Пример #1
 def debug_nnindexer(nnindexer):
     Makes sure the indexer has valid SIFT descriptors
     # FIXME: they might not agree if data has been added / removed
     init_data, extra_data = nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data()
     with ut.Indenter('[NNINDEX_DEBUG]'):
         print('extra_data = %r' % (extra_data,))
         print('init_data = %r' % (init_data,))
         print('nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = %r' % (nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd,))
         data_agrees = nnindexer.idx2_vec is nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data()[0]
         if data_agrees:
             print('indexed_data agrees')
         assert vt.check_sift_validity(init_data), 'bad SIFT properties'
         assert data_agrees, 'indexed data does not agree'
Пример #2
 def debug_nnindexer(nnindexer):
     Makes sure the indexer has valid SIFT descriptors
     # FIXME: they might not agree if data has been added / removed
     init_data, extra_data = nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data()
     with ut.Indenter('[NNINDEX_DEBUG]'):
         print('extra_data = %r' % (extra_data,))
         print('init_data = %r' % (init_data,))
         print('nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = %r' % (nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd,))
         data_agrees = nnindexer.idx2_vec is nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data()[0]
         if data_agrees:
             print('indexed_data agrees')
         assert vt.check_sift_validity(init_data), 'bad SIFT properties'
         assert data_agrees, 'indexed data does not agree'
Пример #3
def _assert_siftvec(sift):
    import vtool as vt
    assert vt.check_sift_validity(sift)
Пример #4
def detect_feats(img_fpath,
    driver function for detecting hessian affine keypoints from an image path.
    extra parameters can be passed to the hessian affine detector by using

        img_fpath (str): image file path on disk
        use_adaptive_scale (bool):
        nogravity_hack (bool):

        numberOfScales (int)         : default=3
        threshold (float)            : default=5.33333333333
        edgeEigenValueRatio (float)  : default=10.0
        border (int)                 : default=5
        maxIterations (int)          : default=16
        convergenceThreshold (float) : default=0.05
        smmWindowSize (int)          : default=19
        mrSize (float)               : default=5.19615242271
        spatialBins (int)            : default=4
        orientationBins (int)        : default=8
        maxBinValue (float)          : default=0.2
        initialSigma (float)         : default=1.6
        patchSize (int)              : default=41
        scale_min (float)            : default=-1.0
        scale_max (float)            : default=-1.0
        rotation_invariance (bool)   : default=False
        affine_invariance (bool)     : default=True

        tuple : (kpts, vecs)

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname star.png
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname zebra.jpg
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname carl.jpg

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png --ri
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png --ai

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --numberOfScales=1 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-max=100 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-min=20 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-min=100 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-max=20 --verbose

        python -m vtool.test_constrained_matching visualize_matches --show
        python -m vtool.tests.dummy testdata_ratio_matches --show

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --rebuild-hesaff --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40 --no-rmbuild

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40&
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40&
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=40 --darken .5
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=30 --darken .5
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=30 --darken .5

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64 --rotation-invariance
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=3 \
            --maxPyramidLevels=2 --use_dense --dense_stride=32

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --only_count=False

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> # Test simple detect
        >>> from pyhesaff._pyhesaff import *  # NOQA
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> TAU = 2 * np.pi
        >>> fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(ut.get_argval('--fname', default='lena.png'))
        >>> theta = ut.get_argval('--theta', float, 0)  # TAU * 3 / 8)
        >>> img_fpath = vt.rotate_image_ondisk(fpath, theta)
        >>> kwargs = argparse_hesaff_params()
        >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,))
        >>> (kpts_list, vecs_list) = detect_feats(img_fpath, **kwargs)
        >>> kpts = kpts_list
        >>> vecs = vecs_list
        >>> # Show keypoints
        >>> imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> pt.interact_keypoints.ishow_keypoints(imgBGR, kpts, vecs, ori=True, ell_alpha=.4, color='distinct')
        >>> pt.set_figtitle('Detect Kpts in Image')
        >>> pt.show_if_requested()
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] Detecting Keypoints')
        print('[hes] use_adaptive_scale=%r' % (use_adaptive_scale, ))
        print('[hes] nogravity_hack=%r' % (nogravity_hack, ))
        print('[hes] kwargs=%s' % (ut.dict_str(kwargs), ))
    # Load image
    hesaff_ptr = _new_fpath_hesaff(img_fpath, **kwargs)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] detect')
    # Get num detected
    nKpts = HESAFF_CLIB.detect(hesaff_ptr)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] allocate')
    # Allocate arrays
    kpts = alloc_kpts(nKpts)
    vecs = alloc_vecs(nKpts)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] export')
    # Populate arrays
    HESAFF_CLIB.exportArrays(hesaff_ptr, nKpts, kpts, vecs)
    if __DEBUG__:
        import vtool as vt
        assert vt.check_sift_validity(vecs)
    if use_adaptive_scale:  # Adapt scale if requested
        if __DEBUG__:
            print('[hes] adapt_scale')
        kpts, vecs = adapt_scale(img_fpath, kpts)
    if nogravity_hack:
        if __DEBUG__:
            print('[hes] adapt_rotation')
        kpts, vecs = vtool_adapt_rotation(img_fpath, kpts)
    return kpts, vecs
Пример #5
def detect_feats(img_fpath, use_adaptive_scale=False, nogravity_hack=False, **kwargs):
    driver function for detecting hessian affine keypoints from an image path.
    extra parameters can be passed to the hessian affine detector by using

