0]
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.clone, img4 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img4.clone, img0 )
Пример #13
  def testDisposalMethod(self):
    gif1 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img = gif1[0]
    self.assertEqual( 1, img.disposalmethod() )
    img.disposalmethod( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.disposalmethod() )
    img.disposal( 3 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.disposal() )
    img.disposal( 0 )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.disposal() )
    # value > 3
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.disposalmethod, 4 )
    # value is not unsigned byte
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError, img.disposalmethod, -1 ) 
    self.assertRaises( OverflowError, img.disposalmethod, 256 )

    # gif2 contains only one image, setting delay time not allowed
    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 1 )
    img = gif2[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.disposalmethod() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img.disposalmethod, 2 )
Пример #14
  def testMethodsNoArg(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    img = gif[0]

    self.assertEqual( 2, img.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.left() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.top() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, img.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (3, 4), img.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( False, img.interlaced() )
Пример #15
  def testIteration( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif(3, 8, 8, 8)
    for i in range(8):
      img = gif.getimage(i)
      self.assertEqual( 0, img.getpixel(i, i) )
      img.setpixel( i, i, i )
      self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )

    # forward iteration, for-loop
    i = 0
    for img in gif:
      self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )
      i += 1

    # forward iteration, while-loop
    i = 0
    it = iter(gif)
    while True:
        img = next(it)
        self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )
        i += 1
      except StopIteration:

    # reversed iteration, for-loop
    i = 7
    for img in reversed(gif):
      self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )
      i -= 1

    # reversed iteration, while-loop
    i = 7
    it = iter( reversed(gif) )
    while True:
        img = next(it)
        self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )
        i -= 1
      except StopIteration:

    # reversed iteration, while-loop
    i = 7
    it = reversed(gif)  # without calling iter()
    while True:
        img = next(it)
        self.assertEqual( i, img.getpixel(i, i) )
        i -= 1
      except StopIteration:
Пример #16
  def testBackgroundColor( self ):
    gif1 = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    self.assertEqual( gif1.backgroundcolor(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( gif1.backgroundcolor(), 1 )
    self.assertEqual( gif1.backgroundcolor(), 3 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif1.backgroundcolor, 4 )  # exceeds
    gif1.colortablesize(0)  # disable
    self.assertEqual( gif1.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( gif1.backgroundcolor(), 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif1.backgroundcolor, 0 )  # not allowed

    gif2 = vpixels.gif( 3, 4, 5, 3, False )
    self.assertEqual( gif2.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( gif2.background(), 0 )
    gif2.colortablesize(4)  # enable
    self.assertEqual( gif2.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( gif2.background(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( gif2.background(), 2 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif2.background, 4 )  # exceeds
Пример #17
  def testKwords(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( height = 7, bpp = 3, width = 9 )
    self.assertEqual( 1, len(gif) )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 9, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (9, 7), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 8, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.images() )

    gif = vpixels.gif( 4, images = 3, height = 7, width = 9 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, len(gif) )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 9, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (9, 7), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 16, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.images() )

    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 7, 9, colortable = False )  # no global color
    self.assertEqual( 1, len(gif) )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 9, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (7, 9), gif.dimension() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, gif.colortablesize() )
    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.images() )
    self.assertEqual( True, gif[0].colortable() )   # has local color
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif[0].colortablesize() )
Пример #18
  def testClone( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    other = gif.clone()

    self.assertEqual( 2, other.bpp() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, other.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, other.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (3, 4), other.dimension() )

    self.assertEqual( True, other.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, other.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, other.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 5, other.images() )
Пример #19
  def testCrop(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 8, 9, 2 )

    img = gif[0]
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.left() )
    self.assertEqual( 0, img.top() )
    self.assertEqual( 8, img.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 9, img.height() )

    img.crop( 2, 3, 4, 5 )
    self.assertEqual( 2, img.left() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.top() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, img.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 5, img.height() )

    img.crop( 3, 4, 3, 4 )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.left() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, img.top() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, img.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, img.height() )

