def main(args): if args.cluster: cluster(args.cluster, args.config_file) return config = corpus_filename = config.get("main", "corpus_file") model_path = config.get("main", "path") if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.k is None: try: if config.get("main", "topics"): default = ' '.join(map(str, eval(config.get("main", "topics")))) if args.quiet: args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] else: raise NoOptionError('main', 'topics') except NoOptionError: default = ' '.join(map(str, range(20, 100, 20))) while args.k is None: ks = input("Number of Topics [Default '{0}']: ".format(default)) try: if ks: args.k = [int(n) for n in ks.split()] elif not ks.strip(): args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] if args.k: print("\nTIP: number of topics can be specified with argument '-k N N N ...':") print(" topicexplorer train %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, ' '.join(map(str, args.k)))) except ValueError: print("Enter valid integers, separated by spaces!") if args.processes < 0: import multiprocessing args.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + args.processes print("Loading corpus... ") corpus = Corpus.load(corpus_filename) try: model_pattern = config.get("main", "model_pattern") except NoOptionError: model_pattern = None if (model_pattern is not None and not args.rebuild and (args.quiet or args.cont or bool_prompt("""Existing topic models found. You can continue training or start a new model. Do you want to continue training your existing models? """, default=True))): from vsm.model.lda import LDA m = LDA.load(model_pattern.format(args.k[0]), multiprocessing=args.processes > 1, n_proc=args.processes) if args.iter is None and not args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int_prompt("Total number of training iterations:", default=int(m.iteration * 1.5), min=m.iteration) print("\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':") print(" topicexplorer train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file)) elif args.iter is None and args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int(m.iteration * 1.5) del m # if the set changes, build some new models and continue some old ones config_topics = eval(config.get("main", "topics")) if args.k != config_topics: new_models = set(args.k) - set(config_topics) continuing_models = set(args.k) & set(config_topics) build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, config.get("main", "context_type"), new_models, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, continuing_models, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, dry_run=args.dry_run) else: model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, args.k, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, dry_run=args.dry_run) else: # build a new model if args.iter is None and not args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int_prompt("Number of training iterations:", default=200) print("\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':") print(" topicexplorer train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file)) elif args.iter is None and args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = 200 # TODO: if only one context_type, make it just the one context type. ctxs = corpus.context_types if len(ctxs) == 1: args.context_type = ctxs[0] else: ctxs = sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: len(corpus.view_contexts(ctx))) if args.context_type not in ctxs: while args.context_type not in ctxs: contexts = ctxs[:] contexts[0] = contexts[0].upper() contexts = '/'.join(contexts) args.context_type = input("Select a context type [%s] : " % contexts) if args.context_type.strip() == '': args.context_type = ctxs[0] if args.context_type == ctxs[0].upper(): args.context_type = ctxs[0] print("\nTIP: context type can be specified with argument '--context-type TYPE':") print(" topicexplorer train --context-type %s %s\n" % (args.context_type, args.config_file)) print("\nTIP: This configuration can be automated as:") print(" topicexplorer train %s --iter %d --context-type %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, args.iter, args.context_type, ' '.join(map(str, args.k)))) model_pattern = build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, args.context_type, args.k, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) config.set("main", "model_pattern", model_pattern) if args.context_type: # test for presence, since continuing doesn't require context_type config.set("main", "context_type", args.context_type) args.k.sort() config.set("main", "topics", str(args.k)) if not args.dry_run: if config.has_option("main", "cluster"): cluster_path = config.get("main", "cluster", fallback=None) config.remove_option("main", "cluster") try: if cluster_path: os.remove(cluster_path) except (OSError, IOError): # fail silently on IOError pass with open(args.config_file, "w") as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): config = ConfigParser({"htrc": False, "sentences": "False"}) if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.lang