def make_simulation_synchronous(self, sync): if not self.sim_running: print( '(vrepper) simulation doesn\'t seem to be running. starting up' ) self.start_simulation(sync) else: check_ret(self.simxSynchronous(sync))
def load_scene(self, fullpathname): print('(vrepper) loading scene from', fullpathname) try: check_ret( self.simxLoadScene( fullpathname, 0, # assume file is at server side blocking)) except: print('(vrepper) scene loading failure') raise print('(vrepper) scene successfully loaded')
def call_script_function(self, function_name, params, script_name="remoteApiCommandServer"): """ Calls a function in a script that is mounted as child in the scene :param str script_name: the name of the script that contains the function :param str function_name: the name of the function to call :param tuple params: the parameters to call the function with (must be 4 parameters: list of integers, list of floats, list of string, and bytearray :returns: tuple (res_ints, res_floats, res_strs, res_bytes) WHERE list res_ints is a list of integer results list res_floats is a list of floating point results list res_strs is a list of string results bytearray res_bytes is a bytearray containing the resulting bytes """ assert type(params) is tuple assert len(params) == 4 return check_ret( self.simxCallScriptFunction( script_name, sim_scripttype_childscript, function_name, params[0], # integers params[1], # floats params[2], # strings params[3], # bytes blocking))
def get_position(self, relative_to=None, operation_mode="blocking"): position, = check_ret( self.env.simxGetObjectPosition( self.handle, -1 if relative_to is None else relative_to.handle, blocking if operation_mode == "blocking" else simx_opmode_buffer)) return position
def get_joint_velocity(self): self._check_joint() vel = check_ret( self.env.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(self.handle, sim_jointfloatparam_velocity, blocking)) return vel
def read_force_sensor(self): state, forceVector, torqueVector = check_ret( self.env.simxReadForceSensor(self.handle, blocking)) if state & 1 == 1: return None # sensor data not ready else: return forceVector, torqueVector
def set_position(self, position): """ Set object to specific position (should never be done with joints) :param pos: tuple or list with 3 coordinates :return: None """ return check_ret( self.env.simxSetObjectPosition(self.handle, -1, position, blocking))
def check_collision(self, collision_handle): """ At any point in time call this function to get a boolean value if the collision object is currently detecting a collision. True for collision. :param collision_handle: integer, the handle that you obtaind from "get_collision_handle(name_of_collision_obj)" :return: boolean """ return check_ret(self.simxReadCollision(collision_handle, blocking))[0]
def force_position(self, angle): """ Force desired position of a servo :param int angle: target servo angle in degrees :return: None if successful, otherwise raises exception """ self._check_joint() return check_ret( self.env.simxSetJointPosition(self.handle, -np.deg2rad(angle), blocking))
def get_vision_image(self): resolution, image = check_ret( self.env.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.handle, 0, # options=0 -> RGB blocking, )) dim, im = resolution, image nim = np.array(im, dtype='uint8') nim = np.reshape(nim, (dim[1], dim[0], 3)) nim = np.flip(nim, 0) # LR flip nim = np.flip(nim, 2) # RGB -> BGR return nim
def get_collision_object(self, name_of_collision_obj): """ this is effectively the same as "get_collision_handle" but instead of an integer (the handle) it instead returns an object that has a ".is_colliding()" function, which is super marginally more convenient. :param name_of_collision_obj: string, name of the collision object in V-Rep :return: Collision object that you can check with ".is_colliding()->bool" """ handle = check_ret( self.simxGetCollisionHandle(name_of_collision_obj + "#", blocking))[0] col = Collision(env=self, handle=handle) return col