    # wrong arg value
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 4, 1, 1 ) # 1st arg exceeds lower limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 6, 4, 1, 1 ) # 1st arg exceeds upper limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 3, 3, 1, 1 ) # 2nd arg exceeds lower limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 3, 8, 1, 1 ) # 2nd arg exceeds upper limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 4, 5, 0, 1 ) # 3rd arg = 0
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 4, 5, 3, 1 ) # 3rd arg exceeds limit
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 4, 5, 1, 0 ) # 4th arg = 0
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 4, 5, 1, 4 ) # 4th arg exceeds limit

    # wrong number of args
    img = gif[1]
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img.crop, 2 )
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img.crop, 2, 3 )
    self.assertRaises( TypeError, img.crop, 2, 3, 4 )

    # negative numbers
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, -2, 3, 4, 5 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, -3, 4, 5 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, -4, 5 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, 4, -5 )

    # arg out of range
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 8, 0, 4, 5 )  # arg #1 exceeds 
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 0, 9, 4, 5 )  # arg #2 exceeds 
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, 0, 5 )  # arg #3 == 0
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, 4, 0 )  # arg #4 == 0
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, 7, 5 )  # arg #3 exceeds 
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img.crop, 2, 3, 4, 7 )  # arg #4 exceeds 
Пример #20
  def test3Args( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 3, 5, 6 )  # 3 args
    self.assertEqual( 1, len(gif) )

    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 3, gif.bpp() )

    self.assertEqual( 5, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 6, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (5, 6), gif.dimension() )

    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 8, gif.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.images() )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getimage, 1 )
Пример #21
  def test4Args( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 4, 5, 6, 7 )
    self.assertEqual( 7, len(gif) )

    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.bpp() )

    self.assertEqual( 5, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 6, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (5, 6), gif.dimension() )

    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 16, gif.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 7, gif.images() )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getimage, 8 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.getimage, -1 )
Пример #22
  def testNoArg( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif()
    self.assertEqual( 1, len(gif) )

    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.bitsperpixel() )
    self.assertEqual( 2, gif.bpp() )

    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.width() )
    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.height() )
    self.assertEqual( (1, 1), gif.dimension() )

    self.assertEqual( True, gif.colortable() )
    self.assertEqual( False, gif.colortablesorted() )
    self.assertEqual( 4, gif.colortablesize() )

    self.assertEqual( 1, gif.images() )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.getimage, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.getimage, -1 )
Пример #23
  def testDelImage( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 7 )
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 7 )

    img0 = gif[0]
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    del gif[0]  # delete 1st image
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.bitsperpixel ) # img0 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 6 )

    img5 = gif[5]
    self.assertEqual( img5.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    del gif[5]  # delete last one
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img5.bitsperpixel ) # img5 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 5 )

    img2 = gif[2]
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    gif[2] = None  # delete middle one
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img2.bitsperpixel ) # img2 becomes invalid
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 4 )

    # error cases
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.__delitem__, -1 )  # del gif[-1], out of range
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.__delitem__, 4 )   # del gif[4], out of range
    self.assertRaises( TypeError,  gif.__delitem__, 1.5 ) # del gif[1.5], not an integer
    self.assertRaises( TypeError,  gif.__delitem__, '1' ) # del gif['1'], not an integer
    self.assertRaises( TypeError,  gif.__delitem__, slice(0,3) ) # del gif[0:3], doesn't support slice

    # delete images until only one left
    while len(gif) > 1:
      self.assertEqual( gif.remove(0), True )
    self.assertEqual( len(gif), 1 )

    # deleting the last image is not allowed
    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.__delitem__, 0 )
Пример #24
  def testBitsPerpixel( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 3, 4, 3 )
    img0 = gif[0]
    img1 = gif[1]
    img2 = gif[2]
    self.assertEqual( gif.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bitsperpixel(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 2 )

    # change bpp
    gif.bitsperpixel( 7 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 128 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 7 )

    # change bpp of images to smaller value
    img0.bitsperpixel( 3 )
    img1.bitsperpixel( 4 )
    img2.bitsperpixel( 5 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 128 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bitsperpixel(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 5 )

    # change bpp of images to larger value
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img0.bitsperpixel, 8 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img1.bitsperpixel, 8 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img1.bitsperpixel, 8 )