        img_fpath (str): image file path on disk
        use_adaptive_scale (bool):
        nogravity_hack (bool):

        numberOfScales (int)         : default=3
        threshold (float)            : default=5.33333333333
        edgeEigenValueRatio (float)  : default=10.0
        border (int)                 : default=5
        maxIterations (int)          : default=16
        convergenceThreshold (float) : default=0.05
        smmWindowSize (int)          : default=19
        mrSize (float)               : default=5.19615242271
        spatialBins (int)            : default=4
        orientationBins (int)        : default=8
        maxBinValue (float)          : default=0.2
        initialSigma (float)         : default=1.6
        patchSize (int)              : default=41
        scale_min (float)            : default=-1.0
        scale_max (float)            : default=-1.0
        rotation_invariance (bool)   : default=False
        affine_invariance (bool)     : default=True

        tuple : (kpts, vecs)

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname star.png
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname carl.jpg

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png --ri
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png --ai

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --numberOfScales=1 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-max=100 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-min=20 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-min=100 --verbose
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai --scale-max=20 --verbose

        python -m vtool.test_constrained_matching visualize_matches --show
        python -m vtool.tests.dummy testdata_ratio_matches --show

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --rebuild-hesaff --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40 --no-rmbuild

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40&
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-min=35 --scale-max=40&
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=40 --darken .5
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --no-ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=30 --darken .5
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname easy1.png --ai \
            --verbose --scale-max=30 --darken .5

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64 --rotation-invariance
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --affine-invariance --numberOfScales=1 --maxPyramidLevels=1 \
            --use_dense --dense_stride=64
        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --fname lena.png \
            --no-affine-invariance --numberOfScales=3 \
            --maxPyramidLevels=2 --use_dense --dense_stride=32

        python -m pyhesaff detect_feats --show --only_count=False

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> # Test simple detect
        >>> from pyhesaff._pyhesaff import *  # NOQA
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> TAU = 2 * np.pi
        >>> fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(ut.get_argval('--fname', default='lena.png'))
        >>> theta = ut.get_argval('--theta', float, 0)  # TAU * 3 / 8)
        >>> img_fpath = vt.rotate_image_ondisk(fpath, theta)
        >>> kwargs = argparse_hesaff_params()
        >>> (kpts_list, vecs_list) = detect_feats(img_fpath, **kwargs)
        >>> kpts = kpts_list
        >>> vecs = vecs_list
        >>> # Show keypoints
        >>> imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> pt.interact_keypoints.ishow_keypoints(imgBGR, kpts, vecs, ori=True, ell_alpha=.4, color='distinct')
        >>> pt.set_figtitle('Detect Kpts in Image')
        >>> pt.show_if_requested()
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] Detecting Keypoints')
        print('[hes] use_adaptive_scale=%r' % (use_adaptive_scale,))
        print('[hes] nogravity_hack=%r' % (nogravity_hack,))
        print('[hes] kwargs=%s' % (ut.dict_str(kwargs),))
    # Load image
    hesaff_ptr = _new_fpath_hesaff(img_fpath, **kwargs)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] detect')
    # Get num detected
    nKpts = HESAFF_CLIB.detect(hesaff_ptr)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] allocate')
    # Allocate arrays
    kpts = alloc_kpts(nKpts)
    vecs = alloc_vecs(nKpts)
    if __DEBUG__:
        print('[hes] export')
    # Populate arrays
    HESAFF_CLIB.exportArrays(hesaff_ptr, nKpts, kpts, vecs)
    if __DEBUG__:
        import vtool as vt
        assert vt.check_sift_validity(vecs)
    if use_adaptive_scale:  # Adapt scale if requested
        if __DEBUG__:
            print('[hes] adapt_scale')
        kpts, vecs = adapt_scale(img_fpath, kpts)
    if nogravity_hack:
        if __DEBUG__:
            print('[hes] adapt_rotation')
        kpts, vecs = vtool_adapt_rotation(img_fpath, kpts)
    return kpts, vecs
Пример #6
def _assert_siftvec(sift):
    import vtool as vt
    assert vt.check_sift_validity(sift)