is None: args.lang = [] args.corpus_path = config.get("main", "corpus_file") c = Corpus.load(args.corpus_path) # check for htrc metadata if args.htrc or config.get("main", "htrc"): htrc_langs = get_htrc_langs(args) if htrc_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) # auto-guess a language """ new_langs = [lang for lang in detect_langs(c) if lang in langs and lang not in args.lang] if new_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) """ # add default locale if no other languages are specified # do not add if in quiet mode -- make everything explicit if not args.lang and not args.quiet: import locale locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0].lower() if locale in langs.keys(): args.lang.append(locale) # check for any new candidates args.lang = [lang for lang in args.lang if stop_language(c, langs[lang])] if args.lang and not args.quiet: args.lang = lang_prompt(args.lang) stoplist = set() # Apply stop words print(" ") for lang in args.lang: print("Applying", langs[lang], "stopwords") candidates = stop_language(c, langs[lang]) if len(candidates): stoplist.update(candidates) # Apply custom stopwords file if args.stopword_file: with open(args.stopword_file, encoding='utf8') as swf: #candidates = [unidecode(word.strip()) for word in swf] candidates = [word.strip() for word in swf] if len(candidates): print("Applying custom stopword file to remove {} word{}.". format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.min_word_len: candidates = get_small_words(c, args.min_word_len) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} small word{} with less than {} characters.". format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '', args.min_word_len)) stoplist.update(candidates) if not args.special_chars: candidates = get_special_chars(c) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} word{} with special characters.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.high_filter is None and not args.quiet: args.high_filter, candidates = get_high_filter(args, c, words=stoplist) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_filter > 0: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.low_filter is None and not args.quiet: args.low_filter, candidates = get_low_filter(args, c, words=stoplist) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_filter > 0: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency words.".format(len(candidates))) stoplist.update(candidates) if not stoplist: print("No stopwords applied.\n\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n\nApplying {} stopword{}".format( len(stoplist), 's' if len(stoplist) > 1 else '')) c.in_place_stoplist(stoplist) print("\n") def name_corpus(dirname, languages, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None): items, counts = get_items_counts(c.corpus) corpus_name = [dirname] if args.lang: corpus_name.append('nltk') corpus_name.append(''.join(args.lang)) if lowfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % lowfreq) else: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % min(counts)) if highfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('N%s' % highfreq) else: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % max(counts)) corpus_name = '-'.join(corpus_name) corpus_name += '.npz' return corpus_name dirname = os.path.basename(args.corpus_path).split('-nltk-')[0].replace( '.npz', '') corpus_name = name_corpus(dirname, ['en'], args.low_filter, args.high_filter) model_path = os.path.dirname(args.corpus_path) args.corpus_path = os.path.join(model_path, corpus_name) config.set("main", "corpus_file", args.corpus_path) config.remove_option("main", "model_pattern") with open(args.config_file, 'w') as configfh: config.write(configfh)
import os.path from collections import defaultdict # load in the configuration file from ConfigParser import ConfigParser as ConfigParser config_file = r"$config_file" config = ConfigParser({ 'topic_range': None, 'topics': None, 'sentences' : 'false'}) # load the corpus if config.getboolean('main','sentences'): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent c = CorpusSent.load(config.get('main', 'corpus_file')) else: c = Corpus.load(config.get('main', 'corpus_file')) context_type = config.get('main', 'context_type') ctx_metadata = c.view_metadata(context_type) all_ids = ctx_metadata[doc_label_name(context_type)] # create topic model patterns pattern = config.get('main', 'model_pattern') if config.get('main', 'topic_range'): topic_range = map(int, config.get('main', 'topic_range').split(',')) topic_range = range(*topic_range) if config.get('main', 'topics'): topic_range = eval(config.get('main', 'topics')) # load the topic models