def start(self): if self.started == True: raise RuntimeError('you should not call start() more than once') print('(vrepper) starting an instance of V-REP...') self.instance.start() # try to connect to V-REP instance via socket retries = 0 while True: print('(vrepper) trying to connect to server on port', self.port_num, 'retry:', retries) # vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections self.cid = self.simxStart( '', self.port_num, waitUntilConnected=True, doNotReconnectOnceDisconnected=True, timeOutInMs=1000, commThreadCycleInMs=0) # Connect to V-REP if self.cid != -1: print('(vrepper) Connected to remote API server!') break else: retries += 1 if retries > 15: self.end() raise RuntimeError( '(vrepper) Unable to connect to V-REP after 15 retries.' ) # Now try to retrieve data in a blocking fashion (i.e. a service call): objs, = check_ret(self.simxGetObjects(sim_handle_all, blocking)) print('(vrepper) Number of objects in the scene: ', len(objs)) # Now send some data to V-REP in a non-blocking fashion: self.simxAddStatusbarMessage('(vrepper)Hello V-REP!', oneshot) # setup a useless signal self.simxSetIntegerSignal('asdf', 1, blocking) print( '(vrepper) V-REP instance started, remote API connection created. Everything seems to be ready.' ) self.started = True return self
def get_collision_handle(self, name_of_collision_obj): """ In order to use this you first have to open the scene in V-Rep, then click on "calculation module properties" on the left side (the button that looks like "f(x)"), then click "add new collision object", chose the two things between which you want to check for collision (one of them can be a collection which you can create in yet another window), and finally double click on the new collision object in order to rename it to something more catchy than "Collision". You can find more information here: Also don't forget to save the scene after adding the collision object. :param name_of_collision_obj: the "#" is added automatically at the end :return: collision_handle (this is an integer that you need for check_collision) """ return check_ret( self.simxGetCollisionHandle(name_of_collision_obj + "#", blocking))[0]
def start_simulation(self, is_sync): # IMPORTANT # you should poll the server state to make sure # the simulation completely stops before starting a new one while True: # poll the useless signal (to receive a message from server) check_ret(self.simxGetIntegerSignal('asdf', blocking)) # check server state (within the received message) e = self.simxGetInMessageInfo(simx_headeroffset_server_state) # check bit0 not_stopped = e[1] & 1 if not not_stopped: break # enter sync mode check_ret(self.simxSynchronous(is_sync)) check_ret(self.simxStartSimulation(blocking)) self.sim_running = True
def get_position(self, relative_to=None): position, = check_ret( self.env.simxGetObjectPosition( self.handle, -1 if relative_to is None else relative_to.handle, blocking)) return position
def get_joint_force(self): self._check_joint() force = check_ret(self.env.simxGetJointForce(self.handle, blocking)) return force
def get_joint_angle(self): self._check_joint() angle = check_ret(self.env.simxGetJointPosition(self.handle, blocking)) return -np.rad2deg(angle[0])
def stop_simulation(self): check_ret(self.simxStopSimulation(oneshot), ignore_one=True) self.sim_running = False
def set_force(self, f): self._check_joint() return check_ret(self.env.simxSetJointForce(self.handle, f, blocking))
def set_velocity(self, v): self._check_joint() return check_ret( self.env.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(self.handle, v, blocking))
def get_velocity(self): return check_ret( self.env.simxGetObjectVelocity( self.handle, # -1 if relative_to is None else relative_to.handle, blocking))
def step_blocking_simulation(self): check_ret(self.simxSynchronousTrigger())
def get_object_handle(self, name): handle, = check_ret(self.simxGetObjectHandle(name, blocking)) return handle
def get_orientation(self, relative_to=None): eulerAngles, = check_ret( self.env.simxGetObjectOrientation( self.handle, -1 if relative_to is None else relative_to.handle, blocking)) return eulerAngles
def get_image(self, object_id): res, img = check_ret( self.simxGetVisionSensorImage(object_id, 0, blocking)) return self._convert_byte_image_to_color(res, img)
def is_colliding(self): return check_ret(self.env.simxReadCollision(self.handle, blocking))[0]
def get_depth_image_as_rgb(self, object_id): res, depth = check_ret( self.simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer(object_id, blocking)) return self._convert_depth_to_rgb(res, depth)