    # enable local color table of img1
    img1.colortablesize( 32 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 32 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bitsperpixel(), 5 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 128 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 5 )

    # change bpp of img1
    img1.bitsperpixel( 8 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bitsperpixel(), 8 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 256 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bitsperpixel(), 7 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 128 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bitsperpixel(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bitsperpixel(), 5 )

    # bpp out of range
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.bitsperpixel, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.bitsperpixel, 9 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img0.bitsperpixel, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img0.bitsperpixel, 9 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img1.bitsperpixel, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img1.bitsperpixel, 9 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img2.bitsperpixel, 1 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, img2.bitsperpixel, 9 )
Пример #25
  def testColorTableSize( self ):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 3, 3, 4, 3 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesorted(), False )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 8 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bpp(), 3)

    img0 = gif[0]
    img1 = gif[1]
    img2 = gif[2]
    self.assertEqual( img0.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bpp(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 3 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bpp(), 3 )

    # img1 enables local color table
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 16 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 4 )

    # disable color table
    gif.colortablesize( 0 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bpp(), 2 )

    self.assertEqual( img0.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img0.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 16 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bpp(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bpp(), 2 )

    self.assertRaises( Exception, gif.setcolor, gif, 0, 21, 22, 23 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.setpixel, img0, 0, 0, 0 )
    img1.setpixel( 0, 0, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img2.setpixel, img0, 0, 0, 0 )

    # enable color table again
    gif.colortablesize( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bpp(), 2 )

    self.assertEqual( img0.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img0.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 16 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bpp(), 2 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bpp(), 2 )

    # increase to maximum size
    gif.colortablesize( 256 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( gif.colortablesize(), 256 )
    self.assertEqual( gif.bpp(), 8 )

    self.assertEqual( img0.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img0.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 16 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bpp(), 8 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bpp(), 8 )

    # size out of range
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.colortablesize, 257 )
    self.assertRaises( ValueError, gif.colortablesize, -2 )

    self.assertEqual( img0.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortable(), True )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortable(), False )
    self.assertEqual( img0.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.colortablesize(), 16 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.colortablesize(), 0 )
    self.assertEqual( img0.bpp(), 8 )
    self.assertEqual( img1.bpp(), 4 )
    self.assertEqual( img2.bpp(), 8 )
Пример #26
 def testExport( self ):
   gif = vpixels.gif()
   gif.export( 'temp.gif', True ) # overwrite = True
   self.assertRaises( IOError, gif.export, 'temp.gif' ) # overwrite = False
   self.assertRaises( IOError, gif.export, 'temp.gif', False ) # overwrite = False
Пример #27
  def testRichCompare(self):
    gif = vpixels.gif( 2, 8, 5, 2 )
    for i in range( 0, 4 ):
      gif.setcolor( i, i, i, i )

    img0 = gif[0]
    img1 = gif[1]

    # same object
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 == img0 )

    # different objects
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 == img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 == img0 )

    # set to two different colors
    img0.setpixel( 3, 2, 1 )
    img1.setpixel( 3, 2, 2 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 != img0 )

    # set the two colors transparent
    img0.transcolor( 1 )
    img1.transcolor( 2 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 == img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 == img0 )

    # crop img0
    img0.crop( 0, 1, 8, 4 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 != img0 )

    # crop img1
    img1.crop( 1, 0, 7, 5 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 != img0 )

    # crop both
    img0.crop( 1, 1, 7, 4 )
    img1.crop( 1, 1, 7, 4 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 == img1 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img1 == img0 )

    # compare with other objects than vp.image
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != 0 )
    self.assertEqual( True, 0 != img0 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != None )
    self.assertEqual( True, None != img0 )
    self.assertEqual( True, img0 != "img0" )
    self.assertEqual( True, "img0" != img0 )

    # not supported
    # operator <
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__lt__, img1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__lt__, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__lt__, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__lt__, "img0" )
    # operator <=
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__le__, img1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__le__, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__le__, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__le__, "img0" )
    # operator >
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__gt__, img1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__gt__, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__gt__, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__gt__, "img0" )
    # operator >=
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__ge__, img1 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__ge__, 0 )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__ge__, None )
    self.assertRaises( Exception, img0.__ge__, "img0" )