def main(args): config = if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.lang is None: args.lang = [] args.corpus_path = config.get("main", "corpus_file") c = Corpus.load(args.corpus_path) if c.original_length != len(c.corpus): print("Corpus has already been prepared. Proceed to training or") print("re-init the corpus to apply a different set of stopwords.") print("\nTIP: Train the LDA models with:") print(" topicexplorer train", args.config_file) sys.exit(1) # auto-guess a language """ new_langs = [lang for lang in detect_langs(c) if lang in langs and lang not in args.lang] if new_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) """ # add default locale if no other languages are specified # do not add if in quiet mode -- make everything explicit if not args.lang and not args.quiet: import locale locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0].lower() if locale in langs.keys(): args.lang.append(locale) # check for any new candidates args.lang = [lang for lang in args.lang if stop_language(c, langs[lang])] if args.lang and not args.quiet: args.lang = lang_prompt(args.lang) stoplist = set() # Apply stop words print(" ") for lang in args.lang: print("Applying", langs[lang], "stopwords") candidates = stop_language(c, langs[lang]) if len(candidates): stoplist.update(candidates) # Apply custom stopwords file if args.stopword_file: with open(args.stopword_file, encoding='utf8') as swf: #candidates = [unidecode(word.strip()) for word in swf] candidates = [word.strip() for word in swf] if len(candidates): print("Applying custom stopword file to remove {} word{}.". format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.min_word_len: candidates = get_small_words(c, args.min_word_len) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} small word{} with less than {} characters.". format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '', args.min_word_len)) stoplist.update(candidates) # cache item counts items, counts = get_corpus_counts(c) if args.high_filter is None and args.high_percent is None and not args.quiet: args.high_filter, candidates = get_high_filter(c, words=stoplist, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_filter is None and args.high_percent is None and args.quiet: pass elif args.high_filter: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_percent: args.high_filter = get_closest_bin(c, 1 - (args.high_percent / 100.), counts=counts) print(args.high_filter) candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.low_filter is None and args.low_percent is None and not args.quiet: args.low_filter, candidates = get_low_filter(c, words=stoplist, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_filter is None and args.low_percent is None and args.quiet: pass elif args.low_filter: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency words.".format(len(candidates))) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_percent: args.low_filter = get_closest_bin(c, 1 - (args.low_percent / 100.), reverse=True, counts=counts) print(args.low_filter) candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if not stoplist: print("No stopwords applied.\n\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n\nApplying {} stopword{}".format( len(stoplist), 's' if len(stoplist) > 1 else '')) c.in_place_stoplist(stoplist) print("\n") def name_corpus(dirname, languages, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None): corpus_name = [dirname] if args.lang: corpus_name.append('nltk') corpus_name.append(''.join(args.lang)) if lowfreq is not None and lowfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % lowfreq) if highfreq is not None and highfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('N%s' % highfreq) corpus_name = '-'.join(corpus_name) corpus_name += '.npz' return corpus_name dirname = os.path.basename(args.corpus_path).split('-nltk-')[0].replace( '.npz', '') corpus_name = name_corpus(dirname, ['en'], args.low_filter, args.high_filter) model_path = os.path.dirname(args.corpus_path) args.corpus_path = os.path.join(model_path, corpus_name) config.set("main", "corpus_file", args.corpus_path) config.remove_option("main", "model_pattern") with open(args.config_file, 'w') as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): if args.cluster: cluster(args.cluster, args.config_file) return config = corpus_filename = config.get("main", "corpus_file") model_path = config.get("main", "path") if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.k is None: try: if config.get("main", "topics"): default = ' '.join(map(str, eval(config.get("main", "topics")))) if args.quiet: args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] else: raise NoOptionError('main', 'topics') except NoOptionError: default = ' '.join(map(str, range(20, 100, 20))) while args.k is None: ks = input("Number of Topics [Default '{0}']: ".format(default)) try: if ks: args.k = [int(n) for n in ks.split()] elif not ks.strip(): args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] if args.k: print( "\nTIP: number of topics can be specified with argument '-k N N N ...':" ) print(" topicexplorer train %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, ' '.join(map(str, args.k)))) except ValueError: print("Enter valid integers, separated by spaces!") if args.processes < 0: import multiprocessing args.