Пример #1
def show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx=None, fnum=1, vert=None, **kwargs):

        python -m plottool.draw_sv --test-show_sv_simple --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from plottool.draw_sv import *  # NOQA
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, chip1, chip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = vt.testdata_matching_affine_inliers()
        >>> inliers = aff_inliers
        >>> mx = None
        >>> fnum = 1
        >>> vert = None  # ut.get_argval('--vert', type_=bool, default=None)
        >>> result = show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx, fnum, vert=vert)
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    import plottool as pt
    colors = df2.distinct_colors(2, brightness=.95)
    color1, color2 = colors[0:2]
    # Begin the drawing
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True)
    #dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title='Inconsistent Matches', all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True,
    #                docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), colors=df2.ORANGE)
    inlier_mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(inliers, maxval=len(fm))
    fm_inliers = fm.compress(inlier_mask, axis=0)
    fm_outliers = fm.compress(np.logical_not(inlier_mask), axis=0)
    ax, xywh1, xywh2 = df2.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, vert=vert)
    fmatch_kw = dict(ell_linewidth=2, ell_alpha=.7, line_alpha=.7)
    df2.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_inliers, colors=color1, **fmatch_kw)
    df2.plot_fmatch(xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_outliers, colors=color2, **fmatch_kw)
Пример #2
def show_sv_simple(chip1,

        python -m plottool.draw_sv --test-show_sv_simple --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from plottool.draw_sv import *  # NOQA
        >>> import vtool as vt
        >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, chip1, chip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = vt.testdata_matching_affine_inliers()
        >>> inliers = aff_inliers
        >>> mx = None
        >>> fnum = 1
        >>> vert = None  # ut.get_argval('--vert', type_=bool, default=None)
        >>> result = show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx, fnum, vert=vert)
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    import plottool as pt
    colors = df2.distinct_colors(2, brightness=.95)
    color1, color2 = colors[0:2]
    # Begin the drawing
    fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum)
    df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True)
    #dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title='Inconsistent Matches', all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True,
    #                docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), colors=df2.ORANGE)
    inlier_mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(inliers, maxval=len(fm))
    fm_inliers = fm.compress(inlier_mask, axis=0)
    fm_outliers = fm.compress(np.logical_not(inlier_mask), axis=0)
    ax, xywh1, xywh2 = df2.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, vert=vert)
    fmatch_kw = dict(ell_linewidth=2, ell_alpha=.7, line_alpha=.7)
Пример #3
def collapse_labels(model, evidence, reduced_variables, reduced_row_idxs,
    import vtool as vt
    #assert np.all(reduced_joint.values.ravel() == reduced_joint.values.flatten())
    reduced_ttypes = [model.var2_cpd[var].ttype for var in reduced_variables]

    evidence_vars = list(evidence.keys())
    evidence_state_idxs = ut.dict_take(evidence, evidence_vars)
    evidence_ttypes = [model.var2_cpd[var].ttype for var in evidence_vars]

    ttype2_ev_indices = dict(zip(*ut.group_indices(evidence_ttypes)))
    ttype2_re_indices = dict(zip(*ut.group_indices(reduced_ttypes)))
    # ttype2_ev_indices = ut.group_items(range(len(evidence_vars)), evidence_ttypes)
    # ttype2_re_indices = ut.group_items(range(len(reduced_variables)), reduced_ttypes)

    # Allow specific types of labels to change
    # everything is the same, only the names have changed.
    # TODO: allow for multiple different label_ttypes
    # for label_ttype in label_ttypes
    if 'name' not in model.ttype2_template:
        return reduced_row_idxs, reduced_values
    label_ttypes = ['name']
    for label_ttype in label_ttypes:
        ev_colxs = ttype2_ev_indices[label_ttype]
        re_colxs = ttype2_re_indices[label_ttype]

        ev_state_idxs = ut.take(evidence_state_idxs, ev_colxs)
        ev_state_idxs_tile = np.tile(ev_state_idxs, (len(reduced_values), 1)).astype(np.int)
        num_ev_ = len(ev_colxs)

        aug_colxs = list(range(num_ev_)) + (np.array(re_colxs) + num_ev_).tolist()
        aug_state_idxs = np.hstack([ev_state_idxs_tile, reduced_row_idxs])

        # Relabel rows based on the knowledge that
        # everything is the same, only the names have changed.

        num_cols = len(aug_state_idxs.T)
        mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(aug_colxs, num_cols)
        other_colxs, = np.where(~mask)
        relbl_states = aug_state_idxs.compress(mask, axis=1)
        other_states = aug_state_idxs.compress(~mask, axis=1)
        tmp_relbl_states = np.array(list(map(make_temp_state, relbl_states)))

        max_tmp_state = -1
        min_tmp_state = tmp_relbl_states.min()

        # rebuild original state structure with temp state idxs
        tmp_state_cols = [None] * num_cols
        for count, colx in enumerate(aug_colxs):
            tmp_state_cols[colx] = tmp_relbl_states[:, count:count + 1]
        for count, colx in enumerate(other_colxs):
            tmp_state_cols[colx] = other_states[:, count:count + 1]
        tmp_state_idxs = np.hstack(tmp_state_cols)

        data_ids = np.array(
            vt.compute_unique_data_ids_(list(map(tuple, tmp_state_idxs))))
        unique_ids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(data_ids)
        print('Collapsed %r states into %r states' % (
            len(data_ids), len(unique_ids),))
        # Sum the values in the cpd to marginalize the duplicate probs
        new_values = np.array([
            g.sum() for g in vt.apply_grouping(reduced_values, groupxs)
        # Take only the unique rows under this induced labeling
        unique_tmp_groupxs = np.array(ut.get_list_column(groupxs, 0))
        new_aug_state_idxs = tmp_state_idxs.take(unique_tmp_groupxs, axis=0)

        tmp_idx_set = set((-np.arange(-max_tmp_state,
                                      (-min_tmp_state) + 1)).tolist())
        true_idx_set = set(range(len(model.ttype2_template[label_ttype].basis)))

