plt.subplot(122), mM.plot() plt.title('min-max cycle pairs') plt.subplot(121), mM_rfc.plot() plt.title('Rainflow filtered cycles') #! Min-max and rainflow cycle distributions #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ import wafo.misc as wm ampmM_sea = mM.amplitudes() ampRFC_sea = mM_rfc.amplitudes() plt.clf() plt.subplot(121) wm.plot_histgrm(ampmM_sea, 25) ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() plt.title('min-max amplitude distribution') plt.subplot(122) wm.plot_histgrm(ampRFC_sea, 25) plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) plt.title('Rainflow amplitude distribution') #!#! Section 4.3.3 Simulation of rainflow cycles #!#! Simulation of cycles in a Markov model # n = 41 # param_m = [-1, 1, n] # param_D = [1, n, n] # u_markov=levels(param_m); # G_markov=mktestmat(param_m,[-0.2, 0.2],0.15,1);
# Min-max and rainflow cycle distributions #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # import wafo.misc as wm ampmM_sea = mM.amplitudes() ampRFC_sea = mM_rfc.amplitudes() plt.figure() title = "s_n_curve" set_windows_title(title) S = np.linspace(1e6, 1000e6) plt.loglog(S, damage_vs_S(S, beta, K1)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) stress_range = (1, 1e9) n_bins = 100 wm.plot_histgrm(ampmM_sea, bins=n_bins, range=stress_range) plt.xlim(stress_range) ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() plt.title('min-max amplitude distribution') plt.subplot(122) if sig_cp is not None: wm.plot_histgrm(sig_cp[:, 0], bins=n_bins, range=stress_range) plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) title = 'Rainflow amplitude distribution' plt.title(title) plt.semilogy set_windows_title(title) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(sig_cp[:, 0], bins=n_bins, range=stress_range)
mM.plot() title("min-max cycle pairs") subplot(121), mM_rfc.plot() title("Rainflow filtered cycles") show() #! Min-max and rainflow cycle distributions #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ import wafo.misc as wm ampmM_sea = mM.amplitudes() ampRFC_sea = mM_rfc.amplitudes() clf() subplot(121) wm.plot_histgrm(ampmM_sea, 25) ylim = gca().get_ylim() title("min-max amplitude distribution") subplot(122) wm.plot_histgrm(ampRFC_sea, 25) gca().set_ylim(ylim) title("Rainflow amplitude distribution") show() #!#! Section 4.3.3 Simulation of rainflow cycles #!#! Simulation of cycles in a Markov model n = 41 param_m = [-1, 1, n] param_D = [1, n, n] u_markov = levels(param_m) G_markov = mktestmat(param_m, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.15, 1)
ts = wo.mat2timeseries(xx) Tcrcr, ix = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='c2c', wdef='tw', rate=8) Tc, ixc = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='u2d', wdef='tw', rate=8) #! Histogram of crestperiod compared to the kernel density estimate #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ import wafo.kdetools as wk plt.clf() print(Tc.mean()) print(Tc.max()) t = np.linspace(0.01,8,200); ftc = wk.TKDE(Tc, L2=0, inc=128) plt.plot(t,ftc.eval_grid(t), t, ftc.eval_grid_fast(t),'-.') wm.plot_histgrm(Tc, normed=True) plt.title('Kernel Density Estimates') plt.xlabel('Tc [s]') plt.axis([0, 8, 0, 0.5]) #! Extreme waves - model check: the highest and steepest wave #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plt.clf() S, H = ts.wave_height_steepness(kind=0) indS = S.argmax() indH = H.argmax() ts.plot_sp_wave([indH, indS],'k.') #! Does the highest wave contradict a transformed Gaussian model?