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + args.processes print("Loading corpus... ") corpus = Corpus.load(corpus_filename) try: model_pattern = config.get("main", "model_pattern") except NoOptionError: model_pattern = None if (model_pattern is not None and not args.rebuild and (args.quiet or args.cont or bool_prompt( """Existing topic models found. You can continue training or start a new model. Do you want to continue training your existing models? """, default=True))): from vsm.model.lda import LDA m = LDA.load(model_pattern.format(args.k[0]), multiprocessing=args.processes > 1, n_proc=args.processes) if args.iter is None and not args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int_prompt("Total number of training iterations:", default=int(m.iteration * 1.5), min=m.iteration) print( "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" ) print(" topicexplorer train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file)) elif args.iter is None and args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int(m.iteration * 1.5) del m # if the set changes, build some new models and continue some old ones config_topics = eval(config.get("main", "topics")) if args.k != config_topics: new_models = set(args.k) - set(config_topics) continuing_models = set(args.k) & set(config_topics) build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, config.get("main", "context_type"), new_models, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, continuing_models, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, dry_run=args.dry_run) else: model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, args.k, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, dry_run=args.dry_run) else: # build a new model if args.iter is None and not args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = int_prompt("Number of training iterations:", default=200) print( "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" ) print(" topicexplorer train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file)) elif args.iter is None and args.quiet: # pragma: no cover args.iter = 200 # TODO: if only one context_type, make it just the one context type. ctxs = corpus.context_types if len(ctxs) == 1: args.context_type = ctxs[0] else: ctxs = sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: len(corpus.view_contexts(ctx))) if args.context_type not in ctxs: while args.context_type not in ctxs: contexts = ctxs[:] contexts[0] = contexts[0].upper() contexts = '/'.join(contexts) args.context_type = input("Select a context type [%s] : " % contexts) if args.context_type.strip() == '': args.context_type = ctxs[0] if args.context_type == ctxs[0].upper(): args.context_type = ctxs[0] print( "\nTIP: context type can be specified with argument '--context-type TYPE':" ) print(" topicexplorer train --context-type %s %s\n" % (args.context_type, args.config_file)) print("\nTIP: This configuration can be automated as:") print(" topicexplorer train %s --iter %d --context-type %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, args.iter, args.context_type, ' '.join(map(str, args.k)))) model_pattern = build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, args.context_type, args.k, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) config.set("main", "model_pattern", model_pattern) if args.context_type: # test for presence, since continuing doesn't require context_type config.set("main", "context_type", args.context_type) args.k.sort() config.set("main", "topics", str(args.k)) if not args.dry_run: if config.has_option("main", "cluster"): cluster_path = config.get("main", "cluster", fallback=None) config.remove_option("main", "cluster") try: if cluster_path: os.remove(cluster_path) except (OSError, IOError): # fail silently on IOError pass with open(args.config_file, "w") as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): config = ConfigParser({"sentences": "False"}) corpus_filename = config.get("main", "corpus_file") model_path = config.get("main", "path") if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.k is None: try: if config.get("main", "topics"): default = ' '.join(map(str, eval(config.get("main", "topics")))) else: raise NoOptionError except NoOptionError: default = ' '.join(map(str, range(20,100,20))) while args.k is None: ks = raw_input("Number of Topics [Default '{0}']: ".format(default)) try: if ks: args.k = [int(n) for n in ks.split()] elif not ks.strip(): args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] if args.k: print "\nTIP: number of topics can be specified with argument '-k N N N ...':" print " vsm train %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, ' '.join(map(str, args.k))) except ValueError: print "Enter valid integers, separated by spaces!" if args.processes < 0: import multiprocessing args.