        # Relabel the rows one more time to agree with initial constraints
        for colx, true_idx in enumerate(ev_state_idxs):
            tmp_idx = np.unique(new_aug_state_idxs.T[colx])
            assert len(tmp_idx) == 1
            tmp_idx_set -= {tmp_idx[0]}
            true_idx_set -= {true_idx}
            new_aug_state_idxs[new_aug_state_idxs == tmp_idx] = true_idx
        # Relabel the remaining idxs
        remain_tmp_idxs = sorted(list(tmp_idx_set))[::-1]
        remain_true_idxs = sorted(list(true_idx_set))
        for tmp_idx, true_idx in zip(remain_tmp_idxs, remain_true_idxs):
            new_aug_state_idxs[new_aug_state_idxs == tmp_idx] = true_idx

        # Remove evidence based augmented labels
        new_state_idxs = new_aug_state_idxs.T[num_ev_:].T
        return new_state_idxs, new_values
Пример #4
def collapse_labels(model, evidence, reduced_variables, reduced_row_idxs,
    import vtool as vt

    # assert np.all(reduced_joint.values.ravel() == reduced_joint.values.flatten())
    reduced_ttypes = [model.var2_cpd[var].ttype for var in reduced_variables]

    evidence_vars = list(evidence.keys())
    evidence_state_idxs = ut.dict_take(evidence, evidence_vars)
    evidence_ttypes = [model.var2_cpd[var].ttype for var in evidence_vars]

    ttype2_ev_indices = dict(zip(*ut.group_indices(evidence_ttypes)))
    ttype2_re_indices = dict(zip(*ut.group_indices(reduced_ttypes)))
    # ttype2_ev_indices = ut.group_items(range(len(evidence_vars)), evidence_ttypes)
    # ttype2_re_indices = ut.group_items(range(len(reduced_variables)), reduced_ttypes)

    # Allow specific types of labels to change
    # everything is the same, only the names have changed.
    # TODO: allow for multiple different label_ttypes
    # for label_ttype in label_ttypes
    if NAME_TTYPE not in model.ttype2_template:
        return reduced_row_idxs, reduced_values
    label_ttypes = [NAME_TTYPE]
    for label_ttype in label_ttypes:
        ev_colxs = ttype2_ev_indices[label_ttype]
        re_colxs = ttype2_re_indices[label_ttype]

        ev_state_idxs = ut.take(evidence_state_idxs, ev_colxs)
        ev_state_idxs_tile = np.tile(ev_state_idxs,
                                     (len(reduced_values), 1)).astype(np.int)
        num_ev_ = len(ev_colxs)

        aug_colxs = list(
            range(num_ev_)) + (np.array(re_colxs) + num_ev_).tolist()
        aug_state_idxs = np.hstack([ev_state_idxs_tile, reduced_row_idxs])

        # Relabel rows based on the knowledge that
        # everything is the same, only the names have changed.

        num_cols = len(aug_state_idxs.T)
        mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(aug_colxs, num_cols)
        (other_colxs, ) = np.where(~mask)
        relbl_states = aug_state_idxs.compress(mask, axis=1)
        other_states = aug_state_idxs.compress(~mask, axis=1)
        tmp_relbl_states = np.array(list(map(make_temp_state, relbl_states)))

        max_tmp_state = -1
        min_tmp_state = tmp_relbl_states.min()

        # rebuild original state structure with temp state idxs
        tmp_state_cols = [None] * num_cols
        for count, colx in enumerate(aug_colxs):
            tmp_state_cols[colx] = tmp_relbl_states[:, count:count + 1]
        for count, colx in enumerate(other_colxs):
            tmp_state_cols[colx] = other_states[:, count:count + 1]
        tmp_state_idxs = np.hstack(tmp_state_cols)

        data_ids = np.array(
            vt.compute_unique_data_ids_(list(map(tuple, tmp_state_idxs))))
        unique_ids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(data_ids)
        logger.info('Collapsed %r states into %r states' % (
        # Sum the values in the cpd to marginalize the duplicate probs
        new_values = np.array(
            [g.sum() for g in vt.apply_grouping(reduced_values, groupxs)])
        # Take only the unique rows under this induced labeling
        unique_tmp_groupxs = np.array(ut.get_list_column(groupxs, 0))
        new_aug_state_idxs = tmp_state_idxs.take(unique_tmp_groupxs, axis=0)

        tmp_idx_set = set((-np.arange(-max_tmp_state,
                                      (-min_tmp_state) + 1)).tolist())
        true_idx_set = set(range(len(

        # Relabel the rows one more time to agree with initial constraints
        for colx, true_idx in enumerate(ev_state_idxs):
            tmp_idx = np.unique(new_aug_state_idxs.T[colx])
            assert len(tmp_idx) == 1
            tmp_idx_set -= {tmp_idx[0]}
            true_idx_set -= {true_idx}
            new_aug_state_idxs[new_aug_state_idxs == tmp_idx] = true_idx
        # Relabel the remaining idxs
        remain_tmp_idxs = sorted(list(tmp_idx_set))[::-1]
        remain_true_idxs = sorted(list(true_idx_set))
        for tmp_idx, true_idx in zip(remain_tmp_idxs, remain_true_idxs):
            new_aug_state_idxs[new_aug_state_idxs == tmp_idx] = true_idx

        # Remove evidence based augmented labels
        new_state_idxs = new_aug_state_idxs.T[num_ev_:].T
        return new_state_idxs, new_values