#! Section 1.4.2 Probability distributions of wave characteristics. #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! Probability distribution of wave trough period: #! WAFO gives the possibility of computing the exact probability #! distributions for a number of characteristics given a spectral density. #! In the following example we study the trough period extracted from the #! time series and compared with the theoretical density computed with exact #! spectrum, S1, and the estimated spectrum, Sest. clf() import wafo.misc as wm dtyex = S1.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tt', paramt=(0, 10, 51), nit=3) dtyest = Sest.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tt', paramt=(0, 10, 51), nit=3) T, index = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='d2u') bins = wm.good_bins(T, num_bins=25, odd=True) wm.plot_histgrm(T, bins=bins, normed=True) dtyex.plot() dtyest.plot('-.') axis([0, 10, 0, 0.35]) show() #! Section 1.4.3 Directional spectra #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! Here are a few lines of code, which produce directional spectra #! with frequency independent and frequency dependent spreading. clf() plotflag = 1 Nt = 101; # number of angles th0 = pi / 2; # primary direction of waves Sp = 15; # spreading parameter
ts = wo.mat2timeseries(xx) Tcrcr, ix = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='c2c', wdef='tw', rate=8) Tc, ixc = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='u2d', wdef='tw', rate=8) #! Histogram of crestperiod compared to the kernel density estimate #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ import wafo.kdetools as wk plt.clf() print(Tc.mean()) print(Tc.max()) t = np.linspace(0.01, 8, 200) ftc = wk.TKDE(Tc, L2=0, inc=128) plt.plot(t, ftc.eval_grid(t), t, ftc.eval_grid_fast(t), '-.') wm.plot_histgrm(Tc, normed=True) plt.title('Kernel Density Estimates') plt.xlabel('Tc [s]') plt.axis([0, 8, 0, 0.5]) #! Extreme waves - model check: the highest and steepest wave #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plt.clf() S, H = ts.wave_height_steepness(kind=0) indS = S.argmax() indH = H.argmax() ts.plot_sp_wave([indH, indS], 'k.') #! Does the highest wave contradict a transformed Gaussian model?
#! Section 1.4.2 Probability distributions of wave characteristics. #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! Probability distribution of wave trough period: #! WAFO gives the possibility of computing the exact probability #! distributions for a number of characteristics given a spectral density. #! In the following example we study the trough period extracted from the #! time series and compared with the theoretical density computed with exact #! spectrum, S1, and the estimated spectrum, Sest. plt.clf() import wafo.misc as wm dtyex = S1.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tt', paramt=(0, 10, 51), nit=3) dtyest = Sest.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tt', paramt=(0, 10, 51), nit=3) T, index = ts.wave_periods(vh=0, pdef='d2u') bins = wm.good_bins(T, num_bins=25, odd=True) wm.plot_histgrm(T, bins=bins, normed=True) dtyex.plot() dtyest.plot('-.') plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 0.35]) #! Section 1.4.3 Directional spectra #!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! Here are a few lines of code, which produce directional spectra #! with frequency independent and frequency dependent spreading. plt.clf() plotflag = 1 Nt = 101 # number of angles th0 = np.pi / 2 # primary direction of waves Sp = 15 # spreading parameter
# Min-max and rainflow cycle distributions #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # import wafo.misc as wm ampmM_sea = mM.amplitudes() ampRFC_sea = mM_rfc.amplitudes() plt.figure() title = "s_n_curve" set_windows_title(title) S = np.linspace(1e6, 1000e6) plt.loglog(S, damage_vs_S(S, beta, K1)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) stress_range = (1, 1e9) n_bins = 100 wm.plot_histgrm(ampmM_sea, bins=n_bins, range=stress_range) plt.xlim(stress_range) ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() plt.title('min-max amplitude distribution') plt.subplot(122) if sig_cp is not None: wm.plot_histgrm(sig_cp[:, 0], bins=n_bins, range=stress_range) plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) title = 'Rainflow amplitude distribution' plt.title(title) plt.semilogy set_windows_title(title) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram( sig_cp[ :, 0], bins=n_bins, range=stress_range)