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + args.processes print "Loading corpus... " corpus = Corpus.load(corpus_filename) try: model_pattern = config.get("main", "model_pattern") except NoOptionError: model_pattern = None if model_pattern is not None and\ bool_prompt("Existing models found. Continue training?", default=True): from vsm.model.lda import LDA m = LDA.load(model_pattern.format(args.k[0]), multiprocessing=args.processes > 1, n_proc=args.processes) if args.iter is None: args.iter = int_prompt("Total number of training iterations:", default=int(m.iteration*1.5), min=m.iteration) print "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" print " vsm train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file) del m # if the set changes, build some new models and continue some old ones config_topics = eval(config.get("main","topics")) if args.k != config_topics : new_models = set(args.k) - set(config_topics) continuing_models = set(args.k) & set(config_topics) build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, config.get("main", "context_type"), new_models, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed) model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, continuing_models, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes) else: model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, args.k, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes) else: # build a new model if args.iter is None: args.iter = int_prompt("Number of training iterations:", default=200) print "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" print " vsm train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file) ctxs = corpus.context_types ctxs = sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: len(corpus.view_contexts(ctx))) if args.context_type not in ctxs: while args.context_type not in ctxs: contexts = ctxs[:] contexts[0] = contexts[0].upper() contexts = '/'.join(contexts) args.context_type = raw_input("Select a context type [%s] : " % contexts) if args.context_type.strip() == '': args.context_type = ctxs[0] if args.context_type == ctxs[0].upper(): args.context_type = ctxs[0] print "\nTIP: context type can be specified with argument '--context-type TYPE':" print " vsm train --context-type %s %s\n" % (args.context_type, args.config_file) print "\nTIP: This configuration can be automated as:" print " vsm train %s --iter %d --context-type %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, args.iter, args.context_type, ' '.join(map(str, args.k))) model_pattern = build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, args.context_type, args.k, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) config.set("main", "model_pattern", model_pattern) if args.context_type: # test for presence, since continuing doesn't require context_type config.set("main", "context_type", args.context_type) args.k.sort() config.set("main", "topics", str(args.k)) if not args.dry_run: with open(args.config_file, "wb") as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): config = ConfigParser({"sentences": "False"}) corpus_filename = config.get("main", "corpus_file") model_path = config.get("main", "path") if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.k is None: try: if config.get("main", "topics"): default = ' '.join(map(str, eval(config.get("main", "topics")))) else: raise NoOptionError except NoOptionError: default = ' '.join(map(str, range(20, 100, 20))) while args.k is None: ks = raw_input( "Number of Topics [Default '{0}']: ".format(default)) try: if ks: args.k = [int(n) for n in ks.split()] elif not ks.strip(): args.k = [int(n) for n in default.split()] if args.k: print "\nTIP: number of topics can be specified with argument '-k N N N ...':" print " vsm train %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, ' '.join(map(str, args.k))) except ValueError: print "Enter valid integers, separated by spaces!" if args.processes < 0: import multiprocessing args.processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + args.processes print "Loading corpus... " corpus = Corpus.load(corpus_filename) try: model_pattern = config.get("main", "model_pattern") except NoOptionError: model_pattern = None if model_pattern is not None and\ bool_prompt("Existing models found. Continue training?", default=True): from vsm.model.lda import LDA m = LDA.load(model_pattern.format(args.k[0]), multiprocessing=args.processes > 1, n_proc=args.processes) if args.iter is None: args.iter = int_prompt("Total number of training iterations:", default=int(m.iteration * 1.5), min=m.iteration) print "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" print " vsm train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file) del m # if the set changes, build some new models and continue some old ones config_topics = eval(config.get("main", "topics")) if args.k != config_topics: new_models = set(args.k) - set(config_topics) continuing_models = set(args.k) & set(config_topics) build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, config.get("main", "context_type"), new_models, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed) model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, continuing_models, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes) else: model_pattern = continue_training(model_pattern, args.k, args.iter, n_proc=args.processes) else: # build a new model if args.iter is None: args.iter = int_prompt("Number of training iterations:", default=200) print "\nTIP: number of training iterations can be specified with argument '--iter N':" print " vsm train --iter %d %s\n" % (args.iter, args.config_file) ctxs = corpus.context_types ctxs = sorted(ctxs, key=lambda ctx: len(corpus.view_contexts(ctx))) if args.context_type not in ctxs: while args.context_type not in ctxs: contexts = ctxs[:] contexts[0] = contexts[0].upper() contexts = '/'.join(contexts) args.context_type = raw_input("Select a context type [%s] : " % contexts) if args.context_type.strip() == '': args.context_type = ctxs[0] if args.context_type == ctxs[0].upper(): args.context_type = ctxs[0] print "\nTIP: context type can be specified with argument '--context-type TYPE':" print " vsm train --context-type %s %s\n" % ( args.context_type, args.config_file) print "\nTIP: This configuration can be automated as:" print " vsm train %s --iter %d --context-type %s -k %s\n" %\ (args.config_file, args.iter, args.context_type, ' '.join(map(str, args.k))) model_pattern = build_models(corpus, corpus_filename, model_path, args.context_type, args.k, n_iterations=args.iter, n_proc=args.processes, seed=args.seed, dry_run=args.dry_run) config.set("main", "model_pattern", model_pattern) if args.context_type: # test for presence, since continuing doesn't require context_type config.set("main", "context_type", args.context_type) args.k.sort() config.set("main", "topics", str(args.k)) if not args.dry_run: with open(args.config_file, "wb") as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): config = if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.lang is None: args.lang = [] args.corpus_path = config.get("main", "corpus_file") c = Corpus.load(args.corpus_path) if c.original_length != len(c.corpus): print("Corpus has already been prepared. Proceed to training or") print("re-init the corpus to apply a different set of stopwords.") print("\nTIP: Train the LDA models with:") print(" topicexplorer train", args.config_file) sys.exit(1) # auto-guess a language """ new_langs = [lang for lang in detect_langs(c) if lang in langs and lang not in args.lang] if new_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) """ # add default locale if no other languages are specified # do not add if in quiet mode -- make everything explicit if not args.lang and not args.quiet: import locale locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0].lower() if locale in langs.keys(): args.lang.append(locale) # check for any new candidates args.lang = [lang for lang in args.lang if stop_language(c, langs[lang])] if args.lang and not args.quiet: args.lang = lang_prompt(args.lang) stoplist = set() # Apply stop words print(" ") for lang in args.lang: print("Applying", langs[lang], "stopwords") candidates = stop_language(c, langs[lang]) if len(candidates): stoplist.update(candidates) # Apply custom stopwords file if args.stopword_file: with open(args.stopword_file, encoding='utf8') as swf: #candidates = [unidecode(word.strip()) for word in swf] candidates = [word.strip() for word in swf] if len(candidates): print("Applying custom stopword file to remove {} word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.min_word_len: candidates = get_small_words(c, args.min_word_len) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} small word{} with less than {} characters.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '', args.min_word_len)) stoplist.update(candidates) # cache item counts items, counts = get_corpus_counts(c) if args.high_filter is None and args.high_percent is None and not args.quiet: args.high_filter, candidates = get_high_filter(c, words=stoplist, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_filter is None and args.high_percent is None and args.quiet: pass elif args.high_filter: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_percent: args.high_filter = get_closest_bin(c, 1 - (args.high_percent / 100.), counts=counts) print(args.high_filter) candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.low_filter is None and args.low_percent is None and not args.quiet: args.low_filter, candidates = get_low_filter(c, words=stoplist, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_filter is None and args.low_percent is None and args.quiet: pass elif args.low_filter: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency words.".format(len(candidates))) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_percent: args.low_filter = get_closest_bin(c, 1 - (args.low_percent / 100.), reverse=True, counts=counts) print(args.low_filter) candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False, items=items, counts=counts) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if not stoplist: print("No stopwords applied.\n\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n\nApplying {} stopword{}".format(len(stoplist), 's' if len(stoplist) > 1 else '')) c.in_place_stoplist(stoplist) print("\n") def name_corpus(dirname, languages, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None): corpus_name = [dirname] if args.lang: corpus_name.append('nltk') corpus_name.append(''.join(args.lang)) if lowfreq is not None and lowfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % lowfreq) if highfreq is not None and highfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('N%s' % highfreq) corpus_name = '-'.join(corpus_name) corpus_name += '.npz' return corpus_name dirname = os.path.basename(args.corpus_path).split('-nltk-')[0].replace('.npz', '') corpus_name = name_corpus(dirname, ['en'], args.low_filter, args.high_filter) model_path = os.path.dirname(args.corpus_path) args.corpus_path = os.path.join(model_path, corpus_name) config.set("main", "corpus_file", args.corpus_path) config.remove_option("main", "model_pattern") with open(args.config_file, 'w') as configfh: config.write(configfh)
def main(args): config = ConfigParser({"htrc": False, "sentences": "False"}) if config.getboolean("main", "sentences"): from vsm.extensions.ldasentences import CorpusSent as Corpus else: from vsm.corpus import Corpus if args.lang is None: args.lang = [] args.corpus_path = config.get("main", "corpus_file") c = Corpus.load(args.corpus_path) # check for htrc metadata if args.htrc or config.get("main", "htrc"): htrc_langs = get_htrc_langs(args) if htrc_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) # auto-guess a language """ new_langs = [lang for lang in detect_langs(c) if lang in langs and lang not in args.lang] if new_langs: args.lang.extend(new_langs) """ # add default locale if no other languages are specified # do not add if in quiet mode -- make everything explicit if not args.lang and not args.quiet: import locale locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0].lower() if locale in langs.keys(): args.lang.append(locale) # check for any new candidates args.lang = [lang for lang in args.lang if stop_language(c, langs[lang])] if args.lang and not args.quiet: args.lang = lang_prompt(args.lang) stoplist = set() # Apply stop words print(" ") for lang in args.lang: print("Applying", langs[lang], "stopwords") candidates = stop_language(c, langs[lang]) if len(candidates): stoplist.update(candidates) # Apply custom stopwords file if args.stopword_file: with open(args.stopword_file, encoding='utf8') as swf: #candidates = [unidecode(word.strip()) for word in swf] candidates = [word.strip() for word in swf] if len(candidates): print("Applying custom stopword file to remove {} word{}.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.min_word_len: candidates = get_small_words(c, args.min_word_len) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} small word{} with less than {} characters.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '', args.min_word_len)) stoplist.update(candidates) if not args.special_chars: candidates = get_special_chars(c) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} word{} with special characters.".format( len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.high_filter is None and not args.quiet: args.high_filter, candidates = get_high_filter(args, c, words=stoplist) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.high_filter > 0: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, args.high_filter, sort=False) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} high frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) if args.low_filter is None and not args.quiet: args.low_filter, candidates = get_low_filter(args, c, words=stoplist) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency word{}.".format(len(candidates), 's' if len(candidates) > 1 else '')) stoplist.update(candidates) elif args.low_filter > 0: candidates = get_candidate_words(c, -1 * args.low_filter, sort=False) if len(candidates): print("Filtering {} low frequency words.".format(len(candidates))) stoplist.update(candidates) if not stoplist: print("No stopwords applied.\n\n") sys.exit(0) else: print("\n\nApplying {} stopword{}".format(len(stoplist), 's' if len(stoplist) > 1 else '')) c.in_place_stoplist(stoplist) print("\n") def name_corpus(dirname, languages, lowfreq=None, highfreq=None): items, counts = get_items_counts(c.corpus) corpus_name = [dirname] if args.lang: corpus_name.append('nltk') corpus_name.append(''.join(args.lang)) if lowfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % lowfreq) else: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % min(counts)) if highfreq > 0: corpus_name.append('N%s' % highfreq) else: corpus_name.append('freq%s' % max(counts)) corpus_name = '-'.join(corpus_name) corpus_name += '.npz' return corpus_name dirname = os.path.basename(args.corpus_path).split('-nltk-')[0].replace('.npz', '') corpus_name = name_corpus(dirname, ['en'], args.low_filter, args.high_filter) model_path = os.path.dirname(args.corpus_path) args.corpus_path = os.path.join(model_path, corpus_name) config.set("main", "corpus_file", args.corpus_path) config.remove_option("main", "model_pattern") with open(args.config_file, 'w') as configfh: config.